American Express Discount


Living the dream - near Disney!
Feb 8, 2001
Does anybody know if you can get any discounts at Disney stores and/or restaurants if you pay with an American Express card? It seems like I have heard this somewhere, but I can't find anything to verify it.

Thanks to anyone who can help with this question :)

So, if I'm reading the info right, you can only get discounts with American Express if you are staying at one of the Disney resorts?? We are staying off-site (timeshare)....

Has anybody gotten discounts using American Express while staying offsite? I just applied for a new card hoping to use it at Disney :(

If you want the vinyl, White Gloves treatment, fanny pack, you have to stay at a WDW resort. You do not have to stay at a WDW hotel to obtain percent off discounts when paying with your AMEX card. All you need is the AMEX.

The last couple times that I used the American Express discount (World of Disney and Disney Quest), I was asked to see resort id. I believe you DO need to be staying on-site to receive the American Express discount.

Hope this helps! :)
The last time I used American Express at World of Disney, I showed my resort ID and the CM asked me if I had charged my room to American Express, that it was also required to get the 15% off.


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