DIS Divas Trip! (old thread, see first post for link to new one)

4 digits? :eek: :lmao: I can't plan too far out. I never thought of myself as superstitious but I guess I am when it comes to trips. If I plan too far out, I worry something bad will come up that will prevent me from going. These Diva trips are as far out as I plan. But on the flip side, planning does give you something to do and look forward to. ::yes::
I wish you lived closer!! It's been too long since I've seen you. And, I'd love to see Maddie again and Payson, too!

I love planning. If I could I would be a disney travel agent. I am just too busy with everything in my life. But I think planning trips is so fun...no matter how far out. I love having a trip to look forward to. :goodvibes

Someday...maybe soon, we will have to come through vegas and come say hi! We are planning a visit for sometime next year to California to visit my family. If we drive, we need to have a little meet up! I need to see those girls of yours. They are growing so fast. I think the last time I saw them, they were 8 or 9. Time FLIES!
Good morning, ladies! Or I should say, almost afternoon. This day is flying by. I went to the dentist this morning to be fitted for my partials. (some of you have been reading along on FB about my dental visits lately) Looking forward to just getting it done. I am not a fan of the dentist!
Anyway. Hope you all have a good day. :goodvibes

Ugh, that sucks. Not a good start to the day at all. Although I read your FB status and am glad today is much better. :thumbsup2

Our back patio and our car are covered in yellow from all the pollen! At least I guess that's what it is. It doesn't bother me much, but poor Lindsey gets hit hard. Not yet, but she will. Watery eyes, runny nose. I better make sure we have Benadryl.

I added those who went this year, but of course I can add you back on there. The pic I had of you and your mom were so old. Let me know if you'd like a more recent one. :)

Okay, Maureen. I'll see if I can track you down! :thumbsup2

Ugh the pollen is so bad huh? I washed the car Sunday and when I came out to the car on Monday it was covered in yellow pollen and looks like I never washed it :confused3

Doing better again today but a bed does sound so inviting. :thumbsup2 Just seem so tired lately but oh well. I may do some OT here at work as they opened it up for us and for every 4 hours we get a ticket to win a ipad. hmmm
Hello, ladies! Happy Hump Day! :banana:

I just wanted to say I listened to the podcast and you all sounded great. Of course we are a fabulous group of women!
You're right, the Divas are a fabulous group! :thumbsup2 We were all so nervous though. When it was done, we all sort of breathed a collective sigh of relief. lol

I listened to it the other night too. You guys did a great job. Loved it! :)

Someday...maybe soon, we will have to come through vegas and come say hi! We are planning a visit for sometime next year to California to visit my family. If we drive, we need to have a little meet up! I need to see those girls of yours. They are growing so fast. I think the last time I saw them, they were 8 or 9. Time FLIES!
Yes, let me know when you are in CA. We can totally plan to meet you there! ::yes::

Ugh the pollen is so bad huh? I washed the car Sunday and when I came out to the car on Monday it was covered in yellow pollen and looks like I never washed it :confused3

Doing better again today but a bed does sound so inviting. :thumbsup2 Just seem so tired lately but oh well. I may do some OT here at work as they opened it up for us and for every 4 hours we get a ticket to win a ipad. hmmm

Same here. We washed it Sunday and the next day it was yellow again.

Good luck on winning the iPad! Ruben works this weekend so it's overtime both days. I hate that he has to work so hard, but overtime is REALLY rare for him now. Maybe once every few months, if that. So, we are grateful for the opportunity.
:cool1: TGIF Divas! :cool1:

Just checking in and catching up on the thread! Busy weekend for us we are attending an outdoor wedding and of course its calling for rain...boo! I sure hope the bride has a backup plan!

Hubby's b-day is on Sunday too and I am stumped on what to get him this year.....

Hope everyone has a steller weekend!
Hello, ladies! It's finally Friday. Long week this was.... No big weekend plans for us though. Ruben has to work this weekend, but it's over time which is really rare, so we are happy about it. We might go to the movies one night. I have a gift card from my sister-in-law to use up, and Liam Neeson is calling my name! lol His new movie "Non-stop" looks like it could be good. We'll see.

Well, whatever your plans are, have a wonderful weekend, everyone! :hippie:

:cool1: TGIF Divas! :cool1:

Just checking in and catching up on the thread! Busy weekend for us we are attending an outdoor wedding and of course its calling for rain...boo! I sure hope the bride has a backup plan!

Hubby's b-day is on Sunday too and I am stumped on what to get him this year.....

