Disboutiquers Part 27 Kids Disney Boutique / Customs Clothes psst..we sew ;-)

My best friend just told me that she's expecting baby #2. I made a lot for baby #1 and will replace the stuff that's worn (lots of large flannel blankets!) but the larger things that she used (a sling and mickey diaper bag) are still in good shape for the next one.

I've found bootie patterns but while cute they aren't practical and I know they come off easily.

What are your (useful) handmade baby favorites?

I have lots of time and a new machine :rotfl2:
My best friend just told me that she's expecting baby #2. I made a lot for baby #1 and will replace the stuff that's worn (lots of large flannel blankets!) but the larger things that she used (a sling and mickey diaper bag) are still in good shape for the next one.

I've found bootie patterns but while cute they aren't practical and I know they come off easily.

What are your (useful) handmade baby favorites?

I have lots of time and a new machine :rotfl2:

I made matching burp cloths and bibs and my daughter-in-law loves them. I used nice soft flannel..used two different designs but matching in a way...for front and back.
Stop by more often. You make nice things and we like to see them.


Aw, thank you. I don't sew as often as I would like. Work and life and stuff get in the way too often. In fact, I made this dress just to try out the fabric combination and the Grace pattern, it wasn't even meant for anyone.

Thanks for getting back so quick. That is good to know. I am still patiently waiting for my new returned machine to arrive and I think this might be the first thing I try..out of my long list of things to try

You should have no problem with it.
My best friend just told me that she's expecting baby #2. I made a lot for baby #1 and will replace the stuff that's worn (lots of large flannel blankets!) but the larger things that she used (a sling and mickey diaper bag) are still in good shape for the next one.

I've found bootie patterns but while cute they aren't practical and I know they come off easily.

What are your (useful) handmade baby favorites?

I have lots of time and a new machine :rotfl2:

burp cloths...my last kid had bad reflux :rotfl:

I liked single layer knit recieving blankets (the homemade ones were larger than the store bought and my kids were long babies) mine were 40 x 40, they also made good floor blankets. Really you just cut it into a square, hemming is optional, but it is prettier that way.

How about a special outfit? Even if the child is the same gender it's nice to have something new for pictures, ect.
I lost the quote of the animal taggie -- but's it's adorable :)

To me it is just very odd to see someone commenting about raking in January. The only thing you can rake here is snow! At least it was around low to mid 30's today.
The goal here is to get all the raking done before the snow falls. That didn't happen last year and the kids made a huge snowball that was laden with leaves. When the snow melted there was a nice pile of leaves where there snow ball was. We usually get about one snow fall per year but it's been unusually warm this year -- just a few cold days. It was at least in the 60's yesterday but is supposed to be in the 50's today and I likely won't get any yard work done b/c I need to bake a carrot cake and work on the t's.

Everyone's projects look amazing!! I had way too many to quote so thought an all-inclusive 'woohoo!!' would be best :)

I have that same owl valentines fabric that i'm hoping to work with this weekend, I love it!!

Question too, not sure if its ok to ask this or not and really since i'm still new i'm not sure how much non-disney work you guys do but.... I'm looking desperately for some fabric and thought i'd see if anyone has any or has seen it anywhere. Its Michael Miller - Java Bloom in Apple (borrowing pic from etsy)

I see you already got your answer but I think all of us here do non-dis related work as well as Disney. I currently only do Disney items for Big Gives since we can't afford to go to Dis any time soon :sad1:

My best friend just told me that she's expecting baby #2. I made a lot for baby #1 and will replace the stuff that's worn (lots of large flannel blankets!) but the larger things that she used (a sling and mickey diaper bag) are still in good shape for the next one.

I've found bootie patterns but while cute they aren't practical and I know they come off easily.

What are your (useful) handmade baby favorites?

I have lots of time and a new machine :rotfl2:
Burp cloths, burp cloths and burp cloths. Did I mention burp cloths? You can find tons of free patterns and tut on line. My favorite to make are raggy flannel ones in large peanut shapes. I do two coordinating flannels. To me burp cloths are the best b/c they are always needed and the child never outgrows them. They are cute too if you do a matching onseie or bib with them. The other gift I just made was a taggy blanket. Look on Pinterest for baby git ideas -- I have a whole bunch of things bookmarked, but burp cloths are so practical you just can't go wrong.
What are your (useful) handmade baby favorites?

