Anyone made it through (or not made it through) ROFR recently? - Section II

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msteddom, good luck with your contract! pixiedust:

moonlightgraham22, congratulations on passing ROFR! :banana:

OKW potential owners, when you post your contract details, can you also please include whether it is an extended contract or not?:thumbsup2
Also I added a second OKW subcategory so that we can track the extended contracts separately from the non-extended ones.

Everyone, I am shortening up the long entry lists to remove the posts from last October and prior. Here is a link the the last post before I shortened the list. ROFR List prior to shortening

'08 postings that have either passed ROFR or had ROFR exercised: I changed the text to navy for all the entries from this year to make it easier to look at current data.

Gary K. D.------------- 150 AKV (Feb) $92, 105 banked '07 pts, all '08 pts, buyer pays closing, seller pays '07 mf (passed 11/1)
hss------------------- 100 AKV (???) $89, 42 '08 pts
dheinle---------------- 50 AKV (Feb) $104, no '08 pts, (passed 1/24)
kato0627 (seller)------ 50 AKV (Feb) $104, no '08 pts (passed 1/24)
Beavertails Queen----- 50 AKV (Aug) $104, all '08 pts, buyer pays closing & mf (sub 2/19, passed 3/5)
luvavacation---------- 50 AKV (Apr) $100, no '08 pts (sub 3/10, passed 3/25)
BigEeyore------------ 200 AKV (Jun) $95, all '07 pts, all '08 pts (sub 4/26, passed 5/13)
lam------------------ 135 AKV (Sep) $90, all '07 pts, all '08 pts (sub about 4/27, passed 5/14) dvc by resale
disneylaurie---------- 135 AKV (Sep) $90, all '07 pts, all '08 pts, buyer pays closing and '08 mf (passed 5/22)
horselover----------- 100 AKV (Feb) $95, all '08 pts (sub 5/8, passed 5/22) TSS
Nigel8600------------ 160 AKV (Apr) $81.25, 160 banked '07 pts, seller pays closing and mf (sub 5/9, passed 5/30) GMAC
SandrainNC---------- 160 AKV (Aug) $85, buyer pays closing, buyer and seller split '08 mf (passed 8/11)
jake&samsmom------- 150 AKV (Mar) $90, no '08 pts, all '09 pts (sub 8/16, passed 8/27)
kristenrice----------- 100 AKV (Feb) $92, all '08 pts, buyer pays closing and '08 mf (sub 8/22, passed 8/30) non-member, TTS
LauraLap-------------- 210 AKV (Aug) $88, all '08 and '09 pts, seller pays '08 mf (passed 9/11) TSS

DVC Mater------------- 200 BCV (Oct) $90, 200 banked '06 pts, all '07 pts, seller pays '07 mf and admin fee, buyer pays closing (sub 10/24 passed 11/2) - non member
TreesyB---------------- 52 BCV (Nov) $93, 6 banked '06 pts, buyer pays closing, seller pays '07 mf, buyer pays '08 mf (sub 11/19, passed 11/27)
bblanch---------------- 150 BCV (Dec) $88, 146 '07 pts, all '08 pts, buyer pays closing, seller pays '07 mf (passed 12/10)
Swan------------------ 170 BCV (Mar) $89, 40 banked '06 pts, all '07 pts, all '08 pts (sub 12/11, passed 12/30)
jbhaupt---------------- 100 BCV (Aug) $92, all '08 pts (sub 12/28, passed 1/14/08) - members
db1279---------------- 100 BCV (Dec) $92, 44 banked '06 pts, all '07 pts, buyer pays closing and '08 mf (sub 2/14, passed 3/3)
dweibel--------------- 200 BCV (Feb) $86, 56 '08 pts (sub 2/12, passed 3/1)
forceword------------ 150 BCV (Apr) $84, 150 '08 pts, buyer pays closing (passed 2/4)
mommacat56--------- 150 BCV (Feb) $85, no '08 pts, buyer & seller split closing, seller pays '08 mf (passed 3/3)
dvcwannabetoo------- 55 BCV (???) $85, 39 banked pts, buyer pays closing (sub 2/20, passed 3/10)
Joetanya------------- 150 BCV (Jun) $92, all '08 pts, buyer pays closing and '08 mf (sub 2/25, passed 3/11)
jamstew------------- 100 BCV (Dec) $94, all '07 & '08 pts, buyer pays closing & '08 mf (sub 2/25, passed 3/11)
dudleydog------------- 100 BCV (Dec) $86, buyer pays closing and mf (sub mid Feb, passed 3/14)
WelcomeHome--------- 200 BCV (Feb) $87, 8 '08 pts, buyer pays closing and '08 mf (passed 3/18)
mmuskie------------- 280 BCV (Oct) $90, 280-'08 pts. & 280-'09 pts., buyer pays closing, buyer pays '08 mf (sub 3/10 passed 3/25)
SpaceshipEarth------ 100 BCV (Apr) $92, 50 banked '07 pts, all '08 pts, buyer pays closing and '08 mf (sub 3/18, passed 3/27)
tink'smom2B--------- 150 BCV (Dec) $86, 34 '07 pts, all '08 pts, buyer pays closing and mf (sub 3/6, passed 3/26) - members
BigDogMom7--------- 180 BCV (Apr) $91, 122 '08 pts, buyer pays closing and '08 mf (sub 3/24, passed 4/4)
djwood24------------ 150 BCV $89 (passed 4/4)
Princess Amy Lyn----- 270 BCV (Mar) $84, all '08 pts (sub 3/28, passed 4/8) GMAC
LadyKay------------- 200 BCV (Dec) $92 (sub 3/28, passed 4/8)
crazydisneyman------ 150 BCV (Apr) $??, all '08 pts (passed 4/8)
karebear06---------- 210 BCV (Apr) $90, all '08 pts (sub 4/1, passed 4/14)
liam1957------------- ?? BCV (???) $88 (passed 4/22)
mmcguire------------ 210 BCV (Feb) $90, 114 '08 pts, all '09 pts (sub about 4/11, passed 4/25) - non-members
mattfusf------------- 125 BCV (Sep) $?? (passed 5/9) TSS
sjarrell--------------- 150 BCV (Dec) $85 (passed 5/19)
Hunnypaw----------- 75 BCV (Dec) $95, 14 '07 pts, 12 '08 pts, all '09 pts, seller pays closing
tikitwinsdad---------- 125 BCV (Dec) $96, 133 pts in '08 (sub 5/9, passed 5/22)
maggiet-------------- 210 BCV (Oct) $89, 224 pts '08, buyer pays closing, buyer & seller split '08 mf (passed 6/6)
nobodies36------------ 220 BCV (Mar) $86, 93 '08 pts, buyer pays closing and '08 mf (sub 5/30, passed 6/13)
jasonp5 (seller)-------- 150 BCV (Feb) $90, 28 '08 pts, all '09 pts, buyer pays closing, buyer and seller split '08 mf (passed 6/18)
chicagodisfan---------- 150 BCV (Oct) $86, no '08 or '09 pts, buyer pays closing, seller pays '08 and '09 mf (sub 6/13, passed 6/27) non-member, TTS
dsnyl4nd--------------- 160 BCV (Oct) $87, 51 '08 pts, all '09 pts, seller pays '08 mf (sub 7/1, passed 7/11)
lovepooh---------- 300 BCV (Dec) $93, 7 '07 pts, all '08 pts, buyer pays closing and '08 mf (sub 7/14, passed 7/18) non-member
DVCERSINCEDAY1-- 230 BCV (Dec) $89, 61 banked '07 pts, all '08 pts, buyer pays closing and '08 mf (passed 7/08)
mgilmer--------------- 30 BCV (Apr) $89, 7 banked '08 pts, all '09 pts (sub 7/22) GMAC
littleducksmom-------- 150 BCV (Dec) $88, 16 banked '07 pts, all '08 and '09 pts (sub 7/30, passed 8/11)
Minnie824------------ 175 BCV (Dec) $90, 75 points on hold, no '08 pts, all '09 pts, seller pays '08 mf (sub 8/7, passed 8/14)
baj0505-------------- 210 BCV (Feb) $84, 185 banked '08 pts, 203 '09 pts, 153 pts in reservation status, buyer pays 1/2 mf for 08, split closing, (sub 8/10, passed 8/25) - non member
lingber--------------- 200 BCV (Sep) $89, 85 banked '07 pts, all '08 & '09 pts, buyer and seller split '08 mf (sub 8/18, passed 9/1)
bgnwthamse--------- 150 BCV (???) $90 (passed 9/6) TTS
Rileygirl----------------- 270 BCV (Sep) $89, 196 banked '07 pts, all '08 and '09 pts, buyer pays closing, buyer & seller split '08 mf (passed 9/16) non-members

Humphrey53209---- 210 BWV (Oct) $83, 45 banked '06 pts, 44 '07 pts,210 10/08 pts, buyer pays closing and '08 MF (sub 11/9/07, pass 11/15/07) - non-member
theSurlyMermaid---- 250 BWV (Dec) $80, 28 '07 pts, all '08 pts (passed 1/3/08)
MickeyBabe--------- 95 BWV (Mar) $84, 96 banked '06 pts, 45 '07 pts, 50 banked '07 pts, all '08 pts, buyer pays closing (sub 12/10, passed 12/18)
Stitch 03------------ ?? BWV (???) $84 (sub 12/26, passed 1/14/08)
greengiant---------- 170 BWV (Dec) $81, 67 banked '06 pts, 134 banked '07 pts (passed 1/14/08)
Boardwalk Gal (seller)-- 50 BWV (Sep) $87, all '08 pts (passed 12/07)
TifffanyD------------- 100 BWV (Oct) $86, all '08 pts, buyer pays closing, buyer pays '08 mf (sub 2/4/08, passed 2/15), TTS
mommytomy3--------- 150 BWV (Dec) $83, 16 banked '06 pts, all '07 pts, all '08 pts, buyer pays '08 mf (sub 1/28, passed 2/15) - Member
Magicdad------------- 150 BWV (Dec) $80, 75 '06 pts, all '07 pts, buyer pays closing, buyer pays '08 mf (passed 2/25)
epcotwanderer------- 150 BWV (Apr) $80, all '08 pts, buyer pays closing and '08 mf (sub 1/24, passed 2/26)
tammymacb---------- 100 BWV (Jun) $82, 61 '08 pts, all '09 pts (sub 2/18/08, passed 3/5)
tink6137130---------- 100 BWV (Oct) $85, 100 banked '07 pts, all '08 pts, buyer pays closing and '08 mf (sub 2/21, passed 3/10) - non-member
HolidayRoad---------- 150 BWV (Feb) $80, all '08 pts, buyer pays closing and '08 mf (sub 2/26, passed 3/14)
dizney4us------------ 150 BWV (Oct) $85, 139 '07 pts, all '08 pts, buyer pays closing and mf (sub 3/3, passed 3/17) - members
GoofyDad13---------- 100 BWV (Aug) $83, 100 banked '07 pts, all '08 pts, buyer pays closing and '08 mf (sub 3/14, passed 3/25)
NJ Devils Fan---------- 100 BWV (???) $82, buyer pays closing and '08 mf (sub 3/10, passed 3/25)
miksilver--------------- 150 BWV (Apr) $??. 102 banked '07 pts, all '08 pts (sub 3/18, passed 3/25)
mommacat56---------- 170 BWV (Feb) $80, 2 banked '07 pts, all '08 pts, buyer & seller split closing, buyer pays '08 mf (sub 3/12, passed 3/25) - member
barney44------------- 200 BWV (Apr) $80, 10 banked '07 pts, all '08 pts (sub 3/24, passed 4/4)
dmadden------------- 200 BWV (Oct) $80, 6 banked '07 pts, all 08 pts, buyer pays closing and '08 mf (sub 3/24, passed 4/7)
Cherta--------------- 150 BWV (Aug) $84, 80 '08 pts, all '09 pts (sub 4/3, passed 4/14)
darlinboy------------- 150 BWV (Aug) $83, 104 '07 pts, all '08 pts, buyer pays closing, buy & seller split '08 mf (sub 4/2, passed 4/14)
tammymacb---------- 50 BWV (Jun) $87, 50 banked '07 pts, all '08 pts, buyer pays '08 mf (sub 4/7, passed 4/22)
hjic15102------------ 250 BWV (Sep) $82, 199 banked '07 pts, all '08 pts, buyer pays closing, seller pays admin fee (sub 4/11 passed 4/21)
Kimmy--------------- 100 BWV (Oct) $85, 100 banked '07 pts, all '08 pts (passed approx 5/7) GMAC
LadyKay------------- 200 BWV (???) $?? (passed 5/7) TTS
joyzilli--------------- 75 BWV (Sep) $86, 75 banked '07 pts, all '08 pts, buyer pays closing and '08 mf (sub 4/22, passed 5/10) - non-member
winjos (seller)------- 200 BWV (Sep) $79, 14 banked '07 pts, 101 '08 pts, all '09 pts, buyer pays closing, buyer and seller split '08 mf (sub 4/23, passed 5/13)
Mulan2------------- 200 BWV (Jun) $80, 178 '08 pts, all '09 pts, buyer pays closing, buyer & seller split '08 mf (sub 4/28, passed 5/13) TSS
WDWorld2003 (seller) -- 60 BWV (Mar) $89, all '08 & '09 pts, buyer pays closing and '08 mf (passed 5/19)
Welsh *Disney* Girlz-- 200 BWV (Dec) $87, all banked '06 pts, all '07 pts, all '08 pts (passed 5/20)
cdnsluvdisney--------- 150 BWV (Sep) $82, 17 '07 pts, all '08 pts, buyer & seller split '08 mf (sub 5/6, passed 5/20) member, **********.com
dpware--------------- 25 BWV (Oct) $87, 19 '07 pts, all '08 pts, buyer pays closing (sub 5/13, passed 5/22) TSS
40-Something Kid----- 300 BWV (???) $85, 527 pts currently available (passed 5/27)
EmptyNester---------- 100 BWV (Aug) $82, 31 banked '07 pts, all '08 & '09 pts, buyer & seller split closing, buyer pays '08 mf (sub 5/21, passed 6/6) members, *********.com
Weluvdisny----------- 80 BWV (Oct) $82, all '08 pts, buyer & seller split closing (sub 5/21, passed 6/13)
mjlass11-------------- 200 BWV (Sep) $82, 74 banked '08 pts, all '09 pts, buyer pays closing (sub 6/6, passed 6/16)
orangebird------------- 60 BWV (Aug) $83, 33 '08 pts, all '09 pts, buyer & seller split closing, (sub 6/12, passed 6/16)
dressthechild---------- 200 BWV (Sep) $82, all '08 pts, buyer pays closing (sub 6/9, passed 6/17)
DVCPal--------------- 25 BWV (Oct) $92, all '08 pts, buyer pays closing and '08 mf (sub 6/23, passed 7/3)
DVCPal--------------- 75 BWV (Sep) $88, no '08 pts, all '09 pts, buyer pays closing (sub 6/24, passed 7/?) TTS
MikeyNS------------- 25 BWV (Oct) $80, all '07 pts, buyer pays closing and GMAC fee (sub 6/26, passed 7/16) GMAC
Barrister--------------- 400 BWV (Dec) $76, 400 banked '07 pts, all '08 pts, buyer pays closing and '08 mf (passed 7/17)
delauzons------------- 310 BWV (Sep) $78, 179 '08 pts, all '09 pts (sub 7/9, passed 7/18) TSS
Teachckg------------- 150 BWV (Sep) $80, 120 banked '07 pts, all '08 and '09 pts, buyer and seller split '08 mf
COASTERQUEEN----------- 100 BWV (Mar) $80, no '08 pts, all '09 pts (sub 7/29, passed 8/14) member, TSS
tx2tn--------------------- 150 BWV (Dec) $83, 67 '07 pts, 83 '08 pts, all '09 pts (sub 8/14, passed 8/25)
farscape----------------- 250 BWV (Oct) $81, 250 banked '07 pts, all '08 pts, buyer pays closing and '08 mf (sub 8/14, passed 8/26)
emmalouise-------------- 200 BWV (Jun) $80, no '08 or '09 pts, all '10 pts, seller pays '08 and '09 mf (sub 8/14, passed 8/26)
Belle & Ariel-------------- 150 BWV (Aug) $82, 150 banked '07 pts, all '08 & 09 pts, buyer pays '08 mf (sub 8/18, passed 8/26)
JulieWent---------------- 150 BWV (Feb) $90, 150 banked '07 pts, 150 banked '08 pts, all '09 pts, buyer pays closing, seller pays '08 mf (sub 8/12, passed 8/26)
nluvwithmickey---------- 150 BWV (Jun) $80, 2 '08 pts, all '09 pts, buyer pays closing (sub 8/18, passed 8/30) non-member, TTS
bangzoom6877---------- 150 BWV (Apr) $81, 40 '08 pts, all '09 pts, buyer pays closing, buyer and seller split '08 mf (sub 8/26, passed 9/7)
DisneyDreamers2007----- 150 BWV (Sep) $81, 133 '07 pts, all '08 pts, buyer pays closing and '08 mf, (sub 8/19, passed 9/6) non-member, GMAC
dec5girl---------------- 200 BWV (Feb) $78, 156 banked '07 pts, 200 banked '08 pts, all '09 pts (sub 8/27, passed 9/8)

JudyTL -------------- 25 HHI (Feb) $72-74?, buyer pays closing, seller pays MF (sub 2/25, pass ???) – member
El&Asmom ----------- 50 HHI (Dec) $72, 50 banked in '06, all '07 coming, Buyer pays closing and '07 MF. Seller pays '06MF (passed 6/25)
lisalefebvre --------- 250 HHI (???) $69
Randinb-------------- 75 HHI (Oct) $69, 51 banked '06 pts, all '07 pts, buyer pays closing & mf (sub 8/14, passed 8/22)
77Mom--------------- xx HHI (???) $70 (passed 8/22)
goofymark----------- 200 HHI (???) $72, 200 banked pts, 200 '07 pts (passed 8/24)
tony webb/twebber55- 150 HHI (Dec) $72 (sub 11/2, passed 11/9)
mcmeekin------------- 150 HHI (Apr) $67, 150 banked '07 pts, all '08 pts (sub 1/18/08, passed 1/24) - non-member
Plantlady-------------- 30 HHI (Aug) $72, (sub 2/6, passed 2/19)
gingermouse17-------- 170 HHI (Mar) $67, buyer pays closing and mf (sub 3/10, passed 3/25) - member
Laxmom............ 50 HHI (Aug) $68, 50 banked '07 pts, all '08 pts, buyer pays all closing and '08 MF (sub 4/1, passed 4/14) - non-member, GMAC
TenThousandVolts---- 100 HHI (Jun) $67, no '07 pts, all '08 pts, seller pays closing, buyer pays '08 mf (passed 4/29) GMAC
a37027-------------- 30 HHI (Feb) $67, no '08 pts, all '09 pts, buyer pays closing, seller pays '08 mf (sub 5/13, passed 5/23) members TSS
MLC2002------------ 100 HHI (Jun) $68, 100 banked '07 pts, all '08 pts, buyer pays closing & '08 mf, seller pays GMAC fee (sub 5/21, passed 6/6) GMAC
Tricia0305----------- 150 HHI (Apr) $60, 12 pts in holding,128 '08 pts, all '09 pts, buyer pays closing, buyer & seller split '08 mf, members, TTS

