avondale training journal, starting Dec. 2018 (comments welcome)

Week of Feb. 14 - 20, 2022

This is the eighth week of my 16-week training plan to run the 25K trail race at the Traverse City Trail Running Festival on April 23, 2022.

  • Before breakfast:
    • Running RewiredWiring Posture routine
      • 3 x 10 inverted row with 54-lb band
      • 4 x 30 sec donkey toes
      • 30 forward, 30 backward bear crawl
    • Foam rolling and stretching
  • After work:
    • 50 min easy
      • T+D 30, 0% effect, T 28 F, WC 20 F 🥶
      • time: 50:01
      • distance: 4.29 mi
      • average pace: 11:39
      • splits: 11:20, 11:39, 11:39, 12:05, 11:20
      • ave HR: 134 BP - within my target range
      • elevation gain: 325 ft (uncorrected)
      • route: old loop around the neighborhood
Tuesday evening: 2-hr tennis doubles match - my partner and I lost 6-1, 3-6, 1-0

Wednesday after work:
  • CV intervals: 10 min easy + 5 x (5 min CV + 2 min RI) + 4 x (30 sec sprint + 1 min walk) + 5 min easy
    • T+D 72, 0% effect; T 52 F
    • time: 56:07
    • distance: 5.32 mi
    • CV splits: 8:52, 8:49, 8:50, 8:44, 8:51
    • sprint splits: 6:48, 6:28, 6:24, 6:30
    • route: HS track
    • comments: These 5-min intervals were noticeably faster than last week's 4-min intervals; they didn't feel like as much of a step harder. The sprint splits were a bit faster, too.
  • Before breakfast: Workout 2
    • 3 x 5 single-leg squats on bench, each leg, 20 lb vest
    • 3 x 5 lawnmowers, each arm, 37.5 lb
    • 3 x 5 wide push-ups, 20 lb vest
    • 3 x 5 hamstring curls, each leg, 13 lb band
    • 3 x 5 parallel-bar dips
  • After work:
    • 50 min easy
      • T+D 113, 1% effect, T 68 F (!!!)
      • time: 50:01
      • distance: 4.34 mi
      • average pace: 11:32
      • splits: 11:41, 11:52, 11:13, 11:08, 12:10
      • ave HR: 138 BP - within my target range
      • elevation gain: 144 ft (uncorrected)
      • route: Sligo Creek Trail
      • comments: I didn't want to do two workouts two days in a row, so I did an easy run instead of a tempo ramps run. My legs felt really heavy at the start of this run, so it was probably a good choice.
  • Before breakfast:
    • Running RewiredWiring Posture routine
      • 3 x 10 inverted row, bodyweight
      • 2 x 1min donkey toes
      • 30 forward, 30 backward bear crawl
    • Foam rolling and stretching
  • After dinner: walk on treadmill
    • time: 43:58
    • distance: 2.38 mi
    • average pace: 18:28
    • incline: 4% incline
  • Before lunch:
    • 90 min easy on trail
      • T+D 52, 0% effect, T 41 F
      • time: 1:30:01
      • distance: 6.68 mi
      • average pace: 13:28
      • splits: 12:35, 12:47, 13:56, 15:40, 13:34, 12:54, 12:34
      • ave HR: 140 BPM - at the top of my target range
      • elevation gain: 486 ft (uncorrected)
      • route: Valley Trail, Rock Creek National Park
  • Before dinner: walk on treadmill
    • time: 1:00:47
    • distance: 3.03 mi
    • average pace: 20:04
    • incline: 4% incline
Sunday afternoon:
  • 140 min LR on trail
    • T+D 49, 0% effect, T 39 F
    • time: 2:20:01
    • distance: 10.77 mi
    • average pace: 13:00
    • splits: 13:20, 11:35, 13:34, 13:04, 12:52, 13:03, 13:01, 13:18, 12:40, 13:09, 13:34
    • ave HR: 147 BPM - within my target range
    • elevation gain: 745 ft (uncorrected)
    • route: Seneca Ridge Trail
    • comments: This trail is not as technical as others I have been running recently, but it is long. A lot of the trail was very muddy today. I managed not to fall in the mud until mile 9 (!); no significant injuries, but I got very muddy.
    • comments: I took 1.5L of water with Nuun. I ate one Honey Stinger waffle, 110 cal of Swedish fish, and 200 cal of Clif Blocks.
    • comments: I was very happy with this run. It is so different doing this long trail runs in the cold weather - last summer, these were killer with the heat and humidity!


The headache has been continuing, and still some pretty bad days.
Week of Feb. 21 - 27, 2022

This is the ninth week of my 16-week training plan to run the 25K trail race at the Traverse City Trail Running Festival on April 23, 2022. This week was a cut-back week. I ended up having a lot of tennis matches, so I had to drop a mid-week run.

  • Before breakfast:
    • Running RewiredWiring Posture routine
      • 3 x 10 inverted row with 54-lb band
      • 4 x 30 sec donkey toes
      • 30 forward, 30 backward bear crawl
    • Foam rolling and stretching
  • In evening: 2-hr tennis doubles match - my partner and I won 6-4, 3-6, 1-0, and our team won overall, too!
Tuesday after work:
  • 50 min easy
    • T+D 109, 0.5% effect, T 64 F (!!!)
    • time: 50:01
    • distance: 4.28 mi
    • average pace: 11:42
    • splits: 11:59, 11:53, 11:13, 11:23, 12:50
    • ave HR: 136 BP - within my target range
    • elevation gain: 138 ft (uncorrected)
    • route: Sligo Creek Trail
  • Before breakfast: Workout 3
    • 3 x 5 wide-stance goblet squats, 20 lb vest and 50 lb
    • 3 x 1 chin-ups
    • 3 x 5 reverse-grip lat pull-downs, 42 lb bands
    • 3 x 5 close-grip bench press, 65 lb
    • 3 x 5 (each leg) single-leg hamstring curl on Swiss ball
    • 3 x 5 Arnold presses, 20 lb per arm
  • After work:
    • 50 min tempo ramps
      • T+D 103, 0.5% effect, T 68 F (!!!)
      • time: 50:01
      • distance: 4.66 mi
      • average pace: 10:44
      • splits: 10:56, 10:36, 10:33, 10:43, 10:54
      • ave HR: 137 BPM
      • elevation gain: 354 ft (uncorrected)
      • route: new loop around the neighborhood
      • comments: The idea of "tempo ramps" is to run at tempo effort up the relatively gradual uphills and then run easy on the downhills.
  • Before breakfast:
    • Running Rewired Wiring Posture routine
      • 3 x 10 inverted row with 54-lb band
      • 4 x 30 sec donkey toes
      • 30 forward, 30 backward bear crawl
      • Foam rolling and stretching
    • In evening: 2-hr tennis doubles match - my partner and I lost 6-4, 6-4, but our team won overall.
Friday evening: 2-hr tennis doubles match - my partner and I lost 6-3, 6-3, but our team won overall.

