Any Fellow 3/9/02 Magic Cruisers?


Earning My Ears
Dec 15, 2001
Looking to hook up with fellow 3/9/02 Magic cruisers. Myself, DW and DD (almost 6) will be taking our first cruise and we are counting the days. We would love to hook up with some fellow cruisers.

Looking forward to getting to know you all!

Palm Harbor, FL:smooth:
I'm sorry....I'm getting old and senile. I meant to say DS (almost 6)...

Boy do I need this cruise!

Hi JohnF, we can't wait! DW, DD4, & I are counting down the days. We hope to meet you
DH (46), DS (11), and myself (43) will be cruising on the magic, 3/9/02. Can't wait, really looking forward to meeting everyone.
We are also on the 3/9 cruise. We have a 16 year old going with us. Anyone know how full the ship is for that date or how we can find out. This is our 3rd Disney cruise.we splurged this time and we are using our DVC points for the 3 of us.
me, dh (42), ds (9), ds (8), ds (3). we're praying the little one gets going strong on the potty training so we can have some time to ourselves.

no one has proposed any meeting time. seems past dis'ers meet after the 4:00 drill during the sail-away party on deck 10...does that work for everyone else?
That works for me! BTW, who else besides us are on the late seating? We decided that having to rush to get ready for dinner at 6 would put more pressure on us and we figured that we would rather go the shows with our DS6 before dinner so he can be awake (and not cranky...) for those. We'll just get him dinner at Topsiders beforehand, go to the show together, and then take him back to the Club for the evening activities while we go to dinner. Our DS6 isn't into sit-down dinners anyway. We'll drag him to the formal dinner (in a tux of course) for the formal family picture opportunity and that's it.

We look forward to meeting everyone!

Palm Harbor, FL
A meet during the sail away party on deck 10 sounds great to us! Hopefully, we'll see everyone there:)
A meet on deck 10 will work for us. By the way we also have late seating for dinner. Looking forward to March9...
...but we have told our older boys (who prefer to eat with the kids in the club) they only have to eat with us two nights. one will be tropical night and the other is likely to be the first night.

not sure if the 3yo will have the same opportunity to eat with kids in the club, so we may have him with us. if he can and will eat with the kids club, we'll be sitting by ourselves at our table for six as we have done so many times!
:earsgirl: We will be taking our second Magic Cruise on 3/9. This includes my dh, ds-13, dd-10, dd-3. We took our first cruise in June 2000. It was wonderful. Would love to meet others. Hope the kids can make friends early.
We will be there!!! Me, DH, DD8, DD2 turning 3 on boat, MIL, and
FIL....we are counting the days....we cant wait...
My youngest daughter will actually be 2 on the cruise. She will turn 3 the week after we return.
dd2 is being very stubborn on the whole potty training issue....
we are making progress but have a ways to go....hopefully by the time we get there that little switch will have gone off and she
will be ready for the club...

martyp....where in texas are you?
We live in Port Neches(near Beaumont).
Don't feel bad, we too are having difficulty with potty training. I guess we will get it eventually. Probably not by the cruise but one day.
I think I have been in contact with most of you...We to are on March 9..Me (of course),DH, DD(11), and DD(3). Look forward to meeting all. I do not worry about the 3 yr. old, I know she will have a blast and make friends with anyone who is breating. I hope my 11 yr old can meet up with some friends. You guys hang in there with the potty training. It is like all of a sudden a switch goes off and wham, they are trained. Thank God, I am past that..Yeah...This is my first cruise for my family ( I cruised about 20 yrs ago, does that tell my age?). We are very excited and READY!!!!:pinkbounc


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