I have lots of time and a new machine :rotfl2:

I agree with everybody else about the burp cloths. I also like the Sisboom Carly Baby Bubble romper pattern. I've made that pattern several times and it is pretty easy. Turns out very cute too. For baby boys I also love JonJons. I don't have a pattern for those right now since nobody I know has had a baby boy in quite a while.
Loving everything! *LOL*

I used to be fairly active on earlier Disboutiquers' threads (three or four years ago!), but I can't begin to keep up with the posts! Most of my sewing is adult garments--mostly office appropriate and somewhat boring other than construction techniques! :rolleyes:

Now I have the joy of sewing for a four-year-old lass. I'm going to begin making some AG clothes--well, not for an actual AG doll, just one of the generic 18" dolls, unfortunately. Miss Abigail Elisabeth (we call her Abi) will be five in October and I'm not comfortable spending that much on a doll until she learns how to take care of them just a little bit better! *LOL* If she does well with this one and enjoys it, I'll consider buying an AG doll for the Christmas following her 6th birthday (2013). We'll see. I expect to start sewing around Memorial Day weekend. It's usually hot by then, so I'm looking for indoor projects! *LOL*

I love the Ariel outfit. :thumbsup2

I think I'm going to steal the idea for PJs or a nightgown for Abi. Possibly a shorts outfit. She's four, but very tall for her age, so I try to make things that are fun but don't look too toddler-ish for her height. Most people think she is about 6 or 7 when they see her--and discover just how young she is when she talks! Her vocabulary is quite extensive, but her voice and mannerisms are age-appropriate. Very much like her mother! :goodvibes Both of her parents are tall--mom is a shade under 6' and dad is 6'5".

Here are a couple of my most recent projects. I had just a scrap of the Ariel fabric left and then I found the pink t-shirt on sale for $2. Therefore I had to create an outfit:

I wish that more of the Little Mermaid showed on the cuffs but I didn't have much leftover fabric to work with.


And then I did this shirt:

I'll return to lurking with occasional comments until I begin producing things that are more interesting than design, pattern drafting and garment construction techniques! *LOL*
Hello sewing experts! I need some sewing help. I want to make my girls some stepsister dresses to wear to 1900 Park Fair for dinner. I found a great tutorial online that shows you how to make a Cindy dress. However, the front of the bodice of the stepsisters dresses that I want to do (I saw some on ebay that were beautiful, but WAY out of my price range, so I'm using them as inspiration.) have a bodice that comes down in a point.

My problem is that I don't have a clue as to how to measure, cut, and attach the skirt part to the bodice so that the hem is even. I looked at a Disney Store Cindy costume that we have that also has a pointed bodice, but it's not much help. The bodice is lined. The skirt part looks to be attached in parts. First, a small strip that shows about 1" or so is attached to the bodice. Another strip that is also showing about 1" is attached to the previous strip. Then the actual skirt panels are attached to the second strip and have a serged top. I measured and the point of the bodice comes down 3" past the part at the side seams. The skirt panels are about 2" longer at the side seams than they are at the front center.

Is there a particular pattern that I can use that has instructions that has puffed short sleeves, a pointed bodice, peplum, and a long skirt?

Also, where is a good place online to buy some satin for this project?
Hi Everyone,
I've been a faithful lurker on this thread for some time. You've always been very helpful when I jump in with a question, but I never officially joined in because I'm always afraid that I won't be able to keep up with this thread. I still won't be able to keep up, but I figure it's time to delurk anyway. I just finished my first applique (well second if you count the test run) on my brand new PE770 and I needed someone to share it with. I figured you all would be the only ones to understand :rotfl2:

Here it is:

This will be turned into DD's AK dress for our trip in April (YAY!). I had quite a few issues with it - the test went much easier, but I think it turned out OK. I can't believe how much bigger than the 4x4" design this is. I've had an SE400 for about a year but never dreamed I would enjoy machine embroidery so much. I've done a lot with that little machine, but I was ready to upgrade and DH said ok.

Anyway, since I'm sharing, here is DS's AK shirt for the upcoming trip:

And here are DD and DS on our previous trip in 2010. These were the only 2 sets of outfits I made for that trip. I found this thread too late!! I have so many more plans this time. I hope I can get them all done. The clock is ticking!


