Boardwalk Villas to Epcot to Monorail to MK?


Apr 25, 2012
I've booked a 2:20 ADR at CRT and will land without luggage at MCO at 11:30am. Is that cutting it too close? My 4 yr old neice and I will have PH and her stroller. I'd like to take a walk thru Epcot to show her the monorail from Epcot to TTC to MK instead of taking the bus to MK. Has anyone timed the difference? Am I crazy?
IMO, you're pushing it. If you land on time and do not encounter much traffic, you could be at BWV by 12:45 pm or so (if you drive and have no long wait at the rental car counter. Allow 90 minutes if you plan to use ME). If there aren't any lines to check in, that's another 15-20 minutes (I suppose you could do this later, though). Plan on 30 -35 minutes to walk to EPCOT, through EPCOT and up the monorail entrance. Then a it's about a 20 minute ride to the TTC (Plus you'll probably have to wait 10-15 minutes for a monorail). Then you have to wait for the express monorail to the MK or walk over to the ferry. That's another 30 minutes or so (if you don't have to wait too long for the monorails / ferry). Then you go through bag check and entrance turnstiles and walk down Main Street to get to the castle.

In other words, only if everything goes exactly right will you even have a chance to make it. My advice is to do that trip in reverse or on another day when you don't have to worry about timing.

You should be able to make the ADR using the bus from the BWV, but if you haven't boarded a bus to the MK by 1:15 pm or so, I'd take a cab to the CR and walk to the MK from there. The walk will take 10-15 minutes and you should be able to get to the CRT ADR with a few minutes to spare.

Have fun!
Oooh good point... I like the idea of taking a cab or Uber to CR.

Maybe it would be best if we just cancelled CRT (as much as it pains me--that's the last ADR available that day b/c of Night of Joy) and did rides without having to race over. At least the crowds will be low!
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Definitely pushing it, even if all flights land on time. I know it is about a 5 minute walk from the lobby at BWV to the back entrance of Epcot. Probably another 10 to get to the front, then a long walk up that ramp to the monorail. As someone else said, can sometimes be a long wait for the monorail. I do love that ride, though, between Epcot and TTC. Anyway, then you have to get off that monorail, walk down and around and up again to the Mk and Resort loop monorail....and wait again.

You mention you will have a PH and stroller. I don't know what a PH is. My idea would be for you to take the Magical Express to the Contemporary Resort, see if you can leave the PH with bell services there, and then walk over to the MK. When done at the MK, retrieve the PH and take the monorails back to Epcot. Although you can't "see" as much if it is dark, sometimes it is really nice to see everything lit up.

I could not give up an ADR at CRT with a four year old. I think she would really enjoy it more than a tour through Epcot. Unless you have other great ADR's planned for your visit. Your niece is lucky to have someone special like you in her life!
We tried that once with my wife and I. We walked through EPCOT to take the monorail to MK while my brother and sister in law took the bus. The bus is much faster! They arrived a good 20 minutes before we did. You don't realize how long of a walk it is through the entire park. Then having to wait for the monorail, twice. Like the other said, cab will be the fastest.
I never made ADRs for my arrival anymore. For example in November our flight out of Dulles was 1 1/2 hour late and in October our flight out of BWI was 4 hours late as they had to take the plane out of commission and wait for a new one (we were compensated). These things happen often and not worth the stress. I just don't want to deal with the possibility of getting dinged with the no show cost if we miss our ADRs on arrival day. But that's just my opinion.
......(snip)...........You mention you will have a PH and stroller. I don't know what a PH is. My idea would be for you to take the Magical Express to the Contemporary Resort, see if you can leave the PH with bell services there, and then walk over to the MK. When done at the MK, retrieve the PH and take the monorails back to Epcot. Although you can't "see" as much if it is dark, sometimes it is really nice to see everything lit up......

PH stands for Park Hopper ticket. You can only take ME to the resort for which you have a reservation. The OP is staying at the BWV.
Oh...I feel so foolish! I started to think it stood for personal hovercraft or something (thanks CarolMN). And never knew that about the ME (we usually rent a car). So....I change my suggestion to getting right on a MK bus from BWV or getting a cab to take you to CR and walking to MK. Unless your plane lands early and there is no waiting for ME. Then you could possibly do your Epcot to MK plan.
Last year it took 1 hour from leaving World Showcase to getting to BLT via monorail. I just missed one train, waited, then the train sat in the station, then on to TTC, wait for other monorail, make 3 stops. It was painfully long.
Last year it took 1 hour from leaving World Showcase to getting to BLT via monorail. I just missed one train, waited, then the train sat in the station, then on to TTC, wait for other monorail, make 3 stops. It was painfully long.

The express monorail would go directly to Magic Kingdom. The resorts monorail does all 4 stops.

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