Disboutiquers Part 9 Kids Disney Boutique / Customs Clothes psst..we sew CLOSED/MOVED

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Hey Piper, can you fix your signature? I'm dying to see what the fireworks mickey heads are!!

Me too!

TJ- I looked in the sewing links and the link was not there. :confused3 I was surprised because you really have some great ones. There is one for legwarmers but it is no longer a site. Here is the link again just in case you want to add it. Jham was the one who first posted it for me!! Thank you so much!! :lovestruc


Thanks for letting me know! I'll go fix that! If anyone else finds a broken link, please let me know, and I can try to fix it. :thumbsup2

I made a few more doll things this weekend.

A simple muslin nightgown. Thanks to Steph saying that they peasant top was hard to get on I made the back with a seam (I still have to put a snap or something back there.
So cute!!! Great job!
I think I need to join that crabby club today...actually I think I need more of a stressed out society!!! :scared1:

I'm praying for you Beth! :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

Ca c'est super-cute! Tu peut commander American Girl en ligne, mais je crois que c'est $$$ cher pour le "shipping". Mais il y a une magasin American Girl a Boston maintenant. Seulment 6 heures par auto de Montreal!! (Les accents ne marche pas - mon laptop est anglais seulment!!)

Et Bienvenue au Disboutiquers!!! Moi je suis une "Montrealer" aussi, mais j'habite a Toronto :(

Smarty pants! Are you trying to make me THINK!??!!! I was pretty pleased that I did understand that though!

As you all may know...I am 40 something....:goodvibes and I have learned two things in life....

First, never sign something without reading it first, and

Second, never make travel plans and depend on someone (money-wise) who is not your spouse.
Oh Cathy! I am so disapointed!!!! Even though I was going to be there, I was looking forwar to Heather meeting you and hearing all about it! That just stinks! :hug:
i think i am the cranky queen today, i just spent 2 hours doing kindergarten homework with ryan, and lets just say that my sweet patient preschool teacher personality was not shining thru as he was making sloppy letters, all the while mia is screaming and yelling because i blocked the refrigerator with a chair because she keeps opening it, so she moves the chair opens the eggs takes one out and throws it on the floor,i am getting a cold, and if that s not enough i read that other walmarts sell 2 dollar fabric, almost every bolt in my walmart is $4.44. as my dear friend alexander says this is a terrible, horrible no good very bad day.
ok rant over i promise thanks for listening

its not so bad , especially with power opening doors

What a day!

Mini vans are great! What kind did you get T.?

Bonjour les filles!

Two questions for you:

1) What's with all the leg warmers? Did you not live through the 80's? Do we need to bring back stirrup pants too? I don't get it :confused3

B) Is it bad that I've never seen The Nightmare Before Christmas? What am I missing here? :confused:

I'll go crawl back under my snow covered rock now!!! :laughing:

And for those of you not on FB you might remember that we have to move, and the previous occupants moved and let their 19 and 20 year old kids live in the house unsupervised. Need I say more? I have chapped hands, and I've discovered that a Magic Eraser doesn't remove 5 year old ball point pen from walls! I think I may have convinced DH that we all need to go to San Diego for Spring Break! (Thanks for the idea Jon and Kate + 8!) We so need more than one vacation this year!!!

Well I've got to go and try to find a hunky housepainter for the new place - why is it that the yellowpages don't tell you if they have ripped abs and will paint shirtlesss??

I never had leg warmers in the 80s, my Mom thought they were ugly. I really wanted some though! I did have some stirup pants though! knit/cotton and denim! I loved that denim pair! I use to wear them with a big pink shirt with teddy bears on it. The pictures are all at Mom's house though.

Jessica, I'm still waiting to see your big hair!

II am soooo mad!! Aren't they obligated to sell things for the advertised price???
Haven't had a chance to catch up on the rest of the posts, but just needed to post this rant. :scared1:
Aww, sorry about that!
Thanks! The first time I made one I used the double layer stripwork skirt pattern from YCMT but I just make it up as I go along now.

While you are over on the Big Give board checking out Becca's Big Give, I'm adding another new family! mom2lilnick! Check out their PTR: http://www.disboards.com/showthread.php?t=1982442 Nick is 5 (almost 6) big brother Noah is 9 and Kayla will be 13 when they go. Please help out on this one if you can, especially if you are able to do "big boy" tee shirts (iron ons are great!) or something for a 13-year-old girl who loves brown and pink, dalmations, mickey, tink etc. THANK YOU!:grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:

Becca and Kayla are going to be there at the same time, Becca has big plans to become friends with Kayla! It's so sweet!
Ca c'est super-cute! Tu peut commander American Girl en ligne, mais je crois que c'est $$$ cher pour le "shipping". Mais il y a une magasin American Girl a Boston maintenant. Seulment 6 heures par auto de Montreal!! (Les accents ne marche pas - mon laptop est anglais seulment!!)

