Disboutiquers Part 15 Kids Disney Boutique / Customs Clothes psst..we sew

I'm trying to plan a few customs, as well as costumes for MNSSHP, for the last week of October. Any guesses what the weather may be like? Should I still be thinking hot and wearing shorts and sundresses?? :beach:


You should be fine with sundresses. I throw a light jacket/rainjacket in the the bag for the day just in case. I also have the bathing suit in there:thumbsup2
I am so far behind on this thread! I did not stop with the fabric clean out (Packages are in the mail btw!) I have cleaned out a BOX of "old papers", 2 kitchen cabinets and the school bookcase! And I am not done yet:lmao:
Send me some prayers and pixie dust....I just cut out the pattern pieces for Michael's Prince Charming Costume for Akershus.....this should be VERY interesting!
I am doing a mini give for a fellow disser. Here are the outfits I made the little one in her party:

and it reverses to:


I'm waiting for some chiffon to come in so I can make a petti--then it is off in the mail!

Those are super cute. The mermaids are really great.

If I shouldn't post it, I will delete it. Let me know.

Great find! That's really nice!

OT Topic alert!!!

Please send a few extra prayers and pixie dust out for my son and his wife (parents of my one and only DG2) They just became the proud parents (even though it may be only temporary) to her sister's 18 month old and 6 month old sons!

Bio Mommie Dearest failed a mandatory drug test and DFACS took the kiddies away. Not sure how this will effect our Disney rip in September, but really glad the two little ones are out of the situation they were in!

(hmmm...maybe a few shirts and easy fits for the boys...it's doable...right?)


I'll pray, too. For your son and DIL, for bio-mom, and especially for those babies. What a sad situation!

I'm trying to plan a few customs, as well as costumes for MNSSHP, for the last week of October. Any guesses what the weather may be like? Should I still be thinking hot and wearing shorts and sundresses?? :beach:


When we went last Oct. I packed almost all sunny clothes, and I wish I had packed more layers. It was nice and sunny most of the time, but there were a couple evenings where we were just shivering. So sundresses are a must, but just be sure you don't forget those layers just in case!! It can get cold sometimes! And for some reason I've found that 60* in FL feels colder than the 60* I"m used to. I don't know why ... maybe it's the humidity or maybe it's just because we get used to the 80* when we're there and then being hit with 60 feels that much colder by association??
Thanks everyone for the applique advice. I have an embroidery machine, but I'm still going to do it be hand. Off to the fabric store to see how small of a piece of hot pink I can get.
Hi, I am new here!

I have 2 DD's 5 and 2. We are going to Disney for Thanksgiving week!!! This is DD5's second trip and technically DD2's second trip, since I was preggo with her the first time!

You all have been so inspiring me to get on some clothes for the kids!

Someone mentioned someone having digital designs. I have an embroidery machine and would love to see what they have! (If you get my inuendos here!)

I have a Viking so I need HUS files or I can convert PES.

If you know who, can you send me either a link or an email with contact info, my address is msumissa @ yahoo.com (without the spaces!)

Thanks so much. I look forward to posting.

I just made a twirl skirt this week for my DD5 with frog princes on it. (Practice!)

OK, I am an idiot and re read the first post about HeatherSue. Please ignore me now!
Okay Queen Karen!I'm about to take the plunge...my parents are paying for half of the cricut that is on sale at Joann's and I got a coupon for free shipping...I'm so cheap I have had to really justify this to myself over and over again! But I know I'm gonna love it! I just spent the last week buying new clothes for everyone in the family but me for school and work. Since I never go anywhere mine last longer...so I guess this will make up for it!

I'm so excited! I should have it by my birthday...I may have to make myself a card!:lmao:
I should probably post this on a BBB thread but.....

Those little crowns that they put on the bun in the BBB - how much are they usually? I found some on clearance and was wondering if I got a good buy. My nieces wanted to know what I was going to do with them and I told them while I sew I wear one to feel pretty...hehe They aren't really into Disney so they have no clue what the BBB is.....lol

Anyhoo - can someone tell me?


