Disney+ News

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The Blu-ray release may come sooner, maybe three months or so, but at $24.99 (maybe a little less for the first week) I don't think that will rankle too many of the streaming purchasers. It will end up on D+ eventually, which will negate the value, but I think that will be more than 6 months later.

This is how I think it will go as well. Putting the Blu-ray out for the holidays makes sense as it will sell more at that time (especially with less competition for new releases). This gives them a decent period for the digital purchase but allowing for holiday video sales too. No free Disney+ until later next year though. Otherwise as others stated there's no point in buying it digitally if you just have to wait a couple months for free. But I'm sure plenty are willing to pay $5 more to get it digitally sooner vs BR.
I'm not sure you saw what I was talking about. I literally was ONLY talking about the year time frame brought up by another poster. My exact words were "A year of a high price tag on a service you already pay for monthly/yearly/whatever..seems like a slap in the face." That's where the slap in the face comment is coming into play. I didn't say them doing this was a slap in the face. I said waiting for a year to make it free on an already paid service would be :) :)

Fair enough, but I still don't think it's any kind of slap in the face. Under normal circumstances the movie would not have come to D+ for about 9 months to a year anyway. That is likely to still happen, so subscribers who don't pay the premium aren't out anything and never would have been.
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Fair enough, but I still don't think it's any kind of slap in the face. Under normalk circumstances the movie would not have come to D+ for about 9 months to a year anyway. That is likely to still happen, so subscribers who don't pay the premium aren't out anything and never would have been.
Well obviously we can have different opinions :) I know I'm not the only one to think this way isn't rubbing people the right way. Slap in the face (and again talking about keeping it as early access for 1 year), a big fat nope, heck no, way too much, etc take your pick they are all descriptors I've seen.

I think an article back in November said: "For those films that are released in theaters, Disney doesn't plan on changing any windows to bring them sooner to Disney+, which means there will be around a seven-month wait for titles like the upcoming Frozen 2 and Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker to hit the service (Toy Story 4 should become available in early 2020"

That was under old rules. In this COVID-era not sure what the point would be to wait longer than that. People's interests will wan if you wait too long too--both ways (release to blu-ray/DVD and free streaming). I think they'll likely see how this upcoming Fall is with the virus, as well as how Holiday sales are doing before committing to an actual time frame. Might have been better to release it when many of us are stuck inside because it's cold and our outdoor opportunities are lower though Labor Day weekend normally would be a good theater time frame for the long haul I would have probably released it early November then you can milk wintertime longer. Who knows though.

Either way no one is arguing that it won't appeal to some, no one is arguing it won't appeal to some. I don't know anyone outside of this Board that is even remotely interesting in doing it this way (and I have family that pay for D+ as well) that they are doing it. But I'm sure others know people outside this Board clamoring for it. Just the way it goes.

In any case I'm going to move on here, don't want to keep going back and forth absolutely no offense meant though :flower3:
Well obviously we can have different opinions :) I know I'm not the only one to think this way isn't rubbing people the right way. Slap in the face (and again talking about keeping it as early access for 1 year), a big fat nope, heck no, way too much, etc take your pick they are all descriptors I've seen.

I think an article back in November said: "For those films that are released in theaters, Disney doesn't plan on changing any windows to bring them sooner to Disney+, which means there will be around a seven-month wait for titles like the upcoming Frozen 2 and Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker to hit the service (Toy Story 4 should become available in early 2020"

That was under old rules. In this COVID-era not sure what the point would be to wait longer than that. People's interests will wan if you wait too long too--both ways (release to blu-ray/DVD and free streaming). I think they'll likely see how this upcoming Fall is with the virus, as well as how Holiday sales are doing before committing to an actual time frame. Might have been better to release it when many of us are stuck inside because it's cold and our outdoor opportunities are lower though Labor Day weekend normally would be a good theater time frame for the long haul I would have probably released it early November then you can milk wintertime longer. Who knows though.

Either way no one is arguing that it won't appeal to some, no one is arguing it won't appeal to some. I don't know anyone outside of this Board that is even remotely interesting in doing it this way (and I have family that pay for D+ as well) that they are doing it. But I'm sure others know people outside this Board clamoring for it. Just the way it goes.

