Dallas DIS Meet (moved)

Dan Murphy

We are family.
Apr 20, 2000
I will label these as I recall. :eek: If I make errors or do not name, let me know in a following post so I can edit. Thank you all for a great DIS meet...my first Dallas DIS meet. :D

  1. dfw.jpg

    I'm here in Dallas to see friends
  2. grapevine.jpg

    Grapevine Mills Mall..are you ready for the DIS??
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    I arrived at 10AM to the heart-healthy runners opening the mall, running past American Bandstand Restaurant & Grill
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    1 hour later, as the time arrives, the mall is teaming with Texans
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    Howdy, Dick!! I know..it has a good beat and it's easy to dance to...oh yea, a belated Happy New Year to you too!!
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    Here is the whole group posing pretty. Jackie, one of our great servers, took this great shot of all of us. Kim was our 2nd server. And what great service they gave us, too!
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    DumboOrBust and DH, Alan
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    going2wdw and DD's and m&m's mom's DH
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    WDWHound & CBRDec00 getting the scoop from Rhonda. LisaTX giving thumbs up on right
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    Julie t's DH and children
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    LisaTX, DH, D Dragon (not Daryl either) and DD, Chelsea
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  13. malariedspe93.jpg

    Rhonda's DD, Malarie and dspe93 (Dave)
  14. mandmmom.jpg

    m&m's mom and family
  15. rhodamadsonja.jpg

    Rhonda (glaring at me to put the d*** camera down) & Sonjarella and her DH
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    Rhonda's DH, Scotty (just enjoying the party)
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    Sonjarella and DH
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    tigger1, her sister and DD, dspe93(Dave), and Sonjarella and DH
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    Corn aficionado, WillyJ
  20. DanRhonda.jpg

    Rhonda and me (Dan)
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    going2wdw2 and DD
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    CBRDec00 &WDWHound
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    Robin's date, Dan (cool name), Robin's sister and her friend and DD
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    LisaTX DD, Chelsea
  25. mandmmom2.jpg

    m&m's mom & family
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    LisaTX making D Dragon & Rhonda split up (What was the corn joke, guys)
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    Rhonda's DH Scotty blowing bubbles in his glass while Rhonda glares in the distance
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    Sonjarella & WillyJ, the corn man
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    And the best of all...WillyJ ducking under Cher's personal bra, mounted on the wall beneath a picture of Cher herself.

As said above, we all had a most fun time. We all got to finally meet each other, tell some stories, look at pictures, scrapbooks (oh, the scrapbooks..you wouldn't believe how beautiful some are!!! So detailed and works of art!) laugh A LOT, and interact with the kids. As always, these first encounters with other DIS'ers are amazing in how all of us react to each other. It is as if we all have known each other for years, and in a physical sense, not only a cyber sense. The tremendous ease of interaction is truly amazing, IMO. All-in-all, we had a day in our lives unlike many others, where we could share our lives and our common love of The Mouse. I, for one, am always happy to meet other DIS folks, as I really feel, the more I meet, that they are different and "a cut above".

I want to thank you ALL for sharing your day. I hope to see you all again some day in the future. :D

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