PASSED - OKW - original (2042):
wdwfan0123---------- 190 OKW (Jun) $74, 156 '08 pts, all '09 pts - Non-member (passed 11/1)
Merilyn--------------- 150 OKW (???) $??, pts available (passed 11/6)
lordnamis ------------- 210 OKW (???) $77, 210 banked '06 pts, all '07 pts, buyer pays closing (passed 11/6) - non-member
lusby305-------------- 60 OKW (Feb) - Non -member
suzyqqq27------------ 40 OKW (Jun) $80, all '08 pts, buyer pays closing, seller pays '07 mf (sub 11/13, passed 11/21)
5forDiz--------------- 50 OKW (Sep) $82, all '07 pts, all '08 pts, buyer pays closing, buyer pays '08 mf (sub 12/19, passed 12/26)
nunzia---------------- 25 OKW (???) $78, (sub 11/5, passed 11/14)
Escape Artist---------- 80 OKW (Dec) $80, all '08 pts, buyer split '08 MF (sub 1/24/08, passed 2/1/08)
4boys531------------- 100 OKW (Sep) $75, all '08 pts, buyer pays closing, buyer pays '08 mf (sub 1/31/08, passed 2/19)
disneymotherof3------- 110 OKW (Jun) $80, 110 banked pts from '07, all '08 pts, buyer pays closing, buyer pays '08 mf (sub 2/13/08, passed 3/1)
snoopdoug------------- 190 OKW (Jun) $76, 106 banked '06 pts, 179 banked '07 pts, all '08 pts, buyer pays closing and '08 mf (passed 3/12)
plymouthmom---------- 100 OKW (???) $?? (passed 3/17)
bribert----------------- 150 OKW (Sep) $74, buyer pays all closing & '08 costs (sub 2/27, passed 3/17)
Tigger & Eeyore--------- 80 OKW (Jun) $79, buyer pays closing and '08 mf (sub 3/6, passed 3/20)
colonialtinker----------- 60 OKW (Oct) $84, 65 available pts (sub 3/17, passed 3/27)
clombardi--------------- 50 OKW (Jun) $80, 50 banked '07 pts, all '08 pts (sub about 3/24, passed 4/1)
colonialtinker----------- 60 OKW (Apr) $77.5, buyer pays closing, buyer & seller split '08 mf (passed 4/4)
Lew------------------- 310 OKW (Feb) $71.50, all '08 pts, all '09 pts (sub 3/26, passed 4/4)
Verandah Man--------- 50 OKW (Jun) $78, all '08 pts, buyer pays closing & '08 mf (sub 4/7, passed 4/16)
KyDVC---------------- 210 OKW (Dec) $74, all '07 pts, buyer pays closing, buyer and seller split '08 mf (passed 4/17), Resales DVC
bookwormde----------- 150 OKW (Apr) $68, 131 '08 pts, all '09 pts, buyer pays closing, buyer & seller split '08 mf (sub 4/11, passed 4/21) - non-member
Magic Fanatic---------- 250 OKW (Apr) $71, all '08 pts (sub 4/18, passed 4/25)
minikk----------------- 230 OKW (Jun) $69, 204 '08 pts, all '09 pts (sub 4/29, passed 5/10)
u2daisyblue----------- 50 OKW (Oct) $72, all '08 pts, buyer pays closing, buyer and seller split admin fee (sub 5/1, passed 5/21) GMAC
dis2cruise------------- 200 OKW (Oct) $70, 142 '07 pts, all '08 pts, buyer pays closing and '08 mf (sub 5/12, passed 5/23)
necopup--------------- 100 OKW (Mar) $72, all '08 pts, all '09 pts, buyer pays closing and '08 mf (sub 5/9, passed 6/12)
popisme--------------- 100 OKW (Feb) $77, all '08 & '09 pts, buyer pays '08 mf (sub 6/13, passed 6/27) TSS
bluedoggy------------- 25 OKW (???) $85, 25 banled '07 pts (sub 6/26, passed 7/9)
smilingmouse----------- 50 OKW (Aug) $67, buyer pays closing, seller pays '08 mf (sub 6/3, passed 7/12)
z28wiz----------------- 40 OKW (Sep) $67.5, 29 banked '07 pts, all '08 pts, buyer pays closing, seller pays '08 mf (sub 7/9, passed 7/16) GMAC
littleprissboutique------ 100 OKW (Aug) $74, 100 banked '07 pts, all '08 pts, buyer pays closing, buyer ans seller split '08 mf (sub 6/18, passed 7/17) GMAC
FoxberryJam----------- 210 OKW (Sep) $71, 3 '07 pts, all '08 pts, buyer pays closing, buyer and seller split '08 mf (sub 7/14, passed 7/17)
snackyx--------------- 150 OKW (Feb) $70, all '08 points available, buyer paid closing costs, split MF (sub 5/25, passed 6/9)
jjgraff30------------- 25 OKW (Apr) $70, no '08 pts, all '09 pts, buyer pays closing, seller pays '08 mf (sub 7/18, passed 7/28)
kellybus------------- 135 OKW (Aug) $72, all '07 & '08 pts, buyer pays closing, buyer & seller split '08 mf (sub 8/6, passed 8/11)
musical2------------ 50 OKW (Feb) $75, no '08 or '09 pts, seller pays closing and '08 & '09 mf, member
smammone----------- 150 OKW (Sep) $75, 75 banked '07 pts, all '08 pts, buyer and seller split closing, seller pays '08 mf (sub 8/19, passed 9/2)
iggypops-------------- 300 OKW (Feb) $72, 300 banked '07 pts, 300 banked '08 pts, buyer pays closing, seller pays '08 mf (sub 8/22, passed 9/2)
Lili'sMama------------ 310 OKW (???) $73, buyer pays closing and '08 mf
2disneyfanz---------- 100 OKW (Feb) $73, no '08 or '09 pts, all '10 pts, buyer pays closing, seller pays '08 and '09 mf (sub 8/14, passed 8/25) member
pickles--------------- 50 OKW (Aug) $85, all '08 pts, seller pays closing (sub 8/21, passed 9/8)
pickles--------------- 50 OKW (Dec) $84, all '08 pts, seller pays closing (sub 8/21, passed 9/8)

PASSED - OKW - extended (2057):
Postman------------- 210 OKW (Sep) $82.5, all '08 pts
mommomtoJoseph----------- 50 OKW (Jun) $92, 17 banked '08 pts, all '09 pts, buyer pays closing, seller pays '08 mf (sub 8/20, passed 9/3)

wendyinoc-------------- 65 SSR (???) $86, all '07 pts, buyer pays closing (passed 11/2)
2princess 2pirates------- 300 SSR (Jun) $80, all '06, '07 & '08 pts, buyer pays closing, buyer pays 1/2 '07 mf (sub. 10/26, passed 11/5) - non-member
coachfromme--------- 250 SSR (???) $84, 54 banked '06 pts, all '07 pts, seller pays closing (sub 10/17, passed 11/9) - non-member
DbleTheFun----------- 150 SSR (Feb) $82, 150 banked, buyer pays closing (passed 11/9) -non-member
DbleTheFun----------- 350 SSR (Feb) $81 77 banked pts, buyer pays closing (passed 11/9) -non-member
DarbysDad------------ 210 SSR (Sep) $85, 89 banked '06 pts, all '07 pts (sub approx 11/1 passed 11/13)
OPTAX---------------- 240 SSR (Jun) $79, 196 '07 pts, all '08 pts (passed 11/15)
PSC------------------ 75 SSR (Aug) $85, 0 '07 points, all '08 points, buyer pays closing & 08 maint (sub 11/5, passed 11/15) - member
chemie15------------- 200 SSR (Mar) $80, 34 banked '06 pts, 200 banked '07 pts, all '08 pts, seller pays closing & GMAC costs (passed 11/16)
dopeygirl76----------- 225 SSR (Feb) $85 225 banked '07 pts (sub 12/3, passed 12/12)
maxtomsmom---------- 160 SSR (Aug) $79, 25 banked '06 pts, 83 '07 pts, 72 borrowed '08 pts, 88 '08 pts (passed 12/21) - non-members
jen2be2--------------- 300 SSR (Aug) $83, 154 '06 pts, all (?) '07 pts, all '08 pts (sub 12/18, passed 12/26)
scotttrippett---------- 50 SSR (Feb) $85, buyer pays closing (sub 12/20, passed 1/3/08)
momhmmx2----------- 200 SSR (Feb) $83, 200 banked '07 pts, all '08 pts (sub 1/7/08, passed 1/15)
michamato------------ 50 SSR (Feb) $82, 44 banked '07 pts, all '08 pts, seller pays closing, buyer pays admin fee (sub 1/4/08, passed 1/14) - members
Boardwalk Gal (seller) -- 120 SSR (Sep) $83, all '08 pts (passed 12/07)
Boardwalk Gal (seller) -- 120 SSR (Sep) $83, all '08 pts (passed 12/07)
Disneypirate85--------- 160 SSR (Dec) $84, 40 banked '06 pts, all '07 pts, buyer pays closing (passed 2/1/08)
Vickibean-------------- 150 SSR (Apr) $78, 46 '07 pts, 144 '08 pts (sub 2/6, passed 2/25)
babiektcher------------ 150 SSR (Apr) $83, 186 '08 pts (sub 2/21, passed 3/7)
minniekissedme--------- 350 SSR (Jun) $78, 342 banked '07 pts, all '08 pts, buyer pays closing and '08 mf (sub 2/27, passed 3/17) DVC by Resale
littleducksmom---------- 180 SSR (Dec) $83, 114 banked '06 pts, 124 '07 pts, all '08 pts (sub 2/29, passed 3/17) - non-member
kmhollis28--------------- 225 SSR (Jun) $81, 197 banked '07 pts, all '08 pts (sub 3/10, passed 3/27) non-member
gargoyle007------------- 400 SSR (Mar) $80, 600 pts currently available (sub 3/25, passed 4/4)
pb4ugo----------------- 50 SSR (Jun) $83, 18 banked '07 pts, no '08 pts, all '09 pts, buyer pays closing, seller pays '08 mf (sub 3/24, passed 4/4)
monami7--------------- 240 SSR (Jun) $80, 240 banked '06 pts, 240 banked '07 pts, all '08 pts, buyer pays closing (sub 3/13, passed 4/8)
Grandbuddy------------ 160 SSR (Dec) $79, 110 banked '06 pts, 131 '07 pts, buyer pays closing and '08 mf (sub 3/27, passed 4/9), DVC by Resale
Goofy2937-------------- 220 SSR (Feb) $82 (sub 3/10, passed 4/17)
christmas--------------- 100 SSR (???) $??, all '07 & '08 pts (passed 4/21)
brownaar--------------- 250 SSR (Oct) $78, 57 banked '07 pts, all '08 pts, buyer pays closing and '08 mf (sub about 4/23, passed 4/29) TSS
nickspace-------------- ?? SSR (???) $78, all '08 pts, all '09 pts, no closing costs
M-I-C-K-E-Y------------ 150 SSR (Feb) $78, all '08 pts (sub approx 4/25, passed 5/10) TTS
mickeyfan0805---------- 120 SSR (Aug) $82, 120 banked '07 pts, all '08 pts, buyer pays closing and '08 mf (sub 4/22, passed 5/10) - non-members, TTS
mickeywho?-------------- 50 SSR (Dec) $86.5, all '07 pts, all '08 pts, buyer pays closing (sub 4/22, passed 5/13) - members
gk90------------------ 50 SSR (Feb) $84, 2 '07 pts, all '08 pts, buyer pays closing (sub 4/18, passed 5/14) GMAC/**********.com
fers31----------------- 250 SSR (Sep) $81, 192 banked '07 pts, seller pays closing (sub 4/24, passed 5/15) GMAC
nickspace-------------- 160 SSR (???) $78, all '08 and '09 pts, seller pays closing
efinn88858------------ 250 SSR (Jun) $78, 190 '08 pts, all '09 pts (sub 5/2, passed 5/19) TTS
SWB------------------ 74 SSR (Feb) $81, all 08 & 09 pts, buyer pays closing & '08 mf (sub 5/8, passed 5/23), non-member, GMAC
perpetualplanner------- 160 SSR (Feb) $80, 64 banked '07 pts, buyer pays closing and '08 mf (passed 5/28)
corky441-------------- 175 SSR (Aug) $78, 127 '08 pts (sub 5/19, passed 6/6) TSS
yoshimitsus------------- 170 SSR (???) $79, 14 current year points, all '09 (?) pts (sub 5/`9, passed 6/6)
secretprincess---------- 150 SSR (???) $78.5, 14 banked '07 pts, all '08 pts(sub 5/19, passed 6/6) non-member, TSS
Grandbuddy----------- 170 SSR (Dec) $78, 42 banked '06 pts, 170 banked '08 pts, all '08 pts, buyer pays closing and GMAC fee, (sub 6/2, passed 6/13) member, GMAC
ACDSNY (seller)--NikiM20 (buyer)-- 60 SSR (Feb) $86, all '09 pts, buyer pays closing, seller pays '08 mf (sub 6/11, passed 6/16) TSS
Safari Queen (seller)-- 165 SSR (Aug) $81, 28 banked '07 pts, all '08 pts, buyer pays closing, buyer and seller split '08 MF (passed about 6/16/08)
DrAndrea------------- 60 SSR (Feb) $75, no '08 and '09 pts (passed 6/30)
trasor---------------- 300 SSR (Dec) $77, all '07 and '08 pts, buyer pays closing and '08 mf (passed 7/3)
Ricky P---------------- 120 SSR (Sep) $??, all '08 & '09 pts (passed 7/14) - non-member
Oswald the Rabbit------220 SSR (???) $73, 110 banked '07 pts, all '08 pts, buyer pays closing, buyer and seller split '08 mf (passed 7/16) - non-member, ATSB
minnieluvzmickey------ 100 SSR (???) $84, 100 banked '07 pts, 56 '08 pts (sub 7/7, passed 7/17)
lugnut33-------------- 120 SSR (Jun) $80, buyer pays closing, seller pays '08 mf (sub 7/14, passed 7/17) **********
TOM574-------------- ??? SSR (???) $75 (passed 7/08)
Tramp&TheLady------ 120 SSR (Feb) $80, no '08 pts, all '09 pts (passed 7/24) non-members
disney aviator------- 250 SSR (Feb) $82, 250 banked '07 pts, 133 banked '08 pts, 266 '09 pts (passed 7/24) non-member
njsquirrel------------ 175 SSR (Dec) $75, all '08 pts, 108 borrowed '09 pts, 64 '09 pts, seller pays closing (passed 7/25) non-member
snichols1219-------- 200 SSR (Dec) $75, 243 pts in hold, 102 banked '07 pts, all '08 pts, buyer pays closing and '08 mf (passed 7/24) non-members
Rose&Mike--------- 100 SSR (Dec) $79, 87 '08 pts, all '09 pts, buyer pays closing and '08 mf (sub 7/19, passed 7/24) non-members
my3weasels-------- 100 SSR (Feb) $76, 100 banked '07 pts, 100 banked '08 pts, buyer pays closing (passed 7/24)
Mouse511---------- 150 SSR (Oct) $74, 19 banked '07 pts, all '08 pts, buyer pays closing and '08 mf (sub 7/31, passed 8/9) non-members,TSS
dgb---------------- 100 SSR (Dec) $79, no '08 pts, all '09 pts, buyer pays closing (passed 8/9) TSS, non-member
Jones611------------- 120 SSR (Mar) $73, no '08 pr '09 pts, buyers pay closing, (sub 8/5, passed 8/9) non-members
BankBunny------------ 28 SSR (Feb) $80, no '08 or '09 pts (sub 8/4, passed 8/9) member, TTS
jrsmom---------------- 120 SSR (Aug) $80, all '08 and '09 pts (sub 8/9, passed 8/14)
Ford66---------------- 100 SSR (???) $84, 200 pts in '08 (sub 8/8, passed 8/14)
missy2217------------- 300 SSR (Apr) $78, all '08 and '09 pts, buyer pays closing, buyer and seller split '08 mf (passed 8/25)
mattina621------------ 150 SSR (Oct) $72, no '08 pts, all '09 pts, seller pays '08 mf (passed 9/2) non-member
camack7827----------- 240 SSR (Aug) $77.5, all '08 and '09 pts, buyer pays closing, seller pays '08 mf (sub 8/26, passed 9/6)
ryan840--------------- 25 SSR (Dec) $85
moonlightgraham22---- 160 SSR (Feb) $76, 208 Hold Status pts expire Feb. '09, 17 '08 pts, buyer pays closing, seller pays '08 MF (sub 9/10, passed 9/16)

mattnday ------------ 240 VB (Sep) $55, all '07 pts coming, buyer/seller split closing & buyer pays '07 MFs (sub 12/29, pass 4/9)- member (note for researchers: atypical contract and terms – see posts)
curtlorij -------------- 50 VB (???) $71, all '08 pts coming (sub 5/10, pass 5/21)
dis@dills-------------- 50 VB (Feb) $65, 50 banked '06 pts, All '07 pts, seller pays MF on '06 and '07 pts, buyer pays closing (sub 6/18, passed 6/28) non-member
BWV Dreamin---------- 50 VB (Jun) $65, 50 banked '06 pts, all '07 pts, seller pays closing & GMAC fee, buyer pays '07 mf (sub 7/12, passed 8/1)
mdorgan-------------- 75 VB (Sep) $70, 48 '07 pts (passed 11/2)
Buckmaster---------- 70 VB (Dec) $63, 12 '07 pts, all '08 pts, buyer pays closing and MF (sub 3/5, passed 3/17)
Buckeye Fan-------- 150 VB (Dec) $60, seller pays closing and GMAC fee, buyer pays '08 mf (sub 3/13, passed 3/27)
jesschris------------ 50 VB (Oct) $62, all '08 pts, all '09 pts (sub 3/14, passed 3/25)
Doris1962----------- 60 VB (Jun) $55, all '08 & '09 pts, seller pays closing and GMAC fees (sub mid May, passed 6/13) GMAC
dvcnewgirl---------- 50 VB (Aug) $57.4, no '08 pts, all '09 pts, seller pays closing and GMAC fee (passed 6/13) member, GMAC
bbowers------------ 60 VB (Feb) $55, no '08 or '09 pts, seller pays '09 mf (sub 6/14, passed 6/30)
Cerigirl-------------- 75 VB (Dec) $60, 30 '08 pts, all '09 pts (sub 6/27, passed 7/7) TSS