Et Bienvenue au Disboutiquers!!! Moi je suis une "Montrealer" aussi, mais j'habite a Toronto :(


OMG I cannot believe I amctually read and comprehended that and it has been 10+ years since I had a decent command of french. You just made my day1
i think i am the cranky queen today, i just spent 2 hours doing kindergarten homework with ryan, and lets just say that my sweet patient preschool teacher personality was not shining thru as he was making sloppy letters, all the while mia is screaming and yelling because i blocked the refrigerator with a chair because she keeps opening it, so she moves the chair opens the eggs takes one out and throws it on the floor,i am getting a cold, and if that s not enough i read that other walmarts sell 2 dollar fabric, almost every bolt in my walmart is $4.44. as my dear friend alexander says this is a terrible, horrible no good very bad day.
ok rant over i promise thanks for listening

Bonjour les filles!

ve to move, and the previous occupants moved and let their 19 and 20 year old kids live in the house unsupervised. Need I say more? I have chapped hands, and I've discovered that a Magic Eraser doesn't remove 5 year old ball point pen from walls! I think I may have convinced DH that we all need to go to San Diego for Spring Break! (Thanks for the idea Jon and Kate + 8!) We so need more than one vacation this year!!!

Well I've got to go and try to find a hunky housepainter for the new place - why is it that the yellowpages don't tell you if they have ripped abs and will paint shirtlesss??

Doesn't sound fun.:wizard:

Here is what I made for the Ambergreenawalt Big Give. Jessica is making a coordinating outfit for Sebastian.


Lily has her dance leotard on under there, apparently she is still in ballet mode :rotfl: and she is a 3 year old modeling a size 24 month outfit :scared1:


The hat for Sebastian and fur cuffs are pixie dust from my SIL


Those are resized in photobucket, so hopefully they will behave themselves soon. :confused3 we really don't need to see the ball-point pen scribbles on my leather chair.
Love those outfits!!!

So cute, I am making a few AG outfits for Christmas too!

So cute!!! Great job!
You are all set! You are now registered.

You're fast! I just went to do it and it was done!

The big hair picture is downstairs and Dallas decided he was done playing legos and ready to come up and I had to come with him, so it will have to wait until morning.
I think I need to join that crabby club today...actually I think I need more of a stressed out society!!! :scared1:

:wave2: Can I join the (crabby crew)? Seriously I need some kind of support. Not only did I have the worst weekend in a very long time but saturday was my bday and it was simply horrible. :faint: I realize I am a grown adult and I clearly know that it's just another day. I am a mom I get it. All I wanted was one quiet evening. maybe watch some movies. :worship:. NOoooooooooooo I got a beer drinking can't hear the girls screaming in the hallway while I am cooking husband. Who for the 8th year in a row tells me that morning happy birthday Hun sorry we don't have the money to do anything for your birthday but I will make it up to you. :rolleyes: I was already dealing with Megan and her pink eye Sammie was looking like she needed drops before be also he watched me fight her for 15 minutes sitting there did nothing. SO finally I just gave up sent her to bed and went on to bed myself. Sorry for the ramble. sunday he didn't feel he did anything wrong so why should he aplogize. :scared1: So now tomorrow is our anniversary :lovestruc we are not able to get anything for each other. But if he thinks I am having another sunday he has another thing coming.
Now for my stresses part I am getting worried about his job and lack of for December the stores last day is the 6th. I have a few things for Megan but not one thing for the twins and I am starting to freak out.:scared:. All this going on and a :headache: that has lasted 4 days. I need help.:lmao: Those of you who took the time to let me just vent. Or read about my jerk hubby on facebook I thank you.:flower3: :grouphug: It's nice to have you by my side.
Did I hear something about a cranky club??? I'm in!