  • Before lunch:
    • 70 min easy on trail
      • T+D 54, 0% effect, T 34 F
      • time: 1:10:01
      • distance: 5.31 mi
      • average pace: 13:11
      • splits: 13:03, 13:50, 12:40, 13:14, 11:00
      • ave HR: 140 BP - at the top of my target range
      • elevation gain: 863 ft (uncorrected)
      • route: Western Ridge Trail, Rock Creek National Park
  • In evening: 2-hr tennis match - my partner and I won 6-4, 6-4, and our team won overall, too!
Sunday before dinner:
  • 100 min LR on trail
    • T+D 61, 0% effect, T 54 F
    • time: 1:40:01
    • distance: 7.8 mi
    • average pace: 12:49
    • splits: 11:52, 11:28, 12:48, 14:59, 15:43, 12:13, 12:06, 11:01
    • ave HR: 145 BPM - at the bottom of my target range
    • elevation gain: 689 ft (uncorrected)
    • route: Valley Trail, Rock Creek National Park


My headache has had some really bad days this week. Tuesday, after a late tennis match, my head was killing me and I was so tired that I had trouble doing much of anything. I have a PT appointment this week.
Week of Feb. 28 - Mar. 6, 2022

This is the tenth week of my 16-week training plan to run the 25K trail race at the Traverse City Trail Running Festival on April 23, 2022.

Monday after work: walk on treadmill
  • time: 1:27:50
  • distance: 5.22 mi
  • average pace: 16:50
  • incline: 4% incline
  • Before breakfast:
    • Running Rewired Wiring Posture routine
      • 3 x 10 inverted row, body weight
      • 2 x 60 sec donkey toes
      • 30 forward, 30 backward bear crawl
    • Foam rolling and stretching
  • After work:
    • Hill repeats: 10 min easy + 5 x (2 min hard uphill + 4 min walk downhill) + 10 min easy
      • T+D 80, 0% effect; T 54 F
      • time: 50:06
      • distance: 3.78 mi
      • uphill splits: 9:50, 9:38, 10:01, 9:57, 10:20
      • splits from when I did this workout in week 4: 10:30, 10:15, 10:02, 10:12, 10:41
      • elevation gain: 332 ft (uncorrected)
      • route: old loop around the neighborhood
      • comments: Wow! I did these repeats a lot faster than when I did this workout in week 4! Cool!
Wednesday after work:
  • 50 min easy
    • T+D 91, 0% effect, T 61 F (!!!)
    • time: 50:01
    • distance: 4.4 mi
    • average pace: 11:22
    • splits: 11:31, 11:34, 11:10, 11:08, 11:36
    • ave HR: 137 BP - within my target range
    • elevation gain: 141 ft (uncorrected)
    • route: Sligo Creek Trail
  • Before breakfast: Running Rewired Wiring Posture routine
    • 3 x 10 inverted row, body weight
    • 2 min donkey toes
    • 30 forward, 30 backward bear crawl
  • After work:
    • Tempo intervals: 10 min easy + 6 x (5 min tempo effort + 1 min walk) + 5 min easy
      • T+D 50, 0% effect; T 46 F, WC 38 F
      • time: 51:06
      • distance: 4.9 mi
      • tempo splits: 9:31, 9:24, 9:18, 9:19, 9:17, 9:19
      • route: HS track
      • comments: These splits were supposed to be at tempo effort, which is a HR of about 160 BPM for me. Even though these split paces were faster than my HM tempo speeds, my HR never really got up to the tempo effort level. This could just be lag in the HRM.
Friday evening: walk on treadmill
  • time: 1:26:27
  • distance: 5.17 mi
  • average pace: 16:43
  • incline: 4% incline
  • Before lunch:
    • 90 min easy on trail
      • T+D 73, 0% effect, T 48 F
      • time: 1:30:16
      • distance: 6.67 mi
      • average pace: 13:32
      • splits: 12:58, 12:38, 13:56, 15:40, 13:12, 13:39, 12:19
      • ave HR: 140 BPM - at the top of my target range
      • elevation gain: 522 ft (uncorrected)
      • route: Valley Trail, Rock Creek National Park
  • In evening: 2-hr tennis doubles match - my partner and I won 7-5, 6-4, and our team won overall, too!
Sunday afternoon:
  • 150 min LR on trail
    • T+D 128, 2% effect, T 72 F
    • time: 2:30:01
    • distance: 10.91 mi
    • average pace: 13:45
    • splits: 12:56, 12:46, 12:52, 14:44, 13:23, 13:34, 14:36, 13:34, 14:18, 13:52, 14:44
    • ave HR: 151 BPM - at the top of my target range
    • elevation gain: 820 ft (uncorrected)
    • route: Seneca Bluffs Trail
    • comments: The T+D really wiped me out - we haven't had a T+D anywhere near this yet this year! I ended up pushing way too hard in the second half so that it almost ended up being a death march. Blah! Frustrating!
    • comments: My ears plugged up right around the end of the run, and my abs wanted to cramp up on the ride home. These are both things that tend to happen after hot and humid runs for me.
    • comments: I took 1.5 L of water + Nuun and drank all but 0.25 L of it. I took an additional 1 L of water and drank about 2/3 of it. I ate two Honey Stinger waffles, 100 cal of Swedish Fish, and a sleeve of GU blocks, for a total of about 550 - 600 cal. My stomach felt kind of bloaty and blah starting about 1/3 of the way into the run, which was a bad sign in general.


The headache continues. I really got started on the PT for it this week, but no effect yet.

My ankle has been doing great, fortunately. I can try doing my trail runs without the brace if I want, but it hasn't been bothering me as much as I expected it to, so I may continue for awhile. It may really depend on when I get into running with shorts because it's scratchy on my bare skin on my leg.
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The greater TC area says good morning. It was in the 50s this weekend but today it’s snowed a few inches. Fingers crossed that it warms up because the snow in the woods is always the last to leave.
Week of Mar. 7 - 13, 2022

This is the eleventh week of my 16-week training plan to run the 25K trail race at the Traverse City Trail Running Festival on April 23, 2022.

On Tuesday, I skipped the hill repeat run because we brought one of our cats home from oral surgery and had to supervise him for awhile. I was also really tired and zombie-like all day.

