Disboutiquers Part 14 Kids Disney Boutique / Customs Clothes psst..we sew

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Very cute and a great idea!
Hello all! I am enjoying reading and looking at at all the wonderful pictures. Love the Friends Around the World outfit; it looks like a winner to me!

I was working on an elastic back option for kid pants and finished the tutorial HERE. Hope this help someone!

You ladies have been busy! I am loving all the new creations everyone has made. They're all gorgeous!

I haven't been around lately or sewing much lately, but I did make a blankt and taggie for my cousins baby Ava.
So I know this awesome lady who is really super creative. She created an ebook and I had the fantastic oppertunity to test it out for her. If I didn't test it, I would totally buy it here..

here is what I made. I totally love it. you can make it look dressy boutiqueish or dress it down with jeans and a Tshirt under it.



So cute! I love seeing pics of Georgia! just puts a smile on my face!

Hello all! I am enjoying reading and looking at at all the wonderful pictures. Love the Friends Around the World outfit; it looks like a winner to me!

I was working on an elastic back option for kid pants and finished the tutorial HERE. Hope this help someone!

Steph I LOVE:love: this outfit! So cute and I can't wait to check out the tutorial!

Also saw some things, but my multi quote thing is wonky, so I am going to try and remember:

LOVE the mermaid applique! Great job so cute!

The baby in the tulle- AWWWWWWWWWWWWW! What else can you say? Just adorable.

CarlaC's easy fits are the best pants shorts pattern!

MinnieVanMom- LOVE all of your outfits and how you all match! The grownup snow white is GREAT!

Okay, I know I am forgetting somethings so sorry! Everything is FANTASTIC!
I want to thank Kathy - dis Id NaeNae for helping me with these! She was a super help!! thank you...
I decided to go with the gerber cloth diapers... sadly walmart was all out.. so had to go to Babies r us but I got them done! woo hoo! I hope the mommy likes them...... My first time ever doing these




Those are adorable!

Well... seems like all I get is bad news lately. or at least the bad over rides the good.

I think I told you all that when I went to my mom's to help out with my step dad my mom had been sick. she thought it was just a cold a really really bad cold. She went to the dr it was Bronchitis that was a few weeks ago. last week she got worse. Went to the dr for a MRI, they found a lump on her lung. They did surgery yesterday and a PET scan to find out if its cancerous or not. She is at the specialist office today. I haven't heard from her yet.

Please keep her in your prayers. thanks, I know there is so much love on this board.

:hug: I hope she's okay Kelly! And Georgia looks darling in her criss cross top! That is a great color on her!

Look at Baby Abby in her dress!:cloud9: I am a proud Auntie!


she looks beautiful! And so fancy!

I am closing in the outfits for DL. We leave Sat afternoon. I still have 2 capri with cuff and belts in red dots and two shirts for DH. The on the wish list is a kimono style dress shirt for the DS BFF.





Jeanne, It was so nice of you to make the original shirt for Hunter. We liked them so much I made them for the others. Thank you again.


Linnette helped me with this dress and we got it done in an evening. After a few adjustments. Don't make this with a ribbed knit top, it doesn't work well as you can see.

Everything looks great April! You are one hot Snow White! (even headless)

Well here it is. My first completed applique with my new embroidery machine!! I am working on an UP outfit for my son also. I work at Gymboree so I just did this one real quick to go with a pair of knits shorts from the mermaid magic line. I am pretty happy with the results. It's one of Dena's designs. The pic is kinda blurry but you guys get the idea.

That is adorable!

Size Question for a simply sweet halter
Sophia is in between sizes should I go up a size or down??

I would probably go up because you can tighten it up with the elastic in the back. I have also used the buttonhole elastic to make the back adjustable.

Hello all! I am enjoying reading and looking at at all the wonderful pictures. Love the Friends Around the World outfit; it looks like a winner to me!

I was working on an elastic back option for kid pants and finished the tutorial HERE. Hope this help someone!

I love love love it Steph! Tell Megan she looks particularly lovely today!

You ladies have been busy! I am loving all the new creations everyone has made. They're all gorgeous!

I haven't been around lately or sewing much lately, but I did make a blankt and taggie for my cousins baby Ava.

very cute, love the fabrics!
Stephres!!! I love the outfit you made Megan. This is my favorite that you have ever done!! Adorable!! :)
My life is going bonkers right now - DD (5 mo) is having hearing issues, I have kidney stones and a kidney infection, and DH is deploying. My therapy - SEWING :cool1: Anyways, I have decided to try some appliques. :eek: I want to do Sebastian and Flounder and was sent cutouts from a sheet (thank you Laura!). Should I just put them on the t-shirt or would I be better off using different materials and piecing it together?

