Can a 60lb. child walk without stroller?

NY Disney fan

DIS Veteran
Jun 16, 2005
Ok this might sound dumb but my child is 18 months old (about 30 lbs.). She uses a Maclaren Quest. I know the BOB Revolution stroller holds up to 70lbs. I was thinking of buying one but am I crazy? When can a child start walking on their own...when I mean walking I mean going to a zoo or outing without any stroller? ETA: when she outgrows her I need to buy another stroller. My DD is tall and heavy for her age. Thanks!
I would say most kids stop using a stroller for long day out things like the zoo, at about age 3.

For disney, I needed one for my 5yr old! But that obviously is special circumstances. My dd is 3.5 and although I do own a stroller, I barely ever use it (only if she falls asleep in the car on the way to destination).
My DD is about to turn 4 years old.....she's only 33 pounds. But at 4 years old, we will NOT be making a trip to Disney without a stroller. And honestly, when walking around all day at Disney, I wish *I* could ride in a stroller LOL! So I think that kids of any age will want to use a stroller when walking around at places like Disney.
my 5 year old is the biggest child in his class by a long shot and he's only 65lb (and he's head and shoulders above his peers) my ten year old is 70lb-ish and she's nearly as tall as me!!! (4'10ish)

Mine have all walked most places from a very young age, we have no car and mommy doesn't much like stroller pushing so it's been age 2-3 depending on how far we're going.

We're only anticipating our 5 year old being in a stroller if he falls asleep at the end of the night as it's easier to carry the 1 year old and push 65lb of 5 year old LOL
Ok this might sound dumb but my child is 18 months old (about 30 lbs.). She uses a Maclaren Quest. I know the BOB Revolution stroller holds up to 70lbs. I was thinking of buying one but am I crazy? When can a child start walking on their own...when I mean walking I mean going to a zoo or outing without any stroller? ETA: when she outgrows her I need to buy another stroller. My DD is tall and heavy for her age. Thanks!

Once he hit kindergarten there was no way my son would have stood for being in a stroller. When we did Disney and he was 5 we took frequent breaks and Dad did carry him on his shoulders on the walk back to the hotel, but a stroller was never a consideration.

I sympathize with the oversized kiddo issue. :) My son is 10 now and is 4'9 and 115 pounds. Yikes! Not chubby, just big.
We own a Baby Jogger and absolutely love it. My kids are now age 4 and we still use this jogger. It pushes heavier weights very well. I've heard similarly great things about the BOB's too. Our kids stopped using a stroller in zoos and small parks maybe around age 3, but they'll use a jogger in disney for at least a couple more years for taking breaks and when they get tired out at night. I don't think you're crazy at all ~ I really think joggers push heavier weight a lot better than regular strollers. With your child only being 18 months old, you still have a lot of years ahead of you, especially in Disney, where you'll need a good stroller/jogger.
Well, I'm a fan of buying what you need when you need it, especially when dealing with unanswerable questions like "how old will my kid be when they are x pounds". :) I would bet that her weight-growth will slow down soon, so I doubt you'll be dealing with a 60 lb 3 year old. :upsidedow Unless of course that's in her family background, then never mind. :goodvibes

But probably things will slow down a bit, so you'll have awhile to figure out what stroller might be good, and probably by that time there will be even nicer, better strollers out there (not that the BOB isn't nice, but I've noticed strollers getting nicer and more attractive, sturdier, etc, over the years of seeing strollers, so I imagine it will continue).

Our zoo membership expired last September so we haven't been, but I'm sure my almost 4 year old can do a whole zoo day just fine, though walking back to the car is always the biggest difficulty for us. Doesn't help matters that our zoo is down a hill from the parking lot!!!

So unless her size is common in the families, I probably would just stick with the Mac for now (unless you need one for long walks/jogs, of course) and figure it out later, once you know if her rate of growth continues. :)
Oh, thank you everyone! I now have a clearer perspective. I think I'm going to play the "wait and see" game. Thanks! :thumbsup2 It doesn't help that I am a stroller junkie :)
My DD will be 8 in July and she weighs 54 lbs. She walked most of the day, but come night time she was WORN out and needed to ride and by the time we got to the bus she was OUT like a light!!
My dd started walking all day at age 6. She was 39 lbs at the time. She will be 10 in July and still only weighs 57 lbs. I'd say a 60 lb kid can walk all day.

