DIS Divas Just Wanna Have Fun! (TR starts on p.22) Updated 4/14


Oh my gosh Mary Jo, that's hilarious! I'm lovin' the tiara and LGMH! And yep, that's my checklist!:rotfl2:

(How'd you know I'm a tiara wearing, LGMH possessing corpse over here in Beth's trip report?!!! And you read my thoughts too! Wow, you're an AWESOME DisBoard mind-reading babe!)
Mary Jo--someday you have to show me how to do the cool things you do!

Love it!! I was laughing so much, my kids had to come run to see what was so funny. :rotfl:

OK, I can take a hint. LOL I will update tomorrow, I promise. I'll try to remember as much as I can, and just make up the rest. Which one of you wants to be swept off your feet by a handsome CM in my update? :rolleyes1 :rotfl2:
Friday was our first official full day in the parks and I didn't want to be late. Well, I needn't have worried. We had a human alarm clock in our room. January was up bright (make that dark) and early every day! Around 4:30!!! :eek: She was sitting on the bed, dressed down to her shoes by the time Capri and I were barely opening our eyes.
Speaking of eyes barely open, Capri totally cracked me up. Every morning, first thing she'd wake up, walk from her roll away over to the mini fridge, grab a Diet Pepsi, and stumble back to bed to drink it. :rotfl2: I love my DP, but this girl puts me to shame!! :worship::worship:

They were great roomies though. I loved sharing with them and had a lot of fun. :hug:

Before hitting the park, we decided to stop in Mimi's Cafe for a bite to eat. It was myself, January, Capri, Cheryl, Sarah and Heather. Love the muffins at Mimi's. Great way to start the day.

We finished breakfast quickly and were off! I was so thrilled to be heading to the parks. The plan was to meet up at Princess Fantasy Faire for a group photo with the Princesses. We all had bought tiaras to wear for this, and I tried and tried but could not get mine to fit just right. I guess I have a misshapen head. :confused: Good thing I'm not a real princess. That thing is a pain in the butt to wear all the time. lol

We got to PFF around 9:15. There was around 20 of us waiting, so we took a few pics before it opened.


The CMs were so awesome at the PFF. They took several of our cameras to take pics with, and we were allowed lots of time to visit with the Princesses.

Here is the group shot with several of the Divas.

The Princesses were a lot of fun, and took pics with Barbie Beth and Tinkerbites. I'm sure they thought we were weird, but they didn't let on. ;)


After visiting with the Princesses, we all gathered just outside the PFF. Melody called me into the center of the group, and I suspiciously walked over saying something about, "I didn't do it." To which she replied, "Yes, you did. You did all this, and this is from all of us." She then held up an envelope and that's when I totally lost it. :rolleyes: :rotfl: Yep, bawled like a baby. Could barely manage to squeak out a thank you. I didn't even know at the time what was in there, but it didn't matter. It was a very nice surprise and I was so touched that they took the time to do that for me. (I found out later it was a $100 gift card!!! :eek: )

Me, taking the envelope:

Thank you Divas!!!

I had a lot of fun shopping with that gift card. I bought myself some pins, a t-shirt, four of those Lenox Christmas ornaments, and a picture frame. Oh, and some yummy treats too. ;)

After that we split up. Some of the ladies went on the VIP tour, and the rest of us went on It's a Small World.

I love the new character additions to the ride. I thought it was very tastefully done.
After Small World we sort of got separated from the group and there was only about 6 of us that went on Haunted Mansion (favorite ride!) and Pirates of the Caribbean (second favorite ride).

We hit a few of the shops in New Orleans Square and took some pictures on the stairs before it was time for lunch at the Blue Bayou!! I haven't eaten there in......gosh, at least 18 years or so. It was right after high school, and I'm now coming up on my 20 year HS reunion, so that gives you some idea of how long it had been. In fact, I can't remember anything about our meal there before, so this was for all intents and purposes my first time. ;)

We had a large group and were seated at two tables. Not near the water at all, but that was ok. The atmosphere in there is still awesome and our waiter was pretty darn good for dealing with such a large group.
I shared the Portobello Mushroom and Couscous Maque Choux with January. It was really good. Sorry, no pics though. It didn't even occur to me until I was almost done eating.

After Blue Bayou the day gets a little bit fuzzy. :rolleyes1 This is where notes would have come in handy, but honestly we were all just having too much fun to even think about a trip report later on.

I do know that dinner that night was at Carnation Cafe. So we all met up again for that. The Baked Potato soup was delicious as always and our waiter, Robert, was so funny.

And after dinner we were to all meet up at the Disneyland hotel in one of the conference rooms. Cheryl had arranged for a special DVC meeting, and tour of the new Grand Californian DVC villas. I know it's not something I can ever afford, but it was neat to see the villas.

On the way back to the parks, a few of us stopped at the Napa Rose lounge for dessert and drinks. I don't drink, but I ordered one to try anyway. Ummm yeah, ick! Wendy ended up with my drink. See, she's got two drinks in her hands. lol


This was my $12 apple crisp. It was just ok.