I think I have strep throat, but I felt too yucky to drive myself to the doctor today so I don't know. I was really hoping that they would just call something in for me, but no luck. Chris will be home tomorrow, so he'll drive me and I'm really mad that we are going to be spending our day at the doctor:(

Drew is coughing and coughing (so I am assuming not strep) so she was home from school today and I think I'm just going to keep her home tomorrow and have her tested too just to be safe:(

Riley was doing her math tonight and I realized that my 11 year old has no idea how to do division. They do this rediculous "investigative math" in our district and from what I can tell it is worthless for a large majority of the kids. They want them to be "creative" and "explore" and find out why the answer is what it is. Well , that's great, unless you don't ever get the right answer!!!! It's stupid. I have been saying for 2 years that I don't think Riley is grasping the basic concepts (she is very rule oriented and needs the structure of the rules) and I keep getting told it's o.k. Well, tonight she can't do her homework because she apparently hasn't been creative enough to figure how to divide. So I worked with her and she was totally out of control. She has been sitting in class stressing about not understanding what they are saying. Apparently the teachers are starting to get frustrated with the kids and she said that one kid had to "stand on the line" during recess because the teacher said he wasn't trying so she is afraid to ask for help.:headache: I didn't exactly make myself proud when I was working with Riley tonight. I feel like doo and I wasn't being very patient. I am a little ticked off that she has been sitting there just pretending to know what's going on. I think she is old enough to be responsible for asking for help when she doesn't understand something.

Anyway I am super grouchy and cranky so I better just go to sleep!
You're fast! I just went to do it and it was done!

The big hair picture is downstairs and Dallas decided he was done playing legos and ready to come up and I had to come with him, so it will have to wait until morning.

hehe, I won!

Ok, I will wait patiently until tomorrow! I wish I had my stirrup pants picture! I'd post it too. I'm sure I could find something embarassing around here though!

:wave2: Can I join the (crabby crew)? Seriously I need some kind of support. Not only did I have the worst weekend in a very long time but saturday was my bday and it was simply horrible. :faint: I realize I am a grown adult and I clearly know that it's just another day. I am a mom I get it. All I wanted was one quiet evening. maybe watch some movies. :worship:. NOoooooooooooo I got a beer drinking can't hear the girls screaming in the hallway while I am cooking husband. Who for the 8th year in a row tells me that morning happy birthday Hun sorry we don't have the money to do anything for your birthday but I will make it up to you. :rolleyes: I was already dealing with Megan and her pink eye Sammie was looking like she needed drops before be also he watched me fight her for 15 minutes sitting there did nothing. SO finally I just gave up sent her to bed and went on to bed myself. Sorry for the ramble. sunday he didn't feel he did anything wrong so why should he aplogize. :scared1: So now tomorrow is our anniversary :lovestruc we are not able to get anything for each other. But if he thinks I am having another sunday he has another thing coming.
Now for my stresses part I am getting worried about his job and lack of for December the stores last day is the 6th. I have a few things for Megan but not one thing for the twins and I am starting to freak out.:scared:. All this going on and a :headache: that has lasted 4 days. I need help.:lmao: Those of you who took the time to let me just vent. Or read about my jerk hubby on facebook I thank you.:flower3: :grouphug: It's nice to have you by my side.

Uggh, Melissa, I'm sorry about all that!:grouphug: I hope your anniversary is better! How many years is this??
:wave2: Can I join the (crabby crew)? Seriously I need some kind of support. Not only did I have the worst weekend in a very long time but saturday was my bday and it was simply horrible. :faint: I realize I am a grown adult and I clearly know that it's just another day. I am a mom I get it. All I wanted was one quiet evening. maybe watch some movies. :worship:. NOoooooooooooo I got a beer drinking can't hear the girls screaming in the hallway while I am cooking husband. Who for the 8th year in a row tells me that morning happy birthday Hun sorry we don't have the money to do anything for your birthday but I will make it up to you. :rolleyes: I was already dealing with Megan and her pink eye Sammie was looking like she needed drops before be also he watched me fight her for 15 minutes sitting there did nothing. SO finally I just gave up sent her to bed and went on to bed myself. Sorry for the ramble. sunday he didn't feel he did anything wrong so why should he aplogize. :scared1: So now tomorrow is our anniversary :lovestruc we are not able to get anything for each other. But if he thinks I am having another sunday he has another thing coming.
Now for my stresses part I am getting worried about his job and lack of for December the stores last day is the 6th. I have a few things for Megan but not one thing for the twins and I am starting to freak out.:scared:. All this going on and a :headache: that has lasted 4 days. I need help.:lmao: Those of you who took the time to let me just vent. Or read about my jerk hubby on facebook I thank you.:flower3: :grouphug: It's nice to have you by my side.

Did I hear something about a cranky club??? I'm in!

