Discount Codes for June


Earning My Ears
Mar 15, 2001
I am planning a trip to Disney World in June with my young family, from England. Can anyone give me applicable discount codes, or advice on obtaining such codes? I would be interested in budget/moderate accommodation, in WDW. Could someone give details of CRO telephone numbers?
Since you are new here, I just wanted to mention that we were recently reminded by the moderators that it is against the posting guidelines of these boards to post discount codes, so if there are no posts responding with that info. you should know that this shouldn't be taken personally. You may want to read through some of the recent posts regarding the posting of discount codes.


Our Dreams Unlimited Travel Agents will assist you in booking the perfect Disney getaway, all at no extra cost to you. Get the most out of your vacation by letting us assist you with dining and park reservations, provide expert advice, answer any questions, and continuously search for discounts to ensure you get the best deal possible.


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