Are there any ?'s I can answer for anybody when I go?


Earning My Ears
Jul 24, 2000
We will be in US/IOA on Dec. 13-16. If there is anything I can find out for anybody, I would be happy to. Everyone on these boards made my trip planning for this year wonderful, and I would like to return the favor. Jo ;)
I hope this isn't too stupid of a request :) LOL.

Can you check out some key chains for me in the MiB store. My friend and I purchased two different key chains (they are silver coloured. Mine looks like a mini-lighter that does not open, while my friends is a long oval shape.. both have the MiB alien attack logo).

I just want to check if these are the only two styles. Cause I really love these keychains and would like to collect them all (if there are more than two styles).


Hey, can you find out who makes the mattresses at Portifino Bay? Another guest had asked that and I've looked around fruitlessly.



Barry aka usagi

Moderator, Universal and Sea World Boards

Cotye- your request is not lame at all, I will be happy to check out the keychains and the MiB store. Didn't you just love that movie? Jo

Barry-sorry, but we won't be staying at Portofino, we are staying for four nights at the Wyndham Orlando near there. After a week at Disney (on property) we could nooooo way afford the lovely Portofino. Jo :eek:
No questions, just a request... Please post a trip report when you get back and let us know how you liked Grinchmas!

Another request: Have a GREAT time!

Mother of Michael

Proverbs 3:5-6

<font color=purple>Co-Moderator of the Community and Universal/IOA Boards</font color=purple>

Aloha Jo,

I am curious about that tent-like structure on CityWalk. What is in it and is it temporary?

Have a wonderful time! :)

PS Want to have a cyber-meet? Give us a date and time and we will wave at you at the Globe and even take your email picture to send to you. :D
Is the globe now the official webmeet place?


Barry aka usagi

Moderator, Universal and Sea World Boards

Cotye--while shopping in the men in black store I noticed the two keychains you were talking about, plus 1 flat metal one that said MIB, and one that said MIB but was made out of that hard plastic material. Neither one of these were anything special, just massed produced keychains that they have all over. (the logos are the only difference)Hope this helps! Jo :)
Jo: Thanks so much for checking! I really appreciate it. :D

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<font size=4 color=blue>Kevin</font>

<font size=2 color=navy>Mariah: The Collection - 69 CDs and Counting.</font>

<font size=2>"I Will Be Alright, If I Can Find That Rainbow's End." - Mariah Carey</font>
The tent in City walk was an iceskating rink, then the ice was covered for New Years to be a cash bar...doubt it will stay.
Mahalo Jonathan, for the info. If the skating rink stays until we go in March I think I will force DH to go skating - he has never tried it and I think it would be fun (for me ;) )


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