Didn't pass ROFR :-(


DIS Veteran
Jun 27, 2008
Not sure why we didn't pass ROFR. :-( 65 dollars a point for a 150 point contract at BWV.
So sad! :furious::mad:
So sorry! I'm anxiously waiting to hear on our contract this week... [fingers crossed]
Looks like Disney is snatching up contracts again. Bad for buyers, good for sellers.

:earsboy: Bill

So sorry the ROFR monkey has been busy lately. Hope you can find another contract soon and will speed through ROFR next time.
I know how you feel, hang in there. We didn't make it through until on our third try. Either the monkey finally felt sorry for us or realized we just wouldn't buy direct. :confused3
Not sure why we didn't pass ROFR. :-( 65 dollars a point for a 150 point contract at BWV.
So sad! :furious::mad:

feel so bad for you....especially with all the due dilligence you did.........makes no sense, i passed last wk at $50pp, 200 pts, feb. Were there banked pts?

65 seems ludicrous to rofr, makes me wonder if they are buying directly from brokers. If you look at the big 4 there is probably 50 pct less than there was in early march.
You didn't pass at $65 a point?! We have a contract waiting for ROFR at the BWV-100 points, $67 ppt, buy pays closing and mf, no banked points. Did the seller have banked points? I can't imagine why it didn't pass. I thought for sure we wouldn't have to worry about our contract since it was SO much more than most others have been paying lately.
You didn't pass at $65 a point?! We have a contract waiting for ROFR at the BWV-100 points, $67 ppt, buy pays closing and mf, no banked points. Did the seller have banked points? I can't imagine why it didn't pass. I thought for sure we wouldn't have to worry about our contract since it was SO much more than most others have been paying lately.

best of luck, i agree with you completely, there has not been a BWV rofr remotely close to those numbers that we have seen:eek:
Oh gosh, this does not bode well for us either - we just sent ours to ROFR last week, also at BWV, and I've been noticing since then that there seem to be fewer BWV resales available. I am hoping that maybe ours will make it since it has only a few points available until 2014 (maybe Disney won't want it b/c they won't be able to sell it? Or maybe they can magically add points to fill in the front-end? I have no idea.). Hopefully you'll find something else just as good (maybe even better!?) really soon. :hug: Good luck to everyone waiting to pass ROFR - what a nail-biter!
Oh gosh, this does not bode well for us either - we just sent ours to ROFR last week, also at BWV, and I've been noticing since then that there seem to be fewer BWV resales available. I am hoping that maybe ours will make it since it has only a few points available until 2014 (maybe Disney won't want it b/c they won't be able to sell it? Or maybe they can magically add points to fill in the front-end? I have no idea.). Hopefully you'll find something else just as good (maybe even better!?) really soon. :hug: Good luck to everyone waiting to pass ROFR - what a nail-biter!

so you were the one....14 available, then 18 available? was thinking about that. feb UY?
Yep, that's us (sounds so ominous: "so you were the one" - uh oh!) ;)
Oh gosh, this does not bode well for us either - we just sent ours to ROFR last week, also at BWV, and I've been noticing since then that there seem to be fewer BWV resales available. I am hoping that maybe ours will make it since it has only a few points available until 2014 (maybe Disney won't want it b/c they won't be able to sell it? Or maybe they can magically add points to fill in the front-end? I have no idea.). Hopefully you'll find something else just as good (maybe even better!?) really soon. :hug: Good luck to everyone waiting to pass ROFR - what a nail-biter!

I can't imagine Disney would ROFR a stripped contract like that because they would have to pay the MFs until the contract loads up enough for them to sell.
I'm anxiously waiting to hear on our contract this week..
feel so bad for you....especially with all the due dilligence you did.........makes no sense, i passed last wk at $50pp, 200 pts, feb. Were there banked pts?

65 seems ludicrous to rofr, makes me wonder if they are buying directly from brokers. If you look at the big 4 there is probably 50 pct less than there was in early march.

Yes, 140 banked points and I didn't pay dues for this year.
I don't get it either....We did take a tour of DVC in January. Our names are in the system.... HMMMMMM:confused3
I guess the fact that you had banked points and didn't pay this year's mf makes me feel a little bit more confident about my own contract, but I'm still really surprised it didn't pass. I've seen similar ones go for way less. I really wonder if Disney bought it back because your name was in their system, and they wanted to try to get you to buy direct. That would be SO wrong but I just can't justify why else your contract didn't pass.
Yep, that's us (sounds so ominous: "so you were the one" - uh oh!) ;)

Was not meant as ominous at all.....i am approaching closing on a BWV feb contract and after planning until 2014 i realized i could use a few more points once 2014 started and was thinking that would be a great contract to add on if it could be had for the right price:goodvibes

Good luck!!!
So sorry you didn't pass ROFR. Your contract was more than fair. I wonder if Disney just needed the points for someone on the waiting list.:confused3
feel so bad for you....especially with all the due dilligence you did.........makes no sense, i passed last wk at $50pp, 200 pts, feb.

further support of my (totally unsubstantiated) claim that ROFR is NOT about price.

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