After that, I was pretty tired, and headed back to the hotel. Up tomorrow is our character breakfast with Chip and Dale, and the scavenger hunt. :yay:
Nice addition Beth. That's about how much I remember LOL. I remember the high points but not much after lunch or in between CC and the Tour although I guess pretty much after dinner it was pretty much straight over TO the tour. Although it seems we hit space in there somewhere but who knows that may have been a different day LOL. They all seemed to meld together at one point. :)

Love the pics AND the report. Keep it coming. :)
Yeaaaa, another installment. :)

I'm really sorry I missed the PFF photo op... next time, hopefully.

I'm just going to latch onto yours with some pics, if you don't mind.

Friday morning I picked Molly up at the airport, and dropped her off at the HoJo's. By that time I knew that there was a group having lunch at the Blue Bayou, and since I hadn't signed up for it I thought I would wander around until dinnertime, and take some pics for the DIS of Sleeping Beauty Castle & Pixie Hollow.

When I got to the park the Band was playing, Alice and the Mad Hatter were dancing with a group of children, and Cruella was being her usual sneering self. (Dancing was obviously beneath her. lol)


I watched this for awhile, and then headed over to the castle. I also took some random shots around the park.




Oh, and I also went on It's a Small World - my first time since the change. I really liked it - even the Jessie & Woody dolls -- probably representing the type of dolls they might have in the old west back in the day




I also loved the updated ending


Then I went to Pixie Hollow and waited 45 minutes to see the fairies. I thoroughly enjoyed watching the little children interact with each other and their families - so cute. Made me miss mine when they were that age. :::: sigh ::::


The little queue/pathway has fairie-touches along the way.






I also saw nice views of the Matterhorn & Castle from here



Finally I met two of the fairies -- Tink & another one, lol




I then walked around the park taking more pics




The Dapper Dans were out singing - I love to watch their show.


And I had to find that shop where Bri got the tote bag embroidered - Showcase -- I have some ideas on what I want to have embroidered.

This is one of the decorations in the shop


Well, then I went over to Plaza Pavilions. I had the bright idea that it would be kind of cool to just hang out on my laptop & do some work while at Disneyland. I think what I got out of that was feeling a little conspicuous, like a huge neon GEEK sign flashing over me. :rolleyes:

However, while I was there, the Mad Hatter & Alice came out & played musical chairs. They were hilarious!! At first, then had all the kids playing regular musical chairs, but when some were out (including Alice), she lead the kids around the chairs, but then started weaving in & out and running, and she & the children kept running into each other - rather chaotic and hilarious. Then when it got down to three kids and two chairs, Alice & the Mad Hatter picked the chairs up and kept running to opposite sides of the eating area at Coke Corner, and the kids were racing back and forth trying to follow the chairs. It was soooo funny. Here are a couple of pics & a link to a video I took of it.





And then look who I saw


After that, I met up with the Divas for a yummy dinner at Carnation Cafe. It was so nice, and I can't believe I only took one picture during that whole time.


After dinner we did something (can't remember - was it played Buzz Lightyear?), and then took the monorail to DtD for our DVC tour (thanks, Cheryl, for setting that up for us)






So, Beth - I heard you could explain this

Love it ladies. I see I missed a whole lot. Maybe next year.:goodvibes
Mary Jo LOVE the pics and YOUR version of the day. Great updates all! :)
Nice addition Beth. That's about how much I remember LOL.
It's so sad that my brain is just fried when it comes to remembering the little things. :sad2: For my October trip, I jotted down notes during the day and took lots of pics of everything. So that trip report is pretty detailed, but this one.........well, I guess we were just having too much fun! :banana:

Yeaaaa, another installment. :)

I'm really sorry I missed the PFF photo op... next time, hopefully.

I'm sorry you missed it too! It was fun and the cast members were so accommodating and patient. We'll definitely have to do that again.

I'm just going to latch onto yours with some pics, if you don't mind.

I don't mind at all! Please do. I barely took any pics this time. And your pics are always so pretty! :worship:

Then I went to Pixie Hollow and waited 45 minutes to see the fairies. I thoroughly enjoyed watching the little children interact with each other and their families - so cute. Made me miss mine when they were that age. :::: sigh ::::

I totally forgot all about Pixie Hollow. I was so bummed because I really wanted to see it. Oh well, next time. ;)

Well, then I went over to Plaza Pavilions. I had the bright idea that it would be kind of cool to just hang out on my laptop & do some work while at Disneyland. I think what I got out of that was feeling a little conspicuous, like a huge neon GEEK sign flashing over me. :rolleyes:

Hey, if you gotta work, there's no better place to do it, right?? LOL

So, Beth - I heard you could explain this

I can, but not on the DIS. :rolleyes1 :rotfl:

Love, love, love all your pics Mary Jo. You are a great photographer. Thanks so much for sharing since I was sorely lacking many photos. :flower3:

Love it ladies. I see I missed a whole lot. Maybe next year.:goodvibes
Yes, next year! You must, it's so much fun.