Monday after work:
  • 60 min easy
    • T+D 122, 1.5% effect, T 70 F (!!!)
    • time: 1:00:01
    • distance: 5.15 mi
    • average pace: 11:40
    • splits: 11:50, 11:49, 11:36, 11:26, 11:32, 12:21
    • ave HR: 137 BP - within my target range
    • elevation gain: 203 ft (uncorrected)
    • route: Sligo Creek Trail
  • Before breakfast: Running RewiredWiring Posture routine
    • 3 x 10 inverted row, body weight
    • 2 min donkey toes
    • 30 forward, 30 backward bear crawl
  • After dinner: walk on treadmill
    • time: 41:22
    • distance: 2.52 mi
    • average pace: 17:36
    • incline: 4% incline
Wednesday evening: 2-hr tennis doubles round-robin

  • Before breakfast: Workout 4
    • 3 x 5 (each leg) single-leg glute bridge, 35 lb
    • 3 x 5 bent-over reverse-grip dumbbell rows, 25 lb per arm
    • 3 x 3 (each side) push-up on medicine balls into side plank, 20 lb vest
    • 3 x 5 hamstring slides
    • 3 x 5 bent-over lateral raises, 15 lb per arm
  • After work:
    • Tempo intervals: 10 min easy + 3 x (10 min tempo + 2 min walk) + 5 min easy
      • T+D 74, 0% effect, T 46 F
      • time: 51:06
      • distance: 4.72 mi
      • average pace: 10:49
      • tempo splits: 9:45, 9:29, 9:16
      • route: HS track
  • Before breakfast: Running Rewired Wiring Posture routine
    • 3 x 10 inverted row, body weight
    • 2 min donkey toes
    • 30 forward, 30 backward bear crawl
  • In evening: 2-hr tennis doubles match - my partner and I won 2-6, 6-4, 1-0!
  • Before lunch: walk on treadmill
    • time: 1:27:04
    • distance: 4.55 mi
    • average pace: 19:08
    • incline: none
  • Before dinner:
    • 90 min easy on trail
      • T+D 47, 0% effect, T 27 F, WC 17 F 🥶🥶🌬
      • time: 1:30:09
      • distance: 6.82 mi
      • average pace: 13:14
      • splits: 13:38, 14:22, 12:44, 13:09, 13:04, 13:24, 12:01
      • ave HR: 136 BP - within my target range
      • elevation gain: 961 ft (uncorrected)
      • route: Western Ridge Trail, Rock Creek National Park
      • comments: It had been raining and then snowing prior to the run, so it was muddy.
Sunday before dinner:
  • 160 min LR on trail
    • T+D 44, 0% effect, T 30 F, WC 24 F 🥶🌬
    • time: 2:40:01
    • distance: 12.04 mi
    • average pace: 13:17
    • splits: 13:30, 11:37, 13:31, 13:14, 12:54, 14:40, 14:48, 12:57, 12:37, 13:20, 12:53, 13:27, 12:19
    • ave HR: 146 BPM - within my target range
    • elevation gain: 1083 ft (uncorrected)
    • route: Seneca Greenway
    • comments: It was sunny and warmed up, so the snow was melting and it was SO MUDDY! The mud was slippery, but fortunately I didn't fall. However, it made for a very messy run, and my feet got soaked very quickly.
    • comments: I took 1 L of water and 1.5 L of water with Nuun. I took two Honey Stinger waffles, about 100 cal of Swedish Fish, and 160 cal GU blocks.
    • comments: This run was so much easier than last week's, even though I ran for longer. The temperature just made things so much better for me. No problems with my stomach, or ears plugging, or abs cramping.


The headache continues. I had PT on Monday and Wednesday mornings. After Wednesday's session, I think the headache was a bit better. But then Thursday morning, my neck spasmed several times in an area that is always sore. I just don't know.
Week of Mar. 14 - 19, 2022

This is the twelfth week of my 16-week training plan to run the 25K trail race at the Traverse City Trail Running Festival on April 23, 2022.

I shifted by usual Saturday and Sunday runs forward one day because I am heading to Disney World on Sunday! I am going for a week with my sister, her 6-yo son, and our mother. We had tried to do this trip in January 2021 but canceled due to covid. We rescheduled for January 2022, but that's when omicron exploded, so we rescheduled again for this week. It's finally happening!

Monday after work:
  • 70 min easy
    • T+D 84, 0% effect, T 61 F
    • time: 1:10:01
    • distance: 5.91 mi
    • average pace: 11:51
    • splits: 11:28, 11:47, 11:35, 11:32, 12:04, 12:43
    • ave HR: 136 BP - within my target range
    • elevation gain: 207 ft (uncorrected)
    • route: Forest Glen Annex
  • Before breakfast: Running Rewired Twist the Spine routine
    • Twisted warrior: 5 each side for each leg
    • Medball twist: 40 each side, no weight
    • Ball bridge twist: 2 min
    • Swiss ball tuck twist: 3 x 30 sec
    • Butt scoots: 3 x (5 forward, 5 backward for each side)
    • Super swiss side plank: 10 each side
    • Thread the needle plank: 15 each side
    • Long arm band squat: 10 each side
    • Hang spine twist: 5 each side
  • After work:
    • CV intervals: 15 min easy + 5 x (5 min CV + 2 min walk) + 4 x (30 sec sprint + 1 min walk)
      • T+D 95, 0% effect, T 68 F
      • time: 56:06
      • distance: 5.31 mi
      • CV splits:8:50, 8:53, 8:48, 8:50, 8:55
      • Sprint splits: 6:24, 6:25, 6:36, 6:31
      • route: HS track
Wednesday after work:
  • 60 min tempo ramps
    • T+D 99, 0% effect, T 68 F
    • time: 1:00:01
    • distance: 5.47 mi
    • average pace: 10:59
    • splits: 11:10, 10:48, 10:38, 10:51, 11:16, 11:25
    • elevation gain: 449 ft (uncorrected)
    • route: new loop around the neighborhood
  • Before breakfast: Workout 1
    • 3 x 5 squats with 20-lb vest and 65 lb
    • 3 x 1 unassisted pull-ups
    • 3 x 5 lat pull-downs with 42-lb bands
    • 3 x 5 bench presses with 67.5 lb
  • In evening: 2-hr tennis doubles match - my partner and I lost 6-4, 6-3.
Friday before dinner:
  • 90 min easy run on trail
    • T+D 119, 1% effect, T 73 F
    • time: 1:30:01
    • distance: 6.9 mi
    • average pace: 13:02
    • splits: 12:35, 12:07, 13:30, 15:25, 12:45, 12:54, 11:54
    • ave HR: 138 BP - within my target range
    • elevation gain: 466 ft (uncorrected)
    • route: Valley Trail, Rock Creek National Park
Saturday before dinner:
  • 170 min LR on trail
    • T+D 128, 2% effect, T 66 F (this temp wasn't right - weather app said 74 F)
    • time: 2:50:00
    • distance: 12.66 mi
    • average pace: 13:26
    • splits: 12:58, 13:15, 12:43, 13:04, 12:14, 13:41, 14:46, 12:56, 13:21, 13:27, 14:26, 14:29, 13:07
    • ave HR: 149 BPM - within my target range
    • elevation gain: 1266 ft (uncorrected)
    • route: Seneca Greenway
    • comments: I took 1 L of water and 1.5 L of water with Nuun - I drank almost every drop. I took two Honey Stinger waffles, about 100 cal of Swedish Fish, and 160 cal GU blocks.
    • comments: This run was the same T+D as the hot run two weeks ago, but I handled it much better. My left ear plugged up around mile 8 and the right ear around mile 11, and I felt possible ab cramps afterward. However, my stomach felt fine the whole time, and my average HR was a bit lower although the elevation gain and distance was larger.