I think the real question is how old your kid is going to be when you expect them to walk. Both of my kids started walking all day at age 6. I know some still do strollers then but we've been fine. Can you guess how much your child will weigh at age 6? Are there older cousins to look at or do you have records of how big you or your dh were then? This would probably give you a better idea.
I say until about 2/2.5, maybe 2.75 for WDW at the youngest. My kids could walk younger than that, but I just kept them in the stroller so I wouldn't lose track of them! :rotfl2:
My 4.5 year old still sits in the stroller on a day at the zoo, but I think it's just because it's there. We have a younger one, and he's still too little to spend a whole day walking. He would love to do it, but we'd never get anywhere! I swear, he's the slowest walker ever! He must take after my husband. They have absolutely no trouble stopping to smell the roses!

I think that by the time he is four, we will not need a stroller anymore for that kind of stuff. But, as you can see from the pps, Disney is a different story.
It's not so much the weight as the height. My dd10 is just barely 60 lbs, but she has not been able to fit in a stroller length-wise for a looooong time. We did rent strollers at WDW through age 8, mostly so we could have somewhere to put all our stuff, and so we could zip along at a grown up pace. But by the last rental, she was pretty crammed in there, with her head hitting the "roof":laughing:

Nothing wrong with being a stroller junkie - that's what craigslist is for!
Ok this might sound dumb but my child is 18 months old (about 30 lbs.). She uses a Maclaren Quest. I know the BOB Revolution stroller holds up to 70lbs. I was thinking of buying one but am I crazy? When can a child start walking on their own...when I mean walking I mean going to a zoo or outing without any stroller? ETA: when she outgrows her I need to buy another stroller. My DD is tall and heavy for her age. Thanks!

Holy crap, I hope so!;)
I was just kidding with my last reply- that was my inital response.... but my 9 year old only weighs 45 lbs. so..... But anyways, my chidren were all walking the whole time at WDW by age 3. We went for my youngest DS's 3rd Birthday trip and he decided that he had had ENOUGH of the stroller on the 2nd day and walked for the next 8 days of our trip. LOL! But some kids are different than mine so you might need yours longer.

Wife to Reuben
Mom to
Keitaaron 9
Xeyana 7
Chloe 6
Colin 4
We did a week at WDW w/ a 4 and 6 and no stroller. What a pain to drag around and extra cost to rent one.
My DD's are 4 years old and weigh about 32 pounds each. They were fine without a stroller last month at Disney. We spent 6 days in the park and they walked the whole time. I played it by ear - if after the first day, I felt they needed a stroller I would have purchased a cheap one. I don't think we give our kids enough credit for the amount of walking they can handle.
Google "CDC growth charts". Your daughter is big, but not 18 months, 30 pounds is right at the 97th percentile. If she follows that line, she'll still only be 40 pounds at 3 years. The growth really slows down, I promise! (My son is an off-the-charts for length, 95th percentile for weight boy...kinda freaks you out a bit when they're growing so fast when they're babies!)
My two daughters are both 98th out of 100 on the size charts for height and weight.

eldest is now 5 and was out of her stroller and walking around when she was 2 to 2.5 at the latest.

She was at WDW when she was 23 months and we had a stroller with us but she rarely ever went in it.

Youngest is now 14 months, weighs just under 30lbs and although still in her stroller most of the time while we're out, she is walking a lot and will probably be out of her stroller properly before she is 2 years old.
My daughter is 5 years old and weighs almost 60 lbs. I wanted to post because some said your child's growth rate might slow and it might, but my husband is 6' 3 1/2" and his family is very tall. My daughter was off the charts as a baby (over the 100% percentile). She is not overweight, she is not "fat", she is very active involved in dance gymnastics and TBall. We eat healthy in our house. Just wanted to clarify this isn't a matter of unhealthy nutrition.;) We are taking our Maclaren for her. I do have a MBUS jogger that holds up to 100lbs. but haven't used it for her at home- she walks everywhere. (I have an 17 mo ds too). DD5 will tire at the end of the day and it helps to have a place to sit and have a snack or rest. Also we like to walk faster than she is able to at times so the stroller really helps. Anyway- this is something you can wait for-our Maclaren is the one she has used since she was 18 mos. and it still is great for the once a year trip to Disney. Otherwise we don't need it.


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