Canceling next week's WDW trip. 😥 NY alternatives?

We really enjoyed Lake George a few years ago. There is a water park, but there were plenty of other things to choose from as well - historical sights, mini golf, lake activities...we wished we had more time there.

I've never been to Hershey Park (suggested above) but I would definitely check that out as well.

We are Nyers and I live just a few minutes north of Lake George. In my opinion, Lake George and the Adirondacks in general are a great vacation spot. We've had lots of visitors this summer even despite our Six Flags being closed. There are a lot of opportunities to social distance, a lot of great food, and natural beauty all around you. Also, if you need a Disney fix on the way up, swing into the Crossgates mall in Albany--there's a nice Disney Store and Lego store often with Disney builds on display. If you want more info on things to do in the Adirondacks or good places to eat, feel free to message me.
Imazadi, thank you for all that. I read the entire post. Maybe you had to be in the NY/NJ area to truly understand what we went through in the beginning. After working so hard to get the numbers down I wish we could lock our borders. Unfortunately our county in south Jersey is seeing rising numbers again.

I also second the Amish View Inn, it's our favorite.
Sorry one New Yorker here that thinks there were some really bad mistakes at first (Subways and old age homes among others). There was plenty of room at Javits and other areas to send elderly cases.
I said early on here it was insane on the Subway, there was no one making sure masks were worn(Early on & it was one of the few indoor areas I witnessed people not wearing mask), finally they did something about it in May or June.
Both of these policies changed But both had concers raised about them well before the policy changed. drastically later. They might have been from lack of understanding but regardless they cost many lives.

But cheers NYers who all pulled together and wore masks, and t be honest I think it was because of what hit us so quickly and so severe. My daughter worked for the most part in store through the entire thing and people were incredibly cautious for most part.
Everyone I knew wore a mask and was scared as hell. I wish we could have spread the fear that almost everyone I knew here all over the county.
Very few idiots who felt there was some kind of right being taken away by being asked to wear a mask. At least in Queens I think in part cause you saw ambulences every day.
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Another NYer - we just got back from a couple of nice days at Lake Placid. (Replaced our usual out of state vacation for the same reasons.) Good mix of options of things to do.
OP, I would second the idea of perhaps doing a more regional park, like Hershey, that wouldn’t require a quarantine when you return. Will it be Disney? No, it won’t. But it can still be fun. Maybe combine that with a cabin rental somewhere with some nice nature trails and other outdoor activities. Or make the journey itself a bigger part of the vacation by planning stops along the way at different attractions. I am sorry you have to postpone your Disney trip. I had to cancel two Disney trips myself, so I understand the feelings.
Mohonk Mountain House,NY
Rocking Horse Ranch, NY
Lake George
Woodloch Pines, PA
I would second Mohonk Mountain House. My family loves it and we try to go once a year.

We also had a Disney trip planned for this month and also cancelled. I’m so sad as well as it was our first trip in Club Level and with just our family (we usually travel with extended family). Our alternative was to rent a house on Seneca Lake in the finger lakes. We thought that was a good idea since it we could do all of our own cooking and wouldn’t be sharing accommodations. I’m glad we have something to look forward to even if it’s not Disney.
Good luck with your choice
I would second Mohonk Mountain House. My family loves it and we try to go once a year.

We also had a Disney trip planned for this month and also cancelled. I’m so sad as well as it was our first trip in Club Level and with just our family (we usually travel with extended family). Our alternative was to rent a house on Seneca Lake in the finger lakes. We thought that was a good idea since it we could do all of our own cooking and wouldn’t be sharing accommodations. I’m glad we have something to look forward to even if it’s not Disney.
Good luck with your choice
It really is beautiful there.
@frannn, last fall DD and her family and friends rented a house on Lake Seneca (I think) and really enjoyed it. They visited wineries and hiked state parks.
But I would be remiss if I let the parts above go without presenting the "other side" to it, which is being investigated now by some overseers from all sides of the political fence - who are looking independently at what happened with the nursing home issue in your area.

I actually agree with an independent investigation being done. Then it would stop people who are simply on the other side, who had less cases than NY at the beginning in Mar & April, can stop sniping once the results are done.
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Sorry one New Yorker here that thinks there were some really bad mistakes at first (Subways and old age homes among others). There was plenty of room at Javits and other areas to send elderly cases.

I also wish the Javitz Center could have been used for the elderly. Unfortunately the Javitz Center and the USNS Comfort had certain restrictions in how they could be used because they were authorized by the federal government and not the state.

The USNS Comfort, it is a federal ship and a military ship. BOTH had certain restrictions and severely limited HOW the ship was able to be used.

It was originally requested to be used for the overflow of NON-Covid patients. So the hospitals could use more floors as COVID floors. Due to everyone quarantining, there turned out to be almost no accidents or other illnesses. So, the Comfort wasn't needed for that. The Gov. then requested that the Comfort be refitted for COVID patients. POTUS agreed. The Comfort was refitted from a 1000 patient facility to 500 to fit all the COVID equipment.

Unfortunately, due to being a military ship, it's regulations did not allow ANY patients to be transferred from another facility - either patients or nursing home patients. It could only accept new patients. Unfortunately, when ambulances picked up COVID patients from homes, they usually couldn't bring COVID patients to the Comfort, as it was next to impossible to move the gurney onto the ship. A patient had to be able to WALK themselves onto the ship. That usually wasn't COVID patients. That was WHY the Comfort was originally fitted as a Non-COVID facility. And why it ended up being barely used at all.

I think the Javitz Center had similar restrictions. It's still being kept as a back up in case NYC goes through COVID 2.0 this fall or winter.

But cheers NYers who all pulled together and wore masks, and t be honest I think it was because of what hit us so quickly and so severe.

Yes, we had our first 2 cases on March 1 & 2. By March 23, only 3 weeks later, we had over 20,000 case. While some places with lower numbers are criticizing NY for how we handled it.

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Both are currently opened!

This thread reminded me of the Adirondack great camps which I misnamed cabins further up thread. Think I ll see what they have going on for the holidays.

We canceled our usual trip down to the Jersey Shore this year. :( We're thinking of heading up north to the Catskills. It easier to just find rocks off the paths to perch on and hang than wend our way along the boardwalk.


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