Disboutiquers Part 14 Kids Disney Boutique / Customs Clothes psst..we sew

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Hi everyone! I hope you fabulous sew-ers don't mind me jumping onboard :goodvibes:
I've been an active member of the Dis for sometime now and I cannot believe I have never noticed your wonderful thread before :crazy:
I started to read through the posts last night and I've finally got through them all!! I have been into sewing for most of my life which led to me to becoming a Textiles teacher in high school (although looking at some of your work on here I feel quite inadequate) I don't sew too many outfits for my DD7 due to lack of time, but I am hoping to start making her some soon for our trip in August, so I hope you don't mind me 'borrowing' some of your wonderful ideas.

I have access to a Janome memory craft embroidery machine in school and have been practising quite a lot lately with digitising Disney pics. I'm just about to make some little Disney bottle coats (insulated hoodie jackets to keep bottles of water cool) for our trip and will post pics as soon as they are finished :thumbsup2

What really grabbed my attention here was the Mickey Cupcake applique, oh my gosh it is soooo cute. I would love to make one of those!!! Is there anywhere that I could find that to buy or did someone really clever make the stitch file for it? Any help would be much appreciated.

:thanks: for such a wonderful thread, and I hope you all don't mind me joining you :grouphug:

Welcome! I can't wait to see your "bottle coats" that is the cutest name for them! One of our fellow disboutiquers Heather digitized the cute cupcake (and lots of other stuff). You can find it here:
Welcome! I can't wait to see your "bottle coats" that is the cutest name for them! One of our fellow disboutiquers Heather digitized the cute cupcake (and lots of other stuff). You can find it here:

Thanks so much for the welcome!! and for the info on the cupcake, I've just got the pack that has the cupcake, ice-cream cone and lollipops. I'm soooo excited, I can't wait for the file to arrive. Now to search out some cute fabric :cool1:

I want to thank Kathy - dis Id NaeNae for helping me with these! She was a super help!! thank you...
I decided to go with the gerber cloth diapers... sadly walmart was all out.. so had to go to Babies r us but I got them done! woo hoo! I hope the mommy likes them...... My first time ever doing these



I want to thank Kathy - dis Id NaeNae for helping me with these! She was a super help!! thank you...
I decided to go with the gerber cloth diapers... sadly walmart was all out.. so had to go to Babies r us but I got them done! woo hoo! I hope the mommy likes them...... My first time ever doing these




Lori those turned out so cute.:love: I was just wondering how they stitched out. I'm glad I could help you.
I want to thank Kathy - dis Id NaeNae for helping me with these! She was a super help!! thank you...
I decided to go with the gerber cloth diapers... sadly walmart was all out.. so had to go to Babies r us but I got them done! woo hoo! I hope the mommy likes them...... My first time ever doing these




Very cute Lori!
Just got back from WDW Sunday night and I'm trying desperately to get caught up. Still haven't unpacked yet! Like that's important.

Thanks to this message board, I may go broke.

Just keep telling yourself that you can't take it with you! :rotfl:

OK, thanks for being patient. I know I just have to put on my big girl pants and get over it... but I know y'all will understand the Disney disappointment. And to make it worse, DH "helped" by changing my computer wallpaper today- to Cinderella's castle. Yep, definitely a sensitive guy

I am a great believer that you need a vacation to recoup for the next set of work. But some things are just, or more, as important. And I think getting your things set at home is pretty high on the list. Sounds like a great hubby trying to make you feel better. Can you maybe do something for a weekend? and Disneyize it?

I thought I had seen it too, now that you mention it. When I went to where I thought it was, this is what I found, and I don't think it was it?

I love these. The maps are super cute.

Tberi, did you see they are starting to show pictures of the Johnny Depp in his Madd Hatter? He looks pretty freaky. Kind of like Bozo the Clown. The movie is going to be in 3D.

I made a boo dress as my first outfit, but now that I have improved a little I decided I don't like it much, so I made Taylor a new Boo outfit for Disney World since she loves boo.

