An "I Miss You" PTR!! Summer/Fall/Winter 2020??- 2 DAYS AWAY- Updated 8/25!


Honorary Floridian
Oct 4, 2015


You guys. It has been soooo long. Too long. I am ashamed!


I have missed the DIS so much. To my defense, I am quite a busy lady, but I guess it takes a pandemic to show you what you miss when life comes to a screeching halt! It feels so right coming back here to talk with everyone and write about my Disney adventures!

So, remember my 2017 Irma TR that I started and never finished?

Yeah, so do I. I want to finish it, I really, really do. However, I just don’t think I quite have it in me. Since I’ve been gone, some big changes have happened. One of the changes was the end of Tom and I’s 6-year relationship in October of 2019.

I have absolutely no bad things to say about Tom, or our relationship. Ultimately, we were just at two different places in our lives, and our relationship could not withstand those differences. It was a really tough few months, but I’m confident that this decision was the best thing. That being said, it feels a little strange to write about a big vacation that we took together. And I wouldn’t want my writing to be clouded by any feelings that I may have. So, unfortunately, I don’t think the TR will be finished.

But, not all changes that have happened this past year were bad! Let’s look at the great things! :)

1. I moved out of my childhood home and got my own apartment! I am actually LOVING living by myself and decorating my own place (I call it my Bachelorette pad :)) I am eternally grateful to my family for letting me stay at home after college and save up, but it feels so good to be a big kid and have my own place!

2. I became a WDW Annual Passholder! I ended up going to Disney World 4 TIMES between May of 2019 and January of 2020! On these trips, I have made the best of friends that will last a lifetime. It is truly insane how you can meet someone on the internet and become instant friends. I talk with these wonderful ladies DAILY and they have been rocks for me throughout this crazy year of changes in my life.

Trip #1 was an EPIC girl’s trip from May 1st- May 7th, 2019 (I’m sure you all read plenty of TRs about this on the DIS!). I roomed with @disneyAndi14 and @Lesley Wake and did a split stay at the Yacht Club for 4 nights and Beach Club for 2 nights. This trip was AMAZING in so many ways and I’ve tried so many things I’ve never done before:

California Grill Brunch

The Happily Ever After Dessert Party ( @chunkymonkey, @Pluto0809 )

The Hoop-Dee-Doo Musical Revue (@Elevationist, @IowaTater, @fallonkendra , @missjackiemcg , @Malia78 )

May the 4th at Disney World

And the most fun thing of all…

A VIP tour!! (@Steppesister , @paradesintherain , @Jenny Sanders , @buzzrelly )

This trip was a whirlwind of fun and friends.

Trip #2 was a girl’s trip with my Mom, my sister Haley, Haley’s mother-in-law (Ryan’s mom), Carla, and Ryan’s sister Kahla! We have been so lucky to be so close with Ryan’s family. We were in Disney from August 30th-September 5th, 2019 and stayed at Disney’s Grand Floridian Resort and Spa!

Hurricane Dorian made her way into our trip (we have terrible luck), but it actually made little impact on our trip. It was the least crowded I have EVER seen Disney (yes, even less than Irma!)

Other fun specials that we did this trip were a day at Universal Studios

The Illuminations Frozen Ever After Dessert Party

And some Disney-Bounding! (can you guess our characters? :cutie:)

Trip #3 was with my college roommate, Morgan, from December 14-18th, 2019. Morgan is one of my very best friends- she loves Disney probably just as much as me and we were SO excited for this and had this planned since the summer!

We had never been to Disney World around Christmas time, so we wanted to do EVERYTHING Christmas-related!! We stayed at Disney’s Boardwalk Inn, and got a pretty awesome “standard view”...

Some special things we did for these trip were:

The Candlelight Processional Dining Package and show starring Gary Sinise!

A monorail bar crawl

And Mickey’s Very Merry Christmas Party! (Which was an absolute wash-out, but we LOVED it! AND we got free special event tickets for another day as we exited the party! We couldn’t believe it!)

Last but not least, Trip #4 was a total last-minute, MLK weekend trip to see some lovely DIS friends! The trip was originally supposed to be January 18th-21, 2020, but I ended up tacking on a day at the start due to some bad weather expected in Milwaukee on the 18th. This was my first 100% solo trip, and I LOVED IT! My DIS friends took me in like their own family, and I’m so thankful for them. I was an absolute crazy person and did a quadruple-split stay (4 nights at 4 different resorts- it was actually way easier than I anticipated?). I stayed at, in this order, Pop Century, Disney’s Riviera Resort, Disney’s Contemporary Resort, and Disney’s Polynesian Village Resort.

Some highlights were…

Seeing my amazing friends and trying out new restaurants and foods!

