Anyone else NOT excited about the new navigator and chat?


DIS Veteran
Jul 17, 2008
This was the only place on the planet that I could get away from everyone in the room being on the phone and never looking or talking to each other. Now the phones have come with the app, and now with the chat feature added, no teenager will speak to their parents, just like at home and every restaraunt.

Sorry for the rant, but this is a pet peeve of mine and while I did download the app, really do not want to carry the phone around all day, and have not decided what i will do. I do like that you can see other character times if you miss one, but there could be another way to get that info to us.

Next will be full phone access and the true escape of reality will be ruined!:)

Half kidding......
Unless I'm very much mistaken, the texting feature only works for texting between others on the same ship and through the App, and doesn't enable you to text your friends, family or others not on the ship with you. In which case, I'm not worried as my children (only one of whom is apt to text, regardless, and is still young enough that she really only texts DW and me 99% of the time) can already text us at home and rarely do.

If it enables off-ship texting, I'd be excited for myself, but think it's unlikely.
We won't have to deal with that because I doubt the app is compatible with our iTouches since DH couldn't download the MDE app last week. The kids have always used the wave phones without any issues, so would continue to do that. Our cell phones have data blocked, so they wouldn't be able to use them onboard anyway.
I think it's great. The wave phones are so hard to use for anything, never hear them ring, texting on it is archaic. If you have kids or other adults in your group and you want to be able to split up but still communicate about meeting up somewhere or "hey, come check this out", regular texting in the app is a great idea. Still no outside communication but a way to not have to resort to stopping by the room every hour to check in.
I was on the Fantasy last wife with my wife and another couple, and we wished that the Navigator App had a chat feature so we didn't have to carry the wave phones to touch base with each other. You do not need the App to find the character appearances, they are listed on the paper navigators that you get each day. However, the phone app has details, such as menus, that are not on the paper app.

As to the potential problem of teenager using the phones to chat all day, as another poster pointed out, it would only be with people on the ship. But I suppose another solution would simply to take away the kids' phones while they are on the cruise if it is going to bother you that they can chat on it.
In total agreement. We have a little ceremony when we shut them all off and lock them away in the safe. We love being disconnected. I don't want that to end.
sorry, I did not mean my kid at the table, my kid does not have a phone and wont for a long time, but it is just seeing people in restaraunts with everyone sitting there texting and no one talking. I always enjoy watching families by the end of cruises, it is an interesing phenomenon, either everyone hates each other because of the togetherness, OR they realize that they actually get along and that mom and dad are not the dumbest people on the planet!

By day 2 teenagers can make a lot of friends on the Mickey Ship!!!

We may continue to be unplugged.... We will see
I haven't used the new features yet but I am looking forward to it! I carry my phone to use for pictures or whatever anyway, so being able to text from it instead of using/carrying a wave phone is a plus. I just hope the kids clubs will be able to call or send a text to a wave phone at some point, since it sounds like I would still need two devices until my 5 year old is older.
I would use it, but on our next cruise I'll be the only one with a smart phone in our party (and we're on the magic, which may or may not have it).
I don't know what the issue is? Nobody is making you use it. There will still be paper Navigators.
We won't have to deal with that because I doubt the app is compatible with our iTouches since DH couldn't download the MDE app last week. The kids have always used the wave phones without any issues, so would continue to do that. Our cell phones have data blocked, so they wouldn't be able to use them onboard anyway.

I have used the app on my iPod touch and iPads. I don't have an iPhone, so I used the touch in place of it on the ship.
I don't like the Wave phones because you have to use the number pad to text. Like, who does that anymore? Anyway, I look forward to be able to communication with my teenage daughter when she goes off with friends or on her own while on board. It's not like she's going to be able to just text with her phones at home all day. We don't use Iphones either, but our Samsungs can use the app.
I think its great for some people but not all. Yes its a different age and yes the technology is cool and all however I hated having the wave phone, because i never felt disconnected. I was always checking to see if i had a text, or a missed call and so on. The navigator app is great, I just wish that people could disconnect better when on vacation and really relax.
I think it's a cool idea and an alternative to wave phones to stay connected on the ship- this coming from a family that has no smart phones. However, I did enjoy being disconnected and would not want my kids (if they were older) sitting and chatting instead of being out and about.
I think the new feature is awesome! You can only text with other people on the ship, so why would it be a problem? Why is it any different than using the Wave phones to keep in contact with your family members? Except that it's way easier because you can use your own phone.
I'm neither excited nor not excited about the app.

We still only have a cell phone for making phone calls, when necessary, so it gets turned off and put in the safe for the duration. And we only check our e-mails every 2 or 3 days.

The issue I have with the app is where previously we were allowed to take photos in the WDT during performances as long as you didn't use the flash, with the advent of digital cameras and the video displays on them causing much irritation and distraction during performances, cameras/photos are now not allowed in the theatre.

So, now we have an app that means there are random video displays being turned on/viewed and distracting all over the ship, including during performances in the theatre.

I just don't get why it's so important that everyone have immediate contact with others in their party at all times. If you need to know what each other is doing, why not just hang with them at all times? Or just say "I'll see you after (whatever)".

My $.02 worth.
I have used the app on my iPod touch and iPads. I don't have an iPhone, so I used the touch in place of it on the ship.

It is a matter of our iTouch version not being compatible with the app and it is not possible to do the update because there is not enough room. Therefore, it isn't an option for us to be able to use either one of them.
I just don't get why it's so important that everyone have immediate contact with others in their party at all times. If you need to know what each other is doing, why not just hang with them at all times? Or just say "I'll see you after (whatever)".

My $.02 worth.

If you have children who have been given freedom onboard, it is definitely beneficial for them to be able to contact you. The kids let us know when they are leaving the club, arrive at the room, if they would like to do something other than what was discussed like get a snack on deck or go to a movie. It is part of them learning responsibility. It's no different than the wave phone that lights up when you get or send a message.


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