Here are a few pictures of her and the boo outfit:


I liked the first one to. Did you use YCMT? Great pattern.

We had diaper pails that had water in them (I put 20 mule team borax in the water) and we flushed the "dirty" diaper before we soaked it. I would just empty the pail in the washer, run it through a rinse, then use dreft in the wash. No problems.

Cloth diapers were the only game in town!

I remember my Mother soaking them in the toilet and waiting for her to take them out so I could use it! :lmao:


Thanks for looking! I am so esited I just had to share!!! :banana::banana::banana:

I remember making myself one when I was in High school. I think I'll have to break down and get this one for myself. Yours all came out wonderful.

I guess I am finished with Cinderella's workdress.... I was going to put Jaq on the other side of the apron, but Taylor told me not to this morning, she said she doesn't want any boys on it. Taylor is going to wear this into BBB for some "before" pictures. Do you think this looks like cinderella's workdress?



Sorry my model just wanted to watch cartoons, so she isn't really paying any attention to me.

This is so cute! Great job.
Yep, that's it!!

Funny you would say that, becaus that's all I ever used. Mostly Gerber ones, and never had a problem with them leaking. But, I did usually double them up, so that could be why. I really loved them.
The Gerber DSQ diapers do not have polyfil but they are not the diapers that you can buy in the store anymore.

Let me begin by saying...I USED to think I was creative....now I see I am still such a beginner! I don't think I have EVER seen so much talent in one place!

So...what is the initiation to join? Do I have to prove myself with talent (if so I am in soooo much trouble!)
I always wondered why you guys were here in the fa ii iiiiiiiimily for um and not in the Creative ....after attempting to read through all these posts ( I confess, I ended up just 'borrowing' ideas and reading a few posts that caught my eye...and STILL spent 2 days getting to the end!) I now understand. You guys ARE a family. Albeit a very, very, VERY talented family!

I don't think it is fair to take and not give, so I'll have to get busy to see what I can come up with...we have 91 days before we go. Up until now I was obsessed with T shirts...now I've got a miliion other ideas. While I than you for the inspiration, my husband will probably HATE you...that's OK. We won't tell him where you are....

Welcome!!!!!!!!!!!! Now stop the chit chatting and get sewing!;)

I guess I am finished with Cinderella's workdress.... I was going to put Jaq on the other side of the apron, but Taylor told me not to this morning, she said she doesn't want any boys on it. Taylor is going to wear this into BBB for some "before" pictures. Do you think this looks like cinderella's workdress?


Sorry my model just wanted to watch cartoons, so she isn't really paying any attention to me.
Absolutely Fabulous! I am thinking of doing Belle's peasant dress for Zoe to wear into the BBB.

WOW, that's so nice. Thanks for stopping in. WELCOME! I'm gonna have to back a dis sista up and say READ THE FIRST POST!!!! Then if you have any questions left we will be glad to answer them. :thumbsup2 if you are looking at branching out from t-shirts Carla C's patterns are definitely the way to go. You can see in the photobucket that the peasant top, simply sweet and e-z fits (probably the easiest pant pattern in history) can really be made into ANYTHING.
Welcome aboard, looking forward to seeing your creations!

Fantastic!! I love this. great job. I'm w/ Taylor...Boys stink :rotfl:

I'm still trying to convince Lily to be Provincial Belle instead of ball room Belle for Halloween...but then if I make her the fancy dress, I can go as provincial Belle and that would be an easy costume for me. If I can lose some weight before then. LOL

Still NO BABY. I'll be 38 weeks tomorrow. I really expect to deliver before I hit 39, I'll keep you all posted.
Labor Vibes to you T!!!!
I just finished the set I'm making for the myasma Big Give. After seeing the cute twirl skirt my*2*angels made, I had to try one again. I pulled out some bright prints from my remnant box and found a tee in my stash that worked with it. I also decided to try a hat to match but I'm afraid it might be too big. I used a pattern from Ottobre magazine and I'm not sure where they measure to get the size for hats. I used the 50mm size since it's closest to the measurement Mya's mom gave but it looks huge on my little dress form.



