Anyone going to see "The Greatest Show on Earth" ??

Mickey's sunshine

<font color=darkgreen>Had a blast at MGM's Super S
May 23, 2000
Chrissi Pooh and myself are going to see the Ringling Bros & Barnum Baily Circus tonight. I have not seen it in probably close to 7 years. I hear that they have some new stuff so it should be cool. Not sure when/if Chrissi ever went and it will be her DD's first time going tonight.

Anyone else see the show lately?

Hope it is a good one - see you all later. Anyone want some circus peanuts? :teeth:
Being the animal advocate that I am...I usually skip the circuses. But I hope you enjoy it though! :D
We saw this a few years ago on their tour - had a great time - enjoy yourselves tonight!
We've been going the last couple of years and we really enjoy it! We like to go the hour before it starts to go down "ring-side" and meet all the clowns :)

Hope you had a great time!!


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