CAA rate(?) for hopper passes


Feb 19, 2001
I read a post about someone getting a very good price with the CAA rate for hopper passes. Just wondering what that means. Thanks. :)
I am not sure what this means SPECIFICALLY since the Canadian prices will be different from US prices. But when people get a AAA discount on passes, it usually amounts to about 5%. I would think that it would be the same for passes from the CAA.
I hope that this helps! :)

<font face="papyrus"><font size=2><font color=blue>BethR
Budget BoardCo-Host
Co-Host of The Rewards Board</font>
you could not buy hopper passes at CAA locations. That is, if you mean California Automobile Association. If you mean something else, ignore me! I actually called three in our area, and all told me the same thing. Something about not selling them because they didn't want to take away from DL (sounded dumb to me) BTW, I live in San Jose-maybe other cities sell them. Of course, you can still get your dsicount with CAA card if you buy them in FL.

First trip: July, 1983
Second trip: April 17-20, Dixie Landings
April 20-28: Orange Lake COuntry Club
Hi,I hope this helps. CAA is the Canadian equivalant of AAA. I just called them today actually to see if the exchange rate was any better. Anyway Canadians have a special buy one 7 day park hopper pass, get one half price deal until April 17. They expire May 6 I believe, give or take a day. The price is $488.89 for the first pass and half that for the second. It changes with the rate of exchange. These are not valid after May 6 even if you have time left on them. As you can see with our rate of exchange it costs us Canucks a fortune to visit so I hope you're not angry it's not available to you. You can also buy them at the Disney store too.

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