I don't think I shared this tee in the past. I made it for a Big Give in March to go with a petti Teresa sent.


Oh, after seeing the bright colors of the twirl skirt, I had to use a similar color scheme for this Tink Vida. LOL

I still wannabe like you...
Lisa - thanks so much for the knit tips!!!

Okay - I finally have some pictures with real kids in them!!! YAY!!! My girls are sporting a brand new pattern which should be out real soon by Crystal!!!! Its the Criss Cross Applesauce top!!!! The back is so cute - summery and cool!!!




Fantastic job both Wendy and Crystal!!
I've been having contractions today but nothing steady at all, maybe 5 or 6 light ones all day long (ok, a few of them were a little rough) But here is a pic taken at the end of the party. DON'T pay too close attention to my ginormous ankles please. I've been up and about all day. Who am I kidding, those of you who know me know I've been up for days on end LOL

38 weeks as of 14 minutes ago
I wonder if I send you double labor vibes if it will happen faster?

I decided to take pictures of the dress I used based on the Friends Around the World Fabric. I made this to enter into the machine embroidery contest at MP Market. I didn't win, but I learned alot about what they are looking for in case I go back. I figured I would try something different since I knew most things would be heirloom. I wanted to catch people's attention. It seems they definitely prefer heirloom! Either that or they just don't like my dress.. hehe :)

It appears my camera has a smudge on the lens.



Absolutely freakin' fabulous! Would have won in my book!

This was our project for today. My bestest friend came to visit for a week and she is an awesome artist, so she showed me how to work with Fimo. I need more practice for SURE.


Here are the latest couple of things I've made for my girls. I love the fabrics! Lily's is all Jennifer Paganelli. I'm on the verge of making a peasant top to go under it because summer is just not happening here!


Love them both as usual!
I made these for both of the girls for my DD almost 3 bday trip in August. I think this might be my favorite outfit I have made in a while. DD's cute little seashell jellies are from the Disney Store.


Aimee, this is awesome!!! Where did you find the Ariel fabric.

I am excited to be sewing again now that my little one is 2 months. I have been lurking and have seen some beautiful stuff! I live the Friends Around the World outfit. I still have not found that fabric anywhere.

Here is my first of the summer to get ready for our trip in september. I was able to borrow a friend's Disney sewing machine! I have two little girls to sew for now. Though I am going to wait for closer to the trip to sew for Lily since she will change so much between now and then.

Here is the new outfit:


And here is my little Lily:

Just beautiful! The outfit too!

finished a cute princess set today.. really stuck to the machine today for this one!

Lori, this is one of my favorites of yours of all the ones you have made lately!
Okay I am still trying to decide if I like the skirt or not. It seemed like a great idea in my head, but in reality it totally clashes with itself..... it is at least 50 different prints and the only thing they have in common is that they are all Disney, none of the colors or tones are similar.

Taylor was watching an old Disney VHS and there was a preview that talked about how it all started with a mouse, then it panned out to hundreds of small pixel like squares and then slowly zoomed in revealing different disney movies/characters. I was trying to capture that idea, but I don't know if I was able to pull it off, it may just be a few too many different colors.



I couldn't really get any good pics, taylor was not in a posing mood....she kept doing this before my camera would flash


Here you might be able to see the outfit better since she wouldn't hold still.

I finished another set of outfits today. :) I made these outfits for my girls. I also made a matching tank for their 12 step cousin. The girls are going to wear these to the World Showcase at Epcot. I actually designed the entire outfit around the shoes. My oldest is really excited to eat cheesecake in Paris in her "Paris Kitty" skirt.

Do you think maybe a plain black and white polka dot skirt would be cute for the 12 year old? I am making her matching customs for the whole trip. At first I was going to do a few tanks but she asked if she could match the little girls the whole trip.