I'm a few pages behind and this may already be answered. We purchased one in the gift shop at our resort last year for $10. They had blue, clear, and pink stoned crowns to choose from. We chose blue b/c Mollie was dressing as Cinderella that night.
Marah text me this afternoon asking if I can please ask you all to pray for her girls. Something happend on their trip and it is not going so well. I think if we all send so pixi dust that way it just might help. Nothing seems to be going right for them. Thank you for your help thoughts and prayers.

I pray everything is ok with Marah!

HEY!! If you wanna squeeze me into your room, I can be your medical excuse for a fridge! I have several medical issues you could pick from too! This could really work out!



It's not Halloween, but it is a fall dress: my first precious dress; went pretty smoothly when I wasn't trying to sew at 3am; I'm going to shorten the apron a bit. The headband is from the free YCMT pattern, and the fabric just came into Joanns. (I still need to clip some threads on the apron)

So cute!!! I love that fabric! I think it will look even better with a shorter apron so you can see more of the brown fabric. It really looks pretty on your daughter!
Hey gals! Matt decided on Sunday to move our trip up. We leave Aug. 24!

I have been sewing the past couple of days, pretty well only time I've had my machine out all summer. I made this for me last night. It calls for a drawstring right below bust. I'm afraid I'll mess it up, but the bust isn't quite right. It may fix it. What do you think?

I think it looks really pretty on you!

AAHH!! I've been trying to not listen about the AG QVC sale! DD got Samantha for Easter and I made a ton of clothes for her including a white pleather rain coat that was super cute! I've actually started to use the clothes that they've grown out of for fabric and have saved so much money.

Here's the bathing suit I made out of a pair of pants and the Samantha chairs I found at Savers for $12 (reg $80)

I think DH would kill me if we bought one more thing!

I love all the AG outfits!!! I NEEEEED to make outfits for my girls' dolls!

: Thank you! Those are the front and back of one dress. I have similar ideas I want to try... whenever I have time to make something new

I can't even remember the last time I sewed for myself. I keep thinking how simple it would be to make a tee or peasant top for myself but that's as far as I've gone. I need to start updating my wardrobe, though, since I'm going to try to get back on the job search 'wagon' once school starts. I have a few things that are office appropriate but very basic and boring.

Rumor has it that Carla will be coming out with a cute peasant top pattern soon!

No Teresa I do not think I will dye it. There are several people that you do not want to make mad.

Like your dentist before a root canal, or say your seamstress before a 9 day trip to Disney World! :rolleyes1

I couldn't help laughing at that!!!
PhEW! I'm relieved! I thought I might have to drive over there and confiscate that dress from you!

I finally got around to taking pictures of Gracie's Tink outfit so I wanted to share pictures.


I love that Angel!!!Did Cree make it? Those wings are so cool!

I finished part one of the vida sew along, for anyone who is interested. Here is a sneak preview of the amazing photography skills involved:

You can click on the picture to get there or on "My Blog" in my signature. Hope this helps!

YEAH!!! Thanks Steph!!! I'm sure you have just made a lot of people very happy!

Well, first off, thanks for the nice post! It's fun to run across my customers. I actually found one in the Liberty Tree Tavern last December. I recognized the dresses her daughters were wearing! Your daughter is adorable, thank you for posting the pictures!
I don't know how much you sew, but I do consider Cinderella 9383 to be one of the most complicated costume patterns I've ever used. I don't think your daughter is too young, but if you decide to tackle it, give yourself PLENTY of time. My daughter wsas 4 when I did it for the first time, and it's still one of my favorite costumes. I did it again last year, but it's a HUGE project.

It is very important that it fit well, or the sleeves will slide right off her shoulders. If you have questions as you tackle it, feel free to drop me a line.

I do consider the other princess costume patterns to be an easier level of sewing.

Here's that pattern in 2 versions:


Your daughter looks adorable in this!!! I love the way you put the bow on the back of the second one.

I made the same dress for AKsunshine's daughter. She has some pictures of her daughter in it in her TR.

I did change the top though, because I didn't like how low it was. I just made the neckline a bit higher. I plan on making Lydia one one of these days!

Here is Lydia modeling the one I made for Isabelle. She wouldn't put a petti on under it, and I didn't feel like arguing with her about it!


thanks, Id like to do both eventually. so far I have only worked with cottons

Hannah's quilt on the bed..

Wow!! I guess I KNEW how big the quilt was, but for some reason I didn't realize how big it was!! That had to be SOOOO much work! But, it turned out beautifully!

