Admit it, you've been that rude guest!

I have been that person before. Many times as a matter of fact. One time at EPCOT we were waiting to get in at the front gate for a 8:00AM breakfast. This family kept trying to work their way up to the front of the line. The did not make it past us because I kept stepping in the way. Then once we got in the mother tried to speed walk past us. So the for of walk back to Norway just a little faster than her and in her way the whole back there.

I have also been known to walk in front of people in line as they do the interactive things and no pay attention to the line. I hate when the line stops so some one can do some interactive thing and hold up the whole line.
Don't know as I would call it rude but here goes, Last December we were at MK waiting for the Castle lighting and Show so just picture the crowd that has gathered to watch, here goes a lady carrying a box with hot chocolate and food, suddenly yells, "I need to get through, my 5 year old is up there!" Of course me, I tell wife "why would you leave your 5 year old to get hot chocolate" Well the "lady" must have heard me, turned around and said "well, she's with my mother, I didn't just leave her there alone, jeez!" Well obviously you don't trust your mother to watch her, told her good luck getting through the crowd and she says, "I better go before I say something!" I told her good idea your 5 year old is up there!
Yeah. I got a couple looks at rope drop on the 4th. We had 2 friends with us who are first timers. They gave me one day to do MK, and chose the 4th. After me warning them about the heat and crowds. They said they want to do EVERYTHING or they will feel like they wasted their money. So at rope drop when I was explaining the game plan for the next hour and a half and how we would need to rush and walk with purpose and we could go slow later, friend is all "I'm in no hurry at all I'm sure you can make it work at a comfortable pace" I (who absolutely DESPISE rope drop) was all " I woke up before 6AM for this!! You WILL be in a hurry for the next hour and a half! After that I don't care but you ARE in a hurry right now!!!". Cue dirty looks. Sorry guys. I was still in a bad. Mood from said friend making us wait 45min in the rain for a late illuminations the night before so we all ended up with 5.5 hours of sleep by the time we got back and showered.

So yeah... not very magical of me! But I was really tired and if he wanted all the rides (& refused to wait over 20 min for anything) that 90min was critical!
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Heck yeah I have been that "rude guest" a few times. Under the conditions of a WDW trip it will happen to the best of us. But you know what I have been that "sweet guest" way more times. And I bet most of the DISers could tell more "sweet guest" stories.

The story I remember the best is the time we were waiting for a bus. I think it was a AK bus and we were staying at Sports but i could be wrong. Whatever there was no chain "queue" at this bus stop. We had just missed the bus so we were first in line. Gradually the line began to form behind us when all of a sudden a new line starting to form to our left. I was shocked at how this line could just spring up. I was getting mad but blew it off because I was getting on the bus first. Then out of nowhere an elderly couple decided that two lines weren't enough and they formed a new line to our right. This really ticked me off. When the bus came for some reason the couple thought that they were going to get on first but it didn't happen. I'm sure it looked like I cut them off and I didn't care. I made sure we were the first ones on the bus.

Same could go for giving up my seat on the bus. I have offered my seats dozens of times and most of the time my offers were accepted. But a few times this old man with really bad hips is hurting after a long day in the park and I didn't offer my seat.

And I am sure I have yelled at my kids a few times.
The only thing I can think of is that I'm really small so I do tend to weave in and out of the crowds after parades and at the end of the day when it's crowded. I'm sure some people think that rude of me but I try not to ever bump into anyone and certainly don't knock over kids while doing this. Even when my DS was small I didn't push him in front of people at parades or FW and I've had too many experiences myself of supposedly grown up people who sit their kids up front and sit with them then when the parade/FW starts, stand up, thus blocking my way when I've been standing behind them the whole time. The same parents tends to shift around so even when I find a decent view through them, they block me off again. I also always fill in all the space at places you are supposed to like Haunted Mansion and I'm sure some people think I'm cutting in line in front of them. I'm pretty laid back most of the time, it is what it is and I figure eventually I'll get on that ride/bus/see that parade/get that food - so there is no reason to rush.
I have really bad peripheral vision on my left side. I compensate very well in everyday life, but as we all know, a day at WDW, with all the crowds and activity going on, is nothing like everyday life! So yes, I HAVE been that person who's stepped between you and your family when you're trying to get a picture of them in front of Cinderella's fountain or the Haunted Mansion hearse.