Also, I would like to make my youngest dd a shirt and applique a Mickey head on it for the Christmas party... she will be 10 months old when we go, so probably in the size 9-12 months. Does anyone know a good pattern I should use? I've always used Simplicity, Buttericks, and McCalls, but am willing to venture into the YCMT patterns.

I want to thank Kathy - dis Id NaeNae for helping me with these! She was a super help!! thank you...
I decided to go with the gerber cloth diapers... sadly walmart was all out.. so had to go to Babies r us but I got them done! woo hoo! I hope the mommy likes them...... My first time ever doing these



I love these! They are so cute!
Okay I am still trying to decide if I like the skirt or not. It seemed like a great idea in my head, but in reality it totally clashes with itself..... it is at least 50 different prints and the only thing they have in common is that they are all Disney, none of the colors or tones are similar.

Taylor was watching an old Disney VHS and there was a preview that talked about how it all started with a mouse, then it panned out to hundreds of small pixel like squares and then slowly zoomed in revealing different disney movies/characters. I was trying to capture that idea, but I don't know if I was able to pull it off, it may just be a few too many different colors.



I couldn't really get any good pics, taylor was not in a posing mood....she kept doing this before my camera would flash


Here you might be able to see the outfit better since she wouldn't hold still.

I love this outfit; the top really makes the whole thing come together and work; so unique and I love, love the applique!
Well... seems like all I get is bad news lately. or at least the bad over rides the good.

I think I told you all that when I went to my mom's to help out with my step dad my mom had been sick. she thought it was just a cold a really really bad cold. She went to the dr it was Bronchitis that was a few weeks ago. last week she got worse. Went to the dr for a MRI, they found a lump on her lung. They did surgery yesterday and a PET scan to find out if its cancerous or not. She is at the specialist office today. I haven't heard from her yet.

Please keep her in your prayers. thanks, I know there is so much love on this board.
Oh hon... we're praying!
Look at Baby Abby in her dress!:cloud9: I am a proud Auntie!

gorgeous; a vision of pink perfection!
I am closing in the outfits for DL. We leave Sat afternoon. I still have 2 capri with cuff and belts in red dots and two shirts for DH. The on the wish list is a kimono style dress shirt for the DS BFF.





Jeanne, It was so nice of you to make the original shirt for Hunter. We liked them so much I made them for the others. Thank you again.


Linnette helped me with this dress and we got it done in an evening. After a few adjustments. Don't make this with a ribbed knit top, it doesn't work well as you can see.
these are great; and it looks like snow white is all grown up! Second the emotion of keeping your head in the pics!
Hello all! I am enjoying reading and looking at at all the wonderful pictures. Love the Friends Around the World outfit; it looks like a winner to me!

I was working on an elastic back option for kid pants and finished the tutorial HERE. Hope this help someone!

This outfit is really gorgeous! I think I'm gonna have to break down and buy that pattern for the top; I really, really love your choice of fabrics and how you brought the applique to the shorts; perfect!
You ladies have been busy! I am loving all the new creations everyone has made. They're all gorgeous!

I haven't been around lately or sewing much lately, but I did make a blankt and taggie for my cousins baby Ava.

Ok, still no baby. I don't think it's ever coming. To be fair I'm not due for 12 more days but still....
Tifani you cracky me up expecting this baby to come so early! Just enjoy yourself, that baby will be here soon enough!

Aww, look how cute she is!!! Great job Kelly!

And my mom called yesterday to tell me that she was a klutz and she shattered her knee cap. She is having surgery today. I am such a total brat, the first thing that I thought of was- how is she going to get around the park in Sept. I didn't say anything to her, but I feel like such a jerk thinking that. If they can repair it, they will, but she will have pins in her knee for 6 months, then another surgery. The other option is removing the knee cap all together- seem like you need that, but apparently, you don't. In that case, she would be OK with just some rehab. She is really pushing for the second option as it has a quicker recovery. I just want her to be OK either way.
Oh no! I hope your Mom heals up quickly!! My Grandma doesn't have a knee cap, so apparently, you don't need it! Weird, huh?

Hello all! I am enjoying reading and looking at at all the wonderful pictures. Love the Friends Around the World outfit; it looks like a winner to me!

I was working on an elastic back option for kid pants and finished the tutorial HERE. Hope this help someone!

I love that little set Steph! Thanks for the tutorial!

You ladies have been busy! I am loving all the new creations everyone has made. They're all gorgeous!

I haven't been around lately or sewing much lately, but I did make a blankt and taggie for my cousins baby Ava.

Daniela! I saw the pictures of that baby on Facebook, she is SOOOO cute!!!!! And, I just love your haircut!

These blankets and taggie are so pretty!!!!