Festival of the Arts

Nomad Lounge (@ArielSRL , @ariane37 , @chunkymonkey , @pepperandchips , @Jenny Sanders )

Top of the World Lounge

Getting a magical upgrade to a 1-bedroom villa at Disney’s Riviera Resort! (I sent this room tour video to a friend back home- when I first saw the room I started BAWLING)!- Click to play!

Attending my first Disney After Hours Event (using my free special event ticket that I got from MVMCP!)

Whew! So, I took 4 trips in the span of a year?! WHY am I writing a PTR?

Well, to my defense, I do not have a trip officially planned YET. I know that I will probably be back by the time 2020 comes to a close… but I’m not sure when! I have been trying to get my mom to agree to a 4th of July trip, but, that is still a long process :) I’m hoping to return possibly in the fall if that doesn’t work out?

If anything gets booked, I will for sure let you all know. I guess, what I’m trying to say is, I wanted an excuse to get back on the DIS. I missed you guys a lot. :love2:

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Wow I'm first!! I followed along on all your epic adventures and wished I could have been there!! looking forward to following your planning and eventual trip!
So nice to see you back! I miss reading your reports! Your TR’s were among the first I started reading and loved the mother/daughter ones!
It was so nice to see you in January, it sure was good we all went at that time because my spring break trip was canceled!
I hope your July 4th trip works out! We are hoping to be there in August!
So glad you like your apartment and bachelorette life, yay!
#3 #3!!
I became a WDW Annual Passholder! I ended up going to Disney World 4 TIMES between May of 2019 and January of 2020! On these trips, I have made the best of friends that will last a lifetime. It is truly insane how you can meet someone on the internet and become instant friends. I talk with these wonderful ladies DAILY and they have been rocks for me throughout this crazy year of changes in my life.
So true about meeting on the internet and becoming true and instant friends ❤
This was my first 100% solo trip, and I LOVED IT! My DIS friends took me in like their own family, and I’m so thankful for them.
I am so glad we finally go to spend time together on this trip! I know we'll do it again too in the future!
I have been trying to get my mom to agree to a 4th of July trip, but, that is still a long process :) I’m hoping to return possibly in the fall if that doesn’t work out?
Did you tell her I said this needs to happen lol?? I mean we'll be there in Sept. also so that's an option, let her know :D

I totally understand why you started this and I'm glad you did :hug: I rarely get over to the PTR board but I need more DIS time, anything Disney right now is cheering me up and that's what inspired me to start my 2nd PTR ever lol. Be well and Happy Easter my friend!
Joining in!

The planning struggle is so real right now and I can't wait until we can all get back to our happy place!
Aww Chunkybaby I miss you!!! I miss our Jan trip so much, it was so much fun and I'm so glad we got to spend so much time together!
Maybe I will start a PTR too, I haven't done one in so long, but I guess we all need something to look forward to!! :)
To my defense, I am quite a busy lady, but I guess it takes a pandemic to show you what you miss when life comes to a screeching halt!

Ugh, yes! This pandemic is really highlighting everything that I miss and just took for-granted.

I moved out of my childhood home and got my own apartment! I am actually LOVING living by myself and decorating my own place (I call it my Bachelorette pad :)) I am eternally grateful to my family for letting me stay at home after college and save up, but it feels so good to be a big kid and have my own place!

That's so exciting! Give us a home tour!

This trip was a whirlwind of fun and friends.

Miss this trip so much! What would I give to be eating an ice cream sundae on Main St after the VIP tour?

but I’m not sure when! I have been trying to get my mom to agree to a 4th of July trip,

Sounds so fun! I saw you mentioned me on FB in case your mom says no... I think my work schedule might not work for it, but if it does I would love to go!
In the meantime, I'm planning a "dream" birthday trip for next March where I stay at Animal Kingdom Lodge and maybe Polynesian. Wanna go too?!
Hi Molly!

Happy to see you back writing a (pre) trip report!

What a fun year you had! It's fun to kind of see it all at once and crazy to think that all took place in a one year span!

I hope you can make the 4th of July trip happen. We'll be there from July 2-July 10, hopefully! :love:
MOLLY!!! So great to see you back on the DIS!!! ❤
I have your Tiki Room postcard on my bulletin board in the kitchen so I can read over your beautiful note whenever I want.
We all missed you too!!!! Welcome back!
This was a HUGE year for you! Some good, some sad- but overall, a big adventure. Congrats on moving into your own apartment and starting your own story. Your PTR/Plans-summary blend was fun to read right now in the middle of all the other you-know-what posts. I hope we all get to take our planned trips this year. After all of this craziness, a little :tinker:will feel great.
Welcome back!! You have had quite the year--sounds like you had a blast on all your trips!! Can't wait to hear all about your plans for 2020! :)
Wow 4 trips and they were all different experiences. Looking forward to reading more. I have my fingers crossed that upcoming trips happen. I booked last July for this September!
Glad to see you back! I'm so sorry to hear about you & Ton. But glad you've had some good things happen, like moving out on your own and going on some amazing Disney trips!