I think I have strep throat, but I felt too yucky to drive myself to the doctor today so I don't know. I was really hoping that they would just call something in for me, but no luck. Chris will be home tomorrow, so he'll drive me and I'm really mad that we are going to be spending our day at the doctor:(

Drew is coughing and coughing (so I am assuming not strep) so she was home from school today and I think I'm just going to keep her home tomorrow and have her tested too just to be safe:(

Riley was doing her math tonight and I realized that my 11 year old has no idea how to do division. They do this rediculous "investigative math" in our district and from what I can tell it is worthless for a large majority of the kids. They want them to be "creative" and "explore" and find out why the answer is what it is. Well , that's great, unless you don't ever get the right answer!!!! It's stupid. I have been saying for 2 years that I don't think Riley is grasping the basic concepts (she is very rule oriented and needs the structure of the rules) and I keep getting told it's o.k. Well, tonight she can't do her homework because she apparently hasn't been creative enough to figure how to divide. So I worked with her and she was totally out of control. She has been sitting in class stressing about not understanding what they are saying. Apparently the teachers are starting to get frustrated with the kids and she said that one kid had to "stand on the line" during recess because the teacher said he wasn't trying so she is afraid to ask for help.:headache: I didn't exactly make myself proud when I was working with Riley tonight. I feel like doo and I wasn't being very patient. I am a little ticked off that she has been sitting there just pretending to know what's going on. I think she is old enough to be responsible for asking for help when she doesn't understand something.

Anyway I am super grouchy and cranky so I better just go to sleep!

:hug: :grouphug: :hug: :grouphug: hugs all around to everyone who has had a bad day, lets just hope tomorrow is better
Riley was doing her math tonight and I realized that my 11 year old has no idea how to do division. They do this rediculous "investigative math" in our district and from what I can tell it is worthless for a large majority of the kids. They want them to be "creative" and "explore" and find out why the answer is what it is. Well , that's great, unless you don't ever get the right answer!!!! It's stupid. I have been saying for 2 years that I don't think Riley is grasping the basic concepts (she is very rule oriented and needs the structure of the rules) and I keep getting told it's o.k. Well, tonight she can't do her homework because she apparently hasn't been creative enough to figure how to divide. So I worked with her and she was totally out of control. !

Poor Denise, poor Riley!

I had a similar situation with Arminda the othe day. She had division homework, and she had a basic understanding of how to do it, but didn't really seem to understand how to actualy do it. I tried to help her, and I think she is getting it better, but I do wonder why I had to show her this when she's in 5th grade! I'm a little worried about it, I think we need to go over her multiplication tables some more too, and as much as I hate it, I think I'll make her practice some division this week. Of course, Corey was very helpful, telling her to just get out a calculator! :rolleyes: In his defense though, he did show her a very cool looking way to do multiplication. He drew a box, and put the numbers in that, and figured it out really quickly. I need to figure out what he did, because it looked easier than what I've been doing for the last 30 years!
As you all may know...I am 40 something....:goodvibes and I have learned two things in life....

First, never sign something without reading it first, and

Second, never make travel plans and depend on someone (money-wise) who is not your spouse.

What happened you ask? My "friend" who I was traveling with to come meet you all at the Big Feb Dismeet....just dropped a bomb on me this morning. She was, for some reason, under the impression that I was paying for her flight ($304) to Disney. :confused3 The topic was never discussed. And it wasn't until this morning after she made flight reservations for us (last night) that she bothered to tell me this information (this morning). She says I agreed to it on a cell phone conversation three months ago. :confused3 Nope not one mention of it for the past 3 months even though we have spent hours talking and planning the whole event. And when she talked to me last night before making the plane reservations....nope no one mention of it then either. :confused3 At that point I had agreed to the $304 and that's how we left it. I was giving her a check this morning. And thats when she sprung it on me that I owe her $608. :sad2:

I am so shocked and hurt that she would make something up like this and lie to me....:sad2: :sad1: Needless to say, I am not going now. I wouldn't trust her at this point. Its not about the money so much as the whole "made up story". Its not even logical that I would agree to something without knowing the prices.

OK I will stop babbling about it now...I just wanted to let the FEB DISMEET people know what was going on. :sad1:

I am so so sad for you. I can't believed that she flaked like that. UGH! I will so miss meeting you. I hope something still works out and you can come.

Here is what I made for the Ambergreenawalt Big Give. Jessica is making a coordinating outfit for Sebastian.


Lily has her dance leotard on under there, apparently she is still in ballet mode :rotfl: and she is a 3 year old modeling a size 24 month outfit :scared1:


The hat for Sebastian and fur cuffs are pixie dust from my SIL


Those are resized in photobucket, so hopefully they will behave themselves soon. :confused3 we really don't need to see the ball-point pen scribbles on my leather chair.

Awesome job, as always! I bet Lily is about the same size as Coops. I wish that he would get to meet her in Feb, maybe next time.

STAR WARS CHRISTMAS PAPER- I got it at Toys R Us. I am sure that I will be in there in the next few weeks. I would be happy to pick some up for you if you want to pay shipping. I have no idea how much that would be!
Hi Everyone,

Im not crabby, just a little bummed today.

We got to watch 5 kids this weekend (16, 15, 6, 4, 2) and we had a ball. They were all really good and it was just fun. On Saturday am, I wasnt too happy because my cousin left his alarm clock on for 6am, and it woke the 2 year old up!!! so I was up with her, she wouldnt go back to sleep, but she just wanted to sit and cuddle - it was very cute -we watched the rain and wind outside....then on Sunday am, my DH was going to get his shower and the 4 year old peeked out of his room, so Billy scooped him up and he snuggled in bed with me and a little bit later the 6 year old joined us - it was really fun just chatting with them about nothing.....I had sewn new outfits for them to wear to Sunday School and they looked so cute!! Of course I couldnt find the camera though!!!! But anyway I MISS THEM!!!!

Its a lot of work playing "mommy" - I totally give all of you moms a super huge gold star!!!! You are all so GREAT!!!!!!!!!:wizard:
I'm sorry I can not go into detail right now but please, please if you are a praying person, please please pray for my baby boy!!! Thank you!!!
I'm sorry I can not go into detail right now but please, please if you are a praying person, please please pray for my baby boy!!! Thank you!!!

We do a lot, but we'll make sure to ramp it up right now! I hope everything is going well and I hope that he is safe with his real family!!!! You!!!!!
We do a lot, but we'll make sure to ramp it up right now! I hope everything is going well and I hope that he is safe with his real family!!!! You!!!!!

You just made me cry Denise! Beth, I have been keeping you and your little guy in my thoughts and prayers for a while now and all I can do is this: :hug: I pray things will work out.
So my brother who works in the "industry" gets to go to the media screening of Twilight tomorrow and he doesn't want to go :confused3 ...seriously, could I switch place with that boy for ONE DAY?!?! Imagine spending so much time around celebrities that you aren't even phased by it???

I'll let the Twilight fans know what his review is...although he doesn't want to see it, he's fair in his reviews
Well I've got to go and try to find a hunky housepainter for the new place - why is it that the yellowpages don't tell you if they have ripped abs and will paint shirtlesss??

You know I think that should be listed. :thumbsup2

I live in New Iberia and the Wal- Mart doesn't have fabric anymore. I was upset about it and to top it off our Hancock fabric store went out of business. I just thought I would let you know so you won't be disappointed next time you come here.
The Hancock Fabric Store here is still open and they have a huge selection, but that is so far away. Does Lafayette have any fabric stores? If they have a Joann's I might have to go by there for a visit.
Did I hear something about a cranky club??? I'm in!

I think I have strep throat, but I felt too yucky to drive myself to the doctor today so I don't know. I was really hoping that they would just call something in for me, but no luck. Chris will be home tomorrow, so he'll drive me and I'm really mad that we are going to be spending our day at the doctor:(

Drew is coughing and coughing (so I am assuming not strep) so she was home from school today and I think I'm just going to keep her home tomorrow and have her tested too just to be safe:(

Riley was doing her math tonight and I realized that my 11 year old has no idea how to do division. They do this rediculous "investigative math" in our district and from what I can tell it is worthless for a large majority of the kids. They want them to be "creative" and "explore" and find out why the answer is what it is. Well , that's great, unless you don't ever get the right answer!!!! It's stupid. I have been saying for 2 years that I don't think Riley is grasping the basic concepts (she is very rule oriented and needs the structure of the rules) and I keep getting told it's o.k. Well, tonight she can't do her homework because she apparently hasn't been creative enough to figure how to divide. So I worked with her and she was totally out of control. She has been sitting in class stressing about not understanding what they are saying. Apparently the teachers are starting to get frustrated with the kids and she said that one kid had to "stand on the line" during recess because the teacher said he wasn't trying so she is afraid to ask for help.:headache: I didn't exactly make myself proud when I was working with Riley tonight. I feel like doo and I wasn't being very patient. I am a little ticked off that she has been sitting there just pretending to know what's going on. I think she is old enough to be responsible for asking for help when she doesn't understand something.

Anyway I am super grouchy and cranky so I better just go to sleep!

I have been hearinga lot about this approach lately and personally I think it is total crap. Kids need structure, bottom line. I find that they just do not learn well without it, especially in the younger grades. kids under about 12 in generally take most things literally and at face value. What they expect these kids to do takes higher order thinking skills they just don't have yet. Many of my honors juniors and seniors are not full capable of that yet!
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