gblast123--------------- 210 VWL (Aug) $84, all '06 pts, all '07 pts, seller pays closing, seller pays '07 mf (passed 11/15)
jamstew/Cinderella(seller)- 150 VWL (Aug) $78, buyer pays MF on 66 '07 points and closing costs (Sub 10/29, passed 11/21) - non-member
CarolynMink-------------- 60 VWL (???) $85 (passed 12/26) - member
mickeymorse------------- 175 VWL (Jun) $80, 95 banked '07 pts (sub 1/2/08, passed 1/10/08)
Judy WI(seller)----------- 62 VWL (Dec) $83.87 (sub 1/9/2008, passed 1/16/08)
sischo4jpja--------------- 200 VWL (???) $84, 175 banked '06 pts, 200 '07 pts, buyer pays closing (passed 1/16/08) - Member
Boardwalk Gal (seller)---- 130 VWL (Sep) $86, all '08 pts
Boardwalk Gal (seller)---- 30 VWL (Sep) $83, all '08 pts
Boardwalk Gal (seller)---- 50 VWL (Sep) $86, all '08 pts
snowbunny-------------- 28 VWL (Oct) $86, 25 '08 pts, buyer pays closing, buyer pays '08 MF on 25 pts (sub 1/31, passed 2/19)
been2marceline(seller)--- 250 VWL (Sep) $78, all '07 & '08 pts, buyer pays closing (sub 2/1, passed 2/20)
weich1001--------------- 200 VWL (Sep) $82, 200 banked '07 pts (passed 2/27)
wink13------------------- 25 VWL (Aug) $85, 25 ’08pts, 25 ’09 pts, Buyer pays closing. (sub 2/29, pass 3/17) – member
Rambler5678-------------- 50 VWL (Dec) $90, buyer pays closing (sub 3/3, passed 3/17)
Chickkypoo--------------- 210 VWL (Jun) $84, 196 banked '07 pts, all '08 pts (sub 3/5, passed 3/19)
KAT4DISNEY-------------- 200 VWL (Oct) $82, 197 '07 pts, all '08 pts (sub 3/24, passed 4/1)
WLodgeLizard------------- 100 VWL (Oct) $85, 44 banked '07 pts, all '08 pts, buyer pays closing and MF (passed 4/8)
fourkidsphoto------------- 240 VWL (Jun) $80, all '06 pts, all '07 pts, all '08 pts, buyer pays closing and mf (sub about 3/18, passed 4/4)
GrumpyBa*D------------- 200 VWL (Aug) $85, 113 banked '07 pts, all '08 pts (sub 5/2, passed 5/14)
tikitwinsdad-------------- 220 VWL (Oct) $81, (sub 5/5, passed 5/19) - non-members, TTS
jdb1232------------------ 170 VWL (???) $80, 66 banked '07 pts (passed 6/5)
shortypots--------------- 150 VWL (Aug) $80, all '08 pts, seller pays closing, buyer pays '08 mf (sub 5/30, passed 6/11) members, TSS
tww369------------------ 50 VWL (Aug) $86, 15 banked '07 pts, 11 '08 pts, all '09 pts (passed 6/17)
DVCERSINCEDAY1-------- 330 VWL (Dec) $75, all '08 & '09 pts, buyer pays closing and '08 mf (sub 6/20, passed 7/7)
DisneyOrBust2006-------- 200 VWL (Dec) $78, 200 banked '06 pts, all '07 & '08 pts, buyer pays closing and '08 mf (sub 7/2, passed 7/11) member, TTS
NicksTgrMom------------ 50 VWL (Oct) $83, no '08 pts, seller pays '08 mf, (sub 8/5, passed 8/9) TSS
Lisa F (seller)------------ 50 VWL (Dec) $87, all '08 pts, buyer pays closing and '08 mf (sub 7/31, passed 8/9) TSS
krybandt---------------- 150 VWL (Sep) $80, all '08 and '09 pts, buyer pays closing and '08 mf (sub 8/6, passed 8/14)
minnie6895-------------- 200 VWL (Feb) $78, 130 '08 pts, all '09 pts (passed 8/25)
JoJostar----------------- 202 VWL (???) $84, all '08 & '09 pts, buyer pays '08 mf (passed 8/30)
wdfan1977--------------- ?? VWL (???) $??
jgehan------------------ 350 VWL (Oct) $80, 350 banked '07 pts, all '08 pts, buyer pays closing, seller pays '08 mf (sub 8/23, passed 9/2) non-member, TSS

PASSED - Resort Unkonwn:
tgropp -------------- 100 ??? (???) $85, 96 '07 pts (sub ?/?, passed 5/17)


spsmyk------------- 130 BCV (Apr) $85, no '07 pts, buyer pays closing (updated 6/25, ROFR'D 7/3/07)
forceword----------- 170 BCV (Feb) $83, no '08 or '09 pts, buyer pays closing, seller pays '08 and '09 mf (sub 7/25, ROFR'D 8/4/08)

mla973 -------------- 50 BWV (Apr) $80, no ‘06 pts & all ‘07 pts, buyer pays closing (sub 3/12, ROFR 3/22) – non-member
MJToast ------------- 200 BWV (Feb) $75, No pts until ‘09, buyer pays closing costs, seller pays ‘08 MF (sub 3/30, ROFR 4/11) - non-member
grumpynomore-------- 170 BWV (???) $82, buyer & seller split closing (ROFR 7/20)
mommacat56--------- 180 BWV (Feb) $79, no '08 pts, buyer & seller split closing, seller pays '08 mf (ROFR 2008)
dressthechild--------- 225 BWV (Jun) $79, no '08 pts, all '09 pts (sub 5/26, ROFR 6/4/08)
DVCERSINCEDAY1----- 210 BWV (Jun) $77, 33 banked '07 pts, all '08 pts, buyer pays closing, seller pays '08 mf (ROFR 6/30/08)
DVCERSINCEDAY1----- 330 BWV (Dec) $78, all '08 pts, buyer pays closing and '08 mf (ROFR 7/08)
tx2tn--------------------- 150 BWV (Oct) $78, no '08 pts, all '09 pts (sub 8/5, ROFR 8/8)
lapeter------------------- 150 BWV (Dec) $76.67, 107 banked points?, 150 banked '07 pts, all '08 pts (ROFR 9/3/08)

lmb -------------- 150 HHI (???) $66, 30 ’07 pts, buyer pays closing and prorated ’07 MF (sub ???, ROFR 3/01?) – assumed non-member
WalterS (seller) --- 200 HHI (Apr) $68
lisalefebvre ------- 250 HHI (???) $66
Tamar (seller)----- 150 HHI (Dec) $67, 27 '07 pts, all '08 pts, buyer pays closing, seller pays '07 mf (ROFR 9/20)

ROFR'D - OKW - original (2042):
Michael623------------- 160 OKW (Feb) $70, 20 '08 pts, all 08 pts, buyer pays closing, buyer pays '08 mf for 20 pts (sub 8/16, ROFR 8/29)
FoxberryJam------------ 230 OKW (Sep) $65, no '07 pts, 31 '08 pts, all '09 pts, buyer pays closing, seller pays '08 mf (sub 7/1/08 ROFR 7/12/08) - non-member

ROFR'D - OKW - extended (2057):

billyb1 (seller) ----- 210 SSR (Jun) $82, 202 '07points, 59 '06 banked, Buyer paid prorated MF for 07 points (202/210) (sub 2/28,ROFR 3/8)
mikeandkarla ------ 160 SSR (Dec) $82, 45 ‘05 pts banked, 160 ‘06 pts & 160 ‘07 pts, buyer pays closing & ’07 MF (sub 3/10, ROFR 3/22) – member
DisDreamerKJ ------ 150 SSR (Dec) $82, 150 ’06 pts & 150 ’07 pts, buyer pays closing and ’07 MF (sub 3/13, ROFR 3/22) non-member
Amy5000 ---------- 100 SSR (Feb) $82, no pts until ’08, buyer pays closing and ’08 MF (sub 3/23, ROFR 4/3) – non-member
Coach81 ----------- 150 SSR (Feb) $80, six ‘07 pts & all ’08 pts, buyer pays closing & MF on remaining '06 points (6pts), seller to pay rest (sub 3/23, ROFR 4/4) - non-member
Crazed Pluto ------- 150 SSR (Aug) $83, 47 '06 pts, 185 '07 pts, buyer plays closing fees, seller pays '07 dues - non-member
VTNuke------------- 120 SSR (Feb) $79, 0 '07 pts, all '08 pts, buyer pays closing, seller pays '07 MF (sub 6/16)
dbprimeaux--------- 260 SSR (Feb) $81
MEK---------------- 200 SSR (Mar) $80, all '08 pts, seller pays '07 mf (sub 9/8) - Non-member (ROFR 9/21)
kkmauch (seller)---- 150 SSR (Jun) $77, 24 '08 pts, buyer pays closing (ROFR 4/24/08)

DisneyDriver------- 50 VB (Apr) $65, all '08 and '09 pts - TTS

WDWguruDH (seller) --- 150 VWL (Sep) $82, 104 banked ’07 & all ’08 pts, buyer pays closing and ’07 MF (sub ???, ROFR 3/23) – member
soonertxmickey-------- 240 VWL (Apr) $78, no '07 pts, all '08 pts, seller pays closing
Maistre Gracey (seller) - 450 VWL (Sep) $75, 410 '07 pts, buyer pays closing, buyer pays mf on 410 '07 pts
luvindisneyworld(seller) - 140 VWL (Apr) $75 (sub 3/5, ROFR'D 3/19)
Frankiesmom----------- 150 VWL (Jun) $84, 126 '07 pts, all '08 pts, buyer pays closing and '08 mf (ROFR'D 4/24/08)
GrumpyBa*D----------- 250 VWL (Aug) $72, 72 '08 pts, all '09 pts, buyer and seller split '08 mf (sub 4/21, ROFR'D 4/29)

Cinderella1122---------- 60 AKV (???) $98


lapeter------------------ 200 BWV (Mar) $79.41, 200 banked '07 pts, 200 banked '08 pts, all '09, buyer pays closing, seller pays '08 mf (sub 9/9)
msteddom--------------- 50 BWV (Feb) $84, 38 '09 pts, all '010 pts, buyer pays closing, buyer and seller split '09 mf (sub 9/16)


WAITING - OKW - original (2042):

WAITING - OKW - extended (2057):

Michelle2-------------- 300 SSR (Dec) $80, all '07, '08 and '09 pts, buyer pays closing and '08 mf (sub 5/7) non-member, TSS
sandy0904-------------200 SSR (Sep) $78, 185 banked '07 pts, all '08 & '09 pts, buyer pays closing, buyer & seller split '08 mf (sub 9/2)
mom of princessx2------ 150 SSR (Oct) $73, no '07 or '08 pts, all '09 pts, buyer pays closing, seller pays '08 mf - non-member


kellybus, Rileygirl, MARY-IN-OH, dec5girl, minnie6895 and Mouse511,

First of all thank you everyone! :thanks:

So, the consensus seems to be that I will continue posting as I have been without shortening the list. I will probably create a new thread this weekend or sometime next week.

For readers who have not posted yet, you still have time. I will be traveling all day tomorrow on a 1 day business trip, so I won't be doing any changes until this weekend.

Everyone, thanks for being a part of this thread and helping me keep this data list current. :goodvibes
whoops! Looks like I left out the most important part! I am paying $84/point.

Here are the details.

BWV 31 points, Dec, banked all 07 points. $84.00 point, seller pays closing, buyer pays doc fees. GMAC is the realtor.
Just found out on 9/16 that we passed ROFR!!!! :woohoo:

200 SSR (Sep) $78, 185 banked '07 pts, all '08 & '09 pts, buyer pays closing, buyer & seller split '08 mf (sub 9/2)
My contract was just sent to Disney today. The e-mail I received says to expect a decision within 30 days. Does it really take that long?
**waiting** 150 BWV (Aug) $81 all '08 and '09 pts buyer pays closing seller pays MF
We are waiting for Disney's ROFR. I don't have the exact dates but I think it was submitted September 15.

200 BWV (February UY) $77 per point, no 2008 points, 154 2009 points, buyer pays closing costs and prorated 2009 MF.
Good luck. I just got ROFR'ed at BWV for 150 pts. at $76.50

We are waiting for Disney's ROFR. I don't have the exact dates but I think it was submitted September 15.

200 BWV (February UY) $77 per point, no 2008 points, 154 2009 points, buyer pays closing costs and prorated 2009 MF.
greengiant, sandy0904, congratulations on passing ROFR! :banana:

TLSnell1981, BLLB, skatermom, good luck with your contract! pixiedust:

OKW potential owners, when you post your contract details, can you also please include whether it is an extended contract or not?:thumbsup2
Also I added a second OKW subcategory so that we can track the extended contracts separately from the non-extended ones.

Everyone, I am shortening up the long entry lists to remove the posts from last October and prior. Here is a link the the last post before I shortened the list. ROFR List prior to shortening

'08 postings that have either passed ROFR or had ROFR exercised: I changed the text to navy for all the entries from this year to make it easier to look at current data.

Gary K. D.------------- 150 AKV (Feb) $92, 105 banked '07 pts, all '08 pts, buyer pays closing, seller pays '07 mf (passed 11/1)
hss------------------- 100 AKV (???) $89, 42 '08 pts
dheinle---------------- 50 AKV (Feb) $104, no '08 pts, (passed 1/24)
kato0627 (seller)------ 50 AKV (Feb) $104, no '08 pts (passed 1/24)
Beavertails Queen----- 50 AKV (Aug) $104, all '08 pts, buyer pays closing & mf (sub 2/19, passed 3/5)
luvavacation---------- 50 AKV (Apr) $100, no '08 pts (sub 3/10, passed 3/25)
BigEeyore------------ 200 AKV (Jun) $95, all '07 pts, all '08 pts (sub 4/26, passed 5/13)
lam------------------ 135 AKV (Sep) $90, all '07 pts, all '08 pts (sub about 4/27, passed 5/14) dvc by resale
disneylaurie---------- 135 AKV (Sep) $90, all '07 pts, all '08 pts, buyer pays closing and '08 mf (passed 5/22)
horselover----------- 100 AKV (Feb) $95, all '08 pts (sub 5/8, passed 5/22) TSS
Nigel8600------------ 160 AKV (Apr) $81.25, 160 banked '07 pts, seller pays closing and mf (sub 5/9, passed 5/30) GMAC
SandrainNC---------- 160 AKV (Aug) $85, buyer pays closing, buyer and seller split '08 mf (passed 8/11)
jake&samsmom------- 150 AKV (Mar) $90, no '08 pts, all '09 pts (sub 8/16, passed 8/27)
kristenrice----------- 100 AKV (Feb) $92, all '08 pts, buyer pays closing and '08 mf (sub 8/22, passed 8/30) non-member, TTS
LauraLap-------------- 210 AKV (Aug) $88, all '08 and '09 pts, seller pays '08 mf (passed 9/11) TSS

DVC Mater------------- 200 BCV (Oct) $90, 200 banked '06 pts, all '07 pts, seller pays '07 mf and admin fee, buyer pays closing (sub 10/24 passed 11/2) - non member
TreesyB---------------- 52 BCV (Nov) $93, 6 banked '06 pts, buyer pays closing, seller pays '07 mf, buyer pays '08 mf (sub 11/19, passed 11/27)
bblanch---------------- 150 BCV (Dec) $88, 146 '07 pts, all '08 pts, buyer pays closing, seller pays '07 mf (passed 12/10)
Swan------------------ 170 BCV (Mar) $89, 40 banked '06 pts, all '07 pts, all '08 pts (sub 12/11, passed 12/30)
jbhaupt---------------- 100 BCV (Aug) $92, all '08 pts (sub 12/28, passed 1/14/08) - members
db1279---------------- 100 BCV (Dec) $92, 44 banked '06 pts, all '07 pts, buyer pays closing and '08 mf (sub 2/14, passed 3/3)
dweibel--------------- 200 BCV (Feb) $86, 56 '08 pts (sub 2/12, passed 3/1)
forceword------------ 150 BCV (Apr) $84, 150 '08 pts, buyer pays closing (passed 2/4)
mommacat56--------- 150 BCV (Feb) $85, no '08 pts, buyer & seller split closing, seller pays '08 mf (passed 3/3)
dvcwannabetoo------- 55 BCV (???) $85, 39 banked pts, buyer pays closing (sub 2/20, passed 3/10)
Joetanya------------- 150 BCV (Jun) $92, all '08 pts, buyer pays closing and '08 mf (sub 2/25, passed 3/11)
jamstew------------- 100 BCV (Dec) $94, all '07 & '08 pts, buyer pays closing & '08 mf (sub 2/25, passed 3/11)
dudleydog------------- 100 BCV (Dec) $86, buyer pays closing and mf (sub mid Feb, passed 3/14)
WelcomeHome--------- 200 BCV (Feb) $87, 8 '08 pts, buyer pays closing and '08 mf (passed 3/18)
mmuskie------------- 280 BCV (Oct) $90, 280-'08 pts. & 280-'09 pts., buyer pays closing, buyer pays '08 mf (sub 3/10 passed 3/25)
SpaceshipEarth------ 100 BCV (Apr) $92, 50 banked '07 pts, all '08 pts, buyer pays closing and '08 mf (sub 3/18, passed 3/27)
tink'smom2B--------- 150 BCV (Dec) $86, 34 '07 pts, all '08 pts, buyer pays closing and mf (sub 3/6, passed 3/26) - members
BigDogMom7--------- 180 BCV (Apr) $91, 122 '08 pts, buyer pays closing and '08 mf (sub 3/24, passed 4/4)
djwood24------------ 150 BCV $89 (passed 4/4)
Princess Amy Lyn----- 270 BCV (Mar) $84, all '08 pts (sub 3/28, passed 4/8) GMAC
LadyKay------------- 200 BCV (Dec) $92 (sub 3/28, passed 4/8)
crazydisneyman------ 150 BCV (Apr) $??, all '08 pts (passed 4/8)
karebear06---------- 210 BCV (Apr) $90, all '08 pts (sub 4/1, passed 4/14)
liam1957------------- ?? BCV (???) $88 (passed 4/22)
mmcguire------------ 210 BCV (Feb) $90, 114 '08 pts, all '09 pts (sub about 4/11, passed 4/25) - non-members
mattfusf------------- 125 BCV (Sep) $?? (passed 5/9) TSS
sjarrell--------------- 150 BCV (Dec) $85 (passed 5/19)
Hunnypaw----------- 75 BCV (Dec) $95, 14 '07 pts, 12 '08 pts, all '09 pts, seller pays closing
tikitwinsdad---------- 125 BCV (Dec) $96, 133 pts in '08 (sub 5/9, passed 5/22)
maggiet-------------- 210 BCV (Oct) $89, 224 pts '08, buyer pays closing, buyer & seller split '08 mf (passed 6/6)
nobodies36------------ 220 BCV (Mar) $86, 93 '08 pts, buyer pays closing and '08 mf (sub 5/30, passed 6/13)
jasonp5 (seller)-------- 150 BCV (Feb) $90, 28 '08 pts, all '09 pts, buyer pays closing, buyer and seller split '08 mf (passed 6/18)
chicagodisfan---------- 150 BCV (Oct) $86, no '08 or '09 pts, buyer pays closing, seller pays '08 and '09 mf (sub 6/13, passed 6/27) non-member, TTS
dsnyl4nd--------------- 160 BCV (Oct) $87, 51 '08 pts, all '09 pts, seller pays '08 mf (sub 7/1, passed 7/11)
lovepooh---------- 300 BCV (Dec) $93, 7 '07 pts, all '08 pts, buyer pays closing and '08 mf (sub 7/14, passed 7/18) non-member
DVCERSINCEDAY1-- 230 BCV (Dec) $89, 61 banked '07 pts, all '08 pts, buyer pays closing and '08 mf (passed 7/08)
mgilmer--------------- 30 BCV (Apr) $89, 7 banked '08 pts, all '09 pts (sub 7/22) GMAC
littleducksmom-------- 150 BCV (Dec) $88, 16 banked '07 pts, all '08 and '09 pts (sub 7/30, passed 8/11)
Minnie824------------ 175 BCV (Dec) $90, 75 points on hold, no '08 pts, all '09 pts, seller pays '08 mf (sub 8/7, passed 8/14)
baj0505-------------- 210 BCV (Feb) $84, 185 banked '08 pts, 203 '09 pts, 153 pts in reservation status, buyer pays 1/2 mf for 08, split closing, (sub 8/10, passed 8/25) - non member
lingber--------------- 200 BCV (Sep) $89, 85 banked '07 pts, all '08 & '09 pts, buyer and seller split '08 mf (sub 8/18, passed 9/1)
bgnwthamse--------- 150 BCV (???) $90 (passed 9/6) TTS
Rileygirl----------------- 270 BCV (Sep) $89, 196 banked '07 pts, all '08 and '09 pts, buyer pays closing, buyer & seller split '08 mf (passed 9/16) non-members