Hope everyone has a steller weekend!
Hey, Jennifer! :) An outdoor wedding sounds nice, although I hope the rain doesn't spoil it. They say rain on your wedding day is good luck. :wizard:

Speaking of luck... good luck finding a gift for your hubby! I am sure you will think of something wonderful. :)
:thumbsup2Well since it's not my Friday as I am going to be working tomorrow happy Friday to everyone else.

Wanted to share a funny. Last night my bff and I were shopping at Costco and decided to grab a snack after at the counter there. We sat and shared a
fat free frozen yogurt and people watched. We noticed a very pregnant woman who was obviously in labor and with her two other kids and husband. She kept getting contractions and we couldn't stop keeping count how often they came. :scared1:
Then this man sat down with his two boys. One about 5 and the other about 2. The younger one sat on his dad's lap while they eat pizza. I couldn't stop staring as I thought he was HOT like Clark Kent or something. He had on a dress shirt and slacks with the sleeves rolled up it showed his full sleeve tats and he was clean cut too. The tats got me all hot and bothered. My BFF was laughing and said she didn't think it was all that. I beg to differ. She said snap a picture and will ask out friends later. So being the push over I am, I of course did.;) Then he got up to leave and as he walked away my friend said oh wait he is hot and better from behind. The other big part that melted us is he carried his youngest and held hands with the oldest. OMG :love:
Well needless to say I had some pretty good dreams after that. :worship:

Ok well as for the weekend I will have Sunday off and I think we will go to Lake Las Vegas for out very fist time. Weird it's been there forever but we haven't ever been. What's new as I haven't done a lot still. :confused3
LOL Michele, you are so funny. I'm glad you had some nice dreams though! :upsidedow

Let me know what you think of Lake Las Vegas. I haven't been out there since we moved here. Only once when we lived in CA and actually stayed at one of the hotels on the lake. I've been wanting to go back though...
LOL Michele, you are so funny. I'm glad you had some nice dreams though! :upsidedow

Let me know what you think of Lake Las Vegas. I haven't been out there since we moved here. Only once when we lived in CA and actually stayed at one of the hotels on the lake. I've been wanting to go back though...

I will let you know how it goes. I hope it's builing back up. They sure got hit hard after the resession huh?
Happy Saturday, ladies!! It's lovely here!

I know some of you are getting together today at Disneyland to ride Thunder Mountain and then heading over to Knott's to see the Billies. Have a GREAT time! And, for the record, I totally want some of Knott's famous boysenberry pie..... Oh, so good. :faint:

My day isn't nearly as fun. Cleaning out closets, but at least it's getting done.

Later gators! :)
I am temporarily out of lurkdom to post... It has been a while since I've been on here ;) but...I just listened to the Dis Diva Podcast and I wanted to say great job to all who did the podcast. I really enjoyed it :thumbsup2 and I encourage those who haven't had the chance to listen to the podcast. :cool1:

Michele, I got a kick out of your "site seeing" at Costco. :rolleyes1 ;) Behave yourself, Lady.

Beth, that pie sounds really good. I have not been to Knotts yet but now you have me craving fried chicken. :hyper:

My weekend has been spent horsin' around. For those of you who know me on FB you all know I have been seeing a new man in my life :eeyore: Well, he doesn't quite look like that - lol- he's a bit more handsome. So that's what I'm doing this weekend. He's a bit green :scared1: so we are working on getting him calmed down. :hippie:

Hope you all have a good weekend. :)
Sunday already! Where does the weekend go?? :confused3 Oh, well, hope you all had a good one.

I thought I'd share more trip pics. Here are just a few of the fun door signs the Divas put up while staying at the Grand Californian.



As you can see, we have some very crafty and creative ladies on these trips. :thumbsup2
My weekend has been spent horsin' around. For those of you who know me on FB you all know I have been seeing a new man in my life :eeyore: Well, he doesn't quite look like that - lol- he's a bit more handsome. So that's what I'm doing this weekend. He's a bit green :scared1: so we are working on getting him calmed down. :hippie:

Hope you all have a good weekend. :)

Hi, Pam. Good to see you here! I love seeing all the pics of your "new man" on Facebook. And yes, he's very handsome. ;)
Good morning, ladies, and Happy St. Patrick's day! Don't forget to wear your green today...unless of course, you want to be pinched. ;)
Here is a small flash back over the years of some Divas rocking their shades of green. :shamrock:

Hello, ladies. I usually write one of these posts after each trip, and haven't really had the time yet, so I thought I'd finally get around to doing so now. Hopefully I didn't miss anyone, but if I did I apologize.... we had a big group!

