American Idol

In her own words........

One last question. A lot of your fans were upset that you listed Living Proof Ministries' Beth Moore — who says homosexuality is ''scary'' — as one of your idols on the American Idol website. Are people right to think you're anti-gay?

"It breaks my heart to hear that's what people thought of me. I hate nobody. I absolutely live my life treating others the way I would want to be treated. I live my life being guided by love."

Sounds a little like "Hate the sin, not the sinner" to me.

Oh well, perhaps Anita Bryant can offer her advice now.
Hi you all,

Well the last time I posted I was respected as a CSP. I hope I still am after my response to this thread.

I am not speaking "for" Mandisa, but I am pretty sure she has the same opinions/convictions I do. I am not sure if she has any gay friends as I do, but if she did, I am quite sure she would treat them with the same respect and agree to disagree as I do with my gay friends.

I honestly do NOT hate gay or lesbians. Many of our beliefs/convictions are based on how we interpret the Bible. As I interpret the scripture, I feel as Mandisa does I'm sure. I do not wish to open up a debate on the scripture or anything close to it. My only hope in responding to this thread, is to ask you to respect Mandisa's beliefs/convictions as you have mine. Just because we don't or maybe never will agree, does not mean we cannot be friends.

My brother was killed by a drunk driver, but I do not hate that driver. Ciggarettes killed my daddy when I was only 10. I do not hate the people who make ciggarettes. I could go on and on with examples. I hope you get my point. We will never always agree on everything, we live in reality right? LOL!

However, we as people, straight, gay, lesbian, black, white, baptist, muslim, catholic, rich, poor, middle class...whatever... can get along and live in some assemblance of peace and harmony if we can only agree to disagree. I hate it when dissagreements turn into bashing and name calling. Not saying this has happened, but it sure did on the American Idol message board, and yes, it was on both sides.. It was so very sad to me, I took it off of my favorites, and will not go there again.I am so not about that.

Thank you for reading again, and I pray for all to have peace love joy and prosperity.

Thanks for that post!

I for one am not meaning to say anything negative about her or her beliefs. But the buisness she is in right now is show buisness. She made a few really bad mistakes. The first one was wardrobe, for two weeks in a row, she tried to cram 20 pounds of stuff into a 5 pound bag. It just doesn't work. There are a lot of large black women who look great in the buisness, she just made a wrong decision.

I felt her singing was great, and she was not in the bottom three in my opinion.

But her downfall, once again in my opinon, was the little speach she gave before her country song this week. That is the only reasonable conclusion I can come to as to why she was voted off so quick.
Good morning and thank you for being so kind. I have to agree about the cloths, jeans especially. They just do nothing for her.

As for her speech, I do realize she opened herself up to scrutiny because of her beliefs. It could have been taken many ways. But I have recieved e-mails during her time on the show. I know a friend of hers in Nashville who has kept in contact with her and forwarded me her e-mails. She was sincerely generalizing that comment in regards to lifestyle. There are a great many bad addictive, challenging, weakening, etc, lifestyles, and I believe she was addressing these as a whole. She admits she has the weak lifestyle of over endulgence when it comes to food. And I do not believe she is making this up as she goes. She is very real and very sincere.

In any case as I respect the homosexual community for standing up for what they believe in their heart is right, I believe we as conservative Christians only what the same respect for what we sincerely believe as well. And I thank many on this board who have shown me that respect and kindness. It has meant so very much, and given me hope that we can all come to this point one day, and be encouragers instead of stumbling blocks on this road called life!

{{{HUGS}}} and blessings,
True North said:
IRyan and Simon? I'm still hoping for the Ryan / Anderson Cooper love match after seeing a clip of the two of them on CNN. I know that's just in my gay little dream land, but still...

OMG, yes!... CSP here but I think that would be a ideal, beautiful match. Love, Love, LOVE Anderson Cooper. If only they could have bio children together... can you imagine??? Talk about perfect genetic engineering!!Deeeeeeeeelishhhhhhhhhh :goodvibes
Oh no!!

It's Mike's job to bump this thread everytime American Idol is on. He didn't do it today. Time to start searching the gay bars of Orlando for our dear Mike!
Sorry to disappoint, was having dinner with my Aunt Sandy. Aunt Sandy deserves her own thread! Just to tease, she is late 40's, a real treat, well a mess, buts it's always a party! Tonight while I paid the bill, she snuggled up to a lone man eating at the restaurant alone! Picture a drunk Ertha Kitt! So that was my entertainment tonight, saw the very end of American Idol, not sure I saw enough to comment, what did ya'll think?

PS....... The "S" hurricane this season is named Sandy! Batten doen the hatches and leave sacrificial bottles of wine on the roof!
Well, I swore I wouldn't watch again as I was so upset with Mandisa's ellimination. But curiosity killed the cat ya know!!

My favs tonight were Elliot and Taylor. I know Ace is a "hottie", but he is not a "rocker". He did "We Will Rock You". Well, Queen may "rock" you but Ace won't. Not rock music wise anyway. Kellie...mmmmm...very interesting. Paris was pretty good, but she doesn't do well, with white folks hair. It was all in her face, mouth eyes, ears, you get the picture. Chris was back to screaming his song again. It was nice last week when he just "sang". I actually enjoyed his voice that one time. Katherine really did nicely, she watch slightly off pitch a few times, and her diction on one repeated vowel made my ears go on point..OUCH! Bucky I missed, thank goodness!

Of Elliot and Taylor, I liked Taylor the best. He really did a great job on his song, "Crazy Little Thing Called Love", and was back to being his ol self that we enjoy so much.

Can I just say Chris Daughtry looked hot in his suit? OMG
Chris had a great look last night! IMO he needs to consider shorter hair, it really looked good on him.

If I were a betting man, I would bet the Pickle girl goes home tonight.

Everyone else was just so far above her last night. What a great night, great songs, great performances!
OrlandoMike said:
Chris had a great look last night! IMO he needs to consider shorter hair, it really looked good on him.

If I were a betting man, I would bet the Pickle girl goes home tonight.

Everyone else was just so far above her last night. What a great night, great songs, great performances!

I'm afraid it would be hard for Chris to have his hair any shorter... he ain't got any! Maybe you meant Ace?

IMO Chris looked out of his element last night. He sounded pretty good (and yes looked pretty good) but it just looked too fake to me.

I also thought Ace did a little better this week, but he still make my list of the bottom 2. I think it should be him or Pickler. If based solely on last night, it should be Pickler... but considering overall, it should be Ace.

That said, I think Elliot is also in danger... I have a feeling he could round out the bottom 3, and also stands a chance of leaving. However, usually when a contestant flat out admits he/she sucked, he/she usually goes home that week.
Ya I ment Ace, I was at Jury duty when I posted that post, must have been confused with all of the activity in the courthouse. But hey, Internet access! Jury Duty was better than I thought!

So Ace gets voted off, Pickler in the safe zone, frankly I'm surprised by those results, but oh well, it was a great show.

Next week looks like it will be great also!
While I'm not totally suprised by who was voted off, I am quite shocked at the bottom 3! Paris AND Chris! Wow...

Looking to next week, I'm a little shakey on who will do good... I'm predicting it's gonna be a snoozer... but... we'll see!

Bye Ace! :wave:


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