Cass, Rob & Kira - UO & Disney Fantasy - Two Old Farts and a Teenager

Relay!! Loved him, had never seen that before. Such cool technology, always makes me wonder what's next!

We've only been on one Disney cruise and it was from the PC terminal and you are right, best bridge and Mickey ears :)

Is it just me or does Kira look even older than on the xmas cruise pics? Really becoming a beautiful young lady that one :)
How cool is that robot?? What a neat idea!!

Yay cruise day!!! Yay negative tests lol Woohoo!!!
Awwwww! The pic of Kira giving you such a big hug made me tear up!! :lovestruc
We're on board, yay you made it!! oh em gee, that hug. Needs framing, keep that forever. So, so excited your cruise has started. Give us alllllll the details, don't leave one single thing out. Its been a long 9 yrs since I stepped inside this terminal, 2013 on the Dream. My son and daughter in law (she's a CM at Disney Institute) will be sailing the Fantasy in mid May with my 5 yr old granddaughter, I'm so jealous! Ok Cass, lets do this!!
Yay! I have been reading your report, but most excited for the cruise part! We aren't scheduled to cruise until November and I am getting impatient! It has been over 2 years...I need my DCL fix. And we love the Fantasy! I hate to admit it, but if I saw ya'll at the port I would probably act like a fan girl. I have been reading your reports for years and watching Kira grow up. Speaking of fans, thanks for the link because I am getting one of those for certain.
Now get busy and finish the cruise portion! :teeth: please.

We have been keeping our rental and parking at the Port for every cruise since 2015! Convenience = $$$$ BUT, we just add it to our Cruise Budget and move on.
Since COVID, the rental prices have more than doubled, but I still want the convenience.

Love that Robot. I need one at home!! 😂

Glad to see the wait time for the all clear was only about 15minutes. Ours was 40 days and 40 nights!!! Ok Ok it was 40 minutes but it was a grueling wait. Btw…thanks for waiting it off with me that day. ❤️❤️❤️❤️
March 26th, Part 2

I'm telling you, there is nothing like walking through those Mickey ears, knowing you have your whole cruise ahead of you. No more planning, no more testing. It's just right there in front of you, all you gotta do is walk through. :love:

We stepped on the ship and the CM to my right asked me our family name but what I didn't know was that Rob was telling the CM on the left that we were celebrating my 50th birthday. :blush:

I am highly introverted and I hate any kind of attention. When we go for dinner on my birthday at home, I have to make Rob promise me that he won't tell them it's my birthday, so you can just imagine how I felt when, right after they announced our family name, they all broke out in song. :eek:

Oh my dog! 🤦‍♀️

The best part though was watching Mickey and his side-chick sing along, in their own way, of course. :teeth: :rolleyes:



Six shades of red later, we headed to the Walk Disney Theatre to do our Safety Drill. I don't know why but we always have a hard time taking that photo. On the Wonder at Christmas, I tried, Rob tried, two CM's tried and they finally got it but here on the Fantasy, it just wouldn't work. :headache:


We all tried many times but it just wouldn't show complete, so the CM had to manually enter our names on the sheet saying we had done it. I asked him if he was sure he wrote it down properly because we didn't want anyone trying to track us down later, yelling at us. :rotfl2:


Next stop was Guest Services to see about a possible new room. The line was quite long so Rob and Kira chilled for a bit near the DVC desk.



Once I figured out that this was going to take quite awhile, I sent them up to Cabana's to get a table in a corner so that we had room for all of our bags. They left and I ended up talking to a very nice CM who filled out this room change request form. She said as soon as we sail and they know exactly what rooms are available, they would contact us if they had another room we could move to.


With that done, I headed up to Cabanas. A quick wave to Mickey first. :wave2::earboy2:


We had been wondering if they had changed the elevator buttons to the awesome ones they have on the Wonder but sadly, they had not. Also, don't stand in the middle and take a photo of yourself in the elevator, it looks like you have three legs. :lmao:


After a thorough hand wash, I found my family.


Rob had taken a couple of pics :thumbsup2



The NCL Escape was here getting repaired after it had run aground just over a week ago. There was also a small Carnival ship, the Mariner of the Seas and the Mardi Gras further down the channel.