Hello sewing experts! I need some sewing help. I want to make my girls some stepsister dresses to wear to 1900 Park Fair for dinner. I found a great tutorial online that shows you how to make a Cindy dress. However, the front of the bodice of the stepsisters dresses that I want to do (I saw some on ebay that were beautiful, but WAY out of my price range, so I'm using them as inspiration.) have a bodice that comes down in a point.

My problem is that I don't have a clue as to how to measure, cut, and attach the skirt part to the bodice so that the hem is even. I looked at a Disney Store Cindy costume that we have that also has a pointed bodice, but it's not much help. The bodice is lined. The skirt part looks to be attached in parts. First, a small strip that shows about 1" or so is attached to the bodice. Another strip that is also showing about 1" is attached to the previous strip. Then the actual skirt panels are attached to the second strip and have a serged top. I measured and the point of the bodice comes down 3" past the part at the side seams. The skirt panels are about 2" longer at the side seams than they are at the front center.

Is there a particular pattern that I can use that has instructions that has puffed short sleeves, a pointed bodice, peplum, and a long skirt?

Also, where is a good place online to buy some satin for this project?

Cant help with most of this, but I know CarlaC has the pelum on her blog
http://scientificseamstress.blogspot.com/2009/09/simply-sweet-storytime.html hope this helps a little :)
Is there a particular pattern that I can use that has instructions that has puffed short sleeves, a pointed bodice, peplum, and a long skirt?

Also, where is a good place online to buy some satin for this project?

If you are comfortable with commercial patterns, I am sure the big 3 pattern makers would have something. I used this one to make DD a rapunzel dress and it looks like something that would work for you:


I'm sure others have better suggestions for online fabric shopping, but fabric.com might be a good place to start. Good Luck!
Hi Everyone,
I've been a faithful lurker on this thread for some time. You've always been very helpful when I jump in with a question, but I never officially joined in because I'm always afraid that I won't be able to keep up with this thread. I still won't be able to keep up, but I figure it's time to delurk anyway. I just finished my first applique (well second if you count the test run) on my brand new PE770 and I needed someone to share it with. I figured you all would be the only ones to understand :rotfl2:

Here it is:

This will be turned into DD's AK dress for our trip in April (YAY!). I had quite a few issues with it - the test went much easier, but I think it turned out OK. I can't believe how much bigger than the 4x4" design this is. I've had an SE400 for about a year but never dreamed I would enjoy machine embroidery so much. I've done a lot with that little machine, but I was ready to upgrade and DH said ok.

Anyway, since I'm sharing, here is DS's AK shirt for the upcoming trip:

And here are DD and DS on our previous trip in 2010. These were the only 2 sets of outfits I made for that trip. I found this thread too late!! I have so many more plans this time. I hope I can get them all done. The clock is ticking!



Awesome they came out great. Now Im really missing my machine I never got to play with :(

Hope you have fun making awesome outfits for this trip!!
Cant help with most of this, but I know CarlaC has the pelum on her blog
http://scientificseamstress.blogspot.com/2009/09/simply-sweet-storytime.html hope this helps a little :)

That helped with the peplum! Thank you!

If you are comfortable with commercial patterns, I am sure the big 3 pattern makers would have something. I used this one to make DD a rapunzel dress and it looks like something that would work for you:


I'm sure others have better suggestions for online fabric shopping, but fabric.com might be a good place to start. Good Luck!

Awesome pattern! Thank you! The pink dress looks very much like what I want. I'm ordering this pattern (in both sizes since my girls are, of course, in both).
Here it is:

This will be turned into DD's AK dress for our trip in April (YAY!). I had quite a few issues with it - the test went much easier, but I think it turned out OK. I can't believe how much bigger than the 4x4" design this is. I've had an SE400 for about a year but never dreamed I would enjoy machine embroidery so much. I've done a lot with that little machine, but I was ready to upgrade and DH said ok.

Anyway, since I'm sharing, here is DS's AK shirt for the upcoming trip:

And here are DD and DS on our previous trip in 2010. These were the only 2 sets of outfits I made for that trip. I found this thread too late!! I have so many more plans this time. I hope I can get them all done. The clock is ticking!



Great job! Can't tell it's your first. Your previous outfits are very nice and your kiddos are adorable!
I am like a kid in a candy store! I am having so much fun with my PE770. Wish I would have broken down and bought one sooner!
Here's some of what I've been having fun with lately:



Why are my pix always so huge???