Despite the big group, some of our Divas weren't able to make it and were missed.....Wendy, January, Tracey, Steph, Kelly, Jodi, and several others. Hope you will all make it next time!
I already gave shout outs before the trip to all the ladies who work hard to make the trip a success, and you know who you are (if you forget you're listed on the first page! ha!) but I wanted to say a general thank you again.
We have a great group here! Looking forward to next year already!!

Alison: It was so great to meet you! Your mom has told me so much about you and I'm glad you were able to make it on the trip. Looking forward to seeing you again and again as a part of the Diva group!

Alison/sameyeyam: It was good to see you on the trip and spend a bit of time chatting with you at Steakhouse 55. Sorry I made you put down your Dole Whip and pickle for the photo! You can eat them now.... ;)

Allison S.: I'm so glad Cynthia invited you and your mom, Linda. It was so nice to meet you both. And thanks for sharing your secret with me about the jewels in the hair trick..."magic".

AmyOkraOrangeIsTheNewBlackSue: Thank you for starting our first ever Diva pubcrawl! Darn that rain. But next time will be better than ever. Chug-a-lug!!

Andrea: It was so great to see you again. Too bad you don't like Jell-O shots, you really should have tried one. LOL Kidding. :laughing:

Angie: As always a fun roomie! Thanks for putting up with my snoring and sleeping with the door open when it was pouring out!

Anjie: I'm so glad you came on this trip! I hope you are hooked and look forward to seeing you again and again!

Becci: It was great seeing you and chatting over lunch at Café Orleans! I want my darn gift certificate back!! :furious: Just kidding! Have a slice of cheesecake for me!

Bernice: Always good to see you. Glad you got a small break from all that snow! Still love your coat by the way. :thumbsup2

Brianne: You are as sweet and lovely as ever. Thank you for coming up to me before the hunt and taking time to ask how my family is doing. It was nice chatting with you.

Bridget: Lady, you amaze me. Thank you for all your hard work towards this trip. You so totally rock.....duuuude. And tell Lisa thank you as well. She's so nice!

Callie: I am so glad you were on this trip!! It's been far too long. And, how special that you got to share it with your mom. She's so kind and it was so nice to meet her, please tell Jane I said that. Oh, and I never got my Dum Dum cigarette! Next time.....because you'll be there next time....right?? Also, tell Dan how much we appreciate all his hard work on the nametags. They were awesome!

Capri: I adore you. Thank you for all your hard work with the party and securing the rooms. Your costume was hilarious and your humor always keeps me smiling. Never stop being you! :hug:

Carol: It was great to see you again! Thank you so much for taking charge of the nametags, the lanyards and the holders. Very much appreciated!

Carrie: It was so good to finally meet you. I'm so glad we had that time to chat in the hotel lobby the last night. And, thank you so much for all your help with my Monterey trip. You will be missed next year for sure! Also, it was nice to meet your friend Sarah. Her t-shirt for the party was great! lol Tell her I said hello!

Catrina: Hey lady! It was great to see you again and a big thank-you to you and all your roomies for opening up Club Diva to the rest of us. Fun, fun, fun!! Also, thanks again for taking the time to work on that apron. She really liked it.

Cheryl: It was great to see you again. When I saw you at the Meet and Greet, I couldn't help but compare it to last year's Meet and Greet, and I am so happy to see how far you've come. You looked stronger, great, and happy and that just made me smile. Keep it up, we are all so proud of you!

Chris: Hey, lady! It was nice to run into a few times. LOL Wish we'd had time to chat more. I miss you, so I guess maybe I need to take a weekend trip to San Diego this summer!

Cindy: So, how did you like your first trip...? :P Just kidding, of course! It was great to see you back again, and it was nice to meet Nancy. I hope you both had a great time!

Courtney: Hey pretty girl! It was so great to see you back on the trip, especially with your mom Felicia there. You two are so cute in the mother/daughter pic by the wishing well. I love it. Tell her it was good to see her again as well, and I hope you'll both be back again next time!

Cristabel: Hi there! I am so glad you made the trip after all. It was good to see you again and you are looking great!

Cynthia: Hey you sexy thang! You look amazing and I am so inspired by all you've accomplished! Remember what I said about Vegas... drinks, Chippendales, on me. ;) Take care!

Deb: Hey there! It was good to see you again....sneaking that flag on your leg. lol Too funny. That was a great 12th pic. And, you totally rocked your Meet and Greet outfit. Way to have fun with it! Totally need a tutu day. I agree. :thumbsup2 Thank-you for bringing your friends, Autumn and Michelle. I hope they had fun.