My life is going bonkers right now - DD (5 mo) is having hearing issues, I have kidney stones and a kidney infection, and DH is deploying. My therapy - SEWING :cool1: Anyways, I have decided to try some appliques. :eek: I want to do Sebastian and Flounder and was sent cutouts from a sheet (thank you Laura!). Should I just put them on the t-shirt or would I be better off using different materials and piecing it together?

Also, I would like to make my youngest dd a shirt and applique a Mickey head on it for the Christmas party... she will be 10 months old when we go, so probably in the size 9-12 months. Does anyone know a good pattern I should use? I've always used Simplicity, Buttericks, and McCalls, but am willing to venture into the YCMT patterns.

:hug: Sorry you are having a hard time right now!

I love the Portrait Peasant Top from YCMT (by Carla of course!) and the Simply Sweet is really nice too. Both can be tops or dresses. And, you will be able to use them both for a long time!
Here is a photo of DDs Animal Kingdom outfit. Keep in mind the material and design were all HER creation and she has a flair for the outrageous

Well here it is. My first completed applique with my new embroidery machine!! I am working on an UP outfit for my son also. I work at Gymboree so I just did this one real quick to go with a pair of knits shorts from the mermaid magic line. I am pretty happy with the results. It's one of Dena's designs. The pic is kinda blurry but you guys get the idea.

OOoh that is so adorable! I really love it. great job!

And my mom called yesterday to tell me that she was a klutz and she shattered her knee cap. She is having surgery today. I am such a total brat, the first thing that I thought of was- how is she going to get around the park in Sept. I didn't say anything to her, but I feel like such a jerk thinking that. If they can repair it, they will, but she will have pins in her knee for 6 months, then another surgery. The other option is removing the knee cap all together- seem like you need that, but apparently, you don't. In that case, she would be OK with just some rehab. She is really pushing for the second option as it has a quicker recovery. I just want her to be OK either way.

awwh bummer, that is no fun. Speaking from another klutz, it really sucks being down and not being able to walk! I hope your mom has a quick recovery and feels better soon!

My life is going bonkers right now - DD (5 mo) is having hearing issues, I have kidney stones and a kidney infection, and DH is deploying. My therapy - SEWING :cool1: Anyways, I have decided to try some appliques. :eek: I want to do Sebastian and Flounder and was sent cutouts from a sheet (thank you Laura!). Should I just put them on the t-shirt or would I be better off using different materials and piecing it together?

Also, I would like to make my youngest dd a shirt and applique a Mickey head on it for the Christmas party... she will be 10 months old when we go, so probably in the size 9-12 months. Does anyone know a good pattern I should use? I've always used Simplicity, Buttericks, and McCalls, but am willing to venture into the YCMT patterns.


awwh hunny, I feel ya. bad always seems to pile up at one time. Which is why I am learning when little things happen that are good, we really need to think of them as great things. And that even if its small, its a positive and we need to focus on that! Trust me, Im waiting for that positive to come my way. haha I hope you feel better soon! I hope you get your dd's hearing figured out and everything works out. Peasant top and the simply sweet that were suggested are great patterns from YCMT! I fully support that suggestion. haha Two of my favorites. Also, Crystal just made a criss cross apple sauce pattern for etsy, that is super great. and whips up very quick and easy. lots of open space for applique. I am actually working on one with a mickey head applique too. I will post it when I am done.
you can find that pattern here.

good luck!
Lori - your finished burp cloths are CUTE!! My favorite burp cloth was dish towels from Wal-Mart. They are similar to a micro-fiber and have a waffle-weave design. They come in a pack of 2 or 3 for about $5. They are double the size of a traditional burp cloth, so you can embroider, sew it in half and you have a traditional size burp cloth, but without your embroidery back-side showing.
I might try that next time.. never thought of that!!

Those are very pretty Lori. I;m sure mom will appreciate them very much.
I think she will...... I will be mailing them out today, so I will keep you posted!

Size Question for a simply sweet halter
Sophia is in between sizes should I go up a size or down??

I would go up.... better to be a little bigger than smaller
You ladies have been busy! I am loving all the new creations everyone has made. They're all gorgeous!

I haven't been around lately or sewing much lately, but I did make a blankt and taggie for my cousins baby Ava.

Love the taggie blanket!!! totally adorable!!!
Here is a photo of DDs Animal Kingdom outfit. Keep in mind the material and design were all HER creation and she has a flair for the outrageous


Wow; I love the color combos and the way you worked the flamingo into the mickey head; cute idea- and definitely unique!

