ASMo to Cindy's Royale Table on none EE day?


I just want to drive the trolley on Main Street.
May 20, 2000
We have a PS for Cindy's Royale table at 8:00 a.m. on a non-EE day. We will not have a car. What is the best way to get from All Stat Movies to the Magic Kingdom in time? Will the buses be running early enough to get there or should we get a taxi? Advice and experiences would be appreciated.:D ;) :D
The buses will begin running about one hour prior to park opening, so if your PS is for 8:00 am and you don't have a car, I would suggest taking a taxi.

If you don't want to take a taxi, you could take an early bus to the EE park for the day or AK (since it opens at 8:00 am every day) and switch at the park to a bus heading for the Contemporary. From the Contemporary, it's an easy walk to the MK. This would be a long process though, and it would be much easier just to take a taxi.


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