Oh that one is super cute too. I bet the tween teen flair skirt would be a good pair and matchy matchy for the cousin if she didn't want a stripwork skirt. But I think either would be great for a tween girl.
Any one else have problem for kids in between sizes in Crocs???? Im having that problem with Tim - maybe cause his feet are amost square (lol) but 12/13's dont fit him and the 1/2's are HUGE on him....anyone do anything to make them work for tweeners???

I'm inbetween also, and usually stick with the sandals as they fit better. But I read, and have not tried this, that you can heat them up in the drier, then wear huge fluffy socks with them, to get some stretch.

BTW - I was looking at the Brother website and it looks like they have larger hoops. Mine still won't embroider a larger design but it sounds like the larger hoop makes it unnecessary to rehoop - somehow.

I have the Brother 180D, it's 4X4. The directions show to use a larger hoop. When you look at the bar that holds the hoop, mine has 2 grooves for the circles on the hoops to snap down into. Am I making sense? With a larger hoop, there are 3 round circles, so you can move the hoop up or down. I keep thinking I'd like to get the larger hoop, but then I have hoop envy and just want to get a larger machine. I'll see what the end of summer brings. Also, my machine has an adjuster, so I can move the hoop up or down to a certain point.

I am guessing it is a computerized machine right?? She said that one of the Babylock educators told her that this is a problem with their machines. May only be certain ones though. I am going to try a new technique on my serger too.

I decided to take pictures of the dress I used based on the Friends Around the World Fabric. I made this to enter into the machine embroidery contest at MP Market. I didn't win, but I learned alot about what they are looking for in case I go back. I figured I would try something different since I knew most things would be heirloom. I wanted to catch people's attention. It seems they definitely prefer heirloom! Either that or they just don't like my dress.. hehe :)

It appears my camera has a smudge on the lens.

Okay.. off to sew for real now. ;)


Bummer on the Tusker House! Those are some EARLY breakfast ressies!!! It will be nice to be up and have the day started though while most are still sleeping! It pays to be early most of the time!

I didn't make one adr for this trip. We just showed up and tried out luck. There were only 2 of us, but we got to eat breakfast in Cinderellas castle, dinner at Chef Mickeys' and someplace else to, I forget where. Just show up and see what happens.

You're not a bad mom at all. I remember going to summer camp at that age. I loved it because I got to be away for awhile. It wasn't a full month but I think I'd have loved to be able to go for that length of time if it had been an option.

I signed Zoe up for 2 weeks of day camp through the city parks and rec department. Today was her first day and she loved it! They have a total of 8 weeks so we're making sure she likes it before we commit to more. However, I hope she wants to continue because it will mean I don't have to deal with the petty squabbling and 'mean girl' tricks some of the neighborhood girls subject Zoe to. I get so tired of the 'I'm not your friend' head games these girls play. Honestly, although Zoe can be a real 'girly girl' at times, she actually seems to get along better with the boys because she likes to play soccer, wall ball, etc. rather than Barbies. With the day camp, she'll have lots of different kids to play with in a supervised setting and I won't have to feel guilty for sewing much of the day.

We have that going on here to. I swear, they play the game to see how long it takes them to make her cry. And the parents across the street, I could shoot. Kirsta will play with the girls next door. The boy across the street says to the girls come over. But he won't invite Kirsta or let her in the back yard. The parents know he's doing it, they've been out front when he's done it. Plus Kirsta asks for these girls to be at her bday party every year. They show up half was through it and have never once invited her over to thier parties. It's not like you can just move to get away from rude and obnoxious people.
Here is my dress for Mya's Big Give. It is reversible.

She likes pink, so I put a lot of pink on the princess side. I had to make the strips wide in order to get the full princess and her initial into the design. Each princess strip is 2 princesses blocks sewn together. I couldn't put a ruffle because that would have made it too long.
That is really cute! I love that you made it reversible!!!

here are some bags I made as teacher gifts - they are both totally reversible and each have a matching zipper wristlet. My DS's teacher loves moose and he picked the materials- sorry the pics are so big


I love the bags and that dress is GORGEOUS!!!