Humphrey53209---- 210 BWV (Oct) $83, 45 banked '06 pts, 44 '07 pts,210 10/08 pts, buyer pays closing and '08 MF (sub 11/9/07, pass 11/15/07) - non-member
theSurlyMermaid---- 250 BWV (Dec) $80, 28 '07 pts, all '08 pts (passed 1/3/08)
MickeyBabe--------- 95 BWV (Mar) $84, 96 banked '06 pts, 45 '07 pts, 50 banked '07 pts, all '08 pts, buyer pays closing (sub 12/10, passed 12/18)
Stitch 03------------ ?? BWV (???) $84 (sub 12/26, passed 1/14/08)
greengiant---------- 170 BWV (Dec) $81, 67 banked '06 pts, 134 banked '07 pts (passed 1/14/08)
Boardwalk Gal (seller)-- 50 BWV (Sep) $87, all '08 pts (passed 12/07)
TifffanyD------------- 100 BWV (Oct) $86, all '08 pts, buyer pays closing, buyer pays '08 mf (sub 2/4/08, passed 2/15), TTS
mommytomy3--------- 150 BWV (Dec) $83, 16 banked '06 pts, all '07 pts, all '08 pts, buyer pays '08 mf (sub 1/28, passed 2/15) - Member
Magicdad------------- 150 BWV (Dec) $80, 75 '06 pts, all '07 pts, buyer pays closing, buyer pays '08 mf (passed 2/25)
epcotwanderer------- 150 BWV (Apr) $80, all '08 pts, buyer pays closing and '08 mf (sub 1/24, passed 2/26)
tammymacb---------- 100 BWV (Jun) $82, 61 '08 pts, all '09 pts (sub 2/18/08, passed 3/5)
tink6137130---------- 100 BWV (Oct) $85, 100 banked '07 pts, all '08 pts, buyer pays closing and '08 mf (sub 2/21, passed 3/10) - non-member
HolidayRoad---------- 150 BWV (Feb) $80, all '08 pts, buyer pays closing and '08 mf (sub 2/26, passed 3/14)
dizney4us------------ 150 BWV (Oct) $85, 139 '07 pts, all '08 pts, buyer pays closing and mf (sub 3/3, passed 3/17) - members
GoofyDad13---------- 100 BWV (Aug) $83, 100 banked '07 pts, all '08 pts, buyer pays closing and '08 mf (sub 3/14, passed 3/25)
NJ Devils Fan---------- 100 BWV (???) $82, buyer pays closing and '08 mf (sub 3/10, passed 3/25)
miksilver--------------- 150 BWV (Apr) $??. 102 banked '07 pts, all '08 pts (sub 3/18, passed 3/25)
mommacat56---------- 170 BWV (Feb) $80, 2 banked '07 pts, all '08 pts, buyer & seller split closing, buyer pays '08 mf (sub 3/12, passed 3/25) - member
barney44------------- 200 BWV (Apr) $80, 10 banked '07 pts, all '08 pts (sub 3/24, passed 4/4)
dmadden------------- 200 BWV (Oct) $80, 6 banked '07 pts, all 08 pts, buyer pays closing and '08 mf (sub 3/24, passed 4/7)
Cherta--------------- 150 BWV (Aug) $84, 80 '08 pts, all '09 pts (sub 4/3, passed 4/14)
darlinboy------------- 150 BWV (Aug) $83, 104 '07 pts, all '08 pts, buyer pays closing, buy & seller split '08 mf (sub 4/2, passed 4/14)
tammymacb---------- 50 BWV (Jun) $87, 50 banked '07 pts, all '08 pts, buyer pays '08 mf (sub 4/7, passed 4/22)
hjic15102------------ 250 BWV (Sep) $82, 199 banked '07 pts, all '08 pts, buyer pays closing, seller pays admin fee (sub 4/11 passed 4/21)
Kimmy--------------- 100 BWV (Oct) $85, 100 banked '07 pts, all '08 pts (passed approx 5/7) GMAC
LadyKay------------- 200 BWV (???) $?? (passed 5/7) TTS
joyzilli--------------- 75 BWV (Sep) $86, 75 banked '07 pts, all '08 pts, buyer pays closing and '08 mf (sub 4/22, passed 5/10) - non-member
winjos (seller)------- 200 BWV (Sep) $79, 14 banked '07 pts, 101 '08 pts, all '09 pts, buyer pays closing, buyer and seller split '08 mf (sub 4/23, passed 5/13)
Mulan2------------- 200 BWV (Jun) $80, 178 '08 pts, all '09 pts, buyer pays closing, buyer & seller split '08 mf (sub 4/28, passed 5/13) TSS
WDWorld2003 (seller) -- 60 BWV (Mar) $89, all '08 & '09 pts, buyer pays closing and '08 mf (passed 5/19)
Welsh *Disney* Girlz-- 200 BWV (Dec) $87, all banked '06 pts, all '07 pts, all '08 pts (passed 5/20)
cdnsluvdisney--------- 150 BWV (Sep) $82, 17 '07 pts, all '08 pts, buyer & seller split '08 mf (sub 5/6, passed 5/20) member, **********.com
dpware--------------- 25 BWV (Oct) $87, 19 '07 pts, all '08 pts, buyer pays closing (sub 5/13, passed 5/22) TSS
40-Something Kid----- 300 BWV (???) $85, 527 pts currently available (passed 5/27)
EmptyNester---------- 100 BWV (Aug) $82, 31 banked '07 pts, all '08 & '09 pts, buyer & seller split closing, buyer pays '08 mf (sub 5/21, passed 6/6) members, *********.com
Weluvdisny----------- 80 BWV (Oct) $82, all '08 pts, buyer & seller split closing (sub 5/21, passed 6/13)
mjlass11-------------- 200 BWV (Sep) $82, 74 banked '08 pts, all '09 pts, buyer pays closing (sub 6/6, passed 6/16)
orangebird------------- 60 BWV (Aug) $83, 33 '08 pts, all '09 pts, buyer & seller split closing, (sub 6/12, passed 6/16)
dressthechild---------- 200 BWV (Sep) $82, all '08 pts, buyer pays closing (sub 6/9, passed 6/17)
DVCPal--------------- 25 BWV (Oct) $92, all '08 pts, buyer pays closing and '08 mf (sub 6/23, passed 7/3)
DVCPal--------------- 75 BWV (Sep) $88, no '08 pts, all '09 pts, buyer pays closing (sub 6/24, passed 7/?) TTS
MikeyNS------------- 25 BWV (Oct) $80, all '07 pts, buyer pays closing and GMAC fee (sub 6/26, passed 7/16) GMAC
Barrister--------------- 400 BWV (Dec) $76, 400 banked '07 pts, all '08 pts, buyer pays closing and '08 mf (passed 7/17)
delauzons------------- 310 BWV (Sep) $78, 179 '08 pts, all '09 pts (sub 7/9, passed 7/18) TSS
Teachckg------------- 150 BWV (Sep) $80, 120 banked '07 pts, all '08 and '09 pts, buyer and seller split '08 mf
COASTERQUEEN----------- 100 BWV (Mar) $80, no '08 pts, all '09 pts (sub 7/29, passed 8/14) member, TSS
tx2tn--------------------- 150 BWV (Dec) $83, 67 '07 pts, 83 '08 pts, all '09 pts (sub 8/14, passed 8/25)
farscape----------------- 250 BWV (Oct) $81, 250 banked '07 pts, all '08 pts, buyer pays closing and '08 mf (sub 8/14, passed 8/26)
emmalouise-------------- 200 BWV (Jun) $80, no '08 or '09 pts, all '10 pts, seller pays '08 and '09 mf (sub 8/14, passed 8/26)
Belle & Ariel-------------- 150 BWV (Aug) $82, 150 banked '07 pts, all '08 & 09 pts, buyer pays '08 mf (sub 8/18, passed 8/26)
JulieWent---------------- 150 BWV (Feb) $90, 150 banked '07 pts, 150 banked '08 pts, all '09 pts, buyer pays closing, seller pays '08 mf (sub 8/12, passed 8/26)
nluvwithmickey---------- 150 BWV (Jun) $80, 2 '08 pts, all '09 pts, buyer pays closing (sub 8/18, passed 8/30) non-member, TTS
bangzoom6877---------- 150 BWV (Apr) $81, 40 '08 pts, all '09 pts, buyer pays closing, buyer and seller split '08 mf (sub 8/26, passed 9/7)
DisneyDreamers2007----- 150 BWV (Sep) $81, 133 '07 pts, all '08 pts, buyer pays closing and '08 mf, (sub 8/19, passed 9/6) non-member, GMAC
dec5girl---------------- 200 BWV (Feb) $78, 156 banked '07 pts, 200 banked '08 pts, all '09 pts (sub 8/27, passed 9/8)
greengiant------------- 31 BWV (Dec) $84, 31 banked '07 pts, seller pays closing, buyer pays doc fees - GMAC

JudyTL -------------- 25 HHI (Feb) $72-74?, buyer pays closing, seller pays MF (sub 2/25, pass ???) – member
El&Asmom ----------- 50 HHI (Dec) $72, 50 banked in '06, all '07 coming, Buyer pays closing and '07 MF. Seller pays '06MF (passed 6/25)
lisalefebvre --------- 250 HHI (???) $69
Randinb-------------- 75 HHI (Oct) $69, 51 banked '06 pts, all '07 pts, buyer pays closing & mf (sub 8/14, passed 8/22)
77Mom--------------- xx HHI (???) $70 (passed 8/22)
goofymark----------- 200 HHI (???) $72, 200 banked pts, 200 '07 pts (passed 8/24)
tony webb/twebber55- 150 HHI (Dec) $72 (sub 11/2, passed 11/9)
mcmeekin------------- 150 HHI (Apr) $67, 150 banked '07 pts, all '08 pts (sub 1/18/08, passed 1/24) - non-member
Plantlady-------------- 30 HHI (Aug) $72, (sub 2/6, passed 2/19)
gingermouse17-------- 170 HHI (Mar) $67, buyer pays closing and mf (sub 3/10, passed 3/25) - member
Laxmom............ 50 HHI (Aug) $68, 50 banked '07 pts, all '08 pts, buyer pays all closing and '08 MF (sub 4/1, passed 4/14) - non-member, GMAC
TenThousandVolts---- 100 HHI (Jun) $67, no '07 pts, all '08 pts, seller pays closing, buyer pays '08 mf (passed 4/29) GMAC
a37027-------------- 30 HHI (Feb) $67, no '08 pts, all '09 pts, buyer pays closing, seller pays '08 mf (sub 5/13, passed 5/23) members TSS
MLC2002------------ 100 HHI (Jun) $68, 100 banked '07 pts, all '08 pts, buyer pays closing & '08 mf, seller pays GMAC fee (sub 5/21, passed 6/6) GMAC
Tricia0305----------- 150 HHI (Apr) $60, 12 pts in holding,128 '08 pts, all '09 pts, buyer pays closing, buyer & seller split '08 mf, members, TTS

PASSED - OKW - original (2042):
wdwfan0123---------- 190 OKW (Jun) $74, 156 '08 pts, all '09 pts - Non-member (passed 11/1)
Merilyn--------------- 150 OKW (???) $??, pts available (passed 11/6)
lordnamis ------------- 210 OKW (???) $77, 210 banked '06 pts, all '07 pts, buyer pays closing (passed 11/6) - non-member
lusby305-------------- 60 OKW (Feb) - Non -member
suzyqqq27------------ 40 OKW (Jun) $80, all '08 pts, buyer pays closing, seller pays '07 mf (sub 11/13, passed 11/21)
5forDiz--------------- 50 OKW (Sep) $82, all '07 pts, all '08 pts, buyer pays closing, buyer pays '08 mf (sub 12/19, passed 12/26)
nunzia---------------- 25 OKW (???) $78, (sub 11/5, passed 11/14)
Escape Artist---------- 80 OKW (Dec) $80, all '08 pts, buyer split '08 MF (sub 1/24/08, passed 2/1/08)
4boys531------------- 100 OKW (Sep) $75, all '08 pts, buyer pays closing, buyer pays '08 mf (sub 1/31/08, passed 2/19)
disneymotherof3------- 110 OKW (Jun) $80, 110 banked pts from '07, all '08 pts, buyer pays closing, buyer pays '08 mf (sub 2/13/08, passed 3/1)
snoopdoug------------- 190 OKW (Jun) $76, 106 banked '06 pts, 179 banked '07 pts, all '08 pts, buyer pays closing and '08 mf (passed 3/12)
plymouthmom---------- 100 OKW (???) $?? (passed 3/17)
bribert----------------- 150 OKW (Sep) $74, buyer pays all closing & '08 costs (sub 2/27, passed 3/17)
Tigger & Eeyore--------- 80 OKW (Jun) $79, buyer pays closing and '08 mf (sub 3/6, passed 3/20)
colonialtinker----------- 60 OKW (Oct) $84, 65 available pts (sub 3/17, passed 3/27)
clombardi--------------- 50 OKW (Jun) $80, 50 banked '07 pts, all '08 pts (sub about 3/24, passed 4/1)
colonialtinker----------- 60 OKW (Apr) $77.5, buyer pays closing, buyer & seller split '08 mf (passed 4/4)
Lew------------------- 310 OKW (Feb) $71.50, all '08 pts, all '09 pts (sub 3/26, passed 4/4)
Verandah Man--------- 50 OKW (Jun) $78, all '08 pts, buyer pays closing & '08 mf (sub 4/7, passed 4/16)
KyDVC---------------- 210 OKW (Dec) $74, all '07 pts, buyer pays closing, buyer and seller split '08 mf (passed 4/17), Resales DVC
bookwormde----------- 150 OKW (Apr) $68, 131 '08 pts, all '09 pts, buyer pays closing, buyer & seller split '08 mf (sub 4/11, passed 4/21) - non-member
Magic Fanatic---------- 250 OKW (Apr) $71, all '08 pts (sub 4/18, passed 4/25)
minikk----------------- 230 OKW (Jun) $69, 204 '08 pts, all '09 pts (sub 4/29, passed 5/10)
u2daisyblue----------- 50 OKW (Oct) $72, all '08 pts, buyer pays closing, buyer and seller split admin fee (sub 5/1, passed 5/21) GMAC
dis2cruise------------- 200 OKW (Oct) $70, 142 '07 pts, all '08 pts, buyer pays closing and '08 mf (sub 5/12, passed 5/23)
necopup--------------- 100 OKW (Mar) $72, all '08 pts, all '09 pts, buyer pays closing and '08 mf (sub 5/9, passed 6/12)
popisme--------------- 100 OKW (Feb) $77, all '08 & '09 pts, buyer pays '08 mf (sub 6/13, passed 6/27) TSS
bluedoggy------------- 25 OKW (???) $85, 25 banled '07 pts (sub 6/26, passed 7/9)
smilingmouse----------- 50 OKW (Aug) $67, buyer pays closing, seller pays '08 mf (sub 6/3, passed 7/12)
z28wiz----------------- 40 OKW (Sep) $67.5, 29 banked '07 pts, all '08 pts, buyer pays closing, seller pays '08 mf (sub 7/9, passed 7/16) GMAC
littleprissboutique------ 100 OKW (Aug) $74, 100 banked '07 pts, all '08 pts, buyer pays closing, buyer ans seller split '08 mf (sub 6/18, passed 7/17) GMAC
FoxberryJam----------- 210 OKW (Sep) $71, 3 '07 pts, all '08 pts, buyer pays closing, buyer and seller split '08 mf (sub 7/14, passed 7/17)
snackyx--------------- 150 OKW (Feb) $70, all '08 points available, buyer paid closing costs, split MF (sub 5/25, passed 6/9)
jjgraff30------------- 25 OKW (Apr) $70, no '08 pts, all '09 pts, buyer pays closing, seller pays '08 mf (sub 7/18, passed 7/28)
kellybus------------- 135 OKW (Aug) $72, all '07 & '08 pts, buyer pays closing, buyer & seller split '08 mf (sub 8/6, passed 8/11)
musical2------------ 50 OKW (Feb) $75, no '08 or '09 pts, seller pays closing and '08 & '09 mf, member
smammone----------- 150 OKW (Sep) $75, 75 banked '07 pts, all '08 pts, buyer and seller split closing, seller pays '08 mf (sub 8/19, passed 9/2)
iggypops-------------- 300 OKW (Feb) $72, 300 banked '07 pts, 300 banked '08 pts, buyer pays closing, seller pays '08 mf (sub 8/22, passed 9/2)
Lili'sMama------------ 310 OKW (???) $73, buyer pays closing and '08 mf
2disneyfanz---------- 100 OKW (Feb) $73, no '08 or '09 pts, all '10 pts, buyer pays closing, seller pays '08 and '09 mf (sub 8/14, passed 8/25) member
pickles--------------- 50 OKW (Aug) $85, all '08 pts, seller pays closing (sub 8/21, passed 9/8)
pickles--------------- 50 OKW (Dec) $84, all '08 pts, seller pays closing (sub 8/21, passed 9/8)

