BWV owners are losers

How do you think the BWV got that standard view point schedule? We had our fellow convict friends pay a visit to the big wigs at DVD. Boy, they added that "perk" in fast!

Then, of course, the guaranteed BW view was added in after a few BWV DVC convict members "complained" about their crappy preferred view view!

I guess in this case, a coloered past comes in handy!

Maybe the all the service complaints over at BCV are becasue the CMs at the BC are not "scared" enough of the DVC members because they are all goody two shoes! :rotfl:
wtpclc said:
SO when did you first realize you had that split personality? ;)

Much earlier than today, but didn't realize it was related to my DCV ownership! :rotfl:

Around here I'm known as the Fairy Godmother. And then there is that other side - as the license plate I almost got show the FGDMTHR (F - GD - Mother). I didn't get it for obvious reasons (I settled for BIBBIDI) but I get kidded about it all the time at work. "So, are you the F GD Mother today?"

Maybe I need to start saying, no, that's just my BWV ownership side.
WDWLVR said:
But at least we know how to delete our useless HTLM countdown so we don't have lines of script in our posts. Must be something we learned in prison. :)

:rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl2:
You mean those were not business men walking around BWV in stripe suits??? :teeth:
Well it must be true we do have alot of the bars at the BWV .and our own bewery Ya Wo !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!and we did see Bobby Brown and whittney there one year :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana:
There is a reason that we BWV people built the bridges - to keep that BCV riff raff from coming over. However, the prison work shop forgot to tell us about making them drawbridges so now there is no way to stop you ............Oh yeah, and them @#$*@# boats keep sneaking across too.
Hmmm, that must be why dh said he would only consider buying at BWV!!! He is truly a depraved soul. Of course, we are staying at BCV in 2 weeks. But, I really don't expect to like it as much as our beloved BWV. I mean, come Clown?? How do you live like that...clownless??!!!!
First of all I want to thank all of the BWV owners for fessing up about your compulsions and addictions. Being a liscenced therapist I take pride when my patients begin to accept who and what they have become.
At a later date I will discuss the lure of SSR and its proximity to Pleasure Island. I think for too long we have ignored the real issues of BWV vs BCV.
Those of you who think you can simply purchase BCV points to rid yourself of your less than stellar reputation, as a therapist and an ordained minister I must say that is only a beginning. My family will be leaving tomorrow morning to BCV for 6 nights.
My teenage sons know that the Las Vegas side of the lake is off limits.
One night last year my wife was throwing darts at balloons until midnight.
When the Carney said they were closing she handed him her wedding band.
Please don't get me started on what it did to our marraige.
I know the theme of BWV is "What happens here stays here" It is critical that all of you who are members at BWV recognize your issues, be open about them and spend more time with BCV members.
Also can one of you who are BWV owners tell me how to rid my post of the text on the bottom. I know many of you have a lot of time on your hands.
Please do not be offended. Not all of you are incarcerated. I don't want to make sweeping general remarks. I realize you are individuals. Yes individuals with serious problems but still down deep basically good people. (kinda)
Thanks again for your honest appraisel of your demons. Rev Dennis :rotfl2:
So, this explains my change of behavior when I'm at the Boardwalk. When I'm home, I'm the quiet, sweet, innocent, church-going type. But when I'm at the Boardwalk, I spend way too many late nights in smokey bar--singing, and getting hit on by creepy guys to the point where I need a piano player escort out of the bar at the end of the night.

Wow, I'm glad I bought DVC points at the Boardwalk :)

Oh no! I must really need therapy cause we own at both! Split personality, now that explains it. Thanks for the laugh!
Nlihte said:
One night last year my wife was throwing darts at balloons until midnight.
When the Carney said they were closing she handed him her wedding band.
Please don't get me started on what it did to our marraige.

Did she win....DID SHE WIN????

ONE more dart....all I need is ONE MORE DART!!!.....

....I am at least a bit surprised, though. If I were a BCV owner, I would've likely tossed my BCV contract up their for another dart and then bought were the action is!

Boy am I glad you BCV owners don't come over to find out what we've been doing in community hall! (Oops...I'm not sure I was suppose to say anything). :earsboy:
In light of the seriousness of the OP's accusations, allegations, and assertions - I decided to check out the "Credentials" of the OP's self reported status as a "therapist and an ordained minister".

This I put to the OP....Rev. Doe:

Is it not true sir, that on or about the 12th of August of last year, in the late afternoon, you made the following statement?

My family and I stayed at BWV this summer.....(section omitted for OP's personal safety)....... BWV is so very amazing. There is so much at your fingertips. We own at BCV.........(omitted to protect the OP from public ridicule)...... . BWV and BCV in my humble opinion are the greatest enviornments for adults with kids and even just the adults will be in heaven.

Was this not your own free act and declartion?
If so, one find's then that your most recent statements to be exceptionally
incredilous, bordering on blasphemic!!! :mad:

I have an explanation for the post you speak of. My 15 year old son Nathan wrote that peice. He was punished for challanging his fathers observations.
He will not be joining us tomorrow for our family vacation.
I also would like to offer my services to any of the BWV owners who will be visiting from June 5th -June 11th. For a discounted fee I will consider meeting with each of you to help with your dark impulses.
An hour with Dr Dennis vs and hour with some Sweedish massage therapist
would be a better investment of your cash. I do accept credit cards.
Rev, DR, Dennis
Nlihte said:
Also can one of you who are BWV owners tell me how to rid my post of the text on the bottom. I know many of you have a lot of time on your hands.:rotfl2:

User CP, Edit Signature, Shade text, Delete, Save Changes
Nlihte said:
I know the theme of BWV is "What happens here stays here"

That settles it. ::yes:: BWV is it for our super secret second honeymoon trip. ;)

My 15 year old son Nathan wrote that peice. He was punished for challanging his fathers observations.

I see --
And I suppose it was your tap-dancing cat whom made this statement on the 1st of August last year? :

listen to me. The Boardwalk or Beach Club is what you want ! Your kids will love the pools for years to come and being between Epcot and MGM and the Amazing restuarants is just some of the reasons. Room Service, walking along the Boardwalk.
Visiting the Dolphin and Swan. You can walk to the World Showcase in five minutes and walk along the canal to MGM in about 15. BWV and BCV are 4 star resorts. If you choose one of the two and are not happy I will refund your investment.

Please explain to the court of public opinion what 'punishment' was metered out for THIS? :

Signed Michael Eisner

I need to go off to work but for Miss Perry Mason I plead the 5th until I get home this evening. I will have time to ponder your unjust accusations. Rev, Dr. Dennis
Na na na na nana.... We were here first! And beware, our attack ducks are watching. It's Happy hour... :drinking1 :drinking: Turn it up, I can't hear it :rockband: Born to ride. :moped: Bad to the bone.....yup. ;)

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