Mary Jo LOVE the pics and YOUR version of the day. Great updates all! :)
I'd love for anyone to feel free to hop on and share their version of the day. That's what is so cool, we had so many ladies, that there were different groups who did different things, so there are different stories to tell. :)
Oh my gosh, I'm just so....so....so....so.....happy! I can't take it!

I got a Beth update AND a Mary Jo update! I feel the life coming back to me! I again have a healthy glow!:goodvibes ;)

As far as what we did after riding HM, first I think we waited for our fastpass runners. Oh boy, it's a blur for me.....but then I think we all rode Pirates (even though our fastpass runners just rode it). And didn't we mozy over to BTMRR and ride that (except for Beth who sat on a bench and people watched for a bit)? And I swear we were on the hunt for something for Kelly.....a pretzel stand maybe? And January and I both got pretzels too (with cheese). Then didn't we make our way over to Tomorrowland and ride Buzz? I seem to remember Kelly's mom, Rosemary, holding our pretzels for us when we rode Buzz. And what else did we do? Did we get fastpasses for Space Mountain? Or did we ride Space Mountain? I think we rode it, but I'm not sure.

You know, I could be completely wrong about all that. Take everything I just wrote with a boulder of salt and a shot of tequila. :rolleyes1
Oh my gosh, I'm just so....so....so....so.....happy! I can't take it!

I got a Beth update AND a Mary Jo update! I feel the life coming back to me! I again have a healthy glow!:goodvibes ;)

As far as what we did after riding HM, first I think we waited for our fastpass runners. Oh boy, it's a blur for me.....but then I think we all rode Pirates (even though our fastpass runners just rode it). And didn't we mozy over to BTMRR and ride that (except for Beth who sat on a bench and people watched for a bit)? And I swear we were on the hunt for something for Kelly.....a pretzel stand maybe? And January and I both got pretzels too (with cheese). Then didn't we make our way over to Tomorrowland and ride Buzz? I seem to remember Kelly's mom, Rosemary, holding our pretzels for us when we rode Buzz. And what else did we do? Did we get fastpasses for Space Mountain? Or did we ride Space Mountain? I think we rode it, but I'm not sure.

You know, I could be completely wrong about all that. Take everything I just wrote with a boulder of salt and a shot of tequila. :rolleyes1
You're so funny. :rotfl:

Yes, y'all did BTM while I waited on the bench because that's when I ran into Debbie and she told me all about the disaster with the VIP tour. :sad2:

Did you and January ditch me?? I don't remember any pretzels with cheese! :mad:

I do remember hanging out and chatting with Rosemarie while you all went on Space. She is so cool. :cool2: And then we did take the monorail over to the hotel for the DVC tour. When we got to the hotel, you went off to make a phone call and January and I were chilling in those big, cushy chairs that felt so darn good after a full day of walking. lol

I also remember sitting at the DVC presentation and not paying any attention at all. Not because it wasn't interesting, but I just knew I'd never buy into it. So when they said we are going to draw names and if your name is called you have to answer a question to see if you'd been paying attention, I felt like I was in high school again, crouching down in my chair, looking the other way, praying "please don't call on me, please don't call on me." :lmao:
You're so funny. :rotfl:

Yes, y'all did BTM while I waited on the bench because that's when I ran into Debbie and she told me all about the disaster with the VIP tour. :sad2:

Did you and January ditch me?? I don't remember any pretzels with cheese! :mad:

I do remember hanging out and chatting with Rosemarie while you all went on Space. She is so cool. :cool2: And then we did take the monorail over to the hotel for the DVC tour. When we got to the hotel, you went off to make a phone call and January and I were chilling in those big, cushy chairs that felt so darn good after a full day of walking. lol

I also remember sitting at the DVC presentation and not paying any attention at all. Not because it wasn't interesting, but I just knew I'd never buy into it. So when they said we are going to draw names and if your name is called you have to answer a question to see if you'd been paying attention, I felt like I was in high school again, crouching down in my chair, looking the other way, praying "please don't call on me, please don't call on me." :lmao:

Of course we didn't ditch you! :laughing: You were there the whole time. :thumbsup2

January and I both had pretzels, and Rosemary put them in her big plastic Disney shopping bag that she got from shopping earlier. And then January and I had to figure out which pretzel belonged to who after we got off of Buzz.

I didn't want to get called on during the DVC presentation either.:goodvibes

January, Melody and I got the giggles REALLY BAD during the DVC presentation because of one of the couples on the DVC video. The husband looked like he was 40, but the wife looked like she was 70. We were all like, "Whaaaaa? That's a couple?! I thought they were mom and son. What in the heck happened to her?!!. :scared1: :rotfl:

Of course we were exhausted at the time, so the giggles got to us fairly easily. We were a bit......loopy. And we hadn't even been to the Grand Californian Lounge yet!
Loved the candy buffet, the princess tiara pics, the pic of Wendy with 2 drinks :thumbsup2 & hearing about all the fun. Can't wait for more.........


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