Cheap Airfare Dance of Joy!!


I am serious. And don't call me Shirley.
Jun 10, 2000
I am flying to WDW on March 10th, and returning from West Palm Beach on March 17th. I was able to book both segments on US Air for about $210 (which is not bad, considering I am landing in MCO at 9:30 AM). But, the BEST part is that I just got a flight from Orlando to West Palm for $39 on Southwest!! Wahoo!! I missed that airfare the first week in January and it just came around again!! Wahoo! Granted, I only saved $20 over their usual advance purchase, but that's enough to pay for 2 meals in WDW!

Happiness ...

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Congratulations to you!!

I am bummed over the airfare right now... I found some very good prices and they stayed the same price and I was waiting 2 Fridays ago for my check to be deposited in the bank and then I was going to get up that morning and get my airline ressies, but when I woke up and got online, they had gone up a total of $240 for 3 tickets!!! I decided not to buy and have been scoping it out.. Hopefully I will find a good deal, otherwise I may get stuck paying a little higher...



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