AP discount for FW cabins


Earning My Ears
Mar 4, 2000
I hope this is the right place to ask this question.. I would like to stay in a cabin at FW in May 2001. The best discount CRO quoted me today was AAA, and that was only 10%. I was hoping to get an AP discount, but they sad that none are available yet (if at all). Has anyone received a AP discount in May on a cabin? Maybe the disney club will have a discount.. Were MKC discounts available in May? Thanks so much for your help!
Unfortunately, the only Disney Club discounts in May are at the Deluxe resorts. But, that can always change! Keep trying!

The AP rates for May won't be out for a couple of months. Right now, they only have them through February 14.

I would make your reservation, then just call once a week or so to see if any discounts have opened up yet.

- Rhonda :-)
Camping Board Co-Moderator


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