Kira and I are not buffet kind of gals, so we went and grabbed ourselves some chicken strips! :thumbsup2


And I may or may not have topped my strips with a hot dog. :rolleyes1


The chicken strips on this trip were so delicious!! WAY better than the crap ones we had on the Wonder in December, those were gross :crazy2:

We then wandered through Sweet on You.






But opted for the free stuff. ::yes::

This was Rob's first and last banana/strawberry cone. He didn't care for it. Kira enjoyed a chocolate/vanilla swirl and then we headed to the kids clubs.


They both had totally forgotten about the cool hand washers here. :p



When we passed by this table, I asked Kira to have a seat and cross her legs so I could recreate her photo from her first Fantasy sailing back in 2013. Kira is always awestruck with my memory. "How could you possibly remember what chair I was sitting at almost a decade ago?" she asked. :scratchin

It's a curse my love, a blessing and a curse. :rolleyes2 I have a great memory but I always expect others to have the same and I can't comprehend when they don't. I remember conversations from two decades ago and will talk to Rob about it and he doesn't even remember it happening. :sad2: It, however, makes me the best person to play trivia with. :laughing:


Look at that those curls 😍



We passed by Pepe's door.


And then headed up to Edge. She was sad she wasn't in this club, she loved it!



We wanted to go check out the Vibe but we had so many heavy bags and there's tons of stairs to get to the Vibe so we said we would go check it out later together. Spoiler alert, that never happened. 😞

By then, our rooms were ready so we headed to deck 10 to check it out. :woohoo:
Yay!!!! Another infamous trippie from Timon!! :D :D

Okay, you totally convinced me to try Toothsome again! We've never liked it, but maybe we've ordered incorrectly. I literally just booked a ressie! Oh how I wish we could ride VelociCoaster together! My hubby can't ride it, so I always ride solo. It is truly as incredible as they say! I've never stayed at Aventura. I've toured it a few times though. We've tried to go to Bar 17 Bistro, but EVERY SINGLE TIME we've gone it has been closed for a private party! I'm wondering if we should stay sometime. Hmmm!

Loving your report already!, and your cruise hasn't even started yet! :D

Awww, I would totally go on VC with you!!! At Toothsome, order the salmon if you eat that, get the chocolate almond bread and just about any appetizer, really good! :)

I did try to take Kira up to Bar17 but it was closed and I totally forgot about it the other nights!
Love your shirt! Rob and Kira got so much done that night. I feel I need a visit to Universal!
It's a great shirt ;) You definitely need to visit Universal soon ::yes::

Thanks so much! I just ordered one! :-)

Woo hooo! I might order the new one. :goodvibes

Omg I have goosebumps
cannot wait to re -cruise been two years
and cass that hug also gave me goosebumps as you say you don’t question these things but geez do they give you a burst of hapiness

cannot wait to read the rest !
You will be on soon right? :cool1:

Yes, hugs are the best, especially from your kid ❤️

Relay!! Loved him, had never seen that before. Such cool technology, always makes me wonder what's next!

We've only been on one Disney cruise and it was from the PC terminal and you are right, best bridge and Mickey ears :)

Is it just me or does Kira look even older than on the xmas cruise pics? Really becoming a beautiful young lady that one :)

Relay is super cool and so funny sometimes! :laughing:

I don't notice her aging much but I'm with her all the time, so maybe? :teeth:

How cool is that robot?? What a neat idea!!

Yay cruise day!!! Yay negative tests lol Woohoo!!!

They really used technology in great ways at that resort!

