CRS for $89/night in May!


Jul 12, 2000
Thank you all for the info and links. Using, I found a discount code that covers our stay this May. I figured it was probably a lost cause - only 10 rooms at each hotel, etc. - that sort of thing. :rolleyes: But for the cost of a few minutes of my time (didn't even have to pay for the phone call - used DC's 800 number), I figured it couldn't hurt to ask. What a great idea! :D They gave us the discount on our existing reservation. Instead of $149/night/room (2 rooms) we're now paying $89/night/room - a savings of $840! :D Thank you all so much. :cool:

90 honeymoon
95,98, 01 w/kids & grands
That's great! I saw earlier postings regarding her website and I am thinking of trying for some of the codes that will be relevant in August.

Hi, I'm Mary, the webmaster of the site you mentioned. I'm so glad you got a great deal! I'm getting ready to add a page of "testimonials" from real people who got deals by using the info on my site. Would you mind if I used this post for that purpose? I would want to include your first name and hometown. If you would be willing to let me use this info on my site, please e-mail me! Thanks.

In case anyone wants to visit, the correct URL is:

Enjoy! :)
Cornell - We'll be at the Coronado Springs Resort May 16 - 23. The $89/night special rate is in effect at the moderate hotels from 4/22 - 5/23. :) Lucky me.

Mary - please feel free to use my original post in your testimonials page. You've saved us $840 - the least I can do is let people know about it! :D

90 honeymoon
95,98, 01 w/kids & grands


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