Princess Kell: lost the qoute, but love Georgia's outfit; great job; the capris really make it!
I want to thank Kathy - dis Id NaeNae for helping me with these! She was a super help!! thank you...
I decided to go with the gerber cloth diapers... sadly walmart was all out.. so had to go to Babies r us but I got them done! woo hoo! I hope the mommy likes them...... My first time ever doing these




These look great! I wish I'd gotten such cute stuff when I'd had a baby shower. :thumbsup2

Okay I am still trying to decide if I like the skirt or not. It seemed like a great idea in my head, but in reality it totally clashes with itself..... it is at least 50 different prints and the only thing they have in common is that they are all Disney, none of the colors or tones are similar.

Taylor was watching an old Disney VHS and there was a preview that talked about how it all started with a mouse, then it panned out to hundreds of small pixel like squares and then slowly zoomed in revealing different disney movies/characters. I was trying to capture that idea, but I don't know if I was able to pull it off, it may just be a few too many different colors.



Here you might be able to see the outfit better since she wouldn't hold still.


Looks great!!!

Well... seems like all I get is bad news lately. or at least the bad over rides the good.

I think I told you all that when I went to my mom's to help out with my step dad my mom had been sick. she thought it was just a cold a really really bad cold. She went to the dr it was Bronchitis that was a few weeks ago. last week she got worse. Went to the dr for a MRI, they found a lump on her lung. They did surgery yesterday and a PET scan to find out if its cancerous or not. She is at the specialist office today. I haven't heard from her yet.

Please keep her in your prayers. thanks, I know there is so much love on this board.
HUGS!!! I hope you find out that it's not cancer!
It is definitely worth it for all of the patterns you get. I have seen several dresses made out of the book and they are gorgeous. I love her patterns. She is very detailed. I don't have the book yet. I have patterns coming out of my ears.

Miranda!!! I love your 2nd Boo dress!!! That fabric was so perfect for that. Where did you get the flower one?? Your progress is really amazing. Your hubby will be so lucky to come home to such a great seamstress. Omgosh.. Is he in the Army? I can't remember. There is a really cute embroidery design on sewforum that has combat boots and says "My Hero Wears Combat Boots" on it. I can point you in the direction if you are interested.

Sorry to hear about your mom PrincessKell. I said a prayer for you and your family.

Here is the Sleeping Beauty dress my mom made for when they went to DW. I think I like it better with the ribbon strap thingie. It keeps it up pretty good. She just took the sleeves off of the costume pattern she had. I just did the embroidery.
It is getting short on her now. Guess that means its ruffle time. ;)
I couldnt remember if the collar just stands up, but I turned it down in one of the picture.. it goes up right? oops.. thats why I took another picture. yes, that was the best one I could get. I had to promise her that I would email the picture to Aurora for the first one....
If anyone has her email let me know please.


Look at Baby Abby in her dress!:cloud9: I am a proud Auntie!

Awwww adorable!

I am closing in the outfits for DL. We leave Sat afternoon. I still have 2 capri with cuff and belts in red dots and two shirts for DH. The on the wish list is a kimono style dress shirt for the DS BFF.





Jeanne, It was so nice of you to make the original shirt for Hunter. We liked them so much I made them for the others. Thank you again.


Linnette helped me with this dress and we got it done in an evening. After a few adjustments. Don't make this with a ribbed knit top, it doesn't work well as you can see.

Wow, you were definitely busy!

Well here it is. My first completed applique with my new embroidery machine!! I am working on an UP outfit for my son also. I work at Gymboree so I just did this one real quick to go with a pair of knits shorts from the mermaid magic line. I am pretty happy with the results. It's one of Dena's designs. The pic is kinda blurry but you guys get the idea.

LOVE it (love the Gymbo line, too, lol!)! You'd make tons of money selling shirts like those on the Gymbo threads. =D

So I know this awesome lady who is really super creative. She created an ebook and I had the fantastic oppertunity to test it out for her. If I didn't test it, I would totally buy it here..

here is what I made. I totally love it. you can make it look dressy boutiqueish or dress it down with jeans and a Tshirt under it.


Very sweet, and I love the matching headband too!

I made up my own pattern for some board shorts with elastic for Tyler last year. It was pretty easy.

Those look like they fit really well.

Hello all! I am enjoying reading and looking at at all the wonderful pictures. Love the Friends Around the World outfit; it looks like a winner to me!

I was working on an elastic back option for kid pants and finished the tutorial HERE. Hope this help someone!

So cute, love your fabrics as well.
You ladies have been busy! I am loving all the new creations everyone has made. They're all gorgeous!

I haven't been around lately or sewing much lately, but I did make a blankt and taggie for my cousins baby Ava.

Very cute, where's the floral fabric from?

Here is a photo of DDs Animal Kingdom outfit. Keep in mind the material and design were all HER creation and she has a flair for the outrageous


Nice! At least you don't have to worry about losing her in a crowd! ;)
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