I made these for both of the girls for my DD almost 3 bday trip in August. I think this might be my favorite outfit I have made in a while. DD's cute little seashell jellies are from the Disney Store.

Aimee that is just so stinkin cute!!!

I am excited to be sewing again now that my little one is 2 months. I have been lurking and have seen some beautiful stuff! I live the Friends Around the World outfit. I still have not found that fabric anywhere.

Here is my first of the summer to get ready for our trip in september. I was able to borrow a friend's Disney sewing machine! I have two little girls to sew for now. Though I am going to wait for closer to the trip to sew for Lily since she will change so much between now and then.

Here is the new outfit:


And here is my little Lily:


AWWW!!! I love the pictures!!! The outfit is adorable!!!! Your daughter is getting too big! And the baby is just precious!!! Another Lily!!!

finished a cute princess set today.. really stuck to the machine today for this one!


I finished another set of outfits today. :) I made these outfits for my girls. I also made a matching tank for their 12 step cousin. The girls are going to wear these to the World Showcase at Epcot. I actually designed the entire outfit around the shoes. My oldest is really excited to eat cheesecake in Paris in her "Paris Kitty" skirt.

Do you think maybe a plain black and white polka dot skirt would be cute for the 12 year old? I am making her matching customs for the whole trip. At first I was going to do a few tanks but she asked if she could match the little girls the whole trip.

I love seeing all these pictures of Sophee!!! She is just such a little doll baby!!! LOOOVE the Marie set!!!!

Thanks so much for the welcome!! and for the info on the cupcake, I've just got the pack that has the cupcake, ice-cream cone and lollipops. I'm soooo excited, I can't wait for the file to arrive. Now to search out some cute fabric :cool1:


Yeah!!! That will make Heather happy!!! :thumbsup2 I love the lollipop design she made!!!

I want to thank Kathy - dis Id NaeNae for helping me with these! She was a super help!! thank you...
I decided to go with the gerber cloth diapers... sadly walmart was all out.. so had to go to Babies r us but I got them done! woo hoo! I hope the mommy likes them...... My first time ever doing these



I always loved getting burp cloths when I had my babies! I'm sure the Mommy is going to be thrilled, these are beautiful!

The Gerber DSQ diapers do not have polyfil but they are not the diapers that you can buy in the store anymore.

Lori, this is one of my favorites of yours of all the ones you have made lately!

I think the ones I used have had polyfil in them, at least it looked like it when they ripped. But, I noticed at Meijer yesterday that Dundee had a brand with a sponge layer. I wasn't sure what that was all about. Of course my kids think I'm a little nuts because I always like to look through the baby sections of the stores for no apparent reason! I tell them I'm just doing research for future grandkids! :thumbsup2
Okay I am still trying to decide if I like the skirt or not. It seemed like a great idea in my head, but in reality it totally clashes with itself..... it is at least 50 different prints and the only thing they have in common is that they are all Disney, none of the colors or tones are similar.

Taylor was watching an old Disney VHS and there was a preview that talked about how it all started with a mouse, then it panned out to hundreds of small pixel like squares and then slowly zoomed in revealing different disney movies/characters. I was trying to capture that idea, but I don't know if I was able to pull it off, it may just be a few too many different colors.



I couldn't really get any good pics, taylor was not in a posing mood....she kept doing this before my camera would flash


Here you might be able to see the outfit better since she wouldn't hold still.


I actually really do like it alot!
Okay I am still trying to decide if I like the skirt or not. It seemed like a great idea in my head, but in reality it totally clashes with itself..... it is at least 50 different prints and the only thing they have in common is that they are all Disney, none of the colors or tones are similar.



I must say it's my style and I love it.


