Anyone rent RV in Orlando to stay at WDW


Jan 15, 2001
Looking to go in another 2 years (already booked at WL for fall 2001).

Has anyone flown down, and rented local?

Is it cheaper than staying at the resort hotels?
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I had seen this post a while ago and was also waiting for any replies. We had looked into it through cruise america (I think sure). We found that when you added everything up (cost, insurance, paying for sheets, pots, pans, etc), we didn't think we would come out any cheaper. Also we like having a car down there and to rent a car on top of the rv price would have put us way over the top. I know you can drive the rv around, but who wants to unhook every time? We ended up renting a cabin, which we have done before and loved, and we didn't pay (at least we thought), any more than we would have with a rented rv. Plus we had maid service!
Unless you have your own camping equipment (Motorhome, trailer, pop up, etc) I do not think it would be cheaper. More Fun?? you betcha

Thats how the camping bug bit us was on a trip that we rented an RV, we now have our own trailer and it is money well spent for our family, we love camping, we now need to get a bigger trailer (We want a slide room and more space).

If you enjoy camping you should consider buying, its more affordable than you may think.

If we were to stay in a hotel we would need at least 2 rooms, and this cost adds up quick, camping is the only way for us. :D :D

<Font Size=2><Font Color=blue>Scott</Font><Font
Co-Moderator Camping @ Disney Board
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