Determining gender by needle....


Magic is all around us!
Jun 25, 2002
Hey guys! I was talking to my sister the other day and she told me about this strange phenomenon used to tell wether or not you're to have a girl or boy, or twins, whatever. I thought it sounded pretty hoaky but was completely intrigued. We tried it on a few people who already have kids and it was right. You take a thread and a needle, string the thread through the needle, then you hang on to the top of the thread and drag the needle (palm down) around the outline of your hand, going between each finger. When you're at the end, near your wrist, you drag it to the top of the hand and lift it up so it's hanging over the middle of the back of your hand. If it spins, it means a girl, if it swings side to side, it's a boy. After each one, you trace your hand again with the needle until it just hangs there and does nothing, to symbolize that you're not having any more kids or you haven't had anymore.

I was completely freaked out! We tried it on my mom and it worked. I have a twin sister. The first the time around it swung side to side (my older brother) then the second time, it spun in a circle, slowed down and almost stopped and then started to spin again in a circle to show twin girls, the third time, it stopped completely because there's only three of us and at 48, I sure hope my mom isn't thinking of having any other kids :crazy:

It sounds like complete hocus pocus but it seems to be quite accurate and well, its rather fun too :D
You don't think that the "answer" was self fullfilling? Obviously you knew the sex of the baby so how much of a movement in your fingers do you suppose it takes to move a needle ever so slightly in th direction you knowingly or unknowingly want it to go? It might be fun but there is only a 50/50 chance that it is correct.
The way we used to do it was, you drag the thread up & down on the side of your hand (pinky side of your hand), palm up, (not between the fingers) three times, making sure the needle does NOT touch your hand, then put the needle over the center of you hand, results are the same as Jules== spins in circle=it's a girl, goes back & forth==it's a boy.

Only difference was between each "reading" you have to wipe the thread AND needle down, then drag it on the outside of your hand again, making sure again the needle doesn't touch your hand at all.

Weird but it works. You can do this "experiment" on people who haven't had children and it's supposed to predict how many children they'll have and the gender of the baby.
We used a string but instead of the needle we use the person's wedding ring. Lots of fun but I wouldn't put any money on it!
Damo, I agree but its fun and it seems to be working in my family.
Jeanny, I'll have to try it that way.
Dawn, you hand doesn't move an inch, that's exactly what I told my sister, I said "are you SURE you're not moving your hand." Mine was perfectly still, it appears to be moving from energy.
Originally posted by DisneyJules
Dawn, you hand doesn't move an inch, that's exactly what I told my sister, I said "are you SURE you're not moving your hand." Mine was perfectly still, it appears to be moving from energy.

Your hand doesn't need to move even a fraction of an inch. Remember what it appears to be and what "is" are two different things but I am glad you had fun.
It does seem to work sometimes, I know. We have friends where the mother died when her daughter(oldest) and son were still quite young and now the dad has remarried. The new wife is now pregnant and they did this test on her. First they used her wedding ring and they got boy, girl and then it stopped(implying that she would have two children). Then they did it using the father's wedding ring(now remember he already has a girl and then a boy) and it went girl, boy, boy, girl and then stopped (implying that he would eventually have four kids). :eek:

The baby is due in a few weeks. I'll let you know if it is a boy like the test predicted.
There's a 50/50 chance that you'll get the right answer. ;)
The version of that I heard was a pencil...The women I worked with did the crystal Drano test...You HAVE to do it outside in a glass (foam or plastic melts) and put CRYSTAL Drano, NOT liquid in the cup and then pour the woman's urine on top (this is for a currently pregnant woman). It turns one color for a boy, the other color for a girl...I can't remember what was what.
We did this 8 years ago when I was pregnant with my DS. We just hung a pencil from a string and needle. It was accurate. We never did anything between readings, just let the pencil change on it's own. Funny thing was when we did it on my mom, it made HUGE circles - I swear we didn't do anything - and she has five daughters. Freaky.
Originally posted by WDWAurora
The version of that I heard was a pencil...The women I worked with did the crystal Drano test...You HAVE to do it outside in a glass (foam or plastic melts) and put CRYSTAL Drano, NOT liquid in the cup and then pour the woman's urine on top (this is for a currently pregnant woman). It turns one color for a boy, the other color for a girl...I can't remember what was what.

At the end, you throw the glass away....I hope.
Originally posted by momof2inPA
At the end, you throw the glass away....I hope.

True. ::yes:: I haven't done it (as I'm single and have never been pregnant) and I wasn't with any of my coworkers when they tried, so I neglected to mention that part. You do it outside because it causes a horrible stench...
I tried it both times I was pregnant and it didn't work for me. Indicated girls both times and I have 2 boys lol. It was fun doing it though, I always enjoy trying things like that.


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