The headache continues. The PT does seem to be helping, or at least the therapist's manual work on my neck, because later that day and the next day, the headache pain is usually less.

Ankle - for both trail runs this weekend, I did not wear the ankle brace. The ankle felt OK, and I did not have any problems. Yay!
Week of Mar. 20 - 27, 2022

This is the thirteenth week of my 16-week training plan to run the 25K trail race at the Traverse City Trail Running Festival on April 23, 2022. This was a cut-back week, which was intentionally timed.

March 20 - 26 was also the week that I was in Disney World with my sister, her 6-yo son, and our mother. I will give a brief re-cap of our trip as well.


This was the first day in a really, really long time that I didn't do anything that I considered to be an official "activity". I did get at least 10,000 steps, though - I am over 675 days in a row with at least 10,000 steps, so I'm not breaking that streak unless I absolutely have to!

The four of us stayed in two cabins in Fort Wilderness: me/Mom and my sister (Cindy)/her son INoah). This was definitely a good idea to give us all a little more space and also two bathrooms. I got to the resort ahead of the others since I was flying in from a different city. I received our Walmart grocery delivery and did some walking around the resort.

  • Before breakfast: 50 min easy
    • T+D 106, 0.5% effect, T 55 F
    • time: 50:00
    • distance: 4.29 mi
    • average pace: 11:39
    • splits: 12:06, 11:40, 11:32, 11:29, 10:57
    • ave HR: 128 BP - within my target range
    • elevation gain: 62 ft (uncorrected)
    • route: running loop in Fort Wilderness
    • comments: I started this run while it was still dark, and I got to see how a lot of RVs are blinged up with lights. And golf carts, too
Disney: we went to Magic Kingdom. It was a little hard getting my nephew comfortable to go on rides because he hasn't been to very many amusement parks. First we took him through the Swiss Family Robinson Tree House. Then we went on Pirates of the Caribbean, which he really liked. We all got Dole Whips. Then we went on Jungle Cruise, which my nephew liked, but the rest of us did not think was worth waiting 2 hours for (no Genie+). After that, he was getting pretty grumpy and tired. Also, we wanted to get a mobility for our mother (74 yo and previously broke her hip, which has healed but her stamina is down) but they were out. So she was walking and really starting to drag. We decided to take a break and go back to Fort Wilderness.

After a couple hours at home, my nephew had clearly recharged, and so we decided to head back to Magic Kingdom. Our Mom broke down and got a wheelchair, which I pushed. We convinced Noah to try Thunder Mountain. With our Mom in the wheelchair, we got a return time (about 60 min) and so we were able to get a dinner snack while waiting. Despite his trepidation, Noah loved Thunder Mountain and insisted on riding it again immediately. Of course, immediately was another 60-min wait. He loved it again. By the time we were done, it was almost time for the fireworks, but instead we talked Noah into trying Haunted Mansion. Because of the hour, the line was only about 15-min long. Again, Noah liked it so much that we immediately rode it again. After that, the fireworks had finished and there was just enough time for the crowds to clear out, and we went home.


Disney: We agreed that we wanted to get to the park earlier for Animal Kingdom so that it would be more likely that animals would be active. (This is all relative - my sister and Noah have a hard time getting going in the morning. Noah in particular does not wake up very quickly. We had planned to leave our cabins at 9am the previous day for Magic Kingdom, but the reality was about an hour later.) We did get to Animal Kingdom before 9am, and we even got a scooter for our Mom.

We got in line immediately for Kilimanjaro Safari - it was already a 2-hour wait, and lined up almost all the way to the Lion King theater. But the safari did not disappoint: we saw giraffes, elephants, rhinos, cheetahs, a lion, wildebeasts, and various hooved/horned ungulates. After the safari, we went on the Gorilla Falls walk, which also impressed Noah - he loves watching animals. Then we got some food and watched the Flight of Passage (??forget the name) bird show in Africa.

Noah was getting grumpy, so we called it a day and went back to Fort Wilderness. Cindy had also promised to take him swimming at a pool there, which she did. Our Mom went to sit and watch, while I took a nap. We went to the marina at Fort Wilderness to watch the Magic Kingdom fireworks that evening.

  • Before breakfast: 10 min easy + 5 x (5 min tempo + 1 min walk) + 5 min easy
    • T+D 137, 2.5% effect; T 68 F
    • time: 45:06
    • distance: 4.05 mi
    • average pace: 11:09
    • tempo splits: 9:46, 9:40, 9:41, 10:01
    • route: Fort Wilderness running loop
    • comments: This was the highest T+D that I had run in in months, and it really made this run hard. I wasn't feeling great during the tempo intervals and decided to run the fifth one easy.
Disney: We went to Hollywood Studios, which ended up being the most disappointing park of our visit. No scooters left, so a wheelchair for our Mom. First we got in line for the Runaway Train ride, which had about an hour wait. The ride was really clever, but I felt like it was a bit too short and not "thrilling" enough for it to be one of the headlining attractions. After this, since we had gotten going a little late, we got some lunch - this was a chore because the park was SOOO crowded in some places that it was hard to even walk around.

After lunch, we got in line for Toy Story Mania. This was a freaking ridiculous 2-hour wait. The waiting area was really clever with all the full-size game pieces, but it didn't really make up for waiting that long with a 6-yo. Once we got on the ride - it was amazing! Very, very clever and the technology was excellent. Noah and our Mom had trouble figuring out how to use their guns, but it was a lot of fun.

After that, Noah wanted to ride Slinky Dog Dash, which we tried to tell him was much tamer than Thunder Mountain (and thus not worth the long wait time), but that got him grumpy and pouting. The rain that had been forecast started in fits and spurts, and between the two, we decided to leave. Yes, we went to Hollywood Studios for TWO RIDES.

We got on the Skyliner and rode it to Epcot, then turned around and came back and got on the bus back to Fort Wilderness.