I can't get photobucket to cooperate with me, but this is one project, my nephews bowling shirt. It's based on madras.

I make Kirsta a skirt like yours attatched to a denim jumpe top, she's outgrown the jumper, so I'm going to cut it off and make a skirt. I also do patched sweatshirts. My favorite. The last one, I based on a color spectrum. One sleeve was the pinks, the center was the greens, and the other sleeve blues. I like the way that came out.
I have been trying for the last hour or two to get an embroidery file from my computer to my machine. Does anyone have a Janome 10000? Or think they can help.
When I press send to the machine an error message comes up saying "cannot be registered". I have read all the books and cant find out what I am doing wrong.
Just thought I would ask here if anyone can help I would really appreciate it. Thanks!
Hey Fairygoodmother,

This is probably too late, but the Picture of the week on Allearsnet shows 2 little girls in sleeveless Sleeping Beauty costumes:


Sometimes a picture is worth a thousand words.......

Let us know how your special project turns out!
Where can you get a bigger hoop for it??? I've never seen one, and I'd sure love to see how much I have to save for me :lmao: Though the 5x7's are nice, I have the software and like it too :)
You can get the Hoop It All Kit http://www.singertexas.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&products_id=196

I don't know how it works but that cat is pretty.

I finished another set of outfits today. :) I made these outfits for my girls. I also made a matching tank for their 12 step cousin. The girls are going to wear these to the World Showcase at Epcot. I actually designed the entire outfit around the shoes. My oldest is really excited to eat cheesecake in Paris in her "Paris Kitty" skirt.

Do you think maybe a plain black and white polka dot skirt would be cute for the 12 year old? I am making her matching customs for the whole trip. At first I was going to do a few tanks but she asked if she could match the little girls the whole trip.

Very pretty I love the fabrics you chose.
Hi everyone! I hope you fabulous sew-ers don't mind me jumping onboard :goodvibes:
I've been an active member of the Dis for sometime now and I cannot believe I have never noticed your wonderful thread before :crazy:
I started to read through the posts last night and I've finally got through them all!! I have been into sewing for most of my life which led to me to becoming a Textiles teacher in high school (although looking at some of your work on here I feel quite inadequate) I don't sew too many outfits for my DD7 due to lack of time, but I am hoping to start making her some soon for our trip in August, so I hope you don't mind me 'borrowing' some of your wonderful ideas.

I have access to a Janome memory craft embroidery machine in school and have been practising quite a lot lately with digitising Disney pics. I'm just about to make some little Disney bottle coats (insulated hoodie jackets to keep bottles of water cool) for our trip and will post pics as soon as they are finished :thumbsup2

What really grabbed my attention here was the Mickey Cupcake applique, oh my gosh it is soooo cute. I would love to make one of those!!! Is there anywhere that I could find that to buy or did someone really clever make the stitch file for it? Any help would be much appreciated.

:thanks: for such a wonderful thread, and I hope you all don't mind me joining you :grouphug:
I want to thank Kathy - dis Id NaeNae for helping me with these! She was a super help!! thank you...
I decided to go with the gerber cloth diapers... sadly walmart was all out.. so had to go to Babies r us but I got them done! woo hoo! I hope the mommy likes them...... My first time ever doing these



Those turned out really nicely!:thumbsup2I think they will be a great gift.
Okay I am still trying to decide if I like the skirt or not. It seemed like a great idea in my head, but in reality it totally clashes with itself..... it is at least 50 different prints and the only thing they have in common is that they are all Disney, none of the colors or tones are similar.

Taylor was watching an old Disney VHS and there was a preview that talked about how it all started with a mouse, then it panned out to hundreds of small pixel like squares and then slowly zoomed in revealing different disney movies/characters. I was trying to capture that idea, but I don't know if I was able to pull it off, it may just be a few too many different colors.

Here you might be able to see the outfit better since she wouldn't hold still.

I like it! :thumbsup2 I love the idea and I think you executed it quite well.
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