PASSED - OKW - extended (2057):
Postman------------- 210 OKW (Sep) $82.5, all '08 pts
mommomtoJoseph----------- 50 OKW (Jun) $92, 17 banked '08 pts, all '09 pts, buyer pays closing, seller pays '08 mf (sub 8/20, passed 9/3)

wendyinoc-------------- 65 SSR (???) $86, all '07 pts, buyer pays closing (passed 11/2)
2princess 2pirates------- 300 SSR (Jun) $80, all '06, '07 & '08 pts, buyer pays closing, buyer pays 1/2 '07 mf (sub. 10/26, passed 11/5) - non-member
coachfromme--------- 250 SSR (???) $84, 54 banked '06 pts, all '07 pts, seller pays closing (sub 10/17, passed 11/9) - non-member
DbleTheFun----------- 150 SSR (Feb) $82, 150 banked, buyer pays closing (passed 11/9) -non-member
DbleTheFun----------- 350 SSR (Feb) $81 77 banked pts, buyer pays closing (passed 11/9) -non-member
DarbysDad------------ 210 SSR (Sep) $85, 89 banked '06 pts, all '07 pts (sub approx 11/1 passed 11/13)
OPTAX---------------- 240 SSR (Jun) $79, 196 '07 pts, all '08 pts (passed 11/15)
PSC------------------ 75 SSR (Aug) $85, 0 '07 points, all '08 points, buyer pays closing & 08 maint (sub 11/5, passed 11/15) - member
chemie15------------- 200 SSR (Mar) $80, 34 banked '06 pts, 200 banked '07 pts, all '08 pts, seller pays closing & GMAC costs (passed 11/16)
dopeygirl76----------- 225 SSR (Feb) $85 225 banked '07 pts (sub 12/3, passed 12/12)
maxtomsmom---------- 160 SSR (Aug) $79, 25 banked '06 pts, 83 '07 pts, 72 borrowed '08 pts, 88 '08 pts (passed 12/21) - non-members
jen2be2--------------- 300 SSR (Aug) $83, 154 '06 pts, all (?) '07 pts, all '08 pts (sub 12/18, passed 12/26)
scotttrippett---------- 50 SSR (Feb) $85, buyer pays closing (sub 12/20, passed 1/3/08)
momhmmx2----------- 200 SSR (Feb) $83, 200 banked '07 pts, all '08 pts (sub 1/7/08, passed 1/15)
michamato------------ 50 SSR (Feb) $82, 44 banked '07 pts, all '08 pts, seller pays closing, buyer pays admin fee (sub 1/4/08, passed 1/14) - members
Boardwalk Gal (seller) -- 120 SSR (Sep) $83, all '08 pts (passed 12/07)
Boardwalk Gal (seller) -- 120 SSR (Sep) $83, all '08 pts (passed 12/07)
Disneypirate85--------- 160 SSR (Dec) $84, 40 banked '06 pts, all '07 pts, buyer pays closing (passed 2/1/08)
Vickibean-------------- 150 SSR (Apr) $78, 46 '07 pts, 144 '08 pts (sub 2/6, passed 2/25)
babiektcher------------ 150 SSR (Apr) $83, 186 '08 pts (sub 2/21, passed 3/7)
minniekissedme--------- 350 SSR (Jun) $78, 342 banked '07 pts, all '08 pts, buyer pays closing and '08 mf (sub 2/27, passed 3/17) DVC by Resale
littleducksmom---------- 180 SSR (Dec) $83, 114 banked '06 pts, 124 '07 pts, all '08 pts (sub 2/29, passed 3/17) - non-member
kmhollis28--------------- 225 SSR (Jun) $81, 197 banked '07 pts, all '08 pts (sub 3/10, passed 3/27) non-member
gargoyle007------------- 400 SSR (Mar) $80, 600 pts currently available (sub 3/25, passed 4/4)
pb4ugo----------------- 50 SSR (Jun) $83, 18 banked '07 pts, no '08 pts, all '09 pts, buyer pays closing, seller pays '08 mf (sub 3/24, passed 4/4)
monami7--------------- 240 SSR (Jun) $80, 240 banked '06 pts, 240 banked '07 pts, all '08 pts, buyer pays closing (sub 3/13, passed 4/8)
Grandbuddy------------ 160 SSR (Dec) $79, 110 banked '06 pts, 131 '07 pts, buyer pays closing and '08 mf (sub 3/27, passed 4/9), DVC by Resale
Goofy2937-------------- 220 SSR (Feb) $82 (sub 3/10, passed 4/17)
christmas--------------- 100 SSR (???) $??, all '07 & '08 pts (passed 4/21)
brownaar--------------- 250 SSR (Oct) $78, 57 banked '07 pts, all '08 pts, buyer pays closing and '08 mf (sub about 4/23, passed 4/29) TSS
nickspace-------------- ?? SSR (???) $78, all '08 pts, all '09 pts, no closing costs
M-I-C-K-E-Y------------ 150 SSR (Feb) $78, all '08 pts (sub approx 4/25, passed 5/10) TTS
mickeyfan0805---------- 120 SSR (Aug) $82, 120 banked '07 pts, all '08 pts, buyer pays closing and '08 mf (sub 4/22, passed 5/10) - non-members, TTS
mickeywho?-------------- 50 SSR (Dec) $86.5, all '07 pts, all '08 pts, buyer pays closing (sub 4/22, passed 5/13) - members
gk90------------------ 50 SSR (Feb) $84, 2 '07 pts, all '08 pts, buyer pays closing (sub 4/18, passed 5/14) GMAC/**********.com
fers31----------------- 250 SSR (Sep) $81, 192 banked '07 pts, seller pays closing (sub 4/24, passed 5/15) GMAC
nickspace-------------- 160 SSR (???) $78, all '08 and '09 pts, seller pays closing
efinn88858------------ 250 SSR (Jun) $78, 190 '08 pts, all '09 pts (sub 5/2, passed 5/19) TTS
SWB------------------ 74 SSR (Feb) $81, all 08 & 09 pts, buyer pays closing & '08 mf (sub 5/8, passed 5/23), non-member, GMAC
perpetualplanner------- 160 SSR (Feb) $80, 64 banked '07 pts, buyer pays closing and '08 mf (passed 5/28)
corky441-------------- 175 SSR (Aug) $78, 127 '08 pts (sub 5/19, passed 6/6) TSS
yoshimitsus------------- 170 SSR (???) $79, 14 current year points, all '09 (?) pts (sub 5/`9, passed 6/6)
secretprincess---------- 150 SSR (???) $78.5, 14 banked '07 pts, all '08 pts(sub 5/19, passed 6/6) non-member, TSS
Grandbuddy----------- 170 SSR (Dec) $78, 42 banked '06 pts, 170 banked '08 pts, all '08 pts, buyer pays closing and GMAC fee, (sub 6/2, passed 6/13) member, GMAC
ACDSNY (seller)--NikiM20 (buyer)-- 60 SSR (Feb) $86, all '09 pts, buyer pays closing, seller pays '08 mf (sub 6/11, passed 6/16) TSS
Safari Queen (seller)-- 165 SSR (Aug) $81, 28 banked '07 pts, all '08 pts, buyer pays closing, buyer and seller split '08 MF (passed about 6/16/08)
DrAndrea------------- 60 SSR (Feb) $75, no '08 and '09 pts (passed 6/30)
trasor---------------- 300 SSR (Dec) $77, all '07 and '08 pts, buyer pays closing and '08 mf (passed 7/3)
Ricky P---------------- 120 SSR (Sep) $??, all '08 & '09 pts (passed 7/14) - non-member
Oswald the Rabbit------220 SSR (???) $73, 110 banked '07 pts, all '08 pts, buyer pays closing, buyer and seller split '08 mf (passed 7/16) - non-member, ATSB
minnieluvzmickey------ 100 SSR (???) $84, 100 banked '07 pts, 56 '08 pts (sub 7/7, passed 7/17)
lugnut33-------------- 120 SSR (Jun) $80, buyer pays closing, seller pays '08 mf (sub 7/14, passed 7/17) **********
TOM574-------------- ??? SSR (???) $75 (passed 7/08)
Tramp&TheLady------ 120 SSR (Feb) $80, no '08 pts, all '09 pts (passed 7/24) non-members
disney aviator------- 250 SSR (Feb) $82, 250 banked '07 pts, 133 banked '08 pts, 266 '09 pts (passed 7/24) non-member
njsquirrel------------ 175 SSR (Dec) $75, all '08 pts, 108 borrowed '09 pts, 64 '09 pts, seller pays closing (passed 7/25) non-member
snichols1219-------- 200 SSR (Dec) $75, 243 pts in hold, 102 banked '07 pts, all '08 pts, buyer pays closing and '08 mf (passed 7/24) non-members
Rose&Mike--------- 100 SSR (Dec) $79, 87 '08 pts, all '09 pts, buyer pays closing and '08 mf (sub 7/19, passed 7/24) non-members
my3weasels-------- 100 SSR (Feb) $76, 100 banked '07 pts, 100 banked '08 pts, buyer pays closing (passed 7/24)
Mouse511---------- 150 SSR (Oct) $74, 19 banked '07 pts, all '08 pts, buyer pays closing and '08 mf (sub 7/31, passed 8/9) non-members,TSS
dgb---------------- 100 SSR (Dec) $79, no '08 pts, all '09 pts, buyer pays closing (passed 8/9) TSS, non-member
Jones611------------- 120 SSR (Mar) $73, no '08 pr '09 pts, buyers pay closing, (sub 8/5, passed 8/9) non-members
BankBunny------------ 28 SSR (Feb) $80, no '08 or '09 pts (sub 8/4, passed 8/9) member, TTS
jrsmom---------------- 120 SSR (Aug) $80, all '08 and '09 pts (sub 8/9, passed 8/14)
Ford66---------------- 100 SSR (???) $84, 200 pts in '08 (sub 8/8, passed 8/14)
missy2217------------- 300 SSR (Apr) $78, all '08 and '09 pts, buyer pays closing, buyer and seller split '08 mf (passed 8/25)
mattina621------------ 150 SSR (Oct) $72, no '08 pts, all '09 pts, seller pays '08 mf (passed 9/2) non-member
camack7827----------- 240 SSR (Aug) $77.5, all '08 and '09 pts, buyer pays closing, seller pays '08 mf (sub 8/26, passed 9/6)
ryan840--------------- 25 SSR (Dec) $85
moonlightgraham22---- 160 SSR (Feb) $76, 208 Hold Status pts expire Feb. '09, 17 '08 pts, buyer pays closing, seller pays '08 MF (sub 9/10, passed 9/16)
sandy0904------------ 200 SSR (Sep) $78, 185 banked '07 pts, all '08 & '09 pts, buyer pays closing, buyer & seller split '08 mf (sub 9/2, passed 9/16)

mattnday ------------ 240 VB (Sep) $55, all '07 pts coming, buyer/seller split closing & buyer pays '07 MFs (sub 12/29, pass 4/9)- member (note for researchers: atypical contract and terms – see posts)
curtlorij -------------- 50 VB (???) $71, all '08 pts coming (sub 5/10, pass 5/21)
dis@dills-------------- 50 VB (Feb) $65, 50 banked '06 pts, All '07 pts, seller pays MF on '06 and '07 pts, buyer pays closing (sub 6/18, passed 6/28) non-member
BWV Dreamin---------- 50 VB (Jun) $65, 50 banked '06 pts, all '07 pts, seller pays closing & GMAC fee, buyer pays '07 mf (sub 7/12, passed 8/1)
mdorgan-------------- 75 VB (Sep) $70, 48 '07 pts (passed 11/2)
Buckmaster---------- 70 VB (Dec) $63, 12 '07 pts, all '08 pts, buyer pays closing and MF (sub 3/5, passed 3/17)
Buckeye Fan-------- 150 VB (Dec) $60, seller pays closing and GMAC fee, buyer pays '08 mf (sub 3/13, passed 3/27)
jesschris------------ 50 VB (Oct) $62, all '08 pts, all '09 pts (sub 3/14, passed 3/25)
Doris1962----------- 60 VB (Jun) $55, all '08 & '09 pts, seller pays closing and GMAC fees (sub mid May, passed 6/13) GMAC
dvcnewgirl---------- 50 VB (Aug) $57.4, no '08 pts, all '09 pts, seller pays closing and GMAC fee (passed 6/13) member, GMAC
bbowers------------ 60 VB (Feb) $55, no '08 or '09 pts, seller pays '09 mf (sub 6/14, passed 6/30)
Cerigirl-------------- 75 VB (Dec) $60, 30 '08 pts, all '09 pts (sub 6/27, passed 7/7) TSS

gblast123--------------- 210 VWL (Aug) $84, all '06 pts, all '07 pts, seller pays closing, seller pays '07 mf (passed 11/15)
jamstew/Cinderella(seller)- 150 VWL (Aug) $78, buyer pays MF on 66 '07 points and closing costs (Sub 10/29, passed 11/21) - non-member
CarolynMink-------------- 60 VWL (???) $85 (passed 12/26) - member
mickeymorse------------- 175 VWL (Jun) $80, 95 banked '07 pts (sub 1/2/08, passed 1/10/08)
Judy WI(seller)----------- 62 VWL (Dec) $83.87 (sub 1/9/2008, passed 1/16/08)
sischo4jpja--------------- 200 VWL (???) $84, 175 banked '06 pts, 200 '07 pts, buyer pays closing (passed 1/16/08) - Member
Boardwalk Gal (seller)---- 130 VWL (Sep) $86, all '08 pts
Boardwalk Gal (seller)---- 30 VWL (Sep) $83, all '08 pts
Boardwalk Gal (seller)---- 50 VWL (Sep) $86, all '08 pts
snowbunny-------------- 28 VWL (Oct) $86, 25 '08 pts, buyer pays closing, buyer pays '08 MF on 25 pts (sub 1/31, passed 2/19)
been2marceline(seller)--- 250 VWL (Sep) $78, all '07 & '08 pts, buyer pays closing (sub 2/1, passed 2/20)
weich1001--------------- 200 VWL (Sep) $82, 200 banked '07 pts (passed 2/27)
wink13------------------- 25 VWL (Aug) $85, 25 ’08pts, 25 ’09 pts, Buyer pays closing. (sub 2/29, pass 3/17) – member
Rambler5678-------------- 50 VWL (Dec) $90, buyer pays closing (sub 3/3, passed 3/17)
Chickkypoo--------------- 210 VWL (Jun) $84, 196 banked '07 pts, all '08 pts (sub 3/5, passed 3/19)
KAT4DISNEY-------------- 200 VWL (Oct) $82, 197 '07 pts, all '08 pts (sub 3/24, passed 4/1)
WLodgeLizard------------- 100 VWL (Oct) $85, 44 banked '07 pts, all '08 pts, buyer pays closing and MF (passed 4/8)
fourkidsphoto------------- 240 VWL (Jun) $80, all '06 pts, all '07 pts, all '08 pts, buyer pays closing and mf (sub about 3/18, passed 4/4)
GrumpyBa*D------------- 200 VWL (Aug) $85, 113 banked '07 pts, all '08 pts (sub 5/2, passed 5/14)
tikitwinsdad-------------- 220 VWL (Oct) $81, (sub 5/5, passed 5/19) - non-members, TTS
jdb1232------------------ 170 VWL (???) $80, 66 banked '07 pts (passed 6/5)
shortypots--------------- 150 VWL (Aug) $80, all '08 pts, seller pays closing, buyer pays '08 mf (sub 5/30, passed 6/11) members, TSS
tww369------------------ 50 VWL (Aug) $86, 15 banked '07 pts, 11 '08 pts, all '09 pts (passed 6/17)
DVCERSINCEDAY1-------- 330 VWL (Dec) $75, all '08 & '09 pts, buyer pays closing and '08 mf (sub 6/20, passed 7/7)
DisneyOrBust2006-------- 200 VWL (Dec) $78, 200 banked '06 pts, all '07 & '08 pts, buyer pays closing and '08 mf (sub 7/2, passed 7/11) member, TTS
NicksTgrMom------------ 50 VWL (Oct) $83, no '08 pts, seller pays '08 mf, (sub 8/5, passed 8/9) TSS
Lisa F (seller)------------ 50 VWL (Dec) $87, all '08 pts, buyer pays closing and '08 mf (sub 7/31, passed 8/9) TSS
krybandt---------------- 150 VWL (Sep) $80, all '08 and '09 pts, buyer pays closing and '08 mf (sub 8/6, passed 8/14)
minnie6895-------------- 200 VWL (Feb) $78, 130 '08 pts, all '09 pts (passed 8/25)
JoJostar----------------- 202 VWL (???) $84, all '08 & '09 pts, buyer pays '08 mf (passed 8/30)
wdfan1977--------------- ?? VWL (???) $??
jgehan------------------ 350 VWL (Oct) $80, 350 banked '07 pts, all '08 pts, buyer pays closing, seller pays '08 mf (sub 8/23, passed 9/2) non-member, TSS