Dee Dee: I'm so glad you came on the trip. I hope you had a great time! Thanks for the tips you gave me for our trip to Carmel/Monterey. I appreciate it.

Diane: I also hope you had a great time on the trip. Sorry I had to steal that gift certificate from you. ;) I didn't end up with it either. lol Oh, well. Hope to see you again on many more trips!

Dianna: Hi, there! It was so nice to see you again, and your mom Sheila, too! Tell her I say hello! I'm glad she was able to join the trip again, and I loved the pics of you two at your Dapper lunch. So cute. It was nice chatting with you at breakfast the last day. Still totally jealous of your job! lol

Heather: Hey there! I'm glad you were able to bring your daughter Serra along with you this time. I hope you both had a blast! I know you said she did have fun and felt welcome and that makes me happy to hear.

Jane: Wait...who are you? LOL That was so funny. Totally didn't recognize you for a second with your sassy new hair do and color. Love it! Great to see you again.

Jen: Hey there! It was great to see you again. Glad we got to spend a bit of time chatting. Wish it had been more. And I wish I'd snapped a pic of you that last night in the lobby.... loved the lipstick! :thumbsup2

Jenn/dec2009mama: It was so nice to meet you! I hope you had a great time on the trip. Looking forward to seeing you on many trips to come. :goodvibes Loved you and your roomies door sign, by the way!

Jennifer/Lckykittie: Hi there! It was so nice meeting you and your mom, Tami. You were two of the first ones I ran into my first night there! I thought....hmmmm, I think I know them. LOL I hope you both had a great time and will be joining us again.

Jessica: It was good to see you again. Thanks for all your work towards the hunt. I love the poster that came with my prize for guessing the hunt name, and I heard you were the one who got that. It's so cool. Thanks again! Also thanks for taking time to get some of the ladies into CoD. We appreciate it!

Jill: Always so nice to see you. Thank you for taking me on my first ever trip to Company D. Okay....so, I didn't buy anything, lol, but it was still really neat to check it out! Did not know they sold food there. See, I learned something new thanks to you. ;)

Kandace: Hi there! It was so nice to see you again. Thank you for rocking the meal deposits and all your hard work! Very much appreciated. Also, like I said to Catrina, thank you for opening up Club Diva. And those Jell-O shots! Wow. So fun for everyone. You guys are great!

Karisa: Look who's back... back again. lol (sorry my son is an Eminem fan) Anyway, it was great to see you again. I'm so glad you are hooked now. And, I am so happy for all the wonderful things happening in your life right now. You deserve it!

Katie: Our little mama! Congrats on your new arrival, even if it didn't happen at Disney. haha Thank you for giving me the chance to shop for baby girl clothes again. So fun. I hope you are doing well. I'm so glad you were able to make the trip so we could all see you. Take care of yourself and your new little princess. :cutie:

Linda: Hello, my friend. As always it was so nice to see you again. I wish we'd had more time to spend together. I loved your shirt at the party. So fun!! Just curious...how many times did you get groped that night. :rotfl2: Take care!

Lisa: Thank you for all your help with the party and for making those name tags. They were really cool. Although, mine kept missing the naughty and the nice and landing on the OR. I guess that means I am a little of both? ;) LOL Thanks again!!!

Lyn: It was so nice to meet you and Whitney. I hope you both had a fun time. Loved your hair! lol Hope to see you both again next year!!

Mary Jo: I am so happy we got to spend much more time together this trip! And, thank you for allowing myself, Mel, Stacie and Vicki to do the podcast. It was fun.....even though we were so nervous and you were cool as a cucumber. lol

Melody: What can I say... thank you for all you do for this group and the trip. The shirts were pretty as always. I do love that bling!! It was so special to meet your family. I didn't get to spend as much time getting to know them as I'd like, but hopefully that will change next time. Becky and Kaitlyn were so sweet, I can see where they get that from. Sarah and Tiffany seem like wonderful daughters-in-law. You lucked out. lol And, I am glad that Sarah also got to bring her sister Jamie and her mom Linda. Having all of you in the mother/daughter pic was really fun! Looking forward to next year!

Michele: Thanks for being my bus buddy! It's fun to have a travel partner. We need to do lunch sometime before another four months passes. lol And I want another churro for breakfast. That was good.