Thanks for looking!
Here are a couple of my most recent projects. I had just a scrap of the Ariel fabric left and then I found the pink t-shirt on sale for $2. Therefore I had to create an outfit:

I wish that more of the Little Mermaid showed on the cuffs but I didn't have much leftover fabric to work with.


And then I did this shirt:

:thumbsup2 Sounds like a great reason to me to make an outfit:rotfl:

I made my first taggie blanket. It turned out really cute.


Great job

Loving everything! *LOL*

I used to be fairly active on earlier Disboutiquers' threads (three or four years ago!), but I can't begin to keep up with the posts! Most of my sewing is adult garments--mostly office appropriate and somewhat boring other than construction techniques! :rolleyes:

Now I have the joy of sewing for a four-year-old lass. I'm going to begin making some AG clothes--well, not for an actual AG doll, just one of the generic 18" dolls, unfortunately. Miss Abigail Elisabeth (we call her Abi) will be five in October and I'm not comfortable spending that much on a doll until she learns how to take care of them just a little bit better! *LOL* If she does well with this one and enjoys it, I'll consider buying an AG doll for the Christmas following her 6th birthday (2013). We'll see. I expect to start sewing around Memorial Day weekend. It's usually hot by then, so I'm looking for indoor projects! *LOL*

I love the Ariel outfit. :thumbsup2

:welcome: back

Also, where is a good place online to buy some satin for this project?

I've never worked with Satin but do you have Joanne's near you? Sign up on their mailing list and you will get lots of coupons to use.

Hi Everyone,
I've been a faithful lurker on this thread for some time. You've always been very helpful when I jump in with a question, but I never officially joined in because I'm always afraid that I won't be able to keep up with this thread. I still won't be able to keep up, but I figure it's time to delurk anyway. I just finished my first applique (well second if you count the test run) on my brand new PE770 and I needed someone to share it with. I figured you all would be the only ones to understand :rotfl2:

Here it is:

This will be turned into DD's AK dress for our trip in April (YAY!). I had quite a few issues with it - the test went much easier, but I think it turned out OK. I can't believe how much bigger than the 4x4" design this is. I've had an SE400 for about a year but never dreamed I would enjoy machine embroidery so much. I've done a lot with that little machine, but I was ready to upgrade and DH said ok.

Anyway, since I'm sharing, here is DS's AK shirt for the upcoming trip:

And here are DD and DS on our previous trip in 2010. These were the only 2 sets of outfits I made for that trip. I found this thread too late!! I have so many more plans this time. I hope I can get them all done. The clock is ticking!



Congrats on getting your new machine.:goodvibes Your designs came out great but is the Mufasa one done by hand? It seems so big.

I am like a kid in a candy store! I am having so much fun with my PE770. Wish I would have broken down and bought one sooner!
Here's some of what I've been having fun with lately:



Why are my pix always so huge???

Thanks for looking!

I love my PE770:love:
Congrats on getting your new machine.:goodvibes Your designs came out great but is the Mufasa one done by hand? It seems so big.

Yes, the grown up Simba on DS's shirt and the outfits from our 2010 trip were done by hand. These were before I got the new machine :thumbsup2 The baby simba in the first picture was the first design I tried on the PE770. I will probably continue to do most of DS's shirts by hand - I like BIG appliques ;)
The goal here is to get all the raking done before the snow falls. That didn't happen last year and the kids made a huge snowball that was laden with leaves. When the snow melted there was a nice pile of leaves where there snow ball was. We usually get about one snow fall per year but it's been unusually warm this year -- just a few cold days. It was at least in the 60's yesterday but is supposed to be in the 50's today and I likely won't get any yard work done b/c I need to bake a carrot cake and work on the t's.

Now I understand about the need to rake leaves. Hmmm carrot cake, yum!

Loving everything! *LOL*

I used to be fairly active on earlier Disboutiquers' threads (three or four years ago!), but I can't begin to keep up with the posts! Most of my sewing is adult garments--mostly office appropriate and somewhat boring other than construction techniques! :rolleyes:

Now I have the joy of sewing for a four-year-old lass. I'm going to begin making some AG clothes--well, not for an actual AG doll, just one of the generic 18" dolls, unfortunately. Miss Abigail Elisabeth (we call her Abi) will be five in October and I'm not comfortable spending that much on a doll until she learns how to take care of them just a little bit better! *LOL* If she does well with this one and enjoys it, I'll consider buying an AG doll for the Christmas following her 6th birthday (2013). We'll see. I expect to start sewing around Memorial Day weekend. It's usually hot by then, so I'm looking for indoor projects! *LOL*

I love the Ariel outfit. :thumbsup2

I think I'm going to steal the idea for PJs or a nightgown for Abi. Possibly a shorts outfit. She's four, but very tall for her age, so I try to make things that are fun but don't look too toddler-ish for her height. Most people think she is about 6 or 7 when they see her--and discover just how young she is when she talks! Her vocabulary is quite extensive, but her voice and mannerisms are age-appropriate. Very much like her mother! :goodvibes Both of her parents are tall--mom is a shade under 6' and dad is 6'5".