  • Before breakfast: 50 min easy
    • T+D 143, 3.5% effect, T 73 F
    • time: 50:00
    • distance: 4.29 mi
    • average pace: 11:39
    • splits: 11:49, 11:39, 11:41, 11:37, 11:11
    • ave HR: 130 BP - within my target range
    • elevation gain: 20 ft (uncorrected)
    • route: running loop in Fort Wilderness
    • comments: The T+D on this run was killer. I sweated buckets and buckets. It was supposed to rain on and off all day; it didn't rain during my run, but it felt like it would any time. Just yucky.
Disney: The sticky, yucky weather continued all day. We delayed leaving our cabins to try to get a better idea of when it would rain, but finally left with our raincoats to do what we could. No scooter for our Mom, so wheelchair again. There were a couple of rain showers throughout the day, but we managed to be undercover during them.

First, we went to Buzz Lightyear's ride. I could see out this was a precursor to DHS's Toy Story Mania - the gun wasn't as user-friendly and the technology wasn't as good. I'm sure Noah didn't pick up on that. Then Cindy and Noah went on the Tomorrowland Speedway, while I waited with our Mom. We got milkshakes. After that, we went on the People Mover - we knew Noah would like it, and we were hoping that a peek at Space Mountain might get him to try it. No such luck.

Then we went back to Thunder Mountain. The first time we checked in, I think the CM must have given us a Lightning Lane return time, because it was only about 15 minutes - not that we complained. We all loved it. We went right back to get in line again, and this time the CM told us we could get back on immediately (via the handicap entrance). Fun! Then we went back to Haunted Mansion, but only once.

After that, we got hotdogs and did some souvenir shopping on Main Street. Not our best decision, because it was the hour before fireworks and really, really busy. We got done just in time to see the fireworks show, and then we went back to Fort Wilderness.

  • Before lunch: 80 min easy
    • T+D 117, 1% effect, T 66 F
    • time: 1:20:01
    • distance: 7.03 mi
    • average pace: 11:23
    • splits: 11:32, 11:26, 11:40, 11:06, 11:11, 11:37, 11:09
    • ave HR: 136 BP - within my target range
    • elevation gain: 62 ft (uncorrected)
    • route: running loop in Fort Wilderness
    • comments: Thank goodness the T+D was much lower than the previous day. This run was easy as intended.
Disney: Because we were up late the night before, we planned to head to Animal Kingdom after lunch. Wheelchair for our Mom. First we went to the Lion King show. Noah was dubious about a "show", but he liked it. Then we got a message that a scooter was available, so we traded the wheelchair for a scooter and heading to the Maharajah Jungle Trek. This was a hit, and we did see some tigers walking around. Then we went to Na'vi River Journey - for the length of the wait, this was not worth it.

After that, both Noah and my sister got a bit grumpy and the group disagreed about food, so we decided to leave. We took the bus to Magic Kingdom and rode the monorail loop. Then we returned to Fort Wilderness and played a few games.

  • In evening: 2-hr tennis match - my partner and I lost 6-3, 6-2.
We all went home.

Sunday before dinner:
  • 120 min LR on trail
    • T+D 58, 0% effect, T 41 F
    • time: 2:00:01
    • distance: 9.28 mi
    • average pace: 12:56
    • splits: 11:37, 11:20, 12:52, 14:39, 14:23, 15:22, 12:48, 12:43, 11:05, 11:25
    • ave HR: 142 BP - below my target range
    • elevation gain: 1037 ft (uncorrected)
    • route: Valley Trail, Rock Creek National Park
    • comments: A big change from running in Florida!


Headache: it was not as bad while I was on vacation - I hardly used my laptop at all and didn't play tennis.

Disney trip summary: Overall, we all had a good time. Noah had never been there, so everything was pretty amazing to him. My sister hadn't been there since she was in junior high, so it was mostly new to her, too. I thought that we spent far too much time waiting in line, especially in DHS. We could have paid for Genie+, but that would have been a sizeable chunk of money. We did not have a good idea of what Noah would be willing to ride, and frankly we would have had a hard time meeting Lighting Lane ride times. I found this very frustrating.
I am starting to think work is causing your headache :rotfl2: it usually causes mine.

Glad you had fun at Disney. I can only imagine the long waits. I have not used Genie + or ILL but ugh not looking forward to it.
Do you wear blue light glasses? I thought they were a hoax but a coworker started wearing them and commenting what a difference it made. Fortunately, I don't suffer from headaches but I did notice my eyes were not a fan of staring at screens all day so I decided to give the glasses a try. It's been over a year now and I can definitely tell that they help. 100% worth the $15 risk to buy a couple pairs.
@garneska and @GollyGadget , I am pretty sure the headaches are from work. But specifically posture issues related to my computer on my desk. I have neck/upperback pain and tightness (hence the PT), which leads to the headaches.

You might think this would be easy to take care of - get the proper desk, chair, etc. But our university stopped offering consultations to essentially set you up properly. My department would pay for different office equipment, but everything is so expensive that I don't want to end up buying a bunch of different things that don't solve the issue. I've raised my desk chair to a better height for my keyboard, but now my feet don't reach the floor and the tops of my thighs whack into the underside of the desk (which has one of those thin drawers for pens, etc). I am 5-foot-3-inch, so not unusually small for a woman. It seems like such a losing proposition. I've thought about a standing desk, but again, which kind is best? Those are really expensive. And so it goes.
ahhh, I feel you on the desk woes. We're the same height and I had to settle for feet not on the floor if I wanted my monitors and keyboard at the correct height. I just rest them on the chair legs most of the time.
I fully recommend a standing desk! I've had one at work for years and that was the essential thing I had to buy when I realized I'd be working full time remote. Mine is from Costco and nothing fancy but it wasn't any more expensive than any other desk. I don't stand all day and sometimes i don't stand at all but it's great to have the choice.
Week of Mar. 28 - Apr. 3, 2022

This is the fourteenth week of my 16-week training plan to run the 25K trail race at the Traverse City Trail Running Festival on April 23, 2022. This was my peak training week.

This week went very, very well! I hope this means good things for my race, because I feel like I haven't had a really successful training cycle and race for a long time.

