This has been the worst and most boring season of BB in a long time. Bringing in Dr. Will just adds the the boring part. It they really wanted to stir things up Evil Dick or Josh would have been the better picks.
Cody plans to nominate David and Kevin (surprise!). He told Memphis he wasn't looking forward to pre-noms meetings. Enzo gave Kevin and David a kind of peptalk, talking like he was on the outs as much as them, saying they had to turn things around
Anyone know what happened with Christmas yesterday?
I saw on Jokers update that she was mad about something, I couldn't find what it was.
The other HG's were saying she was in the DR a long time.
This season has been the biggest snooze-fest ever. These people are fricking BORING. No one has dared to make a move. For them to be "all stars", they are playing like a bunch of pansies - so safe and afraid.

Agreed. I think there are a few things at play here:

1) Egos - Most of these players have (or think they have) some level of fame. Take Dani, for example. "I've played this game three times and David thinks he's going to mess with me?" Well, yeah. He's going to mess with you. That's how the game works. Get over yourself.

2) Pre-existing relationships - Many of these people already knew each other. They travel in BB circles, make appearances together, etc. even if they didn't play in the same seasons. There were deals being made before they even got into the house.

3) History - They've all seen each other play at least once (except for David since he never really played before). They have pre-conceived notions about how the others are likely to play.

For these reasons, All-Stars is destined to be boring and predictable. It's more fun to watch a group of strangers get thrown together. You get to see the relationships develop naturally and watch the gaming styles emerge.

On another note, Christmas is coming across as a mean, entitled, ego-maniac. When Da'Vonne named her as a have-not for putting Bayleigh and her on the block, her reaction was ridiculous. "Oh so I don't get to eat? I thought you were going to choose Kevin. We're playing tit for tat? Is that how we're playing? Well OK." Yes Christmas, we're playing tit for tat. Every time you make a move, you might have to pay for it. You're playing a game for half a million dollars. That's how it works! Put the taco down and quit whining!
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On another note, Christmas is coming across as a mean, entitled, ego-maniac. When Da'Vonne named her as a have-not for putting Bayleigh and her on the block, her reaction was ridiculous. "Oh so I don't get to eat? I thought you were going to choose Kevin. We're playing tit for tat? Is that how we're playing? Well OK." Yes Christmas, we're playing tit for tat. Every time you make a move, you might have to pay for it. You're playing a game for half a million dollars. That's how it works! Put the taco down and quit whining!

I cannot stand Christmas. I think the only reason she was cast is because the editors love to play sleigh bells during the broadcast whenever she speaks. I admit that it makes me laugh almost every time...but I still want Christmas GONE.
She didn't get picked to play veto.
She apparently spent a lot of time in the DR and when she came out, she said she wasn't mad at anyone in the house, but just frustrated, as a competitive person, that she's only played in one veto.

I get it. This is 24 hour viewing. Her emotions got to her, but she went into the DR to talk it out and was better when she returned. I don't blame her for having human feelings. The Dayvonne/Have Not thing wasn't a good look for her, though.
That "talk" with Cody was ridiculous. He went from "please don't put me up" to "if you do, I won't vote for you" and then right to "this isn't all about you, Cody". Cody was right. They weren't even having the same conversation.
I can understand why Kevin is losing it, he's been on the block so many times, it must be stressful. I agree though it's probably best for him to go.

I was thinking, could David win this. I think with the triple this alliance will split and David will be sought after to come to their side. If David can pull out some wins, he could totally end up in the Final 2. If he does I think he deserves to win. He has had the cards stacked against him before he even set foot in the house. Yes, he's not the greatest player, but I think he has learned while the game has gone on. Sort of like how Paul did in Season 18. He never watched the show either and learned as he went and ended up in Final 2, most people thinking he should have won, not Nicole.
I can understand why Kevin is losing it, he's been on the block so many times, it must be stressful. I agree though it's probably best for him to go.

I was thinking, could David win this. I think with the triple this alliance will split and David will be sought after to come to their side. If David can pull out some wins, he could totally end up in the Final 2. If he does I think he deserves to win. He has had the cards stacked against him before he even set foot in the house. Yes, he's not the greatest player, but I think he has learned while the game has gone on. Sort of like how Paul did in Season 18. He never watched the show either and learned as he went and ended up in Final 2, most people thinking he should have won, not Nicole.
I'm down for that. I was rooting for Janelle and Ian at the start and they are gone and the others are icky. Did also like Tyler so much last time he played but not liking him much this time. So let's go David!


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