I'll return to lurking with occasional comments until I begin producing things that are more interesting than design, pattern drafting and garment construction techniques! *LOL*

Welcome back! I would be interested in seeing your adult clothing work! They are not boring.

Hi Everyone,
I've been a faithful lurker on this thread for some time. You've always been very helpful when I jump in with a question, but I never officially joined in because I'm always afraid that I won't be able to keep up with this thread. I still won't be able to keep up, but I figure it's time to delurk anyway. I just finished my first applique (well second if you count the test run) on my brand new PE770 and I needed someone to share it with. I figured you all would be the only ones to understand :rotfl2:

Here it is:

This will be turned into DD's AK dress for our trip in April (YAY!). I had quite a few issues with it - the test went much easier, but I think it turned out OK. I can't believe how much bigger than the 4x4" design this is. I've had an SE400 for about a year but never dreamed I would enjoy machine embroidery so much. I've done a lot with that little machine, but I was ready to upgrade and DH said ok.

Anyway, since I'm sharing, here is DS's AK shirt for the upcoming trip:

And here are DD and DS on our previous trip in 2010. These were the only 2 sets of outfits I made for that trip. I found this thread too late!! I have so many more plans this time. I hope I can get them all done. The clock is ticking!



Great job! (Both on the 770 and your hand applique!)

I am like a kid in a candy store! I am having so much fun with my PE770. Wish I would have broken down and bought one sooner!
Here's some of what I've been having fun with lately:



Why are my pix always so huge???

Thanks for looking!

Super cute! We like BIG pictures around here!
Hi Everyone,
I've been a faithful lurker on this thread for some time. You've always been very helpful when I jump in with a question, but I never officially joined in because I'm always afraid that I won't be able to keep up with this thread. I still won't be able to keep up, but I figure it's time to delurk anyway. I just finished my first applique (well second if you count the test run) on my brand new PE770 and I needed someone to share it with. I figured you all would be the only ones to understand :rotfl2:

Here it is:

This will be turned into DD's AK dress for our trip in April (YAY!). I had quite a few issues with it - the test went much easier, but I think it turned out OK. I can't believe how much bigger than the 4x4" design this is. I've had an SE400 for about a year but never dreamed I would enjoy machine embroidery so much. I've done a lot with that little machine, but I was ready to upgrade and DH said ok.

Anyway, since I'm sharing, here is DS's AK shirt for the upcoming trip:

And here are DD and DS on our previous trip in 2010. These were the only 2 sets of outfits I made for that trip. I found this thread too late!! I have so many more plans this time. I hope I can get them all done. The clock is ticking!


Yay on your first project on the PE770!!!! I love the one you did by hand as well. I love doing them by hand as well as you can create exactly what you want. Of course yesterday I was doing size Youth large t's so I was able to clean while they were stitching -- can't do that when you're doing a project by hand.

I am like a kid in a candy store! I am having so much fun with my PE770. Wish I would have broken down and bought one sooner!
Here's some of what I've been having fun with lately:

Why are my pix always so huge???

Thanks for looking!
Fabulous! Keep your pics huge -- I highly prefer huge pics and we can thumbnail them when quoting. I said the same thing after I got my machine. I contemplated not getting one b/c my kids were getting older, but I justified it with BG's. But I really use it a lot for my own kids as well so it was a great purchase.

Now I understand about the need to rake leaves. Hmmm carrot cake, yum!
I did my two shirts for the day first and then the carrot cake. I barely got it done in time -- I forgot how long it takes to grate 3 cups of carrots by hand. I don't have a good food processor but our blender does have a little attachment and next time I'm trying them in there. DS gets a carrot cake every year for his birthday -- it's his favorite. However, he's getting a box mix yellow cake for his sleepover party (he hates chocolate).


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