Cecil the Lion

One story I read said the cubs may be euthanized before the new alpha male can kill them. But either way, the dirtbag dentist is responsible for more than one lion's death.

I would think that they could relocate the cats somewhere, even to a zoo? This whole story is sad and I think the guy is a horrible person. Not sure if anybody else saw the pics (or if they were the actual pics of Cecil), but the one I saw had a lion that had been skinned from shoulder to hip and the head wasn't even removed fully, it looked like just the face was cut off, as the ears and neck were still there. If somebody is wanting a trophy kill, and Cecil was an amazing looking lion, why in the world would a person appear to mutilate the animal?

I sure hope this guy pays for this. His fine should be the 55k he paid for the hunt that goes to Zimbabwe and then another hefty fine of a few hundred thousand that goes toward animal conservation. I can't imagine he'll be working much longer, so hit him where it hurts and make sure he won't be able to afford these hunting trips ever again. Oh, let's also hope that karma gets him the way got the other game hunter who was trampled by an elephant.
This low life bottom of the barrel scum tries to excuse his behavior by claiming he thought it was a legal hunt. So, shooting a beautiful, majestic animal with an arrow, allowing it to suffer in pain and fear for FORTY hours only to track it down and shoot it, skin it and behead it is ok if it is legally done? Why did they then try to remove the tracking collar to hide his evil deed? In his statement from his hiding hole he said that he regrets the death of Cecil but he was doing an activity he loves and enjoys and he thought it was legal. To me an activity is tennis, boating, swimming etc. This trophy hunting is sadistic. What possible joy could anyone get from bringing so much fear and pain to a helpless animal? I just do not understand it and tears came to my eyes when I first read about it. This, by the way is not the first time he has done something illegal while hunting. He already has another conviction. The coward was able to take down this beautiful creature with all his hunting weapons, bet it made him feel like a big man every time he scored another kill. Well, Dr. Barrel Scum now YOU will know what it is like to be the hunted one. May you lose it all and may you live out your existence looking over your shoulder every single moment of the day. There is so much hatred for him right now over social media that his life as he knew it is over.
On his 'about me' page for his dental practice, he said that "I love outdoor activities that make me feel alive. I spend most of my free time outdoors watching and photographing animals." (The page is gone now, so it's not an exact quote, but close.

I'm pretty sure he knew what potential patients would think about what he actually did, so he left part out. Here, I'll fix it for him.
"I love outdoor activities that make me feel alive because I am taking life from another living thing. I spend most of my free time outdoors watching animals that my guides bait so I can shoot them. And after I kill them, I like photographing animals."
I wonder where he is? He wrote a letter to his patients apologizing.

I think he's holed up in a hotel or house somewhere in Minnesota. Waiting for this to blow over. And, it will. By this time next week, we will all be talking about something else.
I couldn't imagine letting someone dig around in my mouth who gets off on inflicting pain. Letting Cecil walk around mortally injured for FORTY hours really says something about the guy. Every time his little metal jabber slips and he jabs you in the gums he probably gets a ... happy smile.

He's like Steve Martin in Little Shop of Horrors.
Despite the illegal nature of this, I highly doubt "allowing" the lion to suffer for 40 hours was part of any plan. The guy made a poor shot that failed to anchor the lion, and it took 40 hours to get close enough to finish the job. Nobody (no matter how unethical) sets out to do that on purpose.
To be clear, the $55,000 has already been paid. And the guys he paid were professional hunters (what we would call hunting guides in the US) not tour, guides. These guys were credentialed, but operating outside the law.

Not making excuses for the dentist, because I fully believe he knew this was not a legal hunt. BUT, whatever you have to say bad about him, these outlaw PH's are even worse.

When I read the first linked story, I gave the guy the benefit of the doubt. But some of the other articles make it clear that this guy was a full participant in an illegal killing. He was an experienced "hunter" and knew exactly what was going on. He killed the animal knowing it wasn't hunted fairly or humanely.

I don't think anyone is worse than anyone else here. They are all scumbags, imo.
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I would think that they could relocate the cats somewhere, even to a zoo? This whole story is sad and I think the guy is a horrible person. Not sure if anybody else saw the pics (or if they were the actual pics of Cecil), but the one I saw had a lion that had been skinned from shoulder to hip and the head wasn't even removed fully, it looked like just the face was cut off, as the ears and neck were still there. If somebody is wanting a trophy kill, and Cecil was an amazing looking lion, why in the world would a person appear to mutilate the animal?

I sure hope this guy pays for this. His fine should be the 55k he paid for the hunt that goes to Zimbabwe and then another hefty fine of a few hundred thousand that goes toward animal conservation. I can't imagine he'll be working much longer, so hit him where it hurts and make sure he won't be able to afford these hunting trips ever again. Oh, let's also hope that karma gets him the way got the other game hunter who was trampled by an elephant.

The PH who was recently trampled by an elephant was a HIGHLY respected professional. When not guiding hunters, he was paid by the government to cull excess elephants to keep them from overpopulating. Please don't lump these two together.
May you lose it all and may you live out your existence looking over your shoulder every single moment of the day.

I couldn't care less that he's getting death threats or that his business might be kaput.