Cruise days are the best! :stitch2:

Awwwww! The pic of Kira giving you such a big hug made me tear up!! :lovestruc


We're on board, yay you made it!! oh em gee, that hug. Needs framing, keep that forever. So, so excited your cruise has started. Give us alllllll the details, don't leave one single thing out. Its been a long 9 yrs since I stepped inside this terminal, 2013 on the Dream. My son and daughter in law (she's a CM at Disney Institute) will be sailing the Fantasy in mid May with my 5 yr old granddaughter, I'm so jealous! Ok Cass, lets do this!!
Hahaha, well, you already know how long-winded I am :rotfl:

Wow, it's been that long eh? :oops:

Oooh, I bet they will have a great time!! ::yes::

Yeah cruise part finally. I’m definitely buying a fan with come in handy


Yay! I have been reading your report, but most excited for the cruise part! We aren't scheduled to cruise until November and I am getting impatient! It has been over 2 years...I need my DCL fix. And we love the Fantasy! I hate to admit it, but if I saw ya'll at the port I would probably act like a fan girl. I have been reading your reports for years and watching Kira grow up. Speaking of fans, thanks for the link because I am getting one of those for certain.
Now get busy and finish the cruise portion! :teeth: please.


Hahahaha, I tried to get through the Universal part as fast as I could, I know the main draw is the cruise. :sail:

It's funny, every trip I'm on, someone recognizes me and it still blows my mind! 🤯 :rotfl2:

We have been keeping our rental and parking at the Port for every cruise since 2015! Convenience = $$$$ BUT, we just add it to our Cruise Budget and move on.
Since COVID, the rental prices have more than doubled, but I still want the convenience.

Love that Robot. I need one at home!! 😂

Glad to see the wait time for the all clear was only about 15minutes. Ours was 40 days and 40 nights!!! Ok Ok it was 40 minutes but it was a grueling wait. Btw…thanks for waiting it off with me that day. ❤️❤️❤️❤️

You really can't beat that convenience! This was the first time we kept our car and parked it at the garage (other than the cruise with yours truly ;)) . It was cheaper than returning it and then picking up a new one for the last day and it was just way too convenient!

Yes, that wait is always terrible! But at least now it's faster :thumbsup2
Oh my! Those 2 side-by-side pics of Kira sitting in the same chair!! Priceless! :thumbsup2 :goodvibes
It's a curse my love, a blessing and a curse. :rolleyes2 I have a great memory but I always expect others to have the same and I can't comprehend when they don't. I remember conversations from two decades ago and will talk to Rob about it and he doesn't even remember it happening. :sad2: It, however, makes me the best person to play trivia with. :laughing:I am
It's a great shirt ;) You definitely need to visit Universal soon
I am always amazed at the stuff you remember....and the year too! I don't even try anymore. I just ask you. I am the total opposite. But there are things that I do remember and it's so stupid my family thinks I am insane to remember it.
And yes, Trivia is fun at anytime, but way more fun with you.

I so need a trip. I had wanted to go to Universal and possibly cruise this upcoming weekend and I am feeling the blues. Dang husbands!
March 26th, Part 3

We made our way to 10512, forward, starboard side.












They changed the hair dryers :( The BabyLiss ones are so much better! I actually loved the ones on our 2017 Fantasy cruise so much that Rob bought me the consumer equivalent so I'm sad to see them go. This one was okay but I prefer one that has a temperature switch, not just on and off. Oh well, my hair is short now so it's not a huge deal anymore.


So, we were in a bit of a quandary here.

See what I did there? :rolleyes:

Because of my auto-immune issues, we always sanitize our rooms. It's just something we do that gives us peace of mind knowing that every surface we will be touching is as clean as can be. It takes some time and more than a bit of an effort. Also, our bags had all arrived in the following 20 minutes and we already had our door decorations in our carry-ons. This is the time we always unpack, decorate and settle in for the next 7 days. We had early dinner and then I knew I would be in the pool so if we waited until later, to see if we got a new room, we would have to do this all over again in the new room and we didn't really have the time later, so what do we do? :confused3

For a short while, I had decided to just put our bags in the closet and just do the sanitizing. Once that was done, and all of our bags had arrived, there wasn't much to do. Kira didn't feel like hitting up the Vibe just yet and so Rob did some reading on the verandah and Kira and I snuggled :goodvibes Okay, I snuggled her while she chatted with her bestie. Whatever. :rolleyes:


Time passed and it really started to bother me that I could be doing all this stuff now while we had the time and I was just laying there. :rolleyes2

I'm just not the type to put things off, I like getting things done, ya know? So, I decided to just unpack and decorate and hope for the best! Maybe it's not as loud as people say, every cruise is different anyway. Perhaps they didn't even have another room for us anyway? And if they did and we moved, what if it's loud there too? Or we get terrible neighbours? We've certainly had more than our fair share of those! Plus I really loved the location of our room! Positive thoughts! :goodvibes

So, I unpacked, got us settled in and decorated our door.