On the other hand, I've also been that person you crashed your stroller and chain of hand-holding kids into because I couldn't see you to jump out of the way in time!
A few years back at MVMCP we staked out our spots for the parade real early back in Frontierland. So we were waiting for over an hour when one of the kids said they need to use the bathroom. So of course that triggered a chain reaction of 3 other kids needing to use the bathroom. So my DS, mother and SIL take 2 boys and 2 girls to the bathroom (all under 5 yrs old) leaving me, my dad and brother to hold the spot. A lady came up with her daugther and then moved a stroller out of the way & put her daughter in that spot. My father politely told her that people were in the bathroom to which she started yelling at him he can't do that. After watching this lady yell at a 60+ yr. old man I told her that she was extremely rude and if she was that worried about her daughter getting a spot she could have come earlier and to move. Afterwards I realized we should have sent the kids to the bathroom in smaller groups instead of the bigger one. Still drives me nuts that she yelled at a stranger like that and I didn't realize you shouldn't save that many spots even if they kids were there for over an hour, so now I make sure they go in shifts.
I don't remember ever having been that rude person, but I probably have done it without even realizing it. Maybe what I did was rude and I was in my own little bubble and didn't realize it, or maybe what I did wasn't actually rude, but someone else interpreted it that way.
Yes. After seeing dead cockroaches on the floor at the food court at POFQ, I was quite rude.

I have pictures, and I hope that the manager of that place has since found new magical employment.
I try and be incredibly polite when I'm abroad, especially in the way I speak to people (I try to be polite here in England too, but people don't notice so much!)

I do, however, have one thing that gets me very frustrated, and I'm sure others would view as rude. I am pretty tall, and I walk quickly. My normal, comfortable walking pace is pretty quick, and I hate people walking slowly in front of me and blocking my way (if I'm walking from place to place, I mean, not if I'm being led somewhere in a group or whatever). I find the slower pace uncomfortable to walk at, and so I will often skirt round people so I don't need to slow down. Most of the time, this isn't a problem, because lots of people are considerate and allow others to move past them and don't take up the whole of the path. Bit when people walk slowly, and block the path, or remain unaware of the annoyed British lady saying "excuse me please, could I just get past?" at them as she tried to get round, I do admit to giving up and just getting past anyway. I don't mean physically pushing past someone or anything, but definitely closer than is polite to get to a stranger. For me, it's always as a response to the rudeness of others, but that's no excuse really. I just some people were a bit more aware of others and the space needed for others to bypass them!
The story I remember the best is the time we were waiting for a bus. I think it was a AK bus and we were staying at Sports but i could be wrong. Whatever there was no chain "queue" at this bus stop. We had just missed the bus so we were first in line. Gradually the line began to form behind us when all of a sudden a new line starting to form to our left. I was shocked at how this line could just spring up. I was getting mad but blew it off because I was getting on the bus first. Then out of nowhere an elderly couple decided that two lines weren't enough and they formed a new line to our right. This really ticked me off. When the bus came for some reason the couple thought that they were going to get on first but it didn't happen. I'm sure it looked like I cut them off and I didn't care. I made sure we were the first ones on the bus.

That's not rude. Rude is not sticking to the queue. It's a bit of a joke that we Brits can form a queue on our own, and even at a pub, we know who arrived before us and who after us at the bar. I found the same if the case for me at the bus stops that don't have a proper queue. If I was the first one there, I would certainly be the first one on the bus (of those on foot, obviously, I have no problem with scooters or wheelchairs being loaded first). Doesn't just happen at WDW. We were waiting for the bus at Brighton Park and Ride the other day, and just missed a bus so were first in queue. We had a nice long line after us, before an older couple decided they would stand at the front of the queue and as a result, other people did the same. When a family asked us which end of the queue was which, I loudly responded that we had been there first, so we were the front of the queue, the back was that way, and I wasn't sure why those people were standing where they were but they didn't seem to be in the queue to me, and we were there first and would be on the bus first. Almost everyone stood in the wrong place then moved to join the queue properly, and we definitely boarded the bus first. :)
If we are all giving our cathartic, apologetic confessions...I have rolled my eyes and "harumped" when I have been trying to catch a bus to make RD and the driver had to spend 10 minutes loading an ECV and a WC. Certainly never made a stink about it. But I felt guilty about letting it get to me.
Exhaustion. It makes me rude both intentionally and unintentionally.

Examples- Leaving MNSSHP for Pop, a bus pulled up at the WRONG bus stop and then changed his sign for Pop . I was EXHAUSTED as we had RD' AK that morning and only paused to change into our costumes before hitting the party. Another Pop bus immediately pulled up in the right spot and the line started moving very very quickly onto that bus. In my exhausted semi delirious state I SWORE the bus driver of the bus in the wrong spot motioned to me and then down the line behind me to come onto the other bus. SWORE TO GOD.

Well I guess that didn't happen and the people in front of me getting onto the other Pop bus must have been pretty ticked off when I lead the rest of the line onto the other bus effectively cutting the whole line. Whoops!