Monday after work:
  • 60 min tempo ramps
    • T+D 32, 0% effect, T 32 F, WC 21 F - very, very windy!
    • time: 40:42
    • distance: 3.45 mi
    • average pace: 11:47
    • splits: 11:48, 11:50, 11:40, 11:56
    • elevation gain: 285 ft (uncorrected)
    • route: new loop around the neighborhood
    • comments: I was not feeling this run. It wasn't overly cold, but the wind was just piercing. I usually carry on with stuff like this, but my motivation for it was not there. So I cut it short.
    • comments: I would not usually do a "hard" run the day after a long run, but I had a Tuesday tennis match and so I had to move a run up.
  • Before breakfast: foam rolling and stretching
  • In evening: 2-hr tennis doubles match - my partner and I won 6-4, 2-6, 1-0!
Wednesday after work:
  • 20 min easy + 4 x (6 min @CV + 2 min walk) + 4 x (30 sec sprint + 1 min walk)
    • T+D 84, 0% effect, T 55 F
    • time: 58:06
    • distance: 5.42 mi
    • CV splits: 9:20, 8:55, 8:53, 8:51
    • sprint splits: 6:35, 6:39, 6:32, 6:40
    • route: HS track
    • comments: I could not find the right gear for the first CV interval - I knew it was too slow and couldn't get my legs going. The other three were right where I wanted.
    • comments: My sprint splits were a little slower than when I did them two weeks ago.
  • Before breakfast: Workout 2
    • 3 x 5 (each leg) single-leg squats with 20-lb vest
    • 3 x 5 (each arm) lawnmowers with 37.5 lb
    • 3 x 5 wide push-ups with 20-lb vest
    • 3 x 5 (each leg) hamstring curls with 13-lb band
    • 3 x 5 parallel-bar dips
  • After work:
    • 70 min easy
      • T+D 122, 1.5% effect, T 70 F
      • time: 1:10:01
      • distance: 6.14 mi
      • average pace: 11:24
      • splits: 11:33, 11:32, 11:11, 11:08, 11:27, 11:35, 11:24
      • ave HR: 138 BP - within my target range
      • elevation gain: 92 ft (uncorrected)
      • route: Rock Creek Trail
Friday after dinner: walk on treadmill
  • time: 43:49
  • distance: 2.23 mi
  • average pace: 19:39
  • incline: none
  • Before lunch:
    • 90 min easy on trail
      • T+D 61, 0% effect, T 43 F
      • time: 1:30:02
      • distance: 6.66 mi
      • average pace: 13:31
      • splits: 13:48, 14:18, 13:19, 13:19, 13:29, 13:55, 11:58
      • ave HR: 136 BPM - within my target range
      • elevation gain: 991 ft (uncorrected)
      • route: Valley Trail, Rock Creek National Park
      • comments: Nice and easy!
  • Before dinner: walk on treadmill
    • time: 1:28:00
    • distance: 4.21 mi
    • average pace: 20:54
    • incline: 4%
Sunday before dinner:
  • 180 min LR on trail
    • T+D 88, 0% effect, T 55 F
    • time: 3:00:02
    • distance: 13.95 mi
    • average pace: 12:54
    • splits: 13:06, 12:44, 12:33, 12:25, 11:42, 13:23, 13:46, 14:22, 12:03, 12:48, 12:00, 13:23, 13:02, 13:26
    • ave HR: 143 BPM - at the bottom of my target range
    • elevation gain: 1224 ft (uncorrected)
    • route: Seneca Greenway
    • comments: I took 1.5 L of water + Nuun and 1 L of water; I drank all of the Nuun/water and most of the plain water. I ate two Honey Stinger waffles (about 300 cal), 100 cal of Swedish Fish, and a GU Blocks sleeve (160 cal).
    • comments: This run went so, so well! I was running strong throughout the run, even toward the end. Everything felt good. Of course, the T+D was exactly what I like. No ear problems or stomach problems, although my abs did want to try to cramp after I was done.


I am continuing with physical therapy for my headache.
Week of Apr. 4 - 10, 2022

This is the fifteenth week of my 16-week training plan to run the 25K trail race at the Traverse City Trail Running Festival on April 23, 2022. I am in the taper.

Monday after work:
  • 50 min easy
    • T+D 78, 0% effect, T 54 F
    • time: 50:01
    • distance: 4.38 mi
    • average pace: 11:26
    • splits: 11:30, 11:42, 11:27, 11:03, 11:27
    • ave HR: 134 BP - within my target range
    • elevation gain: 115 ft (uncorrected)
    • route: Sligo Creek Trail
    • comments: This was supposed to be a progressive workout on the track, but because I had to do it right after my long run, I changed it to an easy run.
  • Before breakfast: Workout 3
    • 3 x 5 goblet squats with 20-lb vest + 50 lb
    • 3 x 1 unassisted chin-ups
    • 3 x 5 reverse-grip lat pull-downs with 42-lb bands
    • 3 x 5 close-grip bench press with 65 lb
    • 3 x 5 single-leg hamstring curl on stability ball, each side
    • 3 x 5 Arnold presses with 20 lb per arm
  • In evening: 2-hr tennis match - my partner and I lost 3-6, 6-3, 1-0.
Wednesday after work:
  • 60 min easy
    • T+D 112, 1% effect, T 61 F
    • time: 1:00:01
    • distance: 5.35 mi
    • average pace: 11:13
    • splits: 11:23, 11:18, 11:05, 11:16, 11:06, 10:57
    • ave HR: 137 BP - within my target range
    • elevation gain: 85 ft (uncorrected)
    • route: Rock Creek Trail
  • Before breakfast: foam rolling and stretching
  • In evening: 1.5-hr tennis round-robin for fun
Friday after work:
  • 50 min tempo ramps
    • T+D 92, 0% effect, T 61 F
    • time: 50:01
    • distance: 4.66 mi
    • average pace: 10:43
    • splits: 10:45, 10:39, 10:38, 10:44, 10:56
    • elevation gain: 371 ft (uncorrected)
    • route: new loop around the neighborhood
  • Before lunch:
    • 70 min easy on trail
      • T+D 82, 0% effect, T 50 F
      • time: 1:10:01
      • distance: 5.56 mi
      • average pace: 12:36
      • splits: 12:33, 12:13, 13:30, 12:12, 12:53, 11:53
      • ave HR: 138 BPM - within my target range
      • elevation gain: 328 ft (uncorrected)
      • route: Valley Trail, Rock Creek National Park
      • comments: I think this is the fastest average pace that I've ever had on this trail, especially for an easy run.
  • In evening: 2-hr tennis doubles match - my partner and I lost 6-3, 7-6.
Sunday before dinner:
  • 135 min LR on trail
    • T+D 84, 0% effect, T 48 F
    • time: 2:15:01
    • distance: 11.21 mi
    • average pace: 12:03
    • splits: 12:35, 11:18, 12:34, 11:50, 11:54, 12:03, 11:49, 11:59, 12:12, 11:53, 12:14, 13:34
    • ave HR: 144 BPM - within my target range
    • elevation gain: 734 ft (uncorrected)
    • route: Seneca Greenway
    • comments: I took 1.5 L of water + Nuun and I drank nearly all of it. I ate one Honey Stinger waffles (about 150 cal), 100 cal of Swedish Fish, and a GU Blocks sleeve (160 cal).
    • comments: Like last week, this run went so, so well! I was running strong throughout the run, even toward the end. Everything felt good. Of course, the T+D was exactly what I like. No ear problems or stomach problems, although my abs did want to try to cramp after I was done. This was a great average pace, too - it was a flatter trail than I've done recently.