I will say, I sure missed that chest of drawers in the middle of the room on the Wonder. We made it work but with those middle drawers, it's so easy to organize, Kira always gets the area near the desk, I get that middle and then Rob gets the drawers by the closet.

I finally got to use our FE that my bff Nancy got us many moons ago. We've been using our Christmas one for the past few cruises. I decided to bling it up a little with some lights just before we left. :teeth:

I wasn't sure if they were allowing us to hang FE's yet but I figured I would put it up and if they asked us to remove it, we would. ;)


We started to move so Rob and I headed to deck 4 in the shade to watch us sail away. Kira was feeling a little lazy and stayed in the room.


We switched sides as we sailed out of the channel.


My friend Jen had been on the Mardi Gras recently, twice, in fact and she loved it. I will say that if I ever felt the need to try a Carnival ship, it would be this one's Carnival. :crazy2:

Disney has spoiled me. ::yes::



Just as we were passing her, we showed off with all of our cool Disney horns. :rotfl2:

Passing by Jetty Park, my favourite part of sailing away here, it's so pretty. :love:


We got a notification in the app so we stopped off at Guest Services. They had found us a room but honestly, it wasn't much better than ours, when it came to proximity to a noisy area and we were all fully settled in now so we thanked them but declined.

Back to the room quickly and then down to dinner at 5:45pm at Royal Court. While we were in line for GS earlier, we had heard an amazing violinist in the Atrium. Kira also fell in love with this guy, he was amazing! She found out his name was Jordan Caswell, and the moment she got internet again, she followed him on Instagram. :P


Table 52 is where we were headed.




We're always eager to meet our dining team. They really can make or break your whole dinner experience. This was my 15th Disney cruise and I've been lucky to have mostly good dining teams.

We've had some great servers but my favourite server ever was Orlan, from the Philippines, on the Magic back in 2009. Man, he was the best! He was so funny, we joked every night and we were with our friends, who have a good sense of humour, so we laughed every night. :rotfl:

When it comes to assistant servers, we've had a few good ones, a few bad ones and the absolute worst one back in 2013 on the Fantasy.

This cruise, we ended up with a team of three, Ronny, our server, Dean, our assistant-server and Fabiano, who was also an assistant-server, and Dean and Fabiano were splitting their services between two stations. This was new to them, and to us! It seemed that Fabiano was doing water and bread most nights and then Dean would take our drink orders and Ronny would be doing our food orders and then they all kind of worked together for the rest and it ran very smoothly. :goodvibes

Oh, and our head server was Tony. ;)

Ronny was really good at his job but quiet, he wouldn't chat unless you started a conversation with him and asked specific questions. And then his answers were short and to the point. He got the job done though and I was happy! 💗

Fabiano was the same, quiet, good at his job. He was an amazing artist, he showed us some of his drawings later on in the cruise and well, this dude should be working for Disney but in another department, the animation one. :artist:

Then there was Dean. Where do I even begin?

First off, he was Scottish, so right there, I felt a connection. 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 My mum was born and raised in Scotland, before she moved to Montréal in her late teens. She died almost 25 years ago now, so it's been a lifetime since I've heard her voice. She had lost a lot of her accent by the time I came along but it was still apparent with certain words, where she came from. So anytime I hear that accent, it just makes me feel a little closer to her.

Besides the swoon-worthy accent, this guy was the epitome of a "people person". He was chatty, entertaining, engaging, charming, quick, and funny as HECK!

