?? About Inn rooms at VB...


<font color=FF00CC>OKW until 2042<br><font color=t
Sep 19, 2000
I was speaking to MS today and was placed on a waitlist for a 2 BR at VB in August. I asked if there were availablity for 1 BR and Inn rooms. She said yes, plenty. I asked if 2 Inn rooms can be connected and she didn't know. I did not have time to wait on the phone (it was carpool time!!) so I thought I may ask everyone here.

If I can't get a 2 BR then I am thinking about getting 2 Inn rooms but I NEED them to be connecting (as I am sure, there are no guarentees).

OR....I could put 5 in a 1 BR.......ONLY KIDDING!!!! LOL!!!!

Thanks, any suggestions would be appreciated!!!
There are connecting doors in the Inn rooms. But, as you already said, I'm not sure if they'll guarantee connecting rooms.

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