PASSED - Resort Unkonwn:
tgropp -------------- 100 ??? (???) $85, 96 '07 pts (sub ?/?, passed 5/17)


spsmyk------------- 130 BCV (Apr) $85, no '07 pts, buyer pays closing (updated 6/25, ROFR'D 7/3/07)
forceword----------- 170 BCV (Feb) $83, no '08 or '09 pts, buyer pays closing, seller pays '08 and '09 mf (sub 7/25, ROFR'D 8/4/08)

mla973 -------------- 50 BWV (Apr) $80, no ‘06 pts & all ‘07 pts, buyer pays closing (sub 3/12, ROFR 3/22) – non-member
MJToast ------------- 200 BWV (Feb) $75, No pts until ‘09, buyer pays closing costs, seller pays ‘08 MF (sub 3/30, ROFR 4/11) - non-member
grumpynomore-------- 170 BWV (???) $82, buyer & seller split closing (ROFR 7/20)
mommacat56--------- 180 BWV (Feb) $79, no '08 pts, buyer & seller split closing, seller pays '08 mf (ROFR 2008)
dressthechild--------- 225 BWV (Jun) $79, no '08 pts, all '09 pts (sub 5/26, ROFR 6/4/08)
DVCERSINCEDAY1----- 210 BWV (Jun) $77, 33 banked '07 pts, all '08 pts, buyer pays closing, seller pays '08 mf (ROFR 6/30/08)
DVCERSINCEDAY1----- 330 BWV (Dec) $78, all '08 pts, buyer pays closing and '08 mf (ROFR 7/08)
tx2tn--------------------- 150 BWV (Oct) $78, no '08 pts, all '09 pts (sub 8/5, ROFR 8/8)
lapeter------------------- 150 BWV (Dec) $76.67, 107 banked points?, 150 banked '07 pts, all '08 pts (ROFR 9/3/08)

lmb -------------- 150 HHI (???) $66, 30 ’07 pts, buyer pays closing and prorated ’07 MF (sub ???, ROFR 3/01?) – assumed non-member
WalterS (seller) --- 200 HHI (Apr) $68
lisalefebvre ------- 250 HHI (???) $66
Tamar (seller)----- 150 HHI (Dec) $67, 27 '07 pts, all '08 pts, buyer pays closing, seller pays '07 mf (ROFR 9/20)

ROFR'D - OKW - original (2042):
Michael623------------- 160 OKW (Feb) $70, 20 '08 pts, all 08 pts, buyer pays closing, buyer pays '08 mf for 20 pts (sub 8/16, ROFR 8/29)
FoxberryJam------------ 230 OKW (Sep) $65, no '07 pts, 31 '08 pts, all '09 pts, buyer pays closing, seller pays '08 mf (sub 7/1/08 ROFR 7/12/08) - non-member

ROFR'D - OKW - extended (2057):

billyb1 (seller) ----- 210 SSR (Jun) $82, 202 '07points, 59 '06 banked, Buyer paid prorated MF for 07 points (202/210) (sub 2/28,ROFR 3/8)
mikeandkarla ------ 160 SSR (Dec) $82, 45 ‘05 pts banked, 160 ‘06 pts & 160 ‘07 pts, buyer pays closing & ’07 MF (sub 3/10, ROFR 3/22) – member
DisDreamerKJ ------ 150 SSR (Dec) $82, 150 ’06 pts & 150 ’07 pts, buyer pays closing and ’07 MF (sub 3/13, ROFR 3/22) non-member
Amy5000 ---------- 100 SSR (Feb) $82, no pts until ’08, buyer pays closing and ’08 MF (sub 3/23, ROFR 4/3) – non-member
Coach81 ----------- 150 SSR (Feb) $80, six ‘07 pts & all ’08 pts, buyer pays closing & MF on remaining '06 points (6pts), seller to pay rest (sub 3/23, ROFR 4/4) - non-member
Crazed Pluto ------- 150 SSR (Aug) $83, 47 '06 pts, 185 '07 pts, buyer plays closing fees, seller pays '07 dues - non-member
VTNuke------------- 120 SSR (Feb) $79, 0 '07 pts, all '08 pts, buyer pays closing, seller pays '07 MF (sub 6/16)
dbprimeaux--------- 260 SSR (Feb) $81
MEK---------------- 200 SSR (Mar) $80, all '08 pts, seller pays '07 mf (sub 9/8) - Non-member (ROFR 9/21)
kkmauch (seller)---- 150 SSR (Jun) $77, 24 '08 pts, buyer pays closing (ROFR 4/24/08)

DisneyDriver------- 50 VB (Apr) $65, all '08 and '09 pts - TTS

WDWguruDH (seller) --- 150 VWL (Sep) $82, 104 banked ’07 & all ’08 pts, buyer pays closing and ’07 MF (sub ???, ROFR 3/23) – member
soonertxmickey-------- 240 VWL (Apr) $78, no '07 pts, all '08 pts, seller pays closing
Maistre Gracey (seller) - 450 VWL (Sep) $75, 410 '07 pts, buyer pays closing, buyer pays mf on 410 '07 pts
luvindisneyworld(seller) - 140 VWL (Apr) $75 (sub 3/5, ROFR'D 3/19)
Frankiesmom----------- 150 VWL (Jun) $84, 126 '07 pts, all '08 pts, buyer pays closing and '08 mf (ROFR'D 4/24/08)
GrumpyBa*D----------- 250 VWL (Aug) $72, 72 '08 pts, all '09 pts, buyer and seller split '08 mf (sub 4/21, ROFR'D 4/29)

Cinderella1122---------- 60 AKV (???) $98


lapeter------------------ 200 BWV (Mar) $79.41, 200 banked '07 pts, 200 banked '08 pts, all '09, buyer pays closing, seller pays '08 mf (sub 9/9)
msteddom--------------- 50 BWV (Feb) $84, 38 '09 pts, all '010 pts, buyer pays closing, buyer and seller split '09 mf (sub 9/16)
TLSnell1981------------ 150 BWV (Aug) $81 all '08 and '09 pts, buyer pays closing, seller pays MF
BLLB-------------------- 200 BWV (Feb) $77, no '08 pts, 154 '09 pts, buyer pays closing costs and prorated 2009 MF (sub 9/15)


WAITING - OKW - original (2042):
skatermom----------- 30 OKW (Aug) $78, 30 holding '08 pts, (sub 9/15)

WAITING - OKW - extended (2057):

Michelle2-------------- 300 SSR (Dec) $80, all '07, '08 and '09 pts, buyer pays closing and '08 mf (sub 5/7) non-member, TSS
sandy0904-------------200 SSR (Sep) $78, 185 banked '07 pts, all '08 & '09 pts, buyer pays closing, buyer & seller split '08 mf (sub 9/2)
mom of princessx2------ 150 SSR (Oct) $73, no '07 or '08 pts, all '09 pts, buyer pays closing, seller pays '08 mf - non-member


I just found out today my contract was sold {Hilton Head}. I am sending the signed papers back then we have to wait on Disney.
I have been reading this post for a couple months now and it has been so helpful. I have finally put in an offer for SSR.
175 pts (dec use year) all 08 and 09 pts available. seller will pay closing costs and 08maintenence fees.
wish me luck.:goodvibes
antree, good luck selling your contract! pixiedust:

mickeys girl 52, good luck with your contract! pixiedust:

OKW potential owners, when you post your contract details, can you also please include whether it is an extended contract or not?:thumbsup2
Also I added a second OKW subcategory so that we can track the extended contracts separately from the non-extended ones.

Everyone, I am shortening up the long entry lists to remove the posts from last October and prior. Here is a link the the last post before I shortened the list. ROFR List prior to shortening

'08 postings that have either passed ROFR or had ROFR exercised: I changed the text to navy for all the entries from this year to make it easier to look at current data.

Gary K. D.------------- 150 AKV (Feb) $92, 105 banked '07 pts, all '08 pts, buyer pays closing, seller pays '07 mf (passed 11/1)
hss------------------- 100 AKV (???) $89, 42 '08 pts
dheinle---------------- 50 AKV (Feb) $104, no '08 pts, (passed 1/24)
kato0627 (seller)------ 50 AKV (Feb) $104, no '08 pts (passed 1/24)
Beavertails Queen----- 50 AKV (Aug) $104, all '08 pts, buyer pays closing & mf (sub 2/19, passed 3/5)
luvavacation---------- 50 AKV (Apr) $100, no '08 pts (sub 3/10, passed 3/25)
BigEeyore------------ 200 AKV (Jun) $95, all '07 pts, all '08 pts (sub 4/26, passed 5/13)
lam------------------ 135 AKV (Sep) $90, all '07 pts, all '08 pts (sub about 4/27, passed 5/14) dvc by resale
disneylaurie---------- 135 AKV (Sep) $90, all '07 pts, all '08 pts, buyer pays closing and '08 mf (passed 5/22)
horselover----------- 100 AKV (Feb) $95, all '08 pts (sub 5/8, passed 5/22) TSS
Nigel8600------------ 160 AKV (Apr) $81.25, 160 banked '07 pts, seller pays closing and mf (sub 5/9, passed 5/30) GMAC
SandrainNC---------- 160 AKV (Aug) $85, buyer pays closing, buyer and seller split '08 mf (passed 8/11)
jake&samsmom------- 150 AKV (Mar) $90, no '08 pts, all '09 pts (sub 8/16, passed 8/27)
kristenrice----------- 100 AKV (Feb) $92, all '08 pts, buyer pays closing and '08 mf (sub 8/22, passed 8/30) non-member, TTS
LauraLap-------------- 210 AKV (Aug) $88, all '08 and '09 pts, seller pays '08 mf (passed 9/11) TSS

DVC Mater------------- 200 BCV (Oct) $90, 200 banked '06 pts, all '07 pts, seller pays '07 mf and admin fee, buyer pays closing (sub 10/24 passed 11/2) - non member
TreesyB---------------- 52 BCV (Nov) $93, 6 banked '06 pts, buyer pays closing, seller pays '07 mf, buyer pays '08 mf (sub 11/19, passed 11/27)
bblanch---------------- 150 BCV (Dec) $88, 146 '07 pts, all '08 pts, buyer pays closing, seller pays '07 mf (passed 12/10)
Swan------------------ 170 BCV (Mar) $89, 40 banked '06 pts, all '07 pts, all '08 pts (sub 12/11, passed 12/30)
jbhaupt---------------- 100 BCV (Aug) $92, all '08 pts (sub 12/28, passed 1/14/08) - members
db1279---------------- 100 BCV (Dec) $92, 44 banked '06 pts, all '07 pts, buyer pays closing and '08 mf (sub 2/14, passed 3/3)
dweibel--------------- 200 BCV (Feb) $86, 56 '08 pts (sub 2/12, passed 3/1)
forceword------------ 150 BCV (Apr) $84, 150 '08 pts, buyer pays closing (passed 2/4)
mommacat56--------- 150 BCV (Feb) $85, no '08 pts, buyer & seller split closing, seller pays '08 mf (passed 3/3)
dvcwannabetoo------- 55 BCV (???) $85, 39 banked pts, buyer pays closing (sub 2/20, passed 3/10)
Joetanya------------- 150 BCV (Jun) $92, all '08 pts, buyer pays closing and '08 mf (sub 2/25, passed 3/11)
jamstew------------- 100 BCV (Dec) $94, all '07 & '08 pts, buyer pays closing & '08 mf (sub 2/25, passed 3/11)
dudleydog------------- 100 BCV (Dec) $86, buyer pays closing and mf (sub mid Feb, passed 3/14)
WelcomeHome--------- 200 BCV (Feb) $87, 8 '08 pts, buyer pays closing and '08 mf (passed 3/18)
mmuskie------------- 280 BCV (Oct) $90, 280-'08 pts. & 280-'09 pts., buyer pays closing, buyer pays '08 mf (sub 3/10 passed 3/25)
SpaceshipEarth------ 100 BCV (Apr) $92, 50 banked '07 pts, all '08 pts, buyer pays closing and '08 mf (sub 3/18, passed 3/27)
tink'smom2B--------- 150 BCV (Dec) $86, 34 '07 pts, all '08 pts, buyer pays closing and mf (sub 3/6, passed 3/26) - members
BigDogMom7--------- 180 BCV (Apr) $91, 122 '08 pts, buyer pays closing and '08 mf (sub 3/24, passed 4/4)
djwood24------------ 150 BCV $89 (passed 4/4)
Princess Amy Lyn----- 270 BCV (Mar) $84, all '08 pts (sub 3/28, passed 4/8) GMAC
LadyKay------------- 200 BCV (Dec) $92 (sub 3/28, passed 4/8)
crazydisneyman------ 150 BCV (Apr) $??, all '08 pts (passed 4/8)
karebear06---------- 210 BCV (Apr) $90, all '08 pts (sub 4/1, passed 4/14)
liam1957------------- ?? BCV (???) $88 (passed 4/22)
mmcguire------------ 210 BCV (Feb) $90, 114 '08 pts, all '09 pts (sub about 4/11, passed 4/25) - non-members
mattfusf------------- 125 BCV (Sep) $?? (passed 5/9) TSS
sjarrell--------------- 150 BCV (Dec) $85 (passed 5/19)
Hunnypaw----------- 75 BCV (Dec) $95, 14 '07 pts, 12 '08 pts, all '09 pts, seller pays closing
tikitwinsdad---------- 125 BCV (Dec) $96, 133 pts in '08 (sub 5/9, passed 5/22)
maggiet-------------- 210 BCV (Oct) $89, 224 pts '08, buyer pays closing, buyer & seller split '08 mf (passed 6/6)
nobodies36------------ 220 BCV (Mar) $86, 93 '08 pts, buyer pays closing and '08 mf (sub 5/30, passed 6/13)
jasonp5 (seller)-------- 150 BCV (Feb) $90, 28 '08 pts, all '09 pts, buyer pays closing, buyer and seller split '08 mf (passed 6/18)
chicagodisfan---------- 150 BCV (Oct) $86, no '08 or '09 pts, buyer pays closing, seller pays '08 and '09 mf (sub 6/13, passed 6/27) non-member, TTS
dsnyl4nd--------------- 160 BCV (Oct) $87, 51 '08 pts, all '09 pts, seller pays '08 mf (sub 7/1, passed 7/11)
lovepooh---------- 300 BCV (Dec) $93, 7 '07 pts, all '08 pts, buyer pays closing and '08 mf (sub 7/14, passed 7/18) non-member
DVCERSINCEDAY1-- 230 BCV (Dec) $89, 61 banked '07 pts, all '08 pts, buyer pays closing and '08 mf (passed 7/08)
mgilmer--------------- 30 BCV (Apr) $89, 7 banked '08 pts, all '09 pts (sub 7/22) GMAC
littleducksmom-------- 150 BCV (Dec) $88, 16 banked '07 pts, all '08 and '09 pts (sub 7/30, passed 8/11)
Minnie824------------ 175 BCV (Dec) $90, 75 points on hold, no '08 pts, all '09 pts, seller pays '08 mf (sub 8/7, passed 8/14)
baj0505-------------- 210 BCV (Feb) $84, 185 banked '08 pts, 203 '09 pts, 153 pts in reservation status, buyer pays 1/2 mf for 08, split closing, (sub 8/10, passed 8/25) - non member
lingber--------------- 200 BCV (Sep) $89, 85 banked '07 pts, all '08 & '09 pts, buyer and seller split '08 mf (sub 8/18, passed 9/1)
bgnwthamse--------- 150 BCV (???) $90 (passed 9/6) TTS
Rileygirl----------------- 270 BCV (Sep) $89, 196 banked '07 pts, all '08 and '09 pts, buyer pays closing, buyer & seller split '08 mf (passed 9/16) non-members