His name tag said United Kingdom, so when he first spoke and it was obvious he was from Scotland, I asked him where he was from. He replied "Glasgow", to which I replied, "Cool, my mum was born in Glasgow!" and without skipping a beat, he said "Hey! Mine too!" :rotfl2:

I knew it was going to be a good week. ::yes::

I'm not funny but I have a really good sense of humour and I love funny people. My two best friends in life are freaking hilarious (probably one of the reasons they are my besties! :p) and I can laugh at myself just as easy as I can laugh at others. Kira has my sense of humour, which she thanks God every day for because Rob has a very dry sense of humour. If Kira and I are laughing about something, Rob will just be sitting there, shaking his head, totally not getting it. And then if he's laughing, Kira and I are shaking our heads, wondering why he's so weird. :rolleyes: :rotfl2:

Kira, on the other hand, is hilarious! She has made me laugh every single day of her life. If she wasn't super introverted and crippled with anxiety, she'd probably be a stand-up comedian. :rotfl:

And while most of Dean's jokes went over Rob's head, he really appreciated his friendliness and approachability. Kira not only appreciated his humour and fun nature, I think she might have been a little smitten too. ::yes:: :rolleyes1

He was also really good at his job! He kept us in coffee, lemonade and diet-cokes all week-long and delivered an endless supply of buns to Rob and Kira every night. :goodvibes

Needless to say, it was a good week, filled with great food, lots of laughs and great memories. :lovestruc

Here's some food porn:









Rob always tries to steal Kira's mickey ice cream bars. We still don't know why he finds it so funny but he does and he continues his attempts. :rolleyes2 Look at Kira's face! :lmao:




I obviously don't remember all of Dean's jokes but I do remember one in particular from that night that stood out, probably because I almost choked on my diet-coke. :p

Rob and Kira eat a lot of buns at dinner and Rob makes a huge mess every time, so he was cleaning that up and Dean walked by and they were talking about the mess he made and cleaning it up (don't worry, I did not repeat my little Palo Brunch faux-pas from the last cruise! ;)) and Rob wiped a few of the last remaining crumbs onto the floor and Dean said something like "Well, don't do that now! We're gonna be needing those crumbs for yer parmesan-crusted chicken in a few nights" 🤣

I don't have a photo of our dining team from that night but here's one from our last night. Dean's on the left, Ronny's on the right.


Sadly Dean is on his last cruise of his current contract right now but if you're ever at Rose & Crown at Epcot, make sure to ask for him. He'll be there for the next year. Tell him the Pettigrews say hi! :wave2:
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Oh my....the happy birthday vid is just the sweetest thing ever 😍😍😍
Love your door decorations!! And thanks for the reminder, I need to get a few new ones made up for our July cruise.

Have never sailed Carnival but we WERE booked on the Mardi Gras for the end of 2020 I think it was?? Anyway...we know how that turned out :( Maybe one day we'll try again lol

Sounds like you had a fantastic serving team!!!

Is Kira too old for Edge now? I thought she would still be in that overlap year the clubs have....guess I'm getting my ages mixed up?
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Aw Cass, I melted at that first photo, you snuggling with Kira. Best part about it? She's completely comfortable with it, not even reacting, LOVE it. She loves her Mom and Dad so much, you have a very special bond. Ok love Dean already, so great you thought of your Mom thru him! I too lost my Mom, 32 yrs ago, when I was 30 yrs old. We are kindred spirits that way. Keep it coming!
Yay another Cruise!
also I’m the same way with you when it comes to memory! My sister always gets surprised when I start talking about an old picture!
We have been keeping our rental and parking at the Port for every cruise since 2015! Convenience = $$$$ BUT, we just add it to our Cruise Budget and move on.
Since COVID, the rental prices have more than doubled, but I still want the convenience.

Love that Robot. I need one at home!! 😂

Glad to see the wait time for the all clear was only about 15minutes. Ours was 40 days and 40 nights!!! Ok Ok it was 40 minutes but it was a grueling wait. Btw…thanks for waiting it off with me that day. ❤️❤️❤️❤️
You can get a Relay robot here:
Cost is $2k per month rental unfortunately.

I am always amazed at the stuff you remember....and the year too! I don't even try anymore. I just ask you. I am the total opposite. But there are things that I do remember and it's so stupid my family thinks I am insane to remember it.
And yes, Trivia is fun at anytime, but way more fun with you.

