Brazilian Teenagers????

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Mar 6, 2005
I haven't been for five years but am going this July(ressies at WL). On my last two trips(also in July) there were literally hordes of Brazilian teens roaming all over the parks in packs. 30-40 kids in a group, loud, obnoxious and just plain rude. Though I must say they all had daddy;s credit cards because they spent like there was NO tomorrow! Do hordes of teens stilll take over the parks in the summer? They would literally run over old women and small children. This used to be a big problem a few years ago, but haven't read much about it lately. Any thoughts???? pirate:
I am brazilian... and I must agree with you on this one... These tour kids are obnoxious as can be. They have no one watching them and since they come with daddy's money and most are spoiled rotten they become an embarassment to my country and those of us who live here and have been raised to respect others no matter where you are or where you come from....
FloridaMom, thanks for posting. As a former WDW CM, I tend to cheer for whoever is playing AGAINST Brazil in any sporting match-up because of the horrible memories of those rude, obnoxious teens.

Thanks for reminding me that these teenagers are "victims" of overprivilege and are not representative of your home country.

OP, sorry I can't answer your question. I'm curious to know as well. Also, is there any way to find out ahead of time what parks they'll be in on certain days? I know many people who've researched the itinerary for "Gay Days" in an effort to avoid the crowds, but I'd MUCH rather avoid those Brazilian teens!
The Brazilian Tour groups do, and probably always will, still come to Disney World during the summer. appearently it's a rite of passage in thier culture. My best advice is to "B-aggressive, B-E-Agressive!" Especially during the parades when spots can go quickly when a tour group is near by!Unfortunately there isn't much more you can do! Good Luck and don't let that ruin your vacation!
The Brazillion Tour Groups are the reason we stopped going to Disney World in the summer. They are awful tour groups. I have seen them litterly plow down little kids & adults alike. Some little kids have gotten seriously hurt & the tour groups dont even stop, let alone care.
The ONLY thing you can do is try your best to determine when these groups will be at WDW and then AVOID going yourself during those times.
We've been going in July for the last couple of years. I, too, was concerned about the tour groups as I read so much about them. We've seen a few groups walking around - they can be cheering or chanting - but we've just gone in the other direction. Have not had them in line or in a show with us so can't comment on that. All in all, we did not seem to have a problem. Hope that doesn't change this summer!
I have read SOOO many complaints about this group. Is there anyway WDW can find out when they are coming and work with their "leaders" to further educate them on our cultures and how rudeness is not tolerated? Certainly since this is a small portion of WDW visitors, I would think that offending a few rude ones would not make a big difference in the profit margin.

I say that if they are that rude, then WDW would be obligated to boot their hineys out of the park, as they would any other unruly customer. :flower:
If you're not staying at a value resort, you can at least avoid the herds of kids in the lobby using every single phone and them yelling in the courtyard at all hours of the night. One good thing was the ability to get in a different park's line than the ones that they lined up in.

Stand your ground and don't let them be rude to you. One good thing is that they do not use fastpass and use standby for their rides so by using that, you can minimize your exposure to the singing and clapping.
Here's another idea . . . write to WDW (or send an e-mail from their website) and complain. Perhaps they will sit up and take notice! :flower:
Nice thought, but not about to happen. Disney has long known of these groups and the problems they cause. I believe I read somewhere that they once tried "educating" them about good manners, etc--as though that would help :rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl2:
Folks must realize they are on their own in dealing with these groups and NO help can be expected from Disney.
I just spoke to a wonderful and nice lady at WDW (407-824-4321, Ext. 8). She was so saddened to hear that so many people plan their vacations to NOT be near the Brazilians. She said that security should be involved to take care of the situations people discribe.

I asked her who we can write to so that many voices can be heard. Here is the information she provided. Maybe if a bunch of us send an e-mail or a letter, then the powers that be will listen and make some changes. :flower:

For Complaints and Comments:

Walt Disney World Guest Communications
P.O. Box 10040
Lake Buena Vista, FL 32830-0040

Hope this helps! :sunny:
FloridaMom said:
I am brazilian... and I must agree with you on this one... These tour kids are obnoxious as can be. They have no one watching them and since they come with daddy's money and most are spoiled rotten they become an embarassment to my country and those of us who live here and have been raised to respect others no matter where you are or where you come from....
How different would this be if a group of 40 American kids were together at an amuzement park? Kids are kids. Many of todays kids do not respect elders or authority figures, whether Brazilian or American.
Buzz2001 said:
How different would this be if a group of 40 American kids were together at an amuzement park? Kids are kids. Many of todays kids do not respect elders or authority figures, whether Brazilian or American.
Sad, but true! I know I would never dream of misbehaving anywhere, much less be disrespectful to others. Seems like no one takes responsibility for the actions anymore . . . it's just easier to blame others and move on.

Oh well, have a great day! :flower:
I can just see Disney security trying to boot 6 or 7 hundred Brazilians out of the parks--
Never happen!!
Big International incident!!!
Headlines screaming how Disney hates Brazil!!!!
Buzz2001 said:
How different would this be if a group of 40 American kids were together at an amuzement park? Kids are kids. Many of todays kids do not respect elders or authority figures, whether Brazilian or American.

So I assume you have experienced this first hand?

My suggestion is to avoid the value resorts. We have experienced this event. We were at the All Stars in July 2001 and so where the kids (no more values in the summer for us). We are pretty easy going and tried to avoid the stampede as much as possible. We avoided the buses, but it was hard to avoid the food courts. The only time I lost it was while standing in line to get an autograph with my then 6 year old grandson. (Back when the characters visited the resorts). When his turn arrived, several of the girls just shoved my little grandson out of their way and pounced on the character. I walked up to them and told them to move and where the line was. They huffed and stomped off. BTW, we did go to the front desk and complained and the CMs shared our concern, but apparently was nothing that could be done. The behavior of this group of young people was to monitored by their chaperons---which I rarely never saw and when I did, they were outnumbered 30 to 1. I don't intend to sterotype any group, but have to say I have been to the value resorts in the spring every year for 12 years and we are there during Music Days and end of school trips. We have never had one problem out of any of the groups of kids during our stays then. As you say, kids are kids, and we expect a lot of excitment, especially at the pool. Most of them are a delight and very respectful. We often enjoy asking them where they are from and what school they attend. But until you actually experience this July group of young people yourself, you will not know what we have gone through, this is something you will never forget.
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