AKL-the waiting is killing me!!


<font color=red>Disney Planning Addict<br><font co
Oct 11, 2002

well, my AKL vacation is almost here- but these last few days are killing me-

i have become an avid watcher of the weather channel- we live in the north east and i would pass out (lol) if we get a big snow storm!!

i have all my PS-
dinner- chef mickeys,
lunch -crystal palace,
lunch -alfredo di roma
lunch- RFC
dinner- boma
Not to mention; beaches & cream, sunshine food court, mara...

we have a savannah room view and i will fax my request for zebra trail and hopefully early check in- should arrive around 1:00-hope this won't be a problem- i have got the baby all pumped up to see the animals from our room- he seems to think he will be riding a giraffe- (NOT) (lol)

i have all my hoppers, connection vouchers and detailed itinerary- my family realizes i am a WDW commando- although this time with the DS (almost 3) i won't be the "mean" drill sergeant!

i just wanted to share as i am soooo excited- and will give a full report of the AKL, meals, vouchers and parks when we return 1/14

bought a digital camera- so i hope to get some great pics to share with everyone

thanks for listening!!


:bounce: :bounce: :Pinkbounc :Pinkbounc
Wow - you sound like everything is planned out.

Just remember to have fun - an itinery is good as long as you can keep it flxible...
Hi hope its wonderful . we just came back from the AKL . We spent only 2 night there but WOW !!! my kids thought the bunks were great and the animals are plentiful.. ( i have a thread out titile Our stay at the Animal Kingdom Logde ) Enjoy.. I am in the north east too and will keep my fingers crossed for no more snow ! michelle
Bratray I feel your excitement! Except I have much longer to wait than you. Have a great trip! AKL is wonderful!!:D

The giraffe are stretching their necks to eat the leaves from the trees about this time...the zebra are grazing....the Ankole cattle are butting their horns against the trees....the Savannahs are bathed in moonlight.
The "keepers" will be along soon...closing the "invisible" gates for the evening..and the animals will be settling down soon...right outside the balcony...
Boma is bustling...the smells of the food are ever so faintly wafting into the alcove above...folks are sitting in the rocking chairs in front of the large fireplace...the smell of burning wood is light and lingering. A family is standing on the bridge admiring the lobby...the subtle lighting...absorbing the sights, the sounds, the smells.
The lifeguard will be going off duty soon....the slide will close for the nite. People will continue to swim the pool...the water is warm...the trees sway gently in the nighttime breeze.
The hot tubs, private and secluded, will continue to gently relax away the physical rigors of the day for another hour or so....
Some are doing laundry....others are grabbing a quick bite at Mara while others are enjoying a leisurely dinner next door at Jiko.
Still others are awaiting their turn at Arusha Rock to grab a glimpse of the wildlife via night vision goggles.
And soon....very soon...YOU will be experiencing the same....
Relax....all too soon...you will have all this...and the everlasting memories that come with it!!
Enjoy your stay and thanks for letting me relive mine !!
Awesome description Jennyboom! I actually felt like I was there. Only 36 days left for me...can't wait either!
wow jinnyboon! that was a wonderful and vivid description


:) lisa
Had absolutely the best time at AKL.....my first stay there!! You will love it!:D
Don't forget to try the "Zebra domes" at Boma.........yummi:rolleyes:
Wow Jinnyboom what a great description of the AKL!! It makes me wish my time was closer.
We're going 1/17 (I won the trip - which makes it even better). I wonder what my chances are of upgrading to a savanah room. I made ressies for Rose and Crown for arrival day at 7:40 so we can see Illuminations. We are taking my mother because the trip was for 4 and we are only 3.

I really hope it warms up down there although anything is better than the snow and ice we got yesterday in NJ.
Wow, Jinnyboom, that's exactly how I remember AKL!!! Awesome descriptions!!!
My best memory was standing on our little balcony with one of those "African Margaritas" (an absolute must!) when it was about 75 degrees... watching the animals graze quietly. We had always stayed at a moderate because we don't spend much time in the room; but I have to say we made an exception when we stayed at AKL... Enjoy!


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