Do You Check On Your Waitlist?


DIS Veteran
Mar 6, 2003
Well I am on a waitlist. Not feeling very optimistic about this one. We are trying to get 8/31 and 9/1 for a studio at either BWV or BCV. I waitlisted both days together because I will have to borrow points and I don't want to have to switch resorts in the middle of the stay and then switch back.

First, what do you think are my chances? Very bad?

Second, should I call back - maybe next week - and check again?

Thanks:( Not feeling very lucky
I don't blame you. I don't feel very lucky with my waitlist either. {BCV last week of August, 2 studios} The way I understand it, you do not have to call back until you are within a one week window of your arrival. At that time, you are off the list and you just keep calling and hope for a cancelation.. I used to call every week when I was on a waitlist, but they told me the same thing everytime, : No openings, call each day when you are within 7 days. Good luck! :(
Thanks Mitros, I wonder if people ever get their waitlist less than 30 days before they go? Does disney (CRO) give some of their studios if they are not renting to the public? I wonder how that works:confused:
The waitlist for OKW is usually a lot quicker. Maybe BCV is still so new and a lot of folks are going there. I'm not sure what you mean regarding CRO. Do you mean does Disney reservations give studios to DVC members if the general public does not rent them at other resorts? Hope I didn't confuse the situation.
Originally posted by mitros
The waitlist for OKW is usually a lot quicker. Maybe BCV is still so new and a lot of folks are going there. I'm not sure what you mean regarding CRO. Do you mean does Disney reservations give studios to DVC members if the general public does not rent them at other resorts? Hope I didn't confuse the situation.

Yes, that is what I meant. You know how you sometimes hear that a CM at member services put someone on hold and comes back "magically" with a room - when a moment before there were no available rooms. Something about shuffling around inventory. I am not sure exactly - I just know I have read that this happens occasionally.

We only want to waitlist for Epcot resorts. We are currently booked at the Swan, but we really really want to try one of our home resorts (BCV and BWV).
Yes, that has happened to me a number of times.
Since I am not sure exactly how they do the waitlist, I call back every once in a while,especially as it gets closer to my travel dates.

I don't know if waitlist people get first priority, or if they get checked when the MS reps are hanging know, like "Hey, here's a 1BR at BWV. Let's see if someone is waitlisted." I have this vision that someone calls and cancels a trip, and their 1BR standard view at the BWV goes back into circulation and 2 minutes later somebody else calls looking fo that, and poof!, they get it, rather than having it go to the person who called several months ago and got waitlisted.

Anyhow, THAT'S why I call every once in a while. Not 6 times a day mind you, but maybe once a week or so.
I've called every once in a while checking on my waitlist but with other excuses like adding a request for bed rails or adding a name to the reservation etc...cause I feel silly JUST calling to check on the I'm bugging them for nothing!

Anyway, so far it has been useless. The MS person never checks inventory or anything. SHe just looks at my info and says "no, your waitlist hasn't come through yet". That's it.

So I don't really call anymore. I will, however, call when I'm within a month.

I think the waitlist has flaws. I know for a fact someone got a room ahead of me (2 bedroom st view at BWV) who did day-by-day waitlist at her 7 month window (May) and I did my waitlist for the remaining 2 nights I need together, and I did this waitlist at the 11 month window (Janurary). She got the room before me!

Oh well...
We are trying to get 8/31 and 9/1

Did you call at the begining of the month? At the 31 day mark they stop the wait list unless you call to request to remain on it.

I would go ahead and give them a call to check the status.
Thanks everyone for your help :D I just got on the waitlist yesterday. That is why I am thinking to not get my hopes up. Southwest had such incredible deals ($49 each way) that we decided to take a last minute week end trip.

I think if I call back I won't ask about my waitlist - I will ask first if they have any openings on my dates. That way they will check inventory. I guess I will try once next week.

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