David's Vacation Club Rentals

It seems like his "business" is being the middleman between two groups - those that have points but no renters and those that need points. Sounds like he is not actually renting out his own points. Sounds like this could be helpful. I've never heard of him before.
What surprises me is that people would be willing to pay 13 per point when you can rent them for 10 pp or less. I guess as a seller I would use this because you are getting 10 pp and you have less of a hassle. I do not understand why this would bother someone. The guy is simply providing a service, and Disney gets people who do not own into DVC to stay at a resort and possible make a sale if the people like it.
Although I've never rented any of my points in the last 10 years, I may need to do this to help cover a tax bill from the IRS. I would use this service and would appreciate it. If one of the previous posters feels that strongly about this, he should probably report everyone on the rent/trade board to DVC/DVD. Good luck on that one.
Should travel agents be put out of business? They are middle men who provide a travel service. If you're going to say something like that you have to justify it.

What kind of hit and run is this? :confused:

Sorry, I haven't been hanging at my computer to respond.


From page 13 of the 2009 Vacation Planner:

Renting Vacation Points Restriction

Use of the Vacation homes and recreational facilities for commercial purposes...is expressly prohibited.

A Member who maintains a web site offering rental of Vacation points is clearly renting for commercial purposes

There is more there but I'm not going to retype the whole thing. I'm not going to get into a debate about it but you wanted some justification for what I said so there you have it. DVC is not enforcing their own rules and that is their choice.
What surprises me is that people would be willing to pay 13 per point when you can rent them for 10 pp or less. I guess as a seller I would use this because you are getting 10 pp and you have less of a hassle. I do not understand why this would bother someone. The guy is simply providing a service, and Disney gets people who do not own into DVC to stay at a resort and possible make a sale if the people like it.

It's definitely a hassle thing from my perspective. I had a family member check them out today for two reasons - I don't want to have to watch the rent/trade board for months trying to help them find a renter who can offer what they need, and I don't want either of us to worry about whether they're sending their money to a trustworthy person. You're paying for convenience (& service), just like many other things in life, except you don't have such an easy dollar to dollar comparison to make in many cases like you can here.
As a DVC member since 1994 I have had to out of necessity occasionally rent out my points. Having done it on my own and having used David once, I will never, ever, never ever do it on my own again! It is the hassle factor and using him there was absolutely no hassle and if the need arises again I hope he is still doing his middleman thing. It's a great reassurance for the renter but also the owner. Thank-you, thank-you, thank-you David for providing such a great service!!!!!!
Thanks so much for the input!! I am trying to talk my DH into buying DVC. I'm hoping staying there will seal the deal for me. Keep your fingers crossed!

It sealed the deal for my DH this past March. Stayed at OKW in a Studio for 5 days...traveled home 2days and when we got home DH said go for it:cool1:

2 1/2 years of dropping the hint....nothing, 5 day stay SOLD!
If someone is out there commanding $13/point, it's good for us owners.

I'm in favor of what he's doing. I guess you could argue a service like this is competing with the rest of us who want to rent our points, but not at $13/point it's not. I'd much rather have him out there doing this than having a bunch of people on the rent/trade board having firesales at $7 per point and such, depressing the market.
I would never feel comfortable enough to rent any points out myself. If we ever did need to rent our points, I would definately use David's service. It seems like a win-win for everyone. DVC owners make money off of points they can't use, and don't actually have to go thru the hassles of finding a renter and David makes money for handling the transaction.
I've rented my points 3 times and although things went well the hassle factor isn't worth it. The next time I have to rent I will use David's service. I'll get the same $10/point and not have to deal with all the issues that can come up.
I have a question for those who have used David's Vacation Club service. Who makes the reservation for the renters? If you don't make the reservation, do you make David an associate on your account? If you do how does he get around the new rule that no associate can be on more than 4 accounts. Or do you just transfer your points to his account? I guess I just don't understand how the process works.

An "Associate" is a person named by the Purchaser or Purchasers who is only authorized to bank, borrow and make reservations using the Club Member’s Home Resort Vacation Points. Associates do not receive Member Cards and are not entitled to the benefits and privileges that are available to a Club Member. In addition, Associates may not access financial information related to Annual Dues and/or loan pertaining to the membership.
Associates are subject to all the rules and regulations to which Club Members are subject, including, without limitation, the prohibition of the use of Vacation Accommodations for commercial purposes. Associates are also subject to the following:
a. Associates may only be Associates for a maximum of four (4) Memberships. b. The adding of an Associate to a Club Member’s account is subject to the sole and absolute discretion of DVCMC. c. An Associate can be removed from a Club Member’s account, by DVCMC in its sole and absolute discretion, for violating Disney Vacation Club rules.
I have a question for those who have used David's Vacation Club service. Who makes the reservation for the renters? If you don't make the reservation, do you make David an associate on your account? If you do how does he get around the new rule that no associate can be on more than 4 accounts. Or do you just transfer your points to his account? I guess I just don't understand how the process works.

David confirms availability with DVC, then contacts the member with all the guest's information, resort choice, dates of travel etc. The member calls DVC to make the reservation. The member then emails the confirmation number to David, who in turn sends it on to the renter. It was all very quick and easy, and the whole transaction took under 15 minutes.
It sealed the deal for my DH this past March. Stayed at OKW in a Studio for 5 days...traveled home 2days and when we got home DH said go for it:cool1:

2 1/2 years of dropping the hint....nothing, 5 day stay SOLD!

