Can get the Poly or YC for the same price..which is better?


DIS Veteran
Feb 1, 2000
I can get the Poly or the YC for the same price. Both under $200 dollars per night...YC for a standard room and Poly for a garden view. It will be me, DH, DS who is 9 and my mom who is 60. This will be mom's first trip to Disney and I want to make it special. What do you all think??



September 98 - First trip! ASSports & Dixie!
January 99 - Port Orleans
September 01 - ASSports and Yacht Club
December 01 - Hopefully Wilderness Lodge

I've never stayed at the poly but the YC was very nice...really enjoyed it...
Have a wonderful trip!


It is a persal preference but I would take the Poly. I think the location is so much of what Disney really should be. The monorail is right there and so is TTC. I find that traveling around is just alot easier when we stay there. If you would like to go to Epcot more than MK then maube BC is better for you. Poly has a new pool and I am sure it will be hard to compete with BC pool I am not sure I would take a smaller room and the possibility of no balcony just for the pool. I have enjoyed staying at the BC but I just like the tropical feeling of the Poly. It is one of the oldest resorts but I have always gotten an updated room. The staff is wonderful. The BC has a nice staff too but I love the Poly. If you have anymore questions to help make your decision easier just keep asking. Good Luck with your choice.
Boy, tough choice! I would prefer the Poly. It has a wonderful relaxed atmosphere. You can request the building closest to the TTC and its within walking distance. If you request a water view, you'll be able to see the fireworks from the castle and there's this cute little light parade on the Seven Seas Lagoon at night.
I've never stayed at either, but it does seem like the Poly would be better for you. The new pool looks nice.

We chose YC because of DS, 1yo. We really don't expect to go to the parks to see rides, shows, etc everyday. We want to relaz! I plan on just walking around a lot, with him in the stroller or backpack carrier. It seemed like we had more options for strolls in the Epcot area - boardwalk, epcot. I was afraid we'd feel "trapped" at a monorail resort.

We also like to eat out a lot & thought there were more choices within walking distance of yc/bc than the poly or contemp.

Looks like I am going to have to start training soon for all this walking! :) :)
My dates are in September. We are staying at the All Stars for the first 4 nights then upgrading to YC or Poly...right now I have to admit I am leaning towards the 60 year old mom is going with us and this will be her first trip to Disney and I really want to make it special for her. We are planning on spending a lot of time at Epcot...but we want to eat breakfast at MK on a lot of days to....Cinderella's, and Crystal Palace and we also want to eat at Chef Mickey's. How late do the monorails run?



September 98 - First trip! ASSports & Dixie!
January 99 - Port Orleans
September 01 - ASSports and Yacht Club
December 01 - Hopefully Wilderness Lodge

60 year old moms really tend to like Epcot. YC would put you closer to that and MGM.
Epcot remains open until 9pm and the monorails should run until 11 or 11:30 pm at least, at least the ones returning to the hotels.
Poly has bigger rooms, after the AllSTars, it will be a true luxury. Also, you have the monorail at the Poly which gives you very easy access to EPCOT and MK. YC gives easy "walking" access to EPCOT and boat to MGM. Since my legs usually give out at the Parks, the walk to the YC is not a treat to me. Just my opinion.

If I had my mom & dad with me I'd go with the Poly. I know they would like it. Hubby & I stayed at the Poly year before last. Loved it! Great atmosphere. Central to everything. You just can't go wrong there. The tropical setting is terrific.
Have fun!!

** P.S.- What a great dilema to have! :D
Someone posted difference in room size.
It is 409 sg ft (pol) to 389 sq ft (YC) after the All stars 269 it will not matter either or will feel huge. Also all rooms at the YC have balconies only the BC have some that do not. Both resorts have great locations but the YC is IMOP a much nicer resort, possibly the best all around at WDW (icluding the GF). I think the YC will be more suitable for your mother.
I'd go with the Yacht Club too. It's so convenient to go right over to Epcot whenever you want.

1993 - Off Site
01/27/01 - YC - 7 days
02/03/01 - 7 day Magic Cruise
Next WDW trip Dec. 2001

Both are great choices, but I think the YC is great!!! The pool is like a water park and will allow your 9 year old to burn off some steam while the rest of you lounge by the also has a game area right near by and the ice cream shop is great. You are so close to EPCOT and MGM, and MK wont be that far away.
The pool would make the choice for me, its really great!!! Have fun!!! :D

Don't to your phone and book the YC. We split last year's fall vacation between the YC & Poly and we're sorry we left the YC. The YC has convenient access to the Boardwalk, MGM, and Epcot so unless the MK is where you'll be spending all of your time, book the YC.


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