Also my Mom once threatened to "punch me in the face" on the bus from MK to POR. She yelled at me the whole bus ride back to the room. Why? Because I was worried she might fall on the bus and grabbed her elbow? She was so so tired she just snapped. She told me we were cancelling the trip and leaving in the morning. I was so crushed because I spend MONTHS planning the best mother daughter trip I could complete with a suprise CRT breakfast pre RD on Mother's Day. Anyways she woke up the next morning mortified for her behavior the night before. We had been awake for 23 hours at that point and we just LOST IT. LOL! We totally look back on that trip and laugh about the time my Mom threatened to punch me in the face. Can you IMAGINE what the other guests on that bus ride thought of my Mom and I? I don't want to know.
Yes. After seeing dead cockroaches on the floor at the food court at POFQ, I was quite rude.

I have pictures, and I hope that the manager of that place has since found new magical employment.

Oh YUCK! We had BABY roaches in our studio at OKW last trip. They moved us into a 2 bedroom as a goodwill gesture. So gross. The manager at the desk was disgusted at them when DH killed one and brought it to the desk. We weren't rude, but I will admit I did cry in the lobby. LOL.
Exhaustion. It makes me rude both intentionally and unintentionally.

Examples- Leaving MNSSHP for Pop, a bus pulled up at the WRONG bus stop and then changed his sign for Pop . I was EXHAUSTED as we had RD' AK that morning and only paused to change into our costumes before hitting the party. Another Pop bus immediately pulled up in the right spot and the line started moving very very quickly onto that bus. In my exhausted semi delirious state I SWORE the bus driver of the bus in the wrong spot motioned to me and then down the line behind me to come onto the other bus. SWORE TO GOD.

Well I guess that didn't happen and the people in front of me getting onto the other Pop bus must have been pretty ticked off when I lead the rest of the line onto the other bus effectively cutting the whole line. Whoops!

Also my Mom once threatened to "punch me in the face" on the bus from MK to POR. She yelled at me the whole bus ride back to the room. Why? Because I was worried she might fall on the bus and grabbed her elbow? She was so so tired she just snapped. She told me we were cancelling the trip and leaving in the morning. I was so crushed because I spend MONTHS planning the best mother daughter trip I could complete with a suprise CRT breakfast pre RD on Mother's Day. Anyways she woke up the next morning mortified for her behavior the night before. We had been awake for 23 hours at that point and we just LOST IT. LOL! We totally look back on that trip and laugh about the time my Mom threatened to punch me in the face. Can you IMAGINE what the other guests on that bus ride thought of my Mom and I? I don't want to know.
And I thought MY mom had anger management issues! lol Glad you two worked it out! :)
We were heading to Buzz Lightyear and a dad was standing in the doorway. I went to goaround him and he tried to block my wife and me, saying we couldn't go around him as he was waiting on his wife and son. She had taken him to restroom and was no where in sight. The park and ride was not busy. We walked right onto the ride and when we were exiting the dad made sveral crude comments about cutting in line. I told him " you're supposed to keep your party together" , not try to block people from going onto rides!!! CM came up and asked if there was a problem and I explained what had happened. He told the "gentleman" I was right and the guy keeps saying ' But I was there first!!!" Cm just shook his head and said Have a Magical rest of your day at which point the guy wants to see a manager and expects me to stay so they can tell me I was wrong !!! I started to leave when he grabs my arm and it took everything in me not to punch him.
, but I pulled away and wife and I continued on our way .
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I do try really hard to never be THAT person, but I'm sure it sometimes happens even to the best of us :) Our biggest transgression is probably stopping in the middle of the sidewalk - to tie shows, get something out of the pack, etc. I repeatedly tell DH we need to move over, but he gets annoyed with the nagging and says there is plenty of room for people to go around us. It's a battle not worth fighting with him, lol! So I just smile apologetically to all the people who almost fall down trying to avoid us and hope they don't think I'm always such a terrible person.

Oh, and I guess I'm always THAT mom who drags her screaming kid onto the ride, but only because I know from experience that he is going to stop before we have even left the loading area and end up loving it... it's just the initial "getting on" part that always freaks him out.
Gahh... I know I have been a rude guest.... DH and I were nested in our spot for MNSSHP right in front of a popcorn cart in Frontierland. Well, we had another 30 min to go so DH got up and got popcorn and water right behind us. While he was back there, a family of 5 spotted the area he had been in and started discussing standing there. I have no idea how they thought all 5 of them would fit in the spot that my DH had been in (he is average sized so he hadn't left a huge gap). The family next to me heard them, saw the teenaged son starting to come over into DH's spot, looked at me waiting for DH to get back, and started standing wide. So I stood wide to minimize the gap too-- Haha! I hate confrontation so I was glad we could deter them from sitting there. I have no idea who that family was they helped deter them, but I am grateful I only had to be quietly rude and not blatantly rude!


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