Do you have a special picture of WDW that always takes you back???


<font color=green>I'll be happy to learn the secre
Apr 29, 2000
We are TEMPORARILY living at MIL's house while we are waiting for our house to be finished (whole different message board topic!!!). I could only bring 3 framed photos with me. They are: 1 from San Diego Zoo, 1 from DL, and 1 from WDW.

The photo from WDW was taken at Chef Mickey's in 1999 with my family, my BF (who travels with us), my brother and his family, and my parents, totalling 12 people. Every single time I see that picture it makes me stop, smile, and relive a very special night, and a very special vacation.

Of all of the pictures and collages we have from various trips and parties, this one picture gives me more joyful memories than any other except for my wedding picture.

I was just curious if anyone else has a special WDW photo they rely on in times of stress or vacation-planning-induced-madness!

It was the summer after my DD turned 3 and it was one of those rare moments that we were the first to spot Minnie, her favorite, in Toontown kinda around the corner sitting on the bench. One of the CM's told us she was there. What makes the picture so memorable is after we take the picture of Minnie with her arms around DD while sitting on the bench, she waves her hand for us, the parents to go and points to DD then points to herself, meaning for us to leave she is going to keep DD. This went on for about a minute and DD just loved it, she wanted to stay. Well after getting it developed I had to buy a Minnie frame to put it in and place it on the shelf in the den. Everytime I walk by it makes me smile, especially since DD is now 10 and almost as tall as me!

WDW 92,93,94,95,96,97,97,98,99,00,00


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