The headache continues. My physical therapist moved, so I have a different person working with me now. I am not sure how I like her yet.
Week of Apr. 11 - 17, 2022

This is the sixteenth week of my 16-week training plan to run the 25K trail race at the Traverse City Trail Running Festival on April 23, 2022. I am in the taper. Apparently I can't count, since I still have a week until my race...I guess this was a 17-week training plan!

Monday after work:
  • 50 min easy
    • T+D 101, 0.5% effect, T 66 F
    • time: 50:01
    • distance: 4.31 mi
    • average pace: 11:36
    • splits: 11:50, 11:51, 11:21, 11:18, 11:52
    • ave HR: 134 BP - within my target range
    • elevation gain: 125 ft (uncorrected)
    • route: Sligo Creek Trail
  • Before breakfast: foam rolling and stretching
  • After work:
    • 40 min tempo ramps
      • T+D 123, 1.5% effect, T 75 F
      • time: 40:02
      • distance: 3.72 mi
      • average pace: 10:46
      • splits: 10:49, 10:43, 10:37, 11:00
      • elevation gain: 259 ft (uncorrected)
      • route: new loop around the neighborhood
Wednesday in evening: 2-hr tennis doubles match - my partner and I lost 6-2, 6-1.

Thursday after work:
  • 50 min easy
    • T+D 112, 1% effect, T 68 F
    • time: 50:00
    • distance: 4.35 mi
    • average pace: 11:29
    • splits: 11:36, 11:39, 11:38, 11:05, 11:26
    • ave HR: 135 BP - within my target range
    • elevation gain: 46 ft (uncorrected)
    • route: Rock Creek Trail
Friday after work: walk outside
  • time: 1:00:53
  • distance: 3.0 mi
  • elevation gain: 138 ft (uncorrected)
  • After breakfast: 1.5-hr tennis doubles practice
  • Before lunch: walk outside
    • time: 34:32
    • distance: 1.53 mi
    • elevation gain: 121 ft (uncorrected)
  • Before dinner:
    • 60 min easy on trail
      • T+D 115, 1% effect, T 77 F
      • time: 1:00:01
      • distance: 4.67 mi
      • average pace: 12:51
      • splits: 12:39, 13:14, 12:46, 12:45, 12:51
      • ave HR: 141 BPM - just above my target range
      • elevation gain: 125 ft (uncorrected)
      • route: Northwest Branch Trail
Sunday before dinner:
  • 90 min easy on trail
    • T+D 75, 0% effect, T 54 F
    • time: 1:30:02
    • distance: 6.76 mi
    • average pace: 13:19
    • splits: 13:06, 12:43, 14:01, 13:52, 13:09, 13:29, 12:41
    • ave HR: 140 BPM - at the top of my target range
    • elevation gain: 397 ft (uncorrected)
    • route: Valley Trail, Rock Creek National Park


The headache continues. The PT seems to help out a bit. I had a visit with the neurologist. I'm going to get another MRI on my neck, since it's been about 3.5 years since the last one. Then he's sending me to a pain management group to see if they feel some sort of injection (probably steroids) might help. I'm going to schedule this for May when my semester is over.
:dogdance::dogdance: Hope you had a great race this morning! I'm glad the weather dried out from the forecast, although it could have been a little cooler.

I'm not going to be able to meet up with you as DH's/DS's tournament start time got pushed back a bit, and that's going to turn into an all day thing.
:dogdance::dogdance: Hope you had a great race this morning! I'm glad the weather dried out from the forecast, although it could have been a little cooler.

I'm not going to be able to meet up with you as DH's/DS's tournament start time got pushed back a bit, and that's going to turn into an all day thing.
No worries - I took awhile to get myself put together after the race!
Week of Apr. 18 - 23, 2022

This is the seventeenth week of my 16-week training plan to run the 25K trail race at the Traverse City Trail Running Festival on April 23, 2022. Race week!

Monday evening: 2-hr tennis doubles match - my partner and I lost 6-1, 7-6.

Tuesday after work:
  • 40 min easy
    • T+D 71, 0% effect, T 48 F, windy
    • time: 40:01
    • distance: 3.54 mi
    • average pace: 11:18
    • splits: 11:26, 11:32, 11:20, 10:36
    • ave HR: 133 BPM - within my target range
    • elevation gain: 89 ft (uncorrected)
    • route: Rock Creek Trail
Wednesday after work:
  • 30 min easy
    • T+D 81, 0% effect, T 59 F
    • time: 30:03
    • distance: 2.56 mi
    • average pace: 11:45
    • splits: 11:35, 11:57, 11:39
    • ave HR: 138 BPM - within my target range
    • elevation gain: 72 ft (uncorrected)
    • route: Sligo Creek Trail
Thursday after work:
  • 30 min easy
    • T+D 108, 0.5% effect, T 66 F
    • time: 30:01
    • distance: 2.62 mi
    • average pace: 11:26
    • splits: 11:46, 11:14, 11:16
    • ave HR: 141 BPM - just above my target range
    • elevation gain: 43 ft (uncorrected)
    • route: Rock Creek Trail
  • Before breakfast: foam rolling and stretching
  • After dinner: 1-mi outside walk in Traverse City
Saturday: RACE! I will do a separate post on this.


The headache continues. PT does seem to be helping a bit.
Traverse City Trail Running Festival 25K

The race was on Saturday, Apr. 23, 2022 at 8:30am.

I picked up my bib and other race stuff the night before, although race-day pick-up was an option.

Despite my best intentions, I did not get any significant amount of extra sleep in the week leading up to the race or the night before the race - not even 8 hours before the race. It's great to wake up the day of a race and having your Garmin body battery say you're at 38/100. But I like to race in cold weather, which means it's always during the college school year, so I'm always busy.

I was also a little put off by the fact that my easy runs in the week leading up to the race were somewhat high in HR. Maybe the sleep issue, sure, but I was actually getting LESS sleep in the first couple weeks of April. Who knows?

The race start was at the Timber Ridge RV Resort in Traverse City. They are very excited about the races. They have a 5K, 10K, 25K, 50K, and 100K. There is a 5K loop and a 25K loop.