Can't wait to hear what you have planned for your next trip!
Welcome back! I feel like we're in the same season of life right now lol. Glad you're adjusting well! I'm so jealous of all the trips you took last year. I'm hoping to get a solo trip in before I go to Japan for 6 months in August! Can't wait to hear about your next trip(s)!!
Hi Molly! I'm so glad to see you back on the DIS!

Congrats on the new apartment! It's a good time to focus on yourself and good for you for getting in four Disney trips!

I had to cancel a June trip and have no idea when I'll get there again. I hate the uncertainty of it all, but there are more important things going on. Sometimes I feel ridiculous that I'm concerned about when Disney will reopen, but I know most here understand.
Hi Molly Dear! I'm with finally getting a day off since last week. Going back to read and will add comments... :)
I have absolutely no bad things to say about Tom, or our relationship. Ultimately, we were just at two different places in our lives, and our relationship could not withstand those differences. It was a really tough few months, but I’m confident that this decision was the best thing. That being said, it feels a little strange to write about a big vacation that we took together. And I wouldn’t want my writing to be clouded by any feelings that I may have. So, unfortunately, I don’t think the TR will be finished.

While sad, it sure sounds like the best decision and that you recognize that it needed to happen. I can totally see your reticence to continue a TR that would dredge up memories that would be painful to recount. I'm glad you've started this one so you can look forward to happier times. :)
1. I moved out of my childhood home and got my own apartment! I am actually LOVING living by myself and decorating my own place (I call it my Bachelorette pad :)) I am eternally grateful to my family for letting me stay at home after college and save up, but it feels so good to be a big kid and have my own place!

How fun!! Let's see some photos of your new pad!

2. I became a WDW Annual Passholder! I ended up going to Disney World 4 TIMES between May of 2019 and January of 2020! On these trips, I have made the best of friends that will last a lifetime. It is truly insane how you can meet someone on the internet and become instant friends. I talk with these wonderful ladies DAILY and they have been rocks for me throughout this crazy year of changes in my life.

Isn't that the best?! I Iove this!

Trip #1 was an EPIC girl’s trip from May 1st- May 7th, 2019

It was EPIC in every way!!

A VIP tour!! (@Steppesister , @paradesintherain , @Jenny Sanders , @buzzrelly )

This trip was a whirlwind of fun and friends.

It was so amazing meeting you and spending time with such fantastic humans!

I still love this photo of you two!!! :lovestruc
Wow I'm first!! I followed along on all your epic adventures and wished I could have been there!! looking forward to following your planning and eventual trip!

Yay on being first!! Thanks so much for being here, I wish I could have been able to meet you!

So nice to see you back! I miss reading your reports! Your TR’s were among the first I started reading and loved the mother/daughter ones!
It was so nice to see you in January, it sure was good we all went at that time because my spring break trip was canceled!
I hope your July 4th trip works out! We are hoping to be there in August!
So glad you like your apartment and bachelorette life, yay!

Hi Caroline! Thanks so much :) Hopefully I have another mother/daughter TR to write soon :)

I loved our January trip so much, it was so good to see you and finally meet Miss Andi!

#3 #3!!

So true about meeting on the internet and becoming true and instant friends ❤

I am so glad we finally go to spend time together on this trip! I know we'll do it again too in the future!

Did you tell her I said this needs to happen lol?? I mean we'll be there in Sept. also so that's an option, let her know :D

I totally understand why you started this and I'm glad you did :hug: I rarely get over to the PTR board but I need more DIS time, anything Disney right now is cheering me up and that's what inspired me to start my 2nd PTR ever lol. Be well and Happy Easter my friend!

Hi Ariane! Thanks for reading along!! YES I am trying so hard to convince her! Her ears did seem to perk up when I told her that I had DISfriends wanting to meet her... ;)

Hope you had a great Easter! Missing all of the fun we had in January so much! <3

Joining in!

The planning struggle is so real right now and I can't wait until we can all get back to our happy place!

Thanks for reading along! SAME, I need some WDW in my life ASAP!

Aww Chunkybaby I miss you!!! I miss our Jan trip so much, it was so much fun and I'm so glad we got to spend so much time together!
Maybe I will start a PTR too, I haven't done one in so long, but I guess we all need something to look forward to!! :)

AHHH Su-Lynn I miss you more!! I agree, our January trip was so much fun and it was so great seeing you and Steve. I was just telling my mom about how you guys gave me a tour of your room at 11:30 at night at CBR :laughing: Yes! Start that PTR girl!