I so need a trip. I had wanted to go to Universal and possibly cruise this upcoming weekend and I am feeling the blues. Dang husbands!
Hey! What's up with the husbands :confused3
March 26th, Part 4

After we finished our dinner, we escorted Kira to the entrance of the Vibe.



I was bummed that we didn't get to tour it during the Open House but she did promise she would go the first night for Profiles and Icebreakers. It was nice that all of the kids activities were listed in the app again. So much easier! ::yes::

Once those two events were done, she left. She did go back the next day for one event and maybe one more event another day but she didn't like it. I thought she was going to LOVE Vibe on this ship because it's so cool and it has that outside deck but she felt intimidated and overwhelmed with the whole thing. She much preferred the smaller, more intimate Vibe on the Wonder. It didn't help that she didn't make any friends. She said a lot of the teens were roaming around the ship in big groups, being loud and annoying and that's not her scene. I saw what she was talking about while I was swimming in the pool that night and a few times around the ship during the cruise.

I felt bad that she didn't find some friends, it's tough for teens to make friends, especially for one that suffers from anxiety. Rob and I enjoy chilling in our room or on the verandah but we're old farts and we've already done all of the activities before, many times over, so it's our choice, whereas I know she would have a lot more fun doing Vibe activities if she had a friend to go with. She still had a great cruise, we all love spending time with each other anyway. :goodvibes

Once Kira went to Vibe, Rob and I went shopping. There wasn't much to buy really. They had more MerryTime shirts here than our Christmas cruise on the Wonder. :rolleyes2


They had some awesome shirts, but again, just like on the Wonder, they had no sizes except for XS, S and XXXL. :sad2:

I was hoping to get the Atrium statuette (yes, even though it's what's her name, I still wanted to complete my set :p) but they didn't have it! They had the statuettes from all of the other ships, just not the one we were actually on. 🤦‍♀️


Oh well, back to the room to find our nightly bed creature. :teeth:


Air was our stateroom host and she was awesome! :worship:

And because we didn't get our Christmas lights during our Christmas cruise, we decided to bring a few strands for this cruise and decorate anyway. :rolleyes1




And in case you're wondering about that pillow in the pic above, it's just my pillow case I brought from home. I'm allergic to so many things and I noticed during my last stay at WDW and on the Wonder that I woke up every day with my cheeks super red and rash-y. I'm pretty sure I'm allergic to the laundry detergent so I decided to bring my own pillow case and see if that helped and it totally did, so it's something I will be doing from now on. :thumbsup2

Kira wasn't sure if she wanted to sleep on the bunk or the couch so we asked Air to make up the bunk and just see what happens. While she was still at Vibe, I got her bed set up with everything she needs, I wasn't sure what time she would be getting back. It actually worked out because the little ledge was perfect for kleenex (sadly, I passed all of my allergies to her) her glasses, phone and then Rob ran a charging cable along the top so she could charge her phone and air pods. She was all set. :goodvibes


Now it was pool time! While the Quiet Cove pool cannot compare to one of the classic ships, I still enjoyed my time here. :lovestruc

The worst part about this pool is that it is located directly in the middle of a very busy path so there's a constant stream of both adults and kids coming and going, all day and all night. There is nothing "Quiet" or "Cove" about this area. :rolleyes2

After four ships though, Disney has finally learned this lesson because the Quiet Cove area on the Wish is at the very aft of the ship, so there will be no one travelling through this area. :thumbsup2

Rob chatting with the pool crew, as usual. :p



Then he did what he does...


While I did what I do. :cool1:


About half-way through my pool time, he said he was cold and needed to go change into his thicker hoodie. I told him he should move over into a warmer corner, where there's no wind but he insisted staying where he was, he likes to be able to check on me. I think he's secretly worried I am going to drown. :rotfl2:

He took a lot longer than expected, said he couldn't find his hoodie. I didn't think anything of it because he sometimes can't find the milk in the fridge but he was actually up to something else. :rolleyes:

Apparently, him and Kira were decorating our room for my birthday, which was the next day. Sneaky little buggers! :rotfl2:



The happy birthday sign on the door was a cling and he did make sure to ask Air if it was allowed and she said yes, everything else was hung with the magnets we were already using for the lights.

