Did you have an epidural?

3 kids, no epidural.

I am happy with my decision. I know a few mothers who have back pain from the spot the epidural needle went in, even years later. It was the right decision for me.
I had one with DS. I didn't think the pain was bad but my family kept telling me how bad it would get and I caved in and got it. It was terrible!!! With DD I refused to get one and had a wonderful birth experience with none of the issues I had with DS.
No, I didn't. I decided to tough it out. My wife, however, being much less brave them me, opted to have it for both out children. What a wimp! ;):rotfl2:

Seriously, why anyone would opt to not have it, is a mystery to me. The pain of childbirth is not necessary to being a good Mother. Actually, from my memory there was plenty previous to the procedure to last a lifetime. At least that's what she told me, she might have been looking for sympathy. :rotfl:

My daughter has had three home births with no drugs at all. She's always been a mystery to me, but as they say in the south...Bless her heart! My other daughter, after watching her sister give birth the first time, decided that she wanted an Epidural early, during the conception if possible.:eek:
Nope. I had two drug free deliveries. The pain was temporary and part of the process. I'm amazed at the number of people who won't even attempt without an epidural. Did it hurt to go natural? Yes, but so? First delivery hurt more because my pelvis needed to open, but second delivery barely hurt. First labor pains weren't that strong, second labor, they were much more intense, but nothing I couldn't handle. Among my mom and sisters, no one had labor longer than 6 hours. My first was 5.5 hours and second was 3.5. I probably should have had more kids.
3 kids, all with pitocin/induction- no epi, no pain meds. Labors were 4, 12, 22 hours, varying intensity. I had witnessed too many complications, already had back issues, and had worked way too hard for 9 months ( no caffeine, no dyes, no nitrates, no deli meats etc etc) to pump my kids full of drugs at the finish line. Recovery was a Dream! As was breastfeeding---
Absolutely done, but if I were to have another, no epi for me.
To each her own though- if you want it, get it.
I will note that while many no epi moms seem ok with anyone getting an epi - there is a lot of " are you crazy? Why wouldn't you?" From the other side--
Yes or no?

No, not for any of the kids. But I had unusually quick births - last one was less than 45 minutes from when my water broke (no previous contractions) to holding the baby. Thank goodness I live 5 minutes from the hospital.

I think it is a wonderful drug and agree that women should not suffer needlessly.
First one, no. I had labored for three days with no progress- I was going back and forth to the hospital and nothing was happening. Dr decided to do a c- section after taking some ultrasound measurements of his head, I was too wiped out to even sit up for the epidural- had general anesthesia again. Horrible recovery, I wouldn't do it again

Second one, after a contraction that I went to my knees in the hospital hallway on the way in, and I tried to claw my way up the wall- the anesthesiologist was called in before i was even undressed; an epidural administered, baby went into distress, c- section within an hour. And I was on the road to an easy recovery by the time my mother got there to meet her grandson.
Yes with my only child. At 38 weeks I was completely effaced and having minor contractions about 5 mins apart, but no dilation. After 3 days the contractions stopped, still not dilated. At 43 weeks, 4 days I went in for an induction at 6am. I walked and rocked as much as possible, determined to do this as "naturally" as possible. By 8pm I was 4cm. and exhausted, and in significant back pain (I have an L4/L5 prolapse) so I had the epidural. I didn't think getting it hurt very much- a sting, a little tug, and it was in. They broke my water at 2am and I pushed for 6 hours... at which point they took us to an operating room for delivery. They were going to prep me for surgery, give delivery one more try (with the head suction thingy) and then do an emergency c-section. Luckily they got DD out, even though she was pretty stuck. She weighed 12lbs and had blisters on her head and a broken collarbone. I didn't feel much at all- but they had the epi on full-tilt, really expecting to do a section. I shook pretty badly after, but the doc said that's a normal reaction for some women, due to all the hormone shifting and release from labor. I was in a nice, hot bath tub within an hour of delivery, and went home 24 hours later. Too soon, unfortunately; I developed septicemia AND had a separated pelvis- BIG baby- and spent the next week back in the hospital.

SO... LOVED the epidural- can't imagine having gone through all that without pain relief- but the rest really stunk!!
Yes- for my first. I loved it so much, I asked for it with my next two. As I adopted, they felt it wasn't necessary :)
h-e-double hockey sticks yeah, I did!! :)

With my second delivery (twins) I was required to have one because of the increased risk of c-section. That way, if the second baby got stuck, they could perform an emergency c-section without having to put me completely under. I was also required to deliver in the OR because of the c-section risk.

A was 6lb 8oz and B was 7lb 10oz and thankfully were both delivered w/o a c-section.
#1 Yes, but it didn't work until after she was born. Bad bad doctor, who understood English about as well as I understand German.

#2 No, didn't have time!

#3 Yes Yes Yes! I wanted to name DS "epidural man". It was the best thing EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :woohoo::banana::yay:
Three kids, one epidural. Hard to describe how much better I felt post delivery for the no epidural births.
This thread is like birth control for my child-free self! Both sides of the decision to have, or have not (epidural) are like, whoa :scared: !!!!

Disclaimer: I am big wimp when it comes to anything pain related. So don't take my post as I don't like children. LOL!!
2 babies, 2 c-sections, 2 epidurals. (I would have done it anyway, regardless of the c- section, because after experiencing the labor- why suffer??)


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