I despise him for what he did and want him prosecuted for it.

But do not feel the need to revel in his getting death threats, seeing his family punished and his employees suffering because of his actions. And am struck by how readily so many presumably "compassionate, thoughtful" :rolleyes1people here have sunk to the level of an ugly lynch mob.

Are you saying that the only reason to post on here can be to keep stating that this guy is a jerk, over and over again?

Anna, unfortunately, you hit the nail on the head. The apparent sole purpose of this thread is to host a classic social media shaming pig pile.
Despite the illegal nature of this, I highly doubt "allowing" the lion to suffer for 40 hours was part of any plan. The guy made a poor shot that failed to anchor the lion, and it took 40 hours to get close enough to finish the job. Nobody (no matter how unethical) sets out to do that on purpose.

Okay, if you think so. :)
The PH who was recently trampled by an elephant was a HIGHLY respected professional. When not guiding hunters, he was paid by the government to cull excess elephants to keep them from overpopulating. Please don't lump these two together.

Eh, the man may have been highly respected by some, but from what I've read, he took many out on trophy hunts and I can't respect that. Also, it was stated that he knew the elephant was in a highly irritable state, and he was checking out the ivory. Another account said he was tracking a lion. Either way, I think when you mess with nature, eventually youll reap what you sow. I'm sure not all of his kills were to help with overpopulation either. Tragic way to end life and a terrible sadness for his family, but again, he took that gamble every time he went out there.
Eh, the man may have been highly respected by some, but from what I've read, he took many out on trophy hunts and I can't respect that. Also, it was stated that he knew the elephant was in a highly irritable state, and he was checking out the ivory. Another account said he was tracking a lion. Either way, I think when you mess with nature, eventually youll reap what you sow. I'm sure not all of his kills were to help with overpopulation either. Tragic way to end life and a terrible sadness for his family, but again, he took that gamble every time he went out there.

Trophy hunting is only permitted in areas that have population issues, so ALL these LEGAL hunts are part of population control. And for every trophy bull removed from the herd, that's 3-4 young calves that won't need to be culled by professionals.

And yes, when your job is to "mess with the bull", you accept that one day you might "get the horn". Still, we're talking about a man who by all accounts operated legally and ethically for his entire career. And I find that not at all comparable to the topic of discussion - which is poaching.
Okay, if you think so. :)

Well, the very notion defies all logic. How exactly does one set out to "mortally wound", but NOT kill a dangerous animal?

This guy broke all sorts of moral, ethical, and legal rules. But, I don't believe for a second he deliberately failed to kill the lion with his first shot. Trust me, he didn't pay $55,000 to let it run off on purpose.
I despise him for what he did and want him prosecuted for it.

But do not feel the need to revel in his getting death threats, seeing his family punished and his employees suffering because of his actions. And am struck by how readily so many presumably "compassionate, thoughtful" :rolleyes1people here have sunk to the level of an ugly lynch mob.

Anna, unfortunately, you hit the nail on the head. The apparent sole purpose of this thread is to host a classic social media shaming pig pile.

And that was exactly what I was trying to get at. A social media lynching. Meanwhile, our people constantly and proudly post their pictures of their big "catch" fish that they will never eat, wild animals and birds that they shoot for pure sport and hang on their walls and nobody blinks an eye. We kidnap innocent whales and dolphins out of the ocean for our amusement parks not thinking of them or their families.

But the masses go ape crap over one lion because he is "majestic" "exotic" "beautiful". I wish for the day that we respect all animals as much as beautiful Cecil. May he RIP.

And in the meantime everyone is cool with burning down the dentist's home and business and hanging him.
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Well, the very notion defies all logic. How exactly does one set out to "mortally wound", but NOT kill a dangerous animal?

This guy broke all sorts of moral, ethical, and legal rules. But, I don't believe for a second he deliberately failed to kill the lion with his first shot. Trust me, he didn't pay $55,000 to let it run off on purpose.

Well, the coward and his cronies lured out poor Cecil with the scent of a dead animal. I believe indeed he may have intentionally wounded him in order to make " the hunt" much easier and safer for himself. By all accounts he was a very experienced hunter and excellent marksman so he would know exactly where to aim to only wound the animal and not kill him outright.
Well, the coward and his cronies lured out poor Cecil with the scent of a dead animal. I believe indeed he may have intentionally wounded him in order to make " the hunt" much easier and safer for himself. By all accounts he was a very experienced hunter and excellent marksman so he would know exactly where to aim to only wound the animal and not kill him outright.

Respectfully, what do you think of fishermen who lure their prey with dead fish? Hunters often lure their prey (deer) with scents.

PS The hunter had a gun. How much safer could he be?
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I wanna know how they didn't see his collar? Also, with the guides being local how did they not know this was Cecil? He was that popular.
I wanna know how they didn't see his collar? Also, with the guides being local how did they not know this was Cecil? He was that popular.

Exactly this! Could the $55,000 have been a bribe in order for the esteemed doctor to bag the crown jewel, Cecil the lion. Imagine the bragging rights to his fellow hunting buddies. I have a feeling more dirt will come out eventually about what really happened and how it all went down.


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