Concierge or dining plan or what?


DIS Veteran
Aug 17, 1999
We are planning to spend 7 nights at the Disneyland Hotel the 3rd week of June. We are flying and will not have a car. Dragging snacks, water, etc with is not appealing but we really need that pop tart or bowl of cereal in the room to fuel our early entry and must have bottled water as one of us is very water sensitive.

If we stayed concierge, we would have their continental breakfast and snacks, etc. plus the other little pampering they do. We did concierge at the Yacht Club last December and were very happy and other than a couple of character meals just snacked with them. We thought that we "ate and drank" the difference in the room price plus they got us castle breakfast ressies and other valuable help that made our trip extra nice. But seems that the DL Hotel concierge is more limited in what is offered.

The dining plan is slightly less expensive that adding concierge. It is actually a bunch of vouchers: for character breakfasts, snacks (up to $5) and then some $10 and $15 vouchers. They have to be used at parks only not hotel or downtown disney and you do not get change. The total value is about 20% more than the actual cost to buy the plan. And a big part of our meals would then be pre-paid which is appealing. However, the WDW Travel cast member that explained the dining package to me didn't think much of it -

Any opinions or other suggestions?

Bouncing- - just can't help bouncing!

Boy, that's a tough call. I personally enoyed the DL concierge for the weekend that I've spent there; the breakfast alone was worth it to me, and the evening wine and appetizers were also very nice. It was also great to have access to the sodas and bottled water during the day. The concierge staff can also get you a reservation at the Blue Bayou, but you're right that it is not extensive as a WDW concierge resort.

I haven't done the math on the dining plans to figure out if they're worth it or not. My personal choice would be to go with concierge, especially since you can't get change back from the vouchers. For such a long, leisurely stay at DL you can certainly afford the time away from the parks to enjoy the concierge lounge and services.

Just my two cents - good luck deciding! :)

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As much as I love Disneyland, there Concierge is not anything like the Concierge at the WDW resorts. I stayed at the Concierge at the Polynesian last summer and loved it, so when we went to DL in November I decided I would do concierge at DLH. It was nice but not worth the money and the suite we stayed in was nothing like one at a WDW resort. Maybe the Concierge at the Grand Californian is better. Michelle has a good point about getting reservations through the concierge. It does make it easier.


DL 1975 Off site
DL 1978 DL Hotel
WDW 1982 Off site
WDW 1984 Off site
DL 1993 off site
DL 1994 DL Pan Pacific
DL 1995 DL Hotel
WDW 1996 Polynesian Moorea Lagoon view
DL 1997 DL Hotel
WDW 1998 Polynesian Samoa Lagoon view
DL 1999 DL Hotel
WDW 2000 Polynesian Hawaii Lagoon view Concierge
DL 2000 DL Hotel corner suite Concierge
WDW 2001 Yacht Club
WDW2001 Polynesian Hawaii Lagoon view Concierge

NEW Polynesian pages!!!
Today I changed our reservation from theme park view to Concierge at the Grand Californian. We did concierge at the Poly in December and it was great and very convient. Especially with all the sodas, the water, all the snacks, the contiental breakfast and evening dinning. I hope its not a disappointment from the Poly at WDW. To me concierge is better then the vouchers on the dinning plan (in my opinion). The one thing I am going to like is to make resv's at the Blue Bayou prior to our trip. We have been to DL lots of times and we have never been to that restaurant.


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