Michelle/Alex: It was good to see you again. We didn't get to spend as much time together as I would have liked, but I'm glad we got to hang out more when you were here in Vegas. When are you coming back? ;)

Michelle: You were missed on the trip but our thoughts were with you. They still are.... :hug:

Monica: Hi lady! It was great to see you again! I'm so glad you're hooked on these trips. I always look forward to seeing your smiling face. Hopefully next time we can spend more time together. :)

Nicole: It was good to see you again! You are looking great! Hope you had a fun time. :) Loved the mother/daughter pic with your newly acquired mom. haha

Pam: Hey there! I'm glad you were able to bring Kim and her friend Miranda, and that I was able to meet them if only briefly. I hope you all had a great time!! Oh, and I am loving all the pics and stories of the new man in your life. ;)

Patty: I am so glad you finally made it on the trip. I really hope you enjoyed yourself and had a fun time. :)

Paula: It was so nice to see you again! I hope you had a blast. I'm glad you were able to be there with your friend Anjie as well. Did you get her hooked? lol

Rochelle: I am still so bummed I missed your dance instruction at MTP! Next time, you'll do a special one just for the Divas, right? LOL Keep groovin!

Rose: It was good to see you! I loved your vest at the party. Perfect! I hope you had a great time!

Ruth: Hi there! It was so nice to see you again! I have to say how much I loved your pirate costumes. What a fun idea. Very clever! I hope you had a great time.

Sarah: Hi Sarah, I am so glad you were able to make the Meet and Greet this time! It's always good to see you. I hope you had a fun time!

SarahMay: Hello, my friend! I am so glad we got a pic with you, Shirley and myself. I wish we'd spent more time together, and that January had been there, but I am so thrilled you got Shirley on ToT!! Way to go!!

Shirley: Were your ears burning? I was just talking about you to Sarah in the post above. I am so glad you came on the trip. I hope you had fun. I wish I'd spent more time with you both, but I am glad you went on ToT. That is one ride I would not have gone on with you! lol You go, girl! Hmmmm, now what's going to be next year's adventure.... ;)

Stacie: It was so nice to see you again, and I enjoyed chatting with you on the ride to CoD. I'm glad things are going well for you. You deserve it! Hope you had a fun time!

Stacielee: Hey neighbor! It was great seeing you again. Tell Tammy I enjoyed meeting her and her door sign rocked. Totally. :thumbsup2

Tammy: Hey lady! I'm so glad we had more time to hang out this trip. Thank you for all your hard work for the party and for hauling all those goodies! And, the tree, too....even though Wendy thinks you need to work on your fluffing skills. lol Hope you had a great time!

Theresa: Thank-you for everything. :hug: I could list it all but it would take forever. You're a great friend, an awesome roomie and a lot of fun to bench sit with! lol Also thank you for all your hard work ordering treats for the goodie bags! They were awesome....and in my house hold cleaned out FAST! haha

Tina: Thank-you for all your work on the Meal committee. It was great to see you again and your mom, Donna. She seems like such a sweet lady, I really am glad she was able to come. I hope you both had a great time!

Tina A.: I hope you had fun on the trip! I wish we'd had more of a chance to chat but I loved how you and your hunt team rocked those capes! Looking forward to seeing you next year!

Trudi: Always good to see you! :hug: Thank you for your work on the meal committee. Congrats (again) on your new precious Grandbaby! I hope you and Sarah had a blast on the trip and can't wait to see you both again.

Vanessa: Hey lady! Thank-you for taking some of the ladies to CoD. I appreciate you taking the time to do that. It was great to see you again. As always, you keep me laughing! :laughing: Hope you had a great time!

Vicki: It was so nice to see you again, neighbor! I hope you had a great time. I love the pics of your new patio. Don't be surprised if I show up one day.... lol Take care!

Wendy: Thank you for all your work towards the party. Keeping all those snacks in your house? Those poor kids. Talk about torture. LOL And, thank you for the warm welcome you gave Ruben when he was there. One of these days when we are back in your area we will find your shop! lol Take care!
Glad you liked the poster! We were hoping to find a few things for prizes that were a little different from previous years and I was thrilled when I came across those. Hopefully we'll be able to score some even more fun things to give out for next year.
And, for the record, I totally want some of Knott's famous boysenberry pie..... Oh, so good. :faint:

For the record--it wasn't very good. I left most of it on the plate--not like I remember from years and years ago. The filling was kinda blech-y.
Jello shots?? Me?? I don't know what you're talking about! :rolleyes1
OKay. We'll go with that. :thumbsup2

Glad you liked the poster! We were hoping to find a few things for prizes that were a little different from previous years and I was thrilled when I came across those. Hopefully we'll be able to score some even more fun things to give out for next year.
I'm looking forward to what you guys come up with! ::yes::

For the record--it wasn't very good. I left most of it on the plate--not like I remember from years and years ago. The filling was kinda blech-y.

Well, that's disappointing. It used to be so good!


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