Annoyingly, they reneged on their initial statement that some parking would be available on race day at the resort until it filled and then we'd have to park at a school at take the shuttle. They changed to charging for VIP parking at the resort ($20!!) and everyone else having to go to the school. I always get there early, so I drove to the resort to feign lack of knowledge about the parking and see if I could get in...no However, at least they said I could leave a bag in the 50K/100K drop bag area during my race - that was the part that was annoying me: no bag storage during the race, and I wouldn't have access to my vehicle. So I went to the school to park and rode the shuttle back.

Wildlife aside: on my 10-min drive from my hotel to Timber Ridge shortly after sunrise, I almost hit a wild turkey crossing the road. (I didn't ask him why he was crossing the road.) Then a few minutes later, after a turn, some deer darted out across the road in front of me. I learned to drive in a rural deer area, so I learned to always watch for the follower deer - sure enough, one more a few seconds after the group. Fortunately that was it for the wildlife!

For once for one of my goal races, the weather was cooperative - it didn't get unseasonably hot! It had rained quite a bit overnight, but the soil around TC is really sandy, so things had dried out almost instantly. At the race start, the temperature was about 49 F (T+D 90) and quite windy. I had a tank top and shorts - perfect! I did wear a long sleeve sweater until about 30 min before the race start - one of the reasons I wanted a bag to leave.

I took some caffeine pills about 90 minutes before the start and my BCAAs about 35 minutes before the start. I jogged around a bit for a warm up and did my neck PT stretches. (Why do hotel beds always leave you with a sore neck? I usually bring my pillow on trips, but couldn't fit it into my smaller bag.)

I had my hydration reservoir with 1.5 L of water plus 3 Nuun tablets (900 mg sodium) and two 0.5-L soft flasks of plain water. For calories, I had 3 Honey Stinger waffles, 1 sleeve of GU blocks, and 1 serving of Swedish fish. Starting at 2 miles, I drank every half-mile and I ate every 30 minutes starting 30 minutes into the race. This was all practiced in long runs.

The 50K and 100K started at 8am. We started on time at 8:30am. I started toward the back of the pack. The first 0.25 mile is on paved roads in the resort, and then it heads onto trails.
Most of the race was on the Michigan VASA trails, which I had previously run on last summer up in the Petoskey area. They are very well-maintained. In fact, the first 10 miles of trails were wide and nice, almost like fire roads that you see out west. I knew this race would be an "easy" 25K, and part of it was because of the trail surface - it was not very technical. These first 10 miles of trails were dirt, a bit of loose sand, and sometimes a layer of pine needles. Not much in the way of roots or rocks.

This race was also "easy" because it was supposed to have fewer than 1000 ft of elevation gain, which was true for my Garmin-corrected measurement of 947 ft. When I was searching for 25Ks to do this spring, most had 2000+ft of gain. The hilliest parts were in the first half.

I tried to go out pretty conservatively and I kept an eye on my HR. Even while not letting my HR get too high, I was running splits that were fast for me on trails: 11:55, 11:39, 11:53, 12:23, 12:06 for the first five miles. There was a lot of downhill in these miles, which I was happy to take advantage of. I was walking any relatively steep or long uphills.

Around mile 6 we got into an uphill section. I have trained so much on hills that I adapted to this just fine, but Michigan isn't so hilly and I was secretly amused to hear some runners I passed complaining about them. So the next splits were 13:59, 12:26, 11:52, 13:09. The weather was warming up slightly and the clouds were partly to let it be sunnier, but the temperature was still blessedly cool.

At mile 10 (according to my Garmin), we turned off the super-easy wide trails onto single-track. This was the only time that I was uncertain about the path to take. The orange flags were clearly indicating at the trail junction to go onto the single-track, but it was just so different from what we'd been doing. One of the few complaints I'd have about the organization of the race is the lack of marking flags shortly AFTER an intersection, indicating that you did in fact take the correct turn. After some distance (1/2 mile??), there were more orange flags, so yes, it was right. There were so few racers and we were so spread out by this point that you couldn't count on seeing someone ahead of you (and of course they could be wrong!).

This brings me to passing people....after about the half-way mark, I was happy that my relatively steady pace was letting me catch up and pass other runners - mostly from the 25K. When we got to the single-track at 10 miles, I was still going strong, although my HR was definitely getting up into the tempo zone (I was trying to stay in the LR zone for the first half). I love single-track and my legs ate it up. Miles 10 - 12 were 12:27, 12:08, 12:21.

By that point, I was starting to get pretty tired, but I could start to think about being done. 25K is about 15.5 miles, so I was counting down. My stretch goal had been to finish in 3 hours, and could see that wouldn't happen, but I thought 3:15 was very possible. I was getting tired, though.

After mile 11-ish, the course was pretty flat, although definitely some short ups and downs. I also think that whoever laid out the single-track moonlighted designing carnival rides because there were just so many random turns that didn't seem necessary for the terrain.

Mile 13 was a bit slower at 12:46, and then I started telling myself I should push hard for the end. Also, I could see a few people ahead that I might be able to catch up with. Mile 14 was 12:26.

Almost done! Fewer than 2 miles! I pushed mile 15 to 11:34 and then thought I had a half-mile....until I finished mile 16 in 11:36 and was still going. Hmmm. Fortunately I soon saw the resort area and knew I had to run across it, but I really was almost done. My GPS said the course was 16.43 miles, and my last split was 11:23. Done!

My official time was 3:21:54 - not the 3:15 I was hoping for, but I hadn't bargained on almost an extra mile. (I know GPS isn't going to be perfectly accurate on curvy trails, but this seemed like too big of a difference.) I finished in 56th place out of 82 runners in the 25K. I was 28 out of 47 women and 8 out of 16 women in my age group (40 - 49). I was quite happy with how the race turned out!

This race really showed me that if I can get race temperatures in the range that I like, I can do very well. I drank and ate as planned. I definitely sweated a lot - my hydration vest and my clothes were soaked. But unlike in hotter training runs or races, I did not have issues with my stomach bloating, my ears plugging up, or my HR skyrocketing early. I think I probably could have pushed it slightly harder, although my HR was in the 170s for the last 30 minutes or so, so maybe not too much harder.

I was also very happy with my training plan and execution overall. I think my "tempo ramps" workouts, in particular, were really helpful. They helped me run up less-steep hills and steeper ones when I was ready to push a bit. But walking the steepest hills was no doubt the best choice. Again, I had practiced the transitions from uphill-powerwalk to downhill-run a lot in training. I was also practiced in going quite fast downhill and tacking advantage of gravity.

This was a good race, small and reasonably well-organized. Given the ease of the course, it would be a good choice for a first attempt at 50K (2x 25K loop) or 100K (4x 25K loop) - I may return next spring for the 50K.

That's all that I can think of for now. I'll probably add things later as it occurs to me.


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