Humphrey53209---- 210 BWV (Oct) $83, 45 banked '06 pts, 44 '07 pts,210 10/08 pts, buyer pays closing and '08 MF (sub 11/9/07, pass 11/15/07) - non-member
theSurlyMermaid---- 250 BWV (Dec) $80, 28 '07 pts, all '08 pts (passed 1/3/08)
MickeyBabe--------- 95 BWV (Mar) $84, 96 banked '06 pts, 45 '07 pts, 50 banked '07 pts, all '08 pts, buyer pays closing (sub 12/10, passed 12/18)
Stitch 03------------ ?? BWV (???) $84 (sub 12/26, passed 1/14/08)
greengiant---------- 170 BWV (Dec) $81, 67 banked '06 pts, 134 banked '07 pts (passed 1/14/08)
Boardwalk Gal (seller)-- 50 BWV (Sep) $87, all '08 pts (passed 12/07)
TifffanyD------------- 100 BWV (Oct) $86, all '08 pts, buyer pays closing, buyer pays '08 mf (sub 2/4/08, passed 2/15), TTS
mommytomy3--------- 150 BWV (Dec) $83, 16 banked '06 pts, all '07 pts, all '08 pts, buyer pays '08 mf (sub 1/28, passed 2/15) - Member
Magicdad------------- 150 BWV (Dec) $80, 75 '06 pts, all '07 pts, buyer pays closing, buyer pays '08 mf (passed 2/25)
epcotwanderer------- 150 BWV (Apr) $80, all '08 pts, buyer pays closing and '08 mf (sub 1/24, passed 2/26)
tammymacb---------- 100 BWV (Jun) $82, 61 '08 pts, all '09 pts (sub 2/18/08, passed 3/5)
tink6137130---------- 100 BWV (Oct) $85, 100 banked '07 pts, all '08 pts, buyer pays closing and '08 mf (sub 2/21, passed 3/10) - non-member
HolidayRoad---------- 150 BWV (Feb) $80, all '08 pts, buyer pays closing and '08 mf (sub 2/26, passed 3/14)
dizney4us------------ 150 BWV (Oct) $85, 139 '07 pts, all '08 pts, buyer pays closing and mf (sub 3/3, passed 3/17) - members
GoofyDad13---------- 100 BWV (Aug) $83, 100 banked '07 pts, all '08 pts, buyer pays closing and '08 mf (sub 3/14, passed 3/25)
NJ Devils Fan---------- 100 BWV (???) $82, buyer pays closing and '08 mf (sub 3/10, passed 3/25)
miksilver--------------- 150 BWV (Apr) $??. 102 banked '07 pts, all '08 pts (sub 3/18, passed 3/25)
mommacat56---------- 170 BWV (Feb) $80, 2 banked '07 pts, all '08 pts, buyer & seller split closing, buyer pays '08 mf (sub 3/12, passed 3/25) - member
barney44------------- 200 BWV (Apr) $80, 10 banked '07 pts, all '08 pts (sub 3/24, passed 4/4)
dmadden------------- 200 BWV (Oct) $80, 6 banked '07 pts, all 08 pts, buyer pays closing and '08 mf (sub 3/24, passed 4/7)
Cherta--------------- 150 BWV (Aug) $84, 80 '08 pts, all '09 pts (sub 4/3, passed 4/14)
darlinboy------------- 150 BWV (Aug) $83, 104 '07 pts, all '08 pts, buyer pays closing, buy & seller split '08 mf (sub 4/2, passed 4/14)
tammymacb---------- 50 BWV (Jun) $87, 50 banked '07 pts, all '08 pts, buyer pays '08 mf (sub 4/7, passed 4/22)
hjic15102------------ 250 BWV (Sep) $82, 199 banked '07 pts, all '08 pts, buyer pays closing, seller pays admin fee (sub 4/11 passed 4/21)
Kimmy--------------- 100 BWV (Oct) $85, 100 banked '07 pts, all '08 pts (passed approx 5/7) GMAC
LadyKay------------- 200 BWV (???) $?? (passed 5/7) TTS
joyzilli--------------- 75 BWV (Sep) $86, 75 banked '07 pts, all '08 pts, buyer pays closing and '08 mf (sub 4/22, passed 5/10) - non-member
winjos (seller)------- 200 BWV (Sep) $79, 14 banked '07 pts, 101 '08 pts, all '09 pts, buyer pays closing, buyer and seller split '08 mf (sub 4/23, passed 5/13)
Mulan2------------- 200 BWV (Jun) $80, 178 '08 pts, all '09 pts, buyer pays closing, buyer & seller split '08 mf (sub 4/28, passed 5/13) TSS
WDWorld2003 (seller) -- 60 BWV (Mar) $89, all '08 & '09 pts, buyer pays closing and '08 mf (passed 5/19)
Welsh *Disney* Girlz-- 200 BWV (Dec) $87, all banked '06 pts, all '07 pts, all '08 pts (passed 5/20)
cdnsluvdisney--------- 150 BWV (Sep) $82, 17 '07 pts, all '08 pts, buyer & seller split '08 mf (sub 5/6, passed 5/20) member, **********.com
dpware--------------- 25 BWV (Oct) $87, 19 '07 pts, all '08 pts, buyer pays closing (sub 5/13, passed 5/22) TSS
40-Something Kid----- 300 BWV (???) $85, 527 pts currently available (passed 5/27)
EmptyNester---------- 100 BWV (Aug) $82, 31 banked '07 pts, all '08 & '09 pts, buyer & seller split closing, buyer pays '08 mf (sub 5/21, passed 6/6) members, *********.com
Weluvdisny----------- 80 BWV (Oct) $82, all '08 pts, buyer & seller split closing (sub 5/21, passed 6/13)
mjlass11-------------- 200 BWV (Sep) $82, 74 banked '08 pts, all '09 pts, buyer pays closing (sub 6/6, passed 6/16)
orangebird------------- 60 BWV (Aug) $83, 33 '08 pts, all '09 pts, buyer & seller split closing, (sub 6/12, passed 6/16)
dressthechild---------- 200 BWV (Sep) $82, all '08 pts, buyer pays closing (sub 6/9, passed 6/17)
DVCPal--------------- 25 BWV (Oct) $92, all '08 pts, buyer pays closing and '08 mf (sub 6/23, passed 7/3)
DVCPal--------------- 75 BWV (Sep) $88, no '08 pts, all '09 pts, buyer pays closing (sub 6/24, passed 7/?) TTS
MikeyNS------------- 25 BWV (Oct) $80, all '07 pts, buyer pays closing and GMAC fee (sub 6/26, passed 7/16) GMAC
Barrister--------------- 400 BWV (Dec) $76, 400 banked '07 pts, all '08 pts, buyer pays closing and '08 mf (passed 7/17)
delauzons------------- 310 BWV (Sep) $78, 179 '08 pts, all '09 pts (sub 7/9, passed 7/18) TSS
Teachckg------------- 150 BWV (Sep) $80, 120 banked '07 pts, all '08 and '09 pts, buyer and seller split '08 mf
COASTERQUEEN----------- 100 BWV (Mar) $80, no '08 pts, all '09 pts (sub 7/29, passed 8/14) member, TSS
tx2tn--------------------- 150 BWV (Dec) $83, 67 '07 pts, 83 '08 pts, all '09 pts (sub 8/14, passed 8/25)
farscape----------------- 250 BWV (Oct) $81, 250 banked '07 pts, all '08 pts, buyer pays closing and '08 mf (sub 8/14, passed 8/26)
emmalouise-------------- 200 BWV (Jun) $80, no '08 or '09 pts, all '10 pts, seller pays '08 and '09 mf (sub 8/14, passed 8/26)
Belle & Ariel-------------- 150 BWV (Aug) $82, 150 banked '07 pts, all '08 & 09 pts, buyer pays '08 mf (sub 8/18, passed 8/26)
JulieWent---------------- 150 BWV (Feb) $90, 150 banked '07 pts, 150 banked '08 pts, all '09 pts, buyer pays closing, seller pays '08 mf (sub 8/12, passed 8/26)
nluvwithmickey---------- 150 BWV (Jun) $80, 2 '08 pts, all '09 pts, buyer pays closing (sub 8/18, passed 8/30) non-member, TTS
bangzoom6877---------- 150 BWV (Apr) $81, 40 '08 pts, all '09 pts, buyer pays closing, buyer and seller split '08 mf (sub 8/26, passed 9/7)
DisneyDreamers2007----- 150 BWV (Sep) $81, 133 '07 pts, all '08 pts, buyer pays closing and '08 mf, (sub 8/19, passed 9/6) non-member, GMAC
dec5girl---------------- 200 BWV (Feb) $78, 156 banked '07 pts, 200 banked '08 pts, all '09 pts (sub 8/27, passed 9/8)
greengiant------------- 31 BWV (Dec) $84, 31 banked '07 pts, seller pays closing, buyer pays doc fees - GMAC

JudyTL -------------- 25 HHI (Feb) $72-74?, buyer pays closing, seller pays MF (sub 2/25, pass ???) – member
El&Asmom ----------- 50 HHI (Dec) $72, 50 banked in '06, all '07 coming, Buyer pays closing and '07 MF. Seller pays '06MF (passed 6/25)
lisalefebvre --------- 250 HHI (???) $69
Randinb-------------- 75 HHI (Oct) $69, 51 banked '06 pts, all '07 pts, buyer pays closing & mf (sub 8/14, passed 8/22)
77Mom--------------- xx HHI (???) $70 (passed 8/22)
goofymark----------- 200 HHI (???) $72, 200 banked pts, 200 '07 pts (passed 8/24)
tony webb/twebber55- 150 HHI (Dec) $72 (sub 11/2, passed 11/9)
mcmeekin------------- 150 HHI (Apr) $67, 150 banked '07 pts, all '08 pts (sub 1/18/08, passed 1/24) - non-member
Plantlady-------------- 30 HHI (Aug) $72, (sub 2/6, passed 2/19)
gingermouse17-------- 170 HHI (Mar) $67, buyer pays closing and mf (sub 3/10, passed 3/25) - member
Laxmom............ 50 HHI (Aug) $68, 50 banked '07 pts, all '08 pts, buyer pays all closing and '08 MF (sub 4/1, passed 4/14) - non-member, GMAC
TenThousandVolts---- 100 HHI (Jun) $67, no '07 pts, all '08 pts, seller pays closing, buyer pays '08 mf (passed 4/29) GMAC
a37027-------------- 30 HHI (Feb) $67, no '08 pts, all '09 pts, buyer pays closing, seller pays '08 mf (sub 5/13, passed 5/23) members TSS
MLC2002------------ 100 HHI (Jun) $68, 100 banked '07 pts, all '08 pts, buyer pays closing & '08 mf, seller pays GMAC fee (sub 5/21, passed 6/6) GMAC
Tricia0305----------- 150 HHI (Apr) $60, 12 pts in holding,128 '08 pts, all '09 pts, buyer pays closing, buyer & seller split '08 mf, members, TTS

PASSED - OKW - original (2042):
wdwfan0123---------- 190 OKW (Jun) $74, 156 '08 pts, all '09 pts - Non-member (passed 11/1)
Merilyn--------------- 150 OKW (???) $??, pts available (passed 11/6)
lordnamis ------------- 210 OKW (???) $77, 210 banked '06 pts, all '07 pts, buyer pays closing (passed 11/6) - non-member
lusby305-------------- 60 OKW (Feb) - Non -member
suzyqqq27------------ 40 OKW (Jun) $80, all '08 pts, buyer pays closing, seller pays '07 mf (sub 11/13, passed 11/21)
5forDiz--------------- 50 OKW (Sep) $82, all '07 pts, all '08 pts, buyer pays closing, buyer pays '08 mf (sub 12/19, passed 12/26)
nunzia---------------- 25 OKW (???) $78, (sub 11/5, passed 11/14)
Escape Artist---------- 80 OKW (Dec) $80, all '08 pts, buyer split '08 MF (sub 1/24/08, passed 2/1/08)
4boys531------------- 100 OKW (Sep) $75, all '08 pts, buyer pays closing, buyer pays '08 mf (sub 1/31/08, passed 2/19)
disneymotherof3------- 110 OKW (Jun) $80, 110 banked pts from '07, all '08 pts, buyer pays closing, buyer pays '08 mf (sub 2/13/08, passed 3/1)
snoopdoug------------- 190 OKW (Jun) $76, 106 banked '06 pts, 179 banked '07 pts, all '08 pts, buyer pays closing and '08 mf (passed 3/12)
plymouthmom---------- 100 OKW (???) $?? (passed 3/17)
bribert----------------- 150 OKW (Sep) $74, buyer pays all closing & '08 costs (sub 2/27, passed 3/17)
Tigger & Eeyore--------- 80 OKW (Jun) $79, buyer pays closing and '08 mf (sub 3/6, passed 3/20)
colonialtinker----------- 60 OKW (Oct) $84, 65 available pts (sub 3/17, passed 3/27)
clombardi--------------- 50 OKW (Jun) $80, 50 banked '07 pts, all '08 pts (sub about 3/24, passed 4/1)
colonialtinker----------- 60 OKW (Apr) $77.5, buyer pays closing, buyer & seller split '08 mf (passed 4/4)
Lew------------------- 310 OKW (Feb) $71.50, all '08 pts, all '09 pts (sub 3/26, passed 4/4)
Verandah Man--------- 50 OKW (Jun) $78, all '08 pts, buyer pays closing & '08 mf (sub 4/7, passed 4/16)
KyDVC---------------- 210 OKW (Dec) $74, all '07 pts, buyer pays closing, buyer and seller split '08 mf (passed 4/17), Resales DVC
bookwormde----------- 150 OKW (Apr) $68, 131 '08 pts, all '09 pts, buyer pays closing, buyer & seller split '08 mf (sub 4/11, passed 4/21) - non-member
Magic Fanatic---------- 250 OKW (Apr) $71, all '08 pts (sub 4/18, passed 4/25)
minikk----------------- 230 OKW (Jun) $69, 204 '08 pts, all '09 pts (sub 4/29, passed 5/10)
u2daisyblue----------- 50 OKW (Oct) $72, all '08 pts, buyer pays closing, buyer and seller split admin fee (sub 5/1, passed 5/21) GMAC
dis2cruise------------- 200 OKW (Oct) $70, 142 '07 pts, all '08 pts, buyer pays closing and '08 mf (sub 5/12, passed 5/23)
necopup--------------- 100 OKW (Mar) $72, all '08 pts, all '09 pts, buyer pays closing and '08 mf (sub 5/9, passed 6/12)
popisme--------------- 100 OKW (Feb) $77, all '08 & '09 pts, buyer pays '08 mf (sub 6/13, passed 6/27) TSS
bluedoggy------------- 25 OKW (???) $85, 25 banled '07 pts (sub 6/26, passed 7/9)
smilingmouse----------- 50 OKW (Aug) $67, buyer pays closing, seller pays '08 mf (sub 6/3, passed 7/12)
z28wiz----------------- 40 OKW (Sep) $67.5, 29 banked '07 pts, all '08 pts, buyer pays closing, seller pays '08 mf (sub 7/9, passed 7/16) GMAC
littleprissboutique------ 100 OKW (Aug) $74, 100 banked '07 pts, all '08 pts, buyer pays closing, buyer ans seller split '08 mf (sub 6/18, passed 7/17) GMAC
FoxberryJam----------- 210 OKW (Sep) $71, 3 '07 pts, all '08 pts, buyer pays closing, buyer and seller split '08 mf (sub 7/14, passed 7/17)
snackyx--------------- 150 OKW (Feb) $70, all '08 points available, buyer paid closing costs, split MF (sub 5/25, passed 6/9)
jjgraff30------------- 25 OKW (Apr) $70, no '08 pts, all '09 pts, buyer pays closing, seller pays '08 mf (sub 7/18, passed 7/28)
kellybus------------- 135 OKW (Aug) $72, all '07 & '08 pts, buyer pays closing, buyer & seller split '08 mf (sub 8/6, passed 8/11)
musical2------------ 50 OKW (Feb) $75, no '08 or '09 pts, seller pays closing and '08 & '09 mf, member
smammone----------- 150 OKW (Sep) $75, 75 banked '07 pts, all '08 pts, buyer and seller split closing, seller pays '08 mf (sub 8/19, passed 9/2)
iggypops-------------- 300 OKW (Feb) $72, 300 banked '07 pts, 300 banked '08 pts, buyer pays closing, seller pays '08 mf (sub 8/22, passed 9/2)
Lili'sMama------------ 310 OKW (???) $73, buyer pays closing and '08 mf
2disneyfanz---------- 100 OKW (Feb) $73, no '08 or '09 pts, all '10 pts, buyer pays closing, seller pays '08 and '09 mf (sub 8/14, passed 8/25) member
pickles--------------- 50 OKW (Aug) $85, all '08 pts, seller pays closing (sub 8/21, passed 9/8)
pickles--------------- 50 OKW (Dec) $84, all '08 pts, seller pays closing (sub 8/21, passed 9/8)

PASSED - OKW - extended (2057):
Postman------------- 210 OKW (Sep) $82.5, all '08 pts
mommomtoJoseph----------- 50 OKW (Jun) $92, 17 banked '08 pts, all '09 pts, buyer pays closing, seller pays '08 mf (sub 8/20, passed 9/3)