Oh, you give me hope!! :goodvibes
We've rented out our points several times to friends, family & people here on the DIS. I've never found it to be a hassle so I would have trouble justifying "paying" someone say $300 for a 100 point transaction since I'm still doing the work of having to call MS and send a confirmation. What if, by the time David calls and "confirms" availability, the room is booked by someone else? Don't you have to start the whole process over again?

If this guy can make a living doing this, more power to him I guess.
David confirms availability with DVC, then contacts the member with all the guest's information, resort choice, dates of travel etc. The member calls DVC to make the reservation. The member then emails the confirmation number to David, who in turn sends it on to the renter. It was all very quick and easy, and the whole transaction took under 15 minutes.

I'm a little confused how this is that much easier than just doing it yourself? What if you call and find out that reservation type is no longer available by the time the call is made? Isn't that a bigger hassle with having to do more communication with more people?
So the renter pays $13 per point, the DVC member gets $10. Easy peasy for the DVC member. But why would a renter want to buy points for $13 when they can rent from other DVC members for $10? Based on our last trip of 7 nights at BLT it would cost $549 more using David's service versus renting from a member direct. I just don't see the advantage for the renters. Great for the DVC member but not for the renter.
I'm a little confused how this is that much easier than just doing it yourself? What if you call and find out that reservation type is no longer available by the time the call is made? Isn't that a bigger hassle with having to do more communication with more people?
Calling to make a reservation is easy. To me, the hard part of renting points is finding the renter and then dealing with all the questions, changes, hand-holding, etc. IMO, it would be worth paying someone else to do that for me.

I suppose if the reservation isn't available, then the owner would just call him back and he figures out something else for the renter and for the owner. My guess is that it doesn't happen all that often.
I'm a little confused how this is that much easier than just doing it yourself? What if you call and find out that reservation type is no longer available by the time the call is made? Isn't that a bigger hassle with having to do more communication with more people?

This is the only time I've rented points in the five years that I've been a member, and I don't anticipate having to do it again in the near future. So for me, the process of reading up on the intricacies of renting, drafting a contract, arranging for payment, etc. just seemed like a big hassle, when I could use a middleman who would arrange it all for me and I'd receive the same amount per point as if I'd done it on my own. I never dealt with the renter at all. I made two five minute calls to member services (the first time one of the nights at the desired resort wasn't available so I had to check with David to make sure the renter would accept the only other available resort) and I sent two one line emails, and my part in all of it was done. No hassle at all. I guess others may find it just as much work. To me, it was quick, easy, and I'd use him again if the need ever arose.

I guess the advantage to the renter is that there's more of a trust-factor, since they can more readily "check up" on David than on a private party. For some people, that peace of mind is worth the extra money.
If someone is out there commanding $13/point, it's good for us owners.

I'm in favor of what he's doing. I guess you could argue a service like this is competing with the rest of us who want to rent our points, but not at $13/point it's not. I'd much rather have him out there doing this than having a bunch of people on the rent/trade board having firesales at $7 per point and such, depressing the market.

Amen to that!

David is doing us (members) all a huge favor by stabilizing and actually holding up the price of our asset in this hard economy.

Renters gladly pay $13/point because it's a flippin bargain over what they would be paying direct through Disney. Have you checked how much our villas go for lately on Disney's website?!

My point being, whether they pay $10 or they pay $13, I think renters are so excited to be getting such an enormous discount of (in many cases) a few thousand dollars off Disney prices, that they're not sweating the extra few hundred bucks.

David is also exposing a whole new group of people, who have never met a "member" or even stumbled onto this board, to the plus side of renting. David advertises in other ways and in other areas and it draws people in. By selling to them the first time, they just might look on the boards the second time for that $11 or $12 bargain. Even better, is if this new group buys in through resale, thereby increasing the demand and eventually the value of our current contracts.

Another reason to thank David is because he takes a process that we take for granted because we know it so well and makes it easy for the average person to understand. For anyone who has never been exposed to DVC, trying to understand the concept alone, much less trying to figure out how the rental board works is daunting to say the least.

His website is the best I've ever seen in terms of how he actually explains what "renting points" is in a very easy to understand method.

Have any of you ever tried to explain to somebody who's never heard of DVC what "renting points" actually is?! It's practically impossible! Unless you have a well written speech with a teleprompter, you typically leave the person so confused, they think you're trying to sell them Amway or something.

David has taken our very valuable commodity that's difficult to explain and even more difficult to sell and made it as easy to understand to the average person as booking a normal trip.

By exposing new people to us and making it easier and less risky, this creates demand. Demand creates higher rental prices, and hopefully higher resale value.

If you've ever tried renting points, it is definitely no easy task. There is definitely tricks of the trade that make it much easier and unless you've done it enough times or just plain don't want to mess with it, David gives us a very easy alternative and pays an extremely respectable price.

Is he making money on it? Yes. But now ask yourself, if you were selling the points yourself, would you have asked $13/point or would you have asked closer to $10/point. The point is, if you are the type of person asking closer to $13 then David is doing you a great favor by giving you a benchmark. If you're the type of person who would ask $10 then by selling it for you, David is doing you a great favor in taking out the hassle and headache.

If you're the type who can't stand the thought of people renting points period, then ponder that through renting, it gives our points a yearly dollar value. I don't know about anyone else, but it gives me great peace of mind knowing that my membership has value. Value in every single point I own, whether I use them myself or through renting or resale.

And yes, I've definitely overkilled my point and this thread! :dance3:

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