In any case I'm going to move on here, don't want to keep going back and forth absolutely no offense meant though :flower3:

It's all good.
I was just thinking. You know what option they could have done? They could offer it to "premium customers" People who sign up for Disney + for three years. I think that would be a cool middle ground.
For as much as I like the original Mulan movie, I am not coughing up an extra $30 bucks to see this new version. But then I think how much it would cost you to see it in the theater factoring in your food. It could get close to the $30 bucks. I hope they don't do this with Black Widow. But we will see how successful this experiment is.

Then again I watch the marvel movies on Disney plus and I already own many of them. I really appreciate the extra section that is on there. I purchased a year and will do so again. The Disney + is my favorite streaming service and there is so much on there to watch. Still hoping for more vintage movies and tv programs
I think some people/families like mine have a harder time comparing the ticket price to the streaming price for these now too with the implementation of what are essentially movie theatre subscriptions like AMC A-List. We have had it since they brought it out (and had Movie Pass prior to that). So for some they can look at what a ticket would have cost them or their family for the movie, but others that are used to those systems would just pay a flat rate and see lots of movies. We paid $20 each per month and would go see on average 3-4 movie a month (sometimes more) so per movie the PVOD makes it even more expensive to us.

Think its just something though that people will need time to adjust to though. The studios still need to make money so they have to charge a price that will do that when they aren't getting multiple ticket sales per family. It just sucks more for individuals. For the time being there isn't a much better route to go, though as theatres open more I do hope to see more dual releases or more things going back into theatres as well.
I do miss the experience of going to the movie theater to see a movie. Get some food and sit down in the darkness and take in the film. But there are parts of that which I don't miss
Also, how many of the 94k polled are Disney subscribers? That makes a huge difference. If its 94K subscribers, thats concerning. If its not, then the poll is pretty much irrelevant. The article posted said that 19% of polled subscribers are very interested in paying for Mulan while another 23% are somewhat interested. If even half of the somewhat interested make the purchase, that is 18 million potentially which is $539 million in revenue without the theaters getting a cut.

The budget was $200 million for the movie and they will not have the huge marketing expenses that normal Disney movies get. I am guessing they only need 10-11 million subscribers to make the purchase to turn a profit.

They already had those to start the year...remember, theaters shut a week prior to this movie's release...they spent a vast majority of normal marketing already...this move just prevents them from having to do it twice...
Sorry to change the subject from Mulan, but I’ve been binging One Day At Disney.....this show of shorts is giving me all the feels. Story after story is full of people who have been employed by Disney for decades. This has forced me to consider, what other company employs people who love what they do so much that they stay for decades? I mean in this day and age? Weird but I know that I actually love my job and I’ve been with my *major healthcare organization* here in St Louis for over 30 years and will actually retire with 40 years in.

If you haven’t watched this show on Disney +, I highly recommend it to help to fill your Disney heart until you can get to the parks again.
I'd say 6 months max with it being withheld from site wide release, even though I'm predicting a Holiday season rollout, so 3 months after release.

One thing they have to be mindful of are future releases. If they just dump this 1 month into it, the next one people are going to think "if I just wait a month".....

But again who knows. People bought Onward knowing it was coming on the service in 2 weeks time.

I am definitely in that boat - we are likely to buy it but if it winds up dropping for "free" a month later we will definitely not buy the next one

And I am not sure what the exact cut off would be for me to feel I got my "value" out of it - I definitely think if it doesn't becoming "free" until any time in 2021 I will feel I got value
Sorry to change the subject from Mulan, but I’ve been binging One Day At Disney.....this show of shorts is giving me all the feels. Story after story is full of people who have been employed by Disney for decades. This has forced me to consider, what other company employs people who love what they do so much that they stay for decades? I mean in this day and age? Weird but I know that I actually love my job and I’ve been with my *major healthcare organization* here in St Louis for over 30 years and will actually retire with 40 years in.

If you haven’t watched this show on Disney +, I highly recommend it to help to fill your Disney heart until you can get to the parks again.

i like the show but wish they had more people on there who are not famous or a artist. Love the other ones more. The candy maker one. The guy on the train. The horse trainer. There is so much they can do.
Have a bus driver
Have a security guard
Have a hotel person
Have a ground crew person
Have a driver of them cars that go in the water
I could go on and on.
So much they can do that they are not doing.
anyone who hasn’t seen the greatest showman yet. Should check it out. Seen it at the theatre and again when it was playing on hbo or whatever channel it was playing on. Really good movie imo. Usually I don’t like musicals but loved this one.
I agree! My daughter noticed, ‘The Greatest Showman’ on Disney+ this morning. Excellent movie with an amazing soundtrack!!
I think some people/families like mine have a harder time comparing the ticket price to the streaming price for these now too with the implementation of what are essentially movie theatre subscriptions like AMC A-List. We have had it since they brought it out (and had Movie Pass prior to that). So for some they can look at what a ticket would have cost them or their family for the movie, but others that are used to those systems would just pay a flat rate and see lots of movies. We paid $20 each per month and would go see on average 3-4 movie a month (sometimes more) so per movie the PVOD makes it even more expensive to us.

