August - please help


Earning My Ears
Oct 23, 2000
We will be at FW 8/5 - 8/14. I had some questions that are pertinent to August:

1. Is Sunday usually the big check-out day? I noticed when we were there in October, lots of people left Sunday morning. Is this true for August as well? (We are getting there on a Sunday and would love to have a site in the 300 loop again)

2. If we arrive early, can we pull in the camper lot and go up to the building to register? That way if there are no sites in 300 available, we could wait in our camper a bit until people leave. I didn't care for the drive up check in. It took forever, we were behind someone who must have had an awful lot of questions.

3. Are the insects bad in August?

4. Is the campground totally packed in August? Are the pools so crowded you can't enjoy yourself?

Any other tips would be so much appreciated!

Hi Kathy! We will also be there during some of that time. (August 8-16) I too was wondering about bugs. I have heard they spray but wiil we still need bug spray and citronella?
They spray pretty well for bugs, but it wouldn't hurt to have some spray with you, just in case. I highly recommend a screen tent, to put over your picnic area - this keeps all the flies, mosquitos and bees out.

A lot of people check in on Sundays - I would get there early. You can park in the lot and go in to check in, if you want to do it that way instead.

August is usually pretty busy - the pools get full in the afternoons. But, they usually empty out in the evenings, especially during the campfire program.

- Rhonda :-)
Camping Board Co-Moderator
When would be a good time to arrive on a Sunday in August? Between 8-9am? When we left in October it was a Monday around 9:45 am and we went out 192 to 27. What a mess of cars coming in the opposite direction and the road itself was torn up in places! I swore that when we came back we would try to get there around 8am so the traffic would be at least tolerable. We can always wait in the lot.

That's a little too early, unless they have a lot of open sites. Usually, if you get there around noon-1:00 you can get a spot that's ready.

- Rhonda :-)
Camping Board Co-Moderator


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