wendyinoc-------------- 65 SSR (???) $86, all '07 pts, buyer pays closing (passed 11/2)
2princess 2pirates------- 300 SSR (Jun) $80, all '06, '07 & '08 pts, buyer pays closing, buyer pays 1/2 '07 mf (sub. 10/26, passed 11/5) - non-member
coachfromme--------- 250 SSR (???) $84, 54 banked '06 pts, all '07 pts, seller pays closing (sub 10/17, passed 11/9) - non-member
DbleTheFun----------- 150 SSR (Feb) $82, 150 banked, buyer pays closing (passed 11/9) -non-member
DbleTheFun----------- 350 SSR (Feb) $81 77 banked pts, buyer pays closing (passed 11/9) -non-member
DarbysDad------------ 210 SSR (Sep) $85, 89 banked '06 pts, all '07 pts (sub approx 11/1 passed 11/13)
OPTAX---------------- 240 SSR (Jun) $79, 196 '07 pts, all '08 pts (passed 11/15)
PSC------------------ 75 SSR (Aug) $85, 0 '07 points, all '08 points, buyer pays closing & 08 maint (sub 11/5, passed 11/15) - member
chemie15------------- 200 SSR (Mar) $80, 34 banked '06 pts, 200 banked '07 pts, all '08 pts, seller pays closing & GMAC costs (passed 11/16)
dopeygirl76----------- 225 SSR (Feb) $85 225 banked '07 pts (sub 12/3, passed 12/12)
maxtomsmom---------- 160 SSR (Aug) $79, 25 banked '06 pts, 83 '07 pts, 72 borrowed '08 pts, 88 '08 pts (passed 12/21) - non-members
jen2be2--------------- 300 SSR (Aug) $83, 154 '06 pts, all (?) '07 pts, all '08 pts (sub 12/18, passed 12/26)
scotttrippett---------- 50 SSR (Feb) $85, buyer pays closing (sub 12/20, passed 1/3/08)
momhmmx2----------- 200 SSR (Feb) $83, 200 banked '07 pts, all '08 pts (sub 1/7/08, passed 1/15)
michamato------------ 50 SSR (Feb) $82, 44 banked '07 pts, all '08 pts, seller pays closing, buyer pays admin fee (sub 1/4/08, passed 1/14) - members
Boardwalk Gal (seller) -- 120 SSR (Sep) $83, all '08 pts (passed 12/07)
Boardwalk Gal (seller) -- 120 SSR (Sep) $83, all '08 pts (passed 12/07)
Disneypirate85--------- 160 SSR (Dec) $84, 40 banked '06 pts, all '07 pts, buyer pays closing (passed 2/1/08)
Vickibean-------------- 150 SSR (Apr) $78, 46 '07 pts, 144 '08 pts (sub 2/6, passed 2/25)
babiektcher------------ 150 SSR (Apr) $83, 186 '08 pts (sub 2/21, passed 3/7)
minniekissedme--------- 350 SSR (Jun) $78, 342 banked '07 pts, all '08 pts, buyer pays closing and '08 mf (sub 2/27, passed 3/17) DVC by Resale
littleducksmom---------- 180 SSR (Dec) $83, 114 banked '06 pts, 124 '07 pts, all '08 pts (sub 2/29, passed 3/17) - non-member
kmhollis28--------------- 225 SSR (Jun) $81, 197 banked '07 pts, all '08 pts (sub 3/10, passed 3/27) non-member
gargoyle007------------- 400 SSR (Mar) $80, 600 pts currently available (sub 3/25, passed 4/4)
pb4ugo----------------- 50 SSR (Jun) $83, 18 banked '07 pts, no '08 pts, all '09 pts, buyer pays closing, seller pays '08 mf (sub 3/24, passed 4/4)
monami7--------------- 240 SSR (Jun) $80, 240 banked '06 pts, 240 banked '07 pts, all '08 pts, buyer pays closing (sub 3/13, passed 4/8)
Grandbuddy------------ 160 SSR (Dec) $79, 110 banked '06 pts, 131 '07 pts, buyer pays closing and '08 mf (sub 3/27, passed 4/9), DVC by Resale
Goofy2937-------------- 220 SSR (Feb) $82 (sub 3/10, passed 4/17)
christmas--------------- 100 SSR (???) $??, all '07 & '08 pts (passed 4/21)
brownaar--------------- 250 SSR (Oct) $78, 57 banked '07 pts, all '08 pts, buyer pays closing and '08 mf (sub about 4/23, passed 4/29) TSS
nickspace-------------- ?? SSR (???) $78, all '08 pts, all '09 pts, no closing costs
M-I-C-K-E-Y------------ 150 SSR (Feb) $78, all '08 pts (sub approx 4/25, passed 5/10) TTS
mickeyfan0805---------- 120 SSR (Aug) $82, 120 banked '07 pts, all '08 pts, buyer pays closing and '08 mf (sub 4/22, passed 5/10) - non-members, TTS
mickeywho?-------------- 50 SSR (Dec) $86.5, all '07 pts, all '08 pts, buyer pays closing (sub 4/22, passed 5/13) - members
gk90------------------ 50 SSR (Feb) $84, 2 '07 pts, all '08 pts, buyer pays closing (sub 4/18, passed 5/14) GMAC/**********.com
fers31----------------- 250 SSR (Sep) $81, 192 banked '07 pts, seller pays closing (sub 4/24, passed 5/15) GMAC
nickspace-------------- 160 SSR (???) $78, all '08 and '09 pts, seller pays closing
efinn88858------------ 250 SSR (Jun) $78, 190 '08 pts, all '09 pts (sub 5/2, passed 5/19) TTS
SWB------------------ 74 SSR (Feb) $81, all 08 & 09 pts, buyer pays closing & '08 mf (sub 5/8, passed 5/23), non-member, GMAC
perpetualplanner------- 160 SSR (Feb) $80, 64 banked '07 pts, buyer pays closing and '08 mf (passed 5/28)
corky441-------------- 175 SSR (Aug) $78, 127 '08 pts (sub 5/19, passed 6/6) TSS
yoshimitsus------------- 170 SSR (???) $79, 14 current year points, all '09 (?) pts (sub 5/`9, passed 6/6)
secretprincess---------- 150 SSR (???) $78.5, 14 banked '07 pts, all '08 pts(sub 5/19, passed 6/6) non-member, TSS
Grandbuddy----------- 170 SSR (Dec) $78, 42 banked '06 pts, 170 banked '08 pts, all '08 pts, buyer pays closing and GMAC fee, (sub 6/2, passed 6/13) member, GMAC
ACDSNY (seller)--NikiM20 (buyer)-- 60 SSR (Feb) $86, all '09 pts, buyer pays closing, seller pays '08 mf (sub 6/11, passed 6/16) TSS
Safari Queen (seller)-- 165 SSR (Aug) $81, 28 banked '07 pts, all '08 pts, buyer pays closing, buyer and seller split '08 MF (passed about 6/16/08)
DrAndrea------------- 60 SSR (Feb) $75, no '08 and '09 pts (passed 6/30)
trasor---------------- 300 SSR (Dec) $77, all '07 and '08 pts, buyer pays closing and '08 mf (passed 7/3)
Ricky P---------------- 120 SSR (Sep) $??, all '08 & '09 pts (passed 7/14) - non-member
Oswald the Rabbit------220 SSR (???) $73, 110 banked '07 pts, all '08 pts, buyer pays closing, buyer and seller split '08 mf (passed 7/16) - non-member, ATSB
minnieluvzmickey------ 100 SSR (???) $84, 100 banked '07 pts, 56 '08 pts (sub 7/7, passed 7/17)
lugnut33-------------- 120 SSR (Jun) $80, buyer pays closing, seller pays '08 mf (sub 7/14, passed 7/17) **********
TOM574-------------- ??? SSR (???) $75 (passed 7/08)
Tramp&TheLady------ 120 SSR (Feb) $80, no '08 pts, all '09 pts (passed 7/24) non-members
disney aviator------- 250 SSR (Feb) $82, 250 banked '07 pts, 133 banked '08 pts, 266 '09 pts (passed 7/24) non-member
njsquirrel------------ 175 SSR (Dec) $75, all '08 pts, 108 borrowed '09 pts, 64 '09 pts, seller pays closing (passed 7/25) non-member
snichols1219-------- 200 SSR (Dec) $75, 243 pts in hold, 102 banked '07 pts, all '08 pts, buyer pays closing and '08 mf (passed 7/24) non-members
Rose&Mike--------- 100 SSR (Dec) $79, 87 '08 pts, all '09 pts, buyer pays closing and '08 mf (sub 7/19, passed 7/24) non-members
my3weasels-------- 100 SSR (Feb) $76, 100 banked '07 pts, 100 banked '08 pts, buyer pays closing (passed 7/24)
Mouse511---------- 150 SSR (Oct) $74, 19 banked '07 pts, all '08 pts, buyer pays closing and '08 mf (sub 7/31, passed 8/9) non-members,TSS
dgb---------------- 100 SSR (Dec) $79, no '08 pts, all '09 pts, buyer pays closing (passed 8/9) TSS, non-member
Jones611------------- 120 SSR (Mar) $73, no '08 pr '09 pts, buyers pay closing, (sub 8/5, passed 8/9) non-members
BankBunny------------ 28 SSR (Feb) $80, no '08 or '09 pts (sub 8/4, passed 8/9) member, TTS
jrsmom---------------- 120 SSR (Aug) $80, all '08 and '09 pts (sub 8/9, passed 8/14)
Ford66---------------- 100 SSR (???) $84, 200 pts in '08 (sub 8/8, passed 8/14)
missy2217------------- 300 SSR (Apr) $78, all '08 and '09 pts, buyer pays closing, buyer and seller split '08 mf (passed 8/25)
mattina621------------ 150 SSR (Oct) $72, no '08 pts, all '09 pts, seller pays '08 mf (passed 9/2) non-member
camack7827----------- 240 SSR (Aug) $77.5, all '08 and '09 pts, buyer pays closing, seller pays '08 mf (sub 8/26, passed 9/6)
ryan840--------------- 25 SSR (Dec) $85
moonlightgraham22---- 160 SSR (Feb) $76, 208 Hold Status pts expire Feb. '09, 17 '08 pts, buyer pays closing, seller pays '08 MF (sub 9/10, passed 9/16)
sandy0904------------ 200 SSR (Sep) $78, 185 banked '07 pts, all '08 & '09 pts, buyer pays closing, buyer & seller split '08 mf (sub 9/2, passed 9/16)

mattnday ------------ 240 VB (Sep) $55, all '07 pts coming, buyer/seller split closing & buyer pays '07 MFs (sub 12/29, pass 4/9)- member (note for researchers: atypical contract and terms – see posts)
curtlorij -------------- 50 VB (???) $71, all '08 pts coming (sub 5/10, pass 5/21)
dis@dills-------------- 50 VB (Feb) $65, 50 banked '06 pts, All '07 pts, seller pays MF on '06 and '07 pts, buyer pays closing (sub 6/18, passed 6/28) non-member
BWV Dreamin---------- 50 VB (Jun) $65, 50 banked '06 pts, all '07 pts, seller pays closing & GMAC fee, buyer pays '07 mf (sub 7/12, passed 8/1)
mdorgan-------------- 75 VB (Sep) $70, 48 '07 pts (passed 11/2)
Buckmaster---------- 70 VB (Dec) $63, 12 '07 pts, all '08 pts, buyer pays closing and MF (sub 3/5, passed 3/17)
Buckeye Fan-------- 150 VB (Dec) $60, seller pays closing and GMAC fee, buyer pays '08 mf (sub 3/13, passed 3/27)
jesschris------------ 50 VB (Oct) $62, all '08 pts, all '09 pts (sub 3/14, passed 3/25)
Doris1962----------- 60 VB (Jun) $55, all '08 & '09 pts, seller pays closing and GMAC fees (sub mid May, passed 6/13) GMAC
dvcnewgirl---------- 50 VB (Aug) $57.4, no '08 pts, all '09 pts, seller pays closing and GMAC fee (passed 6/13) member, GMAC
bbowers------------ 60 VB (Feb) $55, no '08 or '09 pts, seller pays '09 mf (sub 6/14, passed 6/30)
Cerigirl-------------- 75 VB (Dec) $60, 30 '08 pts, all '09 pts (sub 6/27, passed 7/7) TSS

gblast123--------------- 210 VWL (Aug) $84, all '06 pts, all '07 pts, seller pays closing, seller pays '07 mf (passed 11/15)
jamstew/Cinderella(seller)- 150 VWL (Aug) $78, buyer pays MF on 66 '07 points and closing costs (Sub 10/29, passed 11/21) - non-member
CarolynMink-------------- 60 VWL (???) $85 (passed 12/26) - member
mickeymorse------------- 175 VWL (Jun) $80, 95 banked '07 pts (sub 1/2/08, passed 1/10/08)
Judy WI(seller)----------- 62 VWL (Dec) $83.87 (sub 1/9/2008, passed 1/16/08)
sischo4jpja--------------- 200 VWL (???) $84, 175 banked '06 pts, 200 '07 pts, buyer pays closing (passed 1/16/08) - Member
Boardwalk Gal (seller)---- 130 VWL (Sep) $86, all '08 pts
Boardwalk Gal (seller)---- 30 VWL (Sep) $83, all '08 pts
Boardwalk Gal (seller)---- 50 VWL (Sep) $86, all '08 pts
snowbunny-------------- 28 VWL (Oct) $86, 25 '08 pts, buyer pays closing, buyer pays '08 MF on 25 pts (sub 1/31, passed 2/19)
been2marceline(seller)--- 250 VWL (Sep) $78, all '07 & '08 pts, buyer pays closing (sub 2/1, passed 2/20)
weich1001--------------- 200 VWL (Sep) $82, 200 banked '07 pts (passed 2/27)
wink13------------------- 25 VWL (Aug) $85, 25 ’08pts, 25 ’09 pts, Buyer pays closing. (sub 2/29, pass 3/17) – member
Rambler5678-------------- 50 VWL (Dec) $90, buyer pays closing (sub 3/3, passed 3/17)
Chickkypoo--------------- 210 VWL (Jun) $84, 196 banked '07 pts, all '08 pts (sub 3/5, passed 3/19)
KAT4DISNEY-------------- 200 VWL (Oct) $82, 197 '07 pts, all '08 pts (sub 3/24, passed 4/1)
WLodgeLizard------------- 100 VWL (Oct) $85, 44 banked '07 pts, all '08 pts, buyer pays closing and MF (passed 4/8)
fourkidsphoto------------- 240 VWL (Jun) $80, all '06 pts, all '07 pts, all '08 pts, buyer pays closing and mf (sub about 3/18, passed 4/4)
GrumpyBa*D------------- 200 VWL (Aug) $85, 113 banked '07 pts, all '08 pts (sub 5/2, passed 5/14)
tikitwinsdad-------------- 220 VWL (Oct) $81, (sub 5/5, passed 5/19) - non-members, TTS
jdb1232------------------ 170 VWL (???) $80, 66 banked '07 pts (passed 6/5)
shortypots--------------- 150 VWL (Aug) $80, all '08 pts, seller pays closing, buyer pays '08 mf (sub 5/30, passed 6/11) members, TSS
tww369------------------ 50 VWL (Aug) $86, 15 banked '07 pts, 11 '08 pts, all '09 pts (passed 6/17)
DVCERSINCEDAY1-------- 330 VWL (Dec) $75, all '08 & '09 pts, buyer pays closing and '08 mf (sub 6/20, passed 7/7)
DisneyOrBust2006-------- 200 VWL (Dec) $78, 200 banked '06 pts, all '07 & '08 pts, buyer pays closing and '08 mf (sub 7/2, passed 7/11) member, TTS
NicksTgrMom------------ 50 VWL (Oct) $83, no '08 pts, seller pays '08 mf, (sub 8/5, passed 8/9) TSS
Lisa F (seller)------------ 50 VWL (Dec) $87, all '08 pts, buyer pays closing and '08 mf (sub 7/31, passed 8/9) TSS
krybandt---------------- 150 VWL (Sep) $80, all '08 and '09 pts, buyer pays closing and '08 mf (sub 8/6, passed 8/14)
minnie6895-------------- 200 VWL (Feb) $78, 130 '08 pts, all '09 pts (passed 8/25)
JoJostar----------------- 202 VWL (???) $84, all '08 & '09 pts, buyer pays '08 mf (passed 8/30)
wdfan1977--------------- ?? VWL (???) $??
jgehan------------------ 350 VWL (Oct) $80, 350 banked '07 pts, all '08 pts, buyer pays closing, seller pays '08 mf (sub 8/23, passed 9/2) non-member, TSS

PASSED - Resort Unkonwn:
tgropp -------------- 100 ??? (???) $85, 96 '07 pts (sub ?/?, passed 5/17)


spsmyk------------- 130 BCV (Apr) $85, no '07 pts, buyer pays closing (updated 6/25, ROFR'D 7/3/07)
forceword----------- 170 BCV (Feb) $83, no '08 or '09 pts, buyer pays closing, seller pays '08 and '09 mf (sub 7/25, ROFR'D 8/4/08)

mla973 -------------- 50 BWV (Apr) $80, no ‘06 pts & all ‘07 pts, buyer pays closing (sub 3/12, ROFR 3/22) – non-member
MJToast ------------- 200 BWV (Feb) $75, No pts until ‘09, buyer pays closing costs, seller pays ‘08 MF (sub 3/30, ROFR 4/11) - non-member
grumpynomore-------- 170 BWV (???) $82, buyer & seller split closing (ROFR 7/20)
mommacat56--------- 180 BWV (Feb) $79, no '08 pts, buyer & seller split closing, seller pays '08 mf (ROFR 2008)
dressthechild--------- 225 BWV (Jun) $79, no '08 pts, all '09 pts (sub 5/26, ROFR 6/4/08)
DVCERSINCEDAY1----- 210 BWV (Jun) $77, 33 banked '07 pts, all '08 pts, buyer pays closing, seller pays '08 mf (ROFR 6/30/08)
DVCERSINCEDAY1----- 330 BWV (Dec) $78, all '08 pts, buyer pays closing and '08 mf (ROFR 7/08)
tx2tn--------------------- 150 BWV (Oct) $78, no '08 pts, all '09 pts (sub 8/5, ROFR 8/8)
lapeter------------------- 150 BWV (Dec) $76.67, 107 banked points?, 150 banked '07 pts, all '08 pts (ROFR 9/3/08)

lmb -------------- 150 HHI (???) $66, 30 ’07 pts, buyer pays closing and prorated ’07 MF (sub ???, ROFR 3/01?) – assumed non-member
WalterS (seller) --- 200 HHI (Apr) $68
lisalefebvre ------- 250 HHI (???) $66
Tamar (seller)----- 150 HHI (Dec) $67, 27 '07 pts, all '08 pts, buyer pays closing, seller pays '07 mf (ROFR 9/20)

ROFR'D - OKW - original (2042):
Michael623------------- 160 OKW (Feb) $70, 20 '08 pts, all 08 pts, buyer pays closing, buyer pays '08 mf for 20 pts (sub 8/16, ROFR 8/29)
FoxberryJam------------ 230 OKW (Sep) $65, no '07 pts, 31 '08 pts, all '09 pts, buyer pays closing, seller pays '08 mf (sub 7/1/08 ROFR 7/12/08) - non-member

ROFR'D - OKW - extended (2057):

billyb1 (seller) ----- 210 SSR (Jun) $82, 202 '07points, 59 '06 banked, Buyer paid prorated MF for 07 points (202/210) (sub 2/28,ROFR 3/8)
mikeandkarla ------ 160 SSR (Dec) $82, 45 ‘05 pts banked, 160 ‘06 pts & 160 ‘07 pts, buyer pays closing & ’07 MF (sub 3/10, ROFR 3/22) – member
DisDreamerKJ ------ 150 SSR (Dec) $82, 150 ’06 pts & 150 ’07 pts, buyer pays closing and ’07 MF (sub 3/13, ROFR 3/22) non-member
Amy5000 ---------- 100 SSR (Feb) $82, no pts until ’08, buyer pays closing and ’08 MF (sub 3/23, ROFR 4/3) – non-member
Coach81 ----------- 150 SSR (Feb) $80, six ‘07 pts & all ’08 pts, buyer pays closing & MF on remaining '06 points (6pts), seller to pay rest (sub 3/23, ROFR 4/4) - non-member
Crazed Pluto ------- 150 SSR (Aug) $83, 47 '06 pts, 185 '07 pts, buyer plays closing fees, seller pays '07 dues - non-member
VTNuke------------- 120 SSR (Feb) $79, 0 '07 pts, all '08 pts, buyer pays closing, seller pays '07 MF (sub 6/16)
dbprimeaux--------- 260 SSR (Feb) $81
MEK---------------- 200 SSR (Mar) $80, all '08 pts, seller pays '07 mf (sub 9/8) - Non-member (ROFR 9/21)
kkmauch (seller)---- 150 SSR (Jun) $77, 24 '08 pts, buyer pays closing (ROFR 4/24/08)

DisneyDriver------- 50 VB (Apr) $65, all '08 and '09 pts - TTS

WDWguruDH (seller) --- 150 VWL (Sep) $82, 104 banked ’07 & all ’08 pts, buyer pays closing and ’07 MF (sub ???, ROFR 3/23) – member
soonertxmickey-------- 240 VWL (Apr) $78, no '07 pts, all '08 pts, seller pays closing
Maistre Gracey (seller) - 450 VWL (Sep) $75, 410 '07 pts, buyer pays closing, buyer pays mf on 410 '07 pts
luvindisneyworld(seller) - 140 VWL (Apr) $75 (sub 3/5, ROFR'D 3/19)
Frankiesmom----------- 150 VWL (Jun) $84, 126 '07 pts, all '08 pts, buyer pays closing and '08 mf (ROFR'D 4/24/08)
GrumpyBa*D----------- 250 VWL (Aug) $72, 72 '08 pts, all '09 pts, buyer and seller split '08 mf (sub 4/21, ROFR'D 4/29)

Cinderella1122---------- 60 AKV (???) $98


lapeter------------------ 200 BWV (Mar) $79.41, 200 banked '07 pts, 200 banked '08 pts, all '09, buyer pays closing, seller pays '08 mf (sub 9/9)
msteddom--------------- 50 BWV (Feb) $84, 38 '09 pts, all '010 pts, buyer pays closing, buyer and seller split '09 mf (sub 9/16)
TLSnell1981------------ 150 BWV (Aug) $81 all '08 and '09 pts, buyer pays closing, seller pays MF
BLLB-------------------- 200 BWV (Feb) $77, no '08 pts, 154 '09 pts, buyer pays closing costs and prorated 2009 MF (sub 9/15)

antree (seller)-------- 100 HHI (Dec) $62, all '09 and '10 points

WAITING - OKW - original (2042):
skatermom----------- 30 OKW (Aug) $78, 30 holding '08 pts, (sub 9/15)

WAITING - OKW - extended (2057):

Michelle2-------------- 300 SSR (Dec) $80, all '07, '08 and '09 pts, buyer pays closing and '08 mf (sub 5/7) non-member, TSS
sandy0904-------------200 SSR (Sep) $78, 185 banked '07 pts, all '08 & '09 pts, buyer pays closing, buyer & seller split '08 mf (sub 9/2)
mom of princessx2------ 150 SSR (Oct) $73, no '07 or '08 pts, all '09 pts, buyer pays closing, seller pays '08 mf - non-member
mickeys girl 52--------- 175 SSR (Dec) $??, all '08 and '09 pts, seller pays closing and '08 mf


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