I tell ya, they got me good! He had bought these decorations himself before we left, carried them in his backpack the whole trip and they met up at the room while I was swimming so that I would be surprised when we got back from the pool. I was definitely surprised and that's not something that happens often. :earboy2:

I'm a lucky girl! :love:

Shortly after, Kira got back from Vibe and showed off her new card. They need a special card in order to gain access to Vibe, totally didn't know that!


She enjoyed her little space but it ended up being very squeaky every time she moved so that was the first and last night in the bunk for her. ::yes::


Checked out the map before heading to bed. You're drunk stateroom TV, go home. :lmao:


Checked out our beautiful view and then off to LaLa land, we went. It had been a long, glorious day! :faint:

Oh my! Those 2 side-by-side pics of Kira sitting in the same chair!! Priceless! :thumbsup2 :goodvibes

I love these kind of photos, same place, years apart. :goodvibes

I am always amazed at the stuff you remember....and the year too! I don't even try anymore. I just ask you. I am the total opposite. But there are things that I do remember and it's so stupid my family thinks I am insane to remember it.
And yes, Trivia is fun at anytime, but way more fun with you.

I so need a trip. I had wanted to go to Universal and possibly cruise this upcoming weekend and I am feeling the blues. Dang husbands!

You have a great memory for some things. ::yes::

Dang husbands!! :rotfl2:

Oh my....the happy birthday vid is just the sweetest thing ever 😍😍😍
Love your door decorations!! And thanks for the reminder, I need to get a few new ones made up for our July cruise.

Have never sailed Carnival but we WERE booked on the Mardi Gras for the end of 2020 I think it was?? Anyway...we know how that turned out :( Maybe one day we'll try again lol

Sounds like you had a fantastic serving team!!!

Is Kira too old for Edge now? I thought she would still be in that overlap year the clubs have....guess I'm getting my ages mixed up?

Oooh another Alaska??? :cool1: I still have to do one of those. Maybe next year 🤞

Oh wow, so you were booked for it! I can't even bring my self to do that. :rotfl2: One day, you will go! :thumbsup2

We lucked out with an awesome team!

Yes, once you hit 15, you are only allowed into Vibe. Shame because she would have enjoyed it so much more, not only the space but the younger teens. Same on the Wonder, she was bummed, she really loves Edge on the Wonder but she was 15 years and a month, so no go :(

Aw Cass, I melted at that first photo, you snuggling with Kira. Best part about it? She's completely comfortable with it, not even reacting, LOVE it. She loves her Mom and Dad so much, you have a very special bond. Ok love Dean already, so great you thought of your Mom thru him! I too lost my Mom, 32 yrs ago, when I was 30 yrs old. We are kindred spirits that way. Keep it coming!
We snuggle ALL the time! :goodvibes We're an affectionate bunch in this household. :p

:hug: for you! The pain never goes away. :sad1:

Yay another Cruise!
also I’m the same way with you when it comes to memory! My sister always gets surprised when I start talking about an old picture!

I'm so thankful for my awesome memory, I've had so many great experiences in my life, it'd be a shame not to remember them all.

You can get a Relay robot here:
Cost is $2k per month rental unfortunately.

Hey! What's up with the husbands :confused3

Yeah, ummm no thanks! We can just go back to Aventura ;)

We were at table 52 on the Magic in March!
Bargain! I'll take 2!

LOL....well he said no and I could be walking in Universal right now otherwise. hahaha
Hahah awesome! Did you notice that when you fill out the survey, the example they give is table 52? We got a kick out of that. :teeth:
I agree, quiet cove is MUCH better on the classic ships. Looking forward to (one day) trying out the Wish and the adult areas.
Fantastic idea bringing the lights again since you were not able to hang them in December!!! So gorgeous. And the birthday thoughtful AND sneaky!! haha love it!!!!

So I had the right ages in my head for Vibe vs Edge, it was the wrong age for Kira I had in my head, I thought she was still 14, oops! My bad! That's a shame that she didn't really enjoy Vibe much this cruise :(


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