DAS Outrage vs Genie Plus Outrage?

The bill would only make Clear use their own security line instead of TSA. Sounds good to me.

“It would require third-party vendors like CLEAR to get their own dedicated security lane or lose the ability to operate in California airports”
Which sounds good in theory, but where would a dedicated CLEAR line go? Taking a line away from either PreCheck or the regular TSA line would make those lines longer.
The problem with these sorts of bills is not that they become singularly responsible for ending tourism in CA. But collectively, there are actions that California has taken and could take that generally put a damper on personal tourism and other business travel.

Imagine you are organizing a conference for generic “business people” and need to choose a location. Based on all other factors, you have come down to choosing between a location in CA and one outside. You know that least some of those folks who could or will attend are going to get upset at not getting to use the benefit either they or their business paid for. Does it end up causing the loss of that conference? Who knows. But compounded with other factors it could play a role.

People often underestimate the downsides of government action and only focus on what the supporters of the law intend for the law to do.
If this does pass, this is a drop-in-the-bucket compared to a lot of other CA regulations, not to mention the high cost of gas, food and lodging when you get here.

We happened to notice the sign last night on our way out of SNA. Kids under 12 are free. This is clearly for business travelers IMHO. Do you anger the group of business travelers willing to pay for CLEAR, or do you anger the larger group of travelers who you are letting those guys cut in front of? Not sure why the two politicians pushing this are from Orange County. TSA really isn't bad at SNA. If fact, I'd say it's one of the better ones. I wasn't travelling out on a Sunday night/Monday morning though. I imagine when CLEAR has the highest demand.
Well, I can only confirm that the last time I travelled thru a California airport the CLEAR line had a lot more people than usual, and in a great coincidence (not) the PreCheck line took almost twice as long as it normally does.
Re: the comments about business vs leisure and SEA - I'm pretty much strictly a leisure traveler and I have CLEAR. I've found it works pretty well at SEA, which is my home airport. I got it because one day I got to security and the posted wait was TWO HOURS. So I bought it on the spot and was through in less than 15 minutes. I've continued to use it at SEA and have been happy with it. OTOH, my husband does 90% business travel. He doesn't have CLEAR, he has Pre-Check (I don't). The day I bought CLEAR, I was through security at least 15 minutes before he was, but he wasn't in line 2 hours. Other times I've traveled with him, the waits for precheck and CLEAR have been close, but I'm almost always through first. Generally speaking, he doesn't feel he needs CLEAR because he has pre-check.

Can't speak to other airports because SEA is the only one I've departed from that uses it since I purchased it.
“It would require third-party vendors like CLEAR to get their own dedicated security lane”
No one said anything about taking away Precheck or regular TSA.
They didn't say that, but there's only so much room in the security check area of an airport.

I’m sure others would decide where it goes. They made room for Clear, I’m sure they can make additional room for them to have their own security lane.
From what I've seen at airports, the only thing they've had to make room for so far for CLEAR is a small entry lane at the outskirts of the security area. Finding room for an entirely separate line in the main check area would be another matter.
“It would require third-party vendors like CLEAR to get their own dedicated security lane”
No one said anything about taking away Precheck or regular TSA.

I’m sure others would decide where it goes. They made room for Clear, I’m sure they can make additional room for them to have their own security lane.
They made room for Clear by putting people at the front of the other lines. Didn’t really make room. Actually, at my home airport, they did cut into the size of the precheck line for the Clear machines. Also, there are often 2 TSA officers for precheck, but one of them lately seems completely occupied with Clear customers. I think Clear should be paying the airport. Maybe they already do.


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