OT Topic alert!!!

Please send a few extra prayers and pixie dust out for my son and his wife (parents of my one and only DG2) They just became the proud parents (even though it may be only temporary) to her sister's 18 month old and 6 month old sons!

Bio Mommie Dearest failed a mandatory drug test and DFACS took the kiddies away. Not sure how this will effect our Disney rip in September, but really glad the two little ones are out of the situation they were in!

(hmmm...maybe a few shirts and easy fits for the boys...it's doable...right?)


Wow, I'm so sorry for your family, but so glad the children are in a safe loving home now.

If I shouldn't post it, I will delete it. Let me know.

I've seen that outfit, and I think it is adorable!

Adorable Outfits!!

I am working on some birthday gifts for my nieces. They are both turning 1 year old. I was thinking about making stripwork skirt for one of them.

What do you think?? When DD was that little I didn't put dresses or skirts on her because she would get all tangled up in them when she crawled.

Is 1 year old too little for a skirt?

My girls have always worn dresses, so I say go for it!
I always had my daughter in dresses. When she learned how to crawl, she "crawled" on her hands and toes...that is how she figured out how to not get all caught up in her dresses.:laughing: I did feel bad at times and put her in pants or shorts, just so she could figure out how to crawl like the other children:rolleyes1

Anyway, she turned out just fine, and can negotiate a pettiskirt on the playground, and on all of the rides at Disney, so I think that the dresses when she were little were just good "in training" for her future princess:

You cracky me up Maureen!

I am doing a mini give for a fellow disser. Here are the outfits I made the little one in her party:

I'm waiting for some chiffon to come in so I can make a petti--then it is off in the mail!

Wow Piper, you have been busy!!! Great job!!!

Hi, I am new here!

I have 2 DD's 5 and 2. We are going to Disney for Thanksgiving week!!! This is DD5's second trip and technically DD2's second trip, since I was preggo with her the first time!

You all have been so inspiring me to get on some clothes for the kids!

Someone mentioned someone having digital designs. I have an embroidery machine and would love to see what they have! (If you get my inuendos here!)

I have a Viking so I need HUS files or I can convert PES.

If you know who, can you send me either a link or an email with contact info, my address is msumissa @ yahoo.com (without the spaces!)

Thanks so much. I look forward to posting.

I just made a twirl skirt this week for my DD5 with frog princes on it. (Practice!)

OK, I am an idiot and re read the first post about HeatherSue. Please ignore me now!

:welcome: !!!
Just finished up Part Three of the Vida Sew Along. I am going to hop in the shower and then finish the whole thing. Thanks for sticking with me!
Just finished up Part Three of the Vida Sew Along. I am going to hop in the shower and then finish the whole thing. Thanks for sticking with me!

You are so good to us!!:woohoo::woohoo: I really do appreciate the info you put on your blog, I have it marked as a favorite!
Okay Queen Karen!I'm about to take the plunge...my parents are paying for half of the cricut that is on sale at Joann's and I got a coupon for free shipping...I'm so cheap I have had to really justify this to myself over and over again! But I know I'm gonna love it! I just spent the last week buying new clothes for everyone in the family but me for school and work. Since I never go anywhere mine last longer...so I guess this will make up for it!

I'm so excited! I should have it by my birthday...I may have to make myself a card!:lmao:

Congrats!! I have the orginal (or "little" bug) and love it!!! Have fun with it!!!!
Just finished up Part Three of the Vida Sew Along. I am going to hop in the shower and then finish the whole thing. Thanks for sticking with me!

I'm loving the sew along. This might push me over the edge into buying the pattern...if I can figure out where to buy it. I'm almost positive someone listed a source once, but now I can't find it.
Ohh I love all the new Hallowen and Christmas outfits posted. Sorry I don't have time to quote everything individually. Love all the new outfits I have seen!!!

Hoping and praying for Marah and her family!!!!

Praying for the family that is now caring for the two little boys! What a sweet thing to do!!

Have a great day everyone!!!
Just finished up Part Three of the Vida Sew Along. I am going to hop in the shower and then finish the whole thing. Thanks for sticking with me!

I don't sew much, adn don't have the pattern, but have enjoyed reading this tutorial. I'm tempted to buy the pattern now...just because:)


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