do credit cards next to each other cause them to demagnetize?


Dec 2, 2009
Ok i've seen posts on here that say people have used the vera bradley zip id's as a small wallet to bring into the parks. That would be so much easier since my regular wallet is big. I looked at it today, and it doesn't have separate slots for credit cards, etc. I would like to bring in a couple credit cards, key to the world cards, and drivers license. If I stack them all together won't they demagnetize? I thought that happened before to one of my cards, but who knows. Or does anyone know where I can buy those plastic card holders that you can put in a card in each slot? Maybe I could find a small one and stick it in the zip id.
I think the problem is when the strips touch. If they're all facing the same direction, it should be fine. Don't put them next to your cell phone though!
Mine are stacked together (more like jammed in the same pocket) and I've never had a problem. My cell and cards usually end up sitting near each other in my purse (I carry a small bag). However, my work ID has a micro chip that proximity opens the doors. That zapped all my cards the first time I jammed it into my bag :sad2:
It's actually magnets that ruin your credit card strips. BUT if you have cards rubbing against one another, no matter which way they are facing, the magnetic strip can get scratched and won't read very well (or at all) on some readers...
I use wristlets all the time and never demagnatized anything. The only thing I did demagnatize was a hotel key that was in the same pocket as my cell. I couldn't figure out why it happened and the clerk mentioned that cell phones and magnetic stripes do not mix.
The plastic holders for pictures or cards are found in strange places (in my opinion). I looked everywhere I thought they would be at our Walmart. Finally asked at the jewelry counter - they were by the men's wallets which were by the underwear in the men's department!
Also if you have a magnetic bracelet - don't let that get near your cards - had a friend we were on vacation with - she couldn't get back into her room - she had taken her bracelet off and put it in her pocket with her room card - couldn't get back in!!
I think the problem is when the strips touch. If they're all facing the same direction, it should be fine. Don't put them next to your cell phone though!

I carry at least four cell phones ( don't ask:rotfl:) in the same bag as my credit cards for years and had never a problem.
I carry my cell (Bberry) and my DLicense, my KTTW card, annual pass and debit card or two in my pocket when in the parks and I have never had a problem with anything demagnetizing. I don't know, maybe I am just lucky but I have done that for several trips and never had a problem. :goodvibes


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