Annual Pass rates at moderates in June?

Simba's Mom

<font color=green>everything went to "H*** in a ha
Aug 26, 1999
I've been trying to get the best rate possible at PO this June. No discounts there or anywhere else that I could find. Then it occurred to me that since I'm going again in January, I might consider buying an AP to save money. I've never bought an AP and have lots of questions. What types of AP discounts were available last June? When do the AP rates come out for this June? What is the best (that is, toll-free) # to call for AP rates? What are some of the other perks that have been offered for AP holders? How often does the Mickey Monitor come out and what's in it? I'd love any info you can give me.
I saved $30 a night at PO riverside last June. We also stayed two nights at the yacht club for about $100 off per night. Unfortunately, we are trying to go the same time this year and so far have gotten NO discounts. There are not many AP perks since the free kids meal/dessert things was discontinued. You can get 10% off at Downtown Disney still, I think. I keep trying 800 numbers that do not work -- I don't think they're staying active very long any more. I have a cell phone with free long distance, so that's how I'm calling now.


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