Think its just something though that people will need time to adjust to though. The studios still need to make money so they have to charge a price that will do that when they aren't getting multiple ticket sales per family. It just sucks more for individuals. For the time being there isn't a much better route to go, though as theatres open more I do hope to see more dual releases or more things going back into theatres as well.

See a lot of people mention the cost of a movie theatre here and another thread talking about Mulan. We have regal unlimited . On hold now of course but the monthly fee was 22.39 taxes included.. probably average about 6 movies a month. I was a day one regal unlimited subscriber. Wife got it a week later. People will say well the price of food is tearing you up in there. Nope only got food when it was free. Than I will buy a soda when we had free popcorn. So maybe 15 dollars a month on concessions.

don’t know if I will be getting Mulan or not. I’m undecided. But we all know it will be on the top screen.I will be looking at it with drool coming down my face asking myself do I really want to wait. Like most people entertainment expenses is way way way down this year. So might be like sure why not.
anyone who hasn’t seen the greatest showman yet. Should check it out. Seen it at the theatre and again when it was playing on hbo or whatever channel it was playing on. Really good movie imo. Usually I don’t like musicals but loved this one.

I love the music and the music scenes (production, choreography, etc) more than the movie as a whole (find the story a bit weak) but definitely worth a watch

If you haven't seen this, this is one of my favorite videos - it is from when they were trying to get the movie made/approved/funded and they were showcasing the songs, but Hugh Jackman had to have surgery on this nose and couldn't sing - so he was lip syncing ... But during From Now On he couldn't help himself and started signing (apparently doing this burst a bunch of the stitches in his nose)

I just looked be the enjoyment and passion from everyone in this video (plus it is my favorite song from the movie)

See a lot of people mention the cost of a movie theatre here and another thread talking about Mulan. We have regal unlimited . On hold now of course but the monthly fee was 22.39 taxes included.. probably average about 6 movies a month. I was a day one regal unlimited subscriber. Wife got it a week later. People will say well the price of food is tearing you up in there. Nope only got food when it was free. Than I will buy a soda when we had free popcorn. So maybe 15 dollars a month on concessions.

don’t know if I will be getting Mulan or not. I’m undecided. But we all know it will be on the top screen.I will be looking at it with drool coming down my face asking myself do I really want to wait. Like most people entertainment expenses is way way way down this year. So might be like sure why not.

It is definitely going to vary per household Frome a cost perspective (for my family of 5 it will be cheaper, for someone like you it would be an added expense) - but going forward how will things be? Will this be the new norm? Maybe more simultaneous releases (to theaters and streaming), etc.

This is also sort of unique situation as they have so many movies getting pushed back at some point they need to release something and I guess this is best way to try and maximize returns ... Defintely will be interesting to see how it does
anyone who hasn’t seen the greatest showman yet. Should check it out. Seen it at the theatre and again when it was playing on hbo or whatever channel it was playing on. Really good movie imo. Usually I don’t like musicals but loved this one.
One of the best movies of the past decade or so. Must have watched it about 50+ times between theater, DVD, and various TV channels. Also love the soundtrack. Would be an excellent Broadway show.
It is definitely going to vary per household Frome a cost perspective (for my family of 5 it will be cheaper, for someone like you it would be an added expense) - but going forward how will things be? Will this be the new norm? Maybe more simultaneous releases (to theaters and streaming), etc.

This is also sort of unique situation as they have so many movies getting pushed back at some point they need to release something and I guess this is best way to try and maximize returns ... Defintely will be interesting to see how it does

When a movie gets released in a theatre a company has to wait so long forget the time until they can show it elsewhere. We seen the rule broken on onward. Don’t know if the theaters all agreed for free or money talks.The theatre companies all have to agree for the movie to release early elsewhere. John Campea was talking about this when the movie theatres were shutting down.Forget all he had to say about the topic been to long. Anyone who knows John Campea can tell you he knows his stuff when it comes to movies and movie theaters.
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