"Bad" experience at Dolphin Encounters Nassau (not with the dolphins!)


Banded 2/18/05
Aug 30, 2005
Hi everyone,

During my experience with the manager (MR. PRINCE) of the photo shop at Dolphin Encounters in Nassau, I told him I was going to post about it on the boards, so here it is.

First of all, the dolphin encounter was great. The dolphins were fun and my kids had a great time. I do recommend the excursion and don't have a problem with that at all.

What I had a BIG problem with was the photo shop. When you arrive at Dolphin Encounters, you sit in a room and they tell you about what is going to happen. Then at the end, the photo shop people come in and tell you about their services. They tell you that they will take a group picture and then they will take pictures of each person as they interact with the dolphins. Well, I LOVE pictures. I am a scrapbook nut. (I spent $250 on pictures at Shutters just for a four-day cruise). Anyway, I was thrilled.

So I locked my camera away in my locker and enjoyed the encounter. We finished, dolphin swam away, we got dressed, etc etc. About a half hour later, I noticed that only the group picture was up. I asked Mr. Prince and he said that he didn't take any individual pictures. So then I asked why he said at the beginning he was going to take them. He just shrugged me off. His attitude was he really didn't care. He really didn't care that I only got one picture. He didn't apologize nor offer any compensation (like a discount on the video or on the group picture). Finally, I asked for the additional group picture which was already printed (I had already purchased the 8x10 and there was a 5x7 already printed). He rolled his eyes and gave it to me.

I told him I was going to post this story on the boards and encourage everyone to bring their own waterproof camera. I only have one picture of our dolphin encounter. I don't want anyone else who really wants pictures to end up without them. You can bring your own camera despite what they say, but make sure it is waterproof. And if you run into the manager at the photo shop, Mr. Prince, don't believe a word he says!
Thanks for that information!!! I am also a HUGE scrapbooker and spend TONS on pics ... I would have been TOTALLY upset if that happened!! So sorry it happened to you! :guilty:
OMGosh, that is horrible. When we did the dolphin encounter in Cozemel I brought my underwater camera not sure if they took pictures. But the pictures they took were beautiful! Omgosh, they were priceless so I'd totally be disappointed too. Sorry.
That's pathetic that they promise something and then don't deliver. And talk about poor customer service. :mad:
I'm assuming you did the Blue Lagoon Encounter? If so here is an idea for you.
If you really wanted to, you might could take it one step futher.


Has the numbers for customer services, and client feedback.
When we went we "traded" cameras with another family that was doing the encounter with us. We took pictures of them with their camera while they were in the water with the dolphin, and they did the same for us. We got a lot of good pictures that way and they were on our own camera and free.
Thanks Amlee for that info. I think I will write.

And thanks everyone for your sympathies. Yeah, I am quite miffed about not having more pictures, but I have to put it into perspective. If that is the worst thing that happens in my life, I will be blessed........

Just everyone remember your own cameras!
Sometimes unexpected things happen, even with digital photography. Perhaps the individual photos you were expecting weren't available to print. You also have to keep in mind that the amount of time they have available to print and sell these photos is very limited.

However, If they did promise something, they should have either delivered or apologized and explained why the problem occurred.

I'm very picky about photography, especially on vacation and especially where solely to make money. When on a cruise, we stop for every cruise line photographer we see, when at the parks we stop for every Disney photographer. These photographers aren't generally very good. The more you photos you take, the better your chances of one of them being good. Our purchase rate is never more than 5% of what's taken. IIt's not a money thing. I'll pay for a good photo, but I wont pay for a so-so one.

I bring this up because I was shocked at the quality of the photography at Dolphin Encounters. Now we've only been there once (like most of their customers) but the photo of my wife and I with the dolphin "kissing" her is one of the best photos we've ever gotten. It wasn't a fluke either, we marvelled at the photos others were purchasing as well. Obtaining this kind of quaility is amazing since they've got so little time to take and print so many pictures, yet they still get multiple shots of each guest in each pose, the best way to get those really good shots.

I'd be inclined to cut the staff there a little slack. They could easily be the kind of place that would make crappy quality prints of bad photos and still be able to sell them because it's a once in a life opportunity for most of their customers. Maybe you caught them on a bad day.
While I do agree in most circumstances, Mr. Prince (the photo manager) said one of their machines had been broken for a few days and they could only do the group shot. Then I asked, why did you tell me an hour ago that you would be taking individual shots?! They lied and Mr. Prince didn't care.

I do understand things happen, but it would have been nice to know that ahead of time so I could take pictures with my own camera. Also, Mr. Prince was very unsympathetic and couldn't care less. He never apolgized, acted like I was bothering him, and had a smug look on his face. It was attitude that made me write this.
I understand and feel bad that it happened to you. We all understand that "things happen" but they probably knew when they were giving you the speech that the machines were broken. And if they didn't, you would think that they would feel bad when you asked for them and they didn't have any. Not that they or you could do anything. But a little "I'm so sorry" goes a long way.
Your welcome! I hope you get this resolved as best as you can. It's been about 5 years since we did our dolphin encounter. I have to say the serives was great. My mother cherishes her picture of the dolphin kissing her.
[QUOTE=dutch_girl_scout]When we went we "traded" cameras with another family that was doing the encounter with us. We took pictures of them with their camera while they were in the water with the dolphin, and they did the same for us. We got a lot of good pictures that way and they were on our own camera and free.[/QUOTE]

That's what dh did when he did the Encounter with 4dd in October.
I, thank goodness, brought waterproof disposals, the kind that hang on everyone's wrist when we did this. I will never forget the sight of of people video taping, taking digital photos--- when the dolphin comes out, and then splashes everyone --- and a mad dash of video carrying people jumping up and running! I thought that was so "poorly advised". They may have advised, maybe someone didn't listen but when the dolphin splashed, people ran for dear cover!

I was also very happy I brought our own life vest for my then DD4. http://community.webshots.com/mypho...0&photoID=1539884543084062680&security=NicPhy


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