Disboutiquers Part 7 Kids Disney Boutique / Customs Clothes psst..we sew

One of my coworkers sent me this video the other day. It's a beautiful video of a little boy with Trisomy 18, narrated by his father. One of my very favorite babies I've ever taken care of had Trisomy 18 and this video was very touching to me, so I thought I'd share. Be forewarned, though, it's sad and you'll need tissues.


WOW! Their faith was incredible. what an amazing video :sad: Definitely a tear jerker!
OF course I actually started out really slow and then at one point my machine stopped working well t just kept going over the same spot so I gave it a push and it kept going, Then at another point the needle fell out! So I tried to go slow but my machine apparently likes it rough!:lmao:

My birthday boy clowning around

I can't believe my baby boy is 6 today! I want to cry!

OK, :lmao: about your machine liking it rough! And Happy Birthday to your little man!
Like I said, I've had a pretty stressful week, but something AMAZING happened today!!!!!

You all might remember that while we were in Florida, 2 1/2 months ago, our cat ran away? So, we got a new little kitten about a month ago. Well, today, we got a phone call from someone who had found our cat!!!!! :banana: :banana: :banana: I have NO idea what he had been doing for the last 2 1/2 months, but we got him back tonight, and he looks great!!! I thought he woudl be skinny and flea infested, but he doesn't look any different than when we lost him. Although, he does look HUGE to us now, compared to our little kitten!!! I combed him out with a flea comb, and didn't even find any fleas or ticks on him. We brought him into the house, and he came out of the carrier, and went right to the kitchen where his food is! He is now in his old spot, underneath the computer desk, next to my feet!!!! It's like he was never gone!!! Foxie, our new kitten doesn't quite know what to think of him though!!! He keeps running up to him looking at him, then one f them will growl, and Foxie runs away. Then, he'll sneak back up to him really slowly. They both keep giving me looks that seem to say, "What the heck is HE doing in my house?!"

We are pretty pleased to have him home! I am just so shocked!!! I thought for sure he was dead!!! I'm really glad we keep nametags on our cats!

Now, if we can just get him to stay inside form now on!!! He is already meowing to be let outside!!!!
That is so cool. Now you have two babies to love.:love:

I want to say thank you for all the prayers. My mom is doing much much better.They moved her from ICU to the main floor today.They are shooting for next Friday for a surgery date,her BP is good and her sugar is back to normal.She is talking up a storm just like her normal self. If she is still doing good I told dd that I would start on her school clothes Saturday.
I want to send a special thanks to HeatherSue. yes they have started her on the Lovenox 2x a day.The Dr had a look on his face like why didn't I think of that when I asked him about it,but they still have to wait till the other is mostly out of her system before they can do the stent.
well I am going to try n get caught up on this thread then go to bed I am so tired but can never fall asleep till 2-3 am.
I am so happy to hear that your mom is doin better. I hope she continues to get better.:wizard:

Glorib-I watched that video and it was so touching. I had so many tears in my eyes the whole time that the video played.
We did the GA admission a few yrs ago and waited for 2 hurs then they searched us. We were broken into 2 lines men and women and there were so few men DH the good egg he is ran in and got a spot about 4 rows from my fling:love: :scared1:

We are headed to the Nov 20th party!!!!! Now I am wondering if I should make something for them.... HUM... What do I make???

How warm will it be in Nov? Shorts during the day?

That's a good dh! We did GA on an earlier tour & got about that close, too.

We were at DW last year at Tahnksgiving. It was in the low 80's upper 70's the whole week. You might take some shorts, but make sure you take some jeans too. I'd try to make ecerything layer-able if possible just incase. You just never know when it will decide to be hot or cold that time of year.

We lived on the MS Gulf Coast for a few years & everyone in the family came down for Thanksgiving one year because it was always so nice & warm still. Yeah, that was the coldest it got all winter. We froze & it rained the whole week-end. Someitmes you just start to wonder if the weather does things just to spite you. :lmao:
Sorry I have been MIA but my little business venture is taking off like crazy. I am a little overwhelmed to say the least. I am getting ready to go on vacation with rara to WV and TN for a week then hopefully I can try to catch back up on the thread.

YEAH TERESA about your cat. A similar thing happened with ours---he was gone a month and thenone night I heard him meowing outside he came in and it was like he was never gone. Yeah to finding yours and your new addition.
Hi Everyone,

For those of you who have made the hoodie shirts - how hard are they and what pattern is it? Im finally getting around to using my crab fabric from joann's, and need to make a boyish top......any other ideas?

thanks, wendy
I finally got around to Making Nicholas a Mickey set for our October trip. I am unsure of the weather.... so we can add a long sleeve tshirt under this if it is too cold....

I am going to Forks In Sept .. i am so excited..... only 8 1/2 -9 days till BD... are you ready???

Very cool! I want to see those pics. I'm ready! The library I work at is having a lock-in for the teens on the 1st. We got a grant to buy 60 copies so all the kids there will get one. I'm on the waiting list to get the book at the library so I'll be there bright & early Sat. morning. I've already warned dh. :rotfl:

Happy Anniversary!
Anyone here has any experience with the Brother 1034D serger - (it's this one from Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Brother-1034D...1?ie=UTF8&s=home-garden&qid=1216987696&sr=8-1)

DH said last night that I can buy one...so I am shopping around.


I have two of the 1034's and I LOVE them!!! It's an excellent serger. I've done every fabric imaginable on it including leather. I have two of them because at one point I had to put it in the shop for maintenance and the repair lady got sick so I needed a back up to finish orders. I got the White Speedylock as a back up but never liked it much. I complained about it so much that one day DH came home w/the second Brother serger. I very highly recommend it and everyone I know that has one loves it.
Like I said, I've had a pretty stressful week, but something AMAZING happened today!!!!!

You all might remember that while we were in Florida, 2 1/2 months ago, our cat ran away? So, we got a new little kitten about a month ago. Well, today, we got a phone call from someone who had found our cat!!!!! :banana: :banana: :banana: I have NO idea what he had been doing for the last 2 1/2 months, but we got him back tonight, and he looks great!!! I thought he woudl be skinny and flea infested, but he doesn't look any different than when we lost him. Although, he does look HUGE to us now, compared to our little kitten!!! I combed him out with a flea comb, and didn't even find any fleas or ticks on him. We brought him into the house, and he came out of the carrier, and went right to the kitchen where his food is! He is now in his old spot, underneath the computer desk, next to my feet!!!! It's like he was never gone!!! Foxie, our new kitten doesn't quite know what to think of him though!!! He keeps running up to him looking at him, then one f them will growl, and Foxie runs away. Then, he'll sneak back up to him really slowly. They both keep giving me looks that seem to say, "What the heck is HE doing in my house?!"

We are pretty pleased to have him home! I am just so shocked!!! I thought for sure he was dead!!! I'm really glad we keep nametags on our cats!

Now, if we can just get him to stay inside form now on!!! He is already meowing to be let outside!!!!

:banana: :banana: :banana: I'm so glad he someone found him. When our cat disappeared when I was in college we weren't so lucky. How cool. I hope they get each other figured out soon. That can be a big adjustment for a kitten.

I had a friend who had a son born with Trisomy 18. He lived about a day & a half. All the doctors were amazed that she had carried him to term because he was so bad. She said she was just glad she got to meet him. So many of her friends had miscarried that she just prayed through her whole pregnancy that she would at least get to meet her baby & not miscarry. I couldn't believe how strong they were through the whole thing.
I finally got around to Making Nicholas a Mickey set for our October trip. I am unsure of the weather.... so we can add a long sleeve tshirt under this if it is too cold....


This turned out really cute! I need to stitch out those designs. They're just sitting here. I'm really bad at collecting really cute designs and taking forever to use them.
This turned out really cute! I need to stitch out those designs. They're just sitting here. I'm really bad at collecting really cute designs and taking forever to use them.

That is my problem as well.... I love them, buy too many and never have enough time to use them all!

Wow, you can't miss out on a couple of days in here. I've gone back 10 pages and I still can't find the last page I read. I've just been really busy with orders so I haven't had any playtime. I look at everyone's really incredible pics of really cute outfits though. A few great looking houses and some amazing vaca pics. Also made it over to another WalMart to run in to look for some Disney fabric but no luck. They only had HSM and it was really scratchy and you could barely read it. On another note I did see Bryan Adams. Remember him from the 80's? He was doing a cd signing. I wasn't sure if I was shocked or saddend by it though. There were only about 10 people in line to see him and...I don't know it was just weird. Anyway I'm sure I've missed out on some really interesting stories so maybe sometime this weekend I'll be able to go back and figure out where I left out.

I also have a question. A friend of a friend just got back from Disney and they took their girls to BBB. They are the same age as my kids 2 and 7 but when I called to make ressies I was told they don't take kids under 3. Have they changed that rule?

Sorry you're having a bad week :hug: but yaya! kitty came home! :banana: :banana: :banana:

Here is the whole outfit.

Happy Birthday!!! :cool1: My little guy will be 6 all too soon!!!

Anyone here has any experience with the Brother 1034D serger - (it's this one from Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Brother-1034D...1?ie=UTF8&s=home-garden&qid=1216987696&sr=8-1)

DH said last night that I can buy one...so I am shopping around.


I have this serger and I LOVE it. I bought it a Walmart.com for basically the same price. I have used it a lot and I really :love: it.

Sorry I have been MIA but my little business venture is taking off like crazy.

:banana: :banana: :banana: for your business taking off!!!
One of my coworkers sent me this video the other day. It's a beautiful video of a little boy with Trisomy 18, narrated by his father. One of my very favorite babies I've ever taken care of had Trisomy 18 and this video was very touching to me, so I thought I'd share. Be forewarned, though, it's sad and you'll need tissues.


I was in a mops group with a lady who found out at 8 mos. pregnant that her baby had trisomy 18. It was horrible for the family. Someone actually told her that she was lucky that she didn't have to "get used to the baby and then lose it." I know she would have given anything to get to have her baby for even 99 days.
Wow, you can't miss out on a couple of days in here. I've gone back 10 pages and I still can't find the last page I read. I've just been really busy with orders so I haven't had any playtime. I look at everyone's really incredible pics of really cute outfits though. A few great looking houses and some amazing vaca pics. Also made it over to another WalMart to run in to look for some Disney fabric but no luck. They only had HSM and it was really scratchy and you could barely read it. On another note I did see Bryan Adams. Remember him from the 80's? He was doing a cd signing. I wasn't sure if I was shocked or saddend by it though. There were only about 10 people in line to see him and...I don't know it was just weird. Anyway I'm sure I've missed out on some really interesting stories so maybe sometime this weekend I'll be able to go back and figure out where I left out.

I also have a question. A friend of a friend just got back from Disney and they took their girls to BBB. They are the same age as my kids 2 and 7 but when I called to make ressies I was told they don't take kids under 3. Have they changed that rule?

:scared1: about Bryan Adams! I remember once my friends and I went to his concert. We were 15 or 16. We went early and stalked the hotel he was staying in. We ended up on an elevator with his manager or publicist or someone :confused3 :rotfl: You have to be 3 for BBB but some people...uhm...leave that info out when making the ressie. I was very tempted to do this with Lily on our trip last January because I know she would've been really well behaved for the FGITs but in the end I could not bring myself to lie about her age. But karma is my friend and we get to go back again in February when she WILL be 3 :yay: She better not get a mean FGIT!!!
Wow, you can't miss out on a couple of days in here. I've gone back 10 pages and I still can't find the last page I read. I've just been really busy with orders so I haven't had any playtime. I look at everyone's really incredible pics of really cute outfits though. A few great looking houses and some amazing vaca pics. Also made it over to another WalMart to run in to look for some Disney fabric but no luck. They only had HSM and it was really scratchy and you could barely read it. On another note I did see Bryan Adams. Remember him from the 80's? He was doing a cd signing. I wasn't sure if I was shocked or saddend by it though. There were only about 10 people in line to see him and...I don't know it was just weird. Anyway I'm sure I've missed out on some really interesting stories so maybe sometime this weekend I'll be able to go back and figure out where I left out.

I also have a question. A friend of a friend just got back from Disney and they took their girls to BBB. They are the same age as my kids 2 and 7 but when I called to make ressies I was told they don't take kids under 3. Have they changed that rule?

i am sooooo jealous of you seeing Bryan Adams!!!! I love him. I once embarrased my husband trying to get back stage at a Bryan Adams concert!
I finally got around to Making Nicholas a Mickey set for our October trip. I am unsure of the weather.... so we can add a long sleeve tshirt under this if it is too cold....


How cute! I love the designs!

and I LOVE Bryan adams! I would stand in line to meet him! I still have some of his cd's!

HFCS-free shopping!
We went to Trader Joes again and found some food without HFCS and it wasn't really expensive. In fact, the peanut butter was much cheaper than the popular brands and so was their yummy hazelnut spread! We also got some Strawberry jam, cans of corn, soda, and a few other things. I am really loving that store right now!
I finally got around to Making Nicholas a Mickey set for our October trip. I am unsure of the weather.... so we can add a long sleeve tshirt under this if it is too cold....

It came out GREAT!

Wow, you can't miss out on a couple of days in here. I've gone back 10 pages and I still can't find the last page I read. I've just been really busy with orders so I haven't had any playtime. I look at everyone's really incredible pics of really cute outfits though. A few great looking houses and some amazing vaca pics. Also made it over to another WalMart to run in to look for some Disney fabric but no luck. They only had HSM and it was really scratchy and you could barely read it. On another note I did see Bryan Adams. Remember him from the 80's? He was doing a cd signing. I wasn't sure if I was shocked or saddend by it though. There were only about 10 people in line to see him and...I don't know it was just weird. Anyway I'm sure I've missed out on some really interesting stories so maybe sometime this weekend I'll be able to go back and figure out where I left out.

I also have a question. A friend of a friend just got back from Disney and they took their girls to BBB. They are the same age as my kids 2 and 7 but when I called to make ressies I was told they don't take kids under 3. Have they changed that rule?
I actually saw Bryan Adams a few yrs ago opening for Def Leppard. It was actually my 5th time seeing him since 1985:scared1: He puts on a great show! Back in the day I even met him:scared1: Very interesting that there were only 10 people there because the concert I went to was back in 05' and there were a lot of ba fans!

??? for all of you who applique. I think I had a light bulb moment or maybe a blonde moment it could be either with me:lmao:
When appliqueing do you fuse the fabric you want to applique to the main fabric. ie fuse the mickey head to the tshirt? Or do you use the fusing to make the Mickey head sturdier but pin it to the shirt?

I was doing the fuse stuff to the Mickey head to make it stiffer and mining it to the shirt....


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