Ugh, yes! This pandemic is really highlighting everything that I miss and just took for-granted.

That's so exciting! Give us a home tour!

Miss this trip so much! What would I give to be eating an ice cream sundae on Main St after the VIP tour?

Sounds so fun! I saw you mentioned me on FB in case your mom says no... I think my work schedule might not work for it, but if it does I would love to go!
In the meantime, I'm planning a "dream" birthday trip for next March where I stay at Animal Kingdom Lodge and maybe Polynesian. Wanna go too?!

Hi Kara!! Miss you! I think I'll do a tour once everything is all decorated- this pandemic is really slowing down my visits to HomeGoods :laughing:

UGH that day was perfect. Just thinking about it makes me so happy/sad at the same time!

I'll keep you all posted about July! It's still very much a work in progress lol. But hmmm.. March... sounds amazing!! :banana:

Hi Molly!

Happy to see you back writing a (pre) trip report!

What a fun year you had! It's fun to kind of see it all at once and crazy to think that all took place in a one year span!

I hope you can make the 4th of July trip happen. We'll be there from July 2-July 10, hopefully! :love:

Hi Kelly! So happy to see you here! It feels like just a few months ago we were creating a girly pink car in Test Track! Ahhh, if the July trip does work out I would LOVE to meet up!!

MOLLY!!! So great to see you back on the DIS!!! ❤
I have your Tiki Room postcard on my bulletin board in the kitchen so I can read over your beautiful note whenever I want.

Hi Jenny!! So great to be back :) Awww, I love it <3 You guys are the best!! Tell Joe I say hi!

Following along! :wave2:

Hi Raeven! So good to see you girl!

We all missed you too!!!! Welcome back!

Hi Kari! Thanks so much for reading along, wish we could have spent more time together in May!!

This was a HUGE year for you! Some good, some sad- but overall, a big adventure. Congrats on moving into your own apartment and starting your own story. Your PTR/Plans-summary blend was fun to read right now in the middle of all the other you-know-what posts. I hope we all get to take our planned trips this year. After all of this craziness, a little :tinker:will feel great.

Hi! Thanks for reading along! Yes, this year was insane, but in good ways :) Thank you so much! This has been such a great little escape from everything going on and it's so fun to look back on everything!

Welcome back!! You have had quite the year--sounds like you had a blast on all your trips!! Can't wait to hear all about your plans for 2020! :)

Hey Lindsey! Great to see you here :) thanks for reading along!

Wow 4 trips and they were all different experiences. Looking forward to reading more. I have my fingers crossed that upcoming trips happen. I booked last July for this September!

Hi! Yes, it was crazy- you'd think that going four times in one year would get monotonous, but every trip was so unique and different! Ahhh, fingers crossed for both of us :) Thanks for following along!

Glad to see you back! I'm so sorry to hear about you & Ton. But glad you've had some good things happen, like moving out on your own and going on some amazing Disney trips!

Can't wait to hear what you have planned for your next trip!

Hi Alexis :) Thanks for joining in! Yes, it's been a crazy year for sure. Thanks for the kind words, I'm doing just fine and this year is shaping out to be great! :)

Welcome back! I feel like we're in the same season of life right now lol. Glad you're adjusting well! I'm so jealous of all the trips you took last year. I'm hoping to get a solo trip in before I go to Japan for 6 months in August! Can't wait to hear about your next trip(s)!!

Hey girl! Glad I have someone to go through it with me :) It was a total Disney-filled year for sure. But Japan sounds amazing!!

Hi Molly! I'm so glad to see you back on the DIS!

Congrats on the new apartment! It's a good time to focus on yourself and good for you for getting in four Disney trips!

I had to cancel a June trip and have no idea when I'll get there again. I hate the uncertainty of it all, but there are more important things going on. Sometimes I feel ridiculous that I'm concerned about when Disney will reopen, but I know most here understand.

Hi!! So good to see you here :) Thanks so much for your kind words! Ugh, that sucks about your June trip. Oh believe me, I totally understand. Disney is my escape, and knowing that it's closed is giving me major anxiety!

While sad, it sure sounds like the best decision and that you recognize that it needed to happen. I can totally see your reticence to continue a TR that would dredge up memories that would be painful to recount. I'm glad you've started this one so you can look forward to happier times. :)

How fun!! Let's see some photos of your new pad!

Isn't that the best?! I Iove this!

It was EPIC in every way!!

It was so amazing meeting you and spending time with such fantastic humans!

I still love this photo of you two!!! :lovestruc

Hi Liesa! So good to see you here :) It was so awesome getting to know you in May and spending time together!! I think I'll do an apartment tour once everything is decorated; right now, it's a bit in disarray and I currently have my box spring